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“SEO Marketing is not for beginners - don't go it alone!

to the team who can help your company create an effective
marketing plan”


Prepared by

Md Mahmodul Hasan
Business Development Manager, BCIC|www.


Affordable SEO Proposal


Dear Savvy Business Builder, this is a custom SEO Proposal for your

Did you know we have helped more than 500 businesses to transform their
websites into niche dominators?

We can help you the same way that have created some of the most
successful business empires on the planet.

With our latest SEO strategies, you can unlock a treasure chest of free
website traffic.

We will achieve it by ranking your most important keywords on the first

page of Google and other search engines.

Wehave access to all crucial tools like Google AdWords, ahrefs, SEMrush,
LinkAssistant, SERPStat, Accuranker etc. to ensure your maximum SEO

Wehave analyzed some important data to figure out your current SEO

In the following pages, we will explain where you should improve and how I
can help you to increase your sales and growth.

 Technical SEO Improvements
In our primary research, we have found the following issues that need to
address and solve first.

1. The Title Tag: We recommend you change the title tag format
because the beginning words in the title tag give most impact in SEO.

For example, the current homepage title is:

Mathnasium® | Face-to-Face & Online Math Tutoring

I believe you have already established your brand keyword on top of

the Google. Your most important keyword should be something
likemath tutoring, math tutors, math tutoring near meetc.

In that case the title should be something like

Math Tutoring Center Near Me:Online & In-Home | Mathnasium®

2. 404 Pages: Lots of your pages return 400 status codes. But for a
website to have a perfect reputation in search engines' eyes and the
unshakable #1 position, all resources must be right as nails.
We have also seen there are links pointing to the 400 pages that also
need to be fixed to prevent losing the link juice.

You’ll find the full list of 404 pages here.

3. Broken Links: There are some broken outgoing links on your website.
This may worsen user experience and signal to search engines that
your site is not properly maintained.

Example of a broken link

4. 301 and 302 Pages: We have found around 50 pages of 301 and 302
redirections where internal links are not pointed to the desired pages.
The use of 301 redirects is legitimate and are used to solve problems.
But the best practice is to direct the internal links directly to the
desired pages without redirecting.
You’ll find the full list of 301 and 302 pages here.

5. Duplicate Titles: Our SEO tool found duplicate titles in around 124
URLs-mostly city-based pages. We need to figure out how important
those pages are or if they may cause real trouble in SEO performance.

You’ll find the full list of duplicate titles here.

6. DuplicateMeta Description: According to Matt Cutts, it is better to

have unique meta descriptions and even no meta descriptions at all,
then to show duplicate meta descriptions across pages. We have
found around 217 duplicate meta descriptions.We need to make sure
that your top important pages have unique and

You will find the full list of URLs here.

7. The website logo doesn’t always navigate to the home page: On

the city-based landing pages, the logo doesn’t navigate to the home
page. It gives a negative user experience, which is another important
Google algorithmic factor.

 Keyword Research
We tried to identify what keywords you need to target by looking
at your CPC campaign and organic keywords. Yet we may need to
research more to find out your competitors keyword for better

Here is the list of keywords that we may target (based on our initial

Keyword Position e
mathnasium mendham 9 30
houston math tutors 16 260
sylvan learning center layton
utah 17 10
groupon mathnasium 26 90
tutoring in katy 26 110
tutoring for algebra 82 1600
Math tutor 14 8700
Math tutors 11 1700
Math tutor near me 20 2500
mathnasium locations 9 600
fourth grade math lessons Not in top 100 50
french tutor pittsburgh Not in top 100 10
math 5th grade Not in top 100 22200
tutoring in fayetteville nc Not in top 100 70
tutors in toledo ohio Not in top 100 20

Action Plan
Considering that your website is fully functional, and the content is up to
date, we will need to do the following things:

Month 1: In the first month we will mostly focus on finding the SEO
scopes for you, optimizing your websites, doing competitors analysis
and making content adjustment. Below I am highlighting few tasks.

1. The first thing we will check is, if the design of landing pages is
perfect or at least good enough to start the SEO project. The
checklists are as follows but not limited to:
a. Appropriate Hero section
b. Appropriate menu bar
c. Appropriate Footer
d. Call-to-action
e. Unique content
f. Enough content to describe your products and services
g. Photos and/or videos of your company
h. Testimonial, etc.

Note: If anything with the #1 (a-h) of the above points needs to

improve we will request you improve that specific section. So, if
anything needs to be improved, either you have to do them from
your end, or you have to pay extra for specific cases.

2. Website Audit through premium tools and manually

3. Analyzing your GSC and GA

4. Keyword Research (Including competitors’ analysis) and

5. Ensuring all your important landing pages are up-to-the mark

6. Technical SEO
a. Improving URL structure
b. Ensuring HTTPS version of URL
c. Checking the ‘Coverage Report’ in Google search console for
d. Checking and optimize your robots.txt file
e. Checking visibility settings
f. Checking your comment settings and make sure that all
comment links are ‘nofollow’
g. Optimizing your menu and site structure
h. Optimizing your XML sitemap and submit to Search engines
i. Checking for sitemap errors in Google Search Console
j. Adding structured data markup data to your homepage (if
k. Testing that your schema implementation for breadcrumbs is
correct (if needed)
l. Checking that all your pages define a canonical URL
m. Checking and optimize your 404 Page
n. Checking and improve the loading speed of your website
o. Using Lazy Loading for images and videos
p. Optimizing your logo and favicon

7. On-Page SEO
a. Optimizing your page titles (including the homepage)
b. Optimizing your meta descriptions (including the homepage)
c. Checking for your brand name on Google
d. Optimizing your website for Google sitelinks
e. Optimizing your posts for Google sitelinks
f. Optimizing your posts for Google featured snippets using lists
g. Checking and optimize the H1 tag for all pages (including the
h. Checking and optimize your page headings
i. Making sure that your target keyword is included in your
opening paragraph
j. Adding text content to accompany your non-text content
k. Optimizing your content for E-A-T
l. Beautifying your content (formatting and styling) and make it
easy to read
m. Optimizing your images
n. Creating dedicated image sitemap and submit to Google (if
o. Optimizing your videos and other multimedia elements
p. Creating a dedicated Video sitemap and submit to Google
q. Optimizing titles/description/content of your category pages
r. Checking your internal linking strategy
s. Giving credit to other high-quality websites

8. Mobile SEO
a. Performing Google mobile friendly test
b. Checking your mobile speed using different tools
c. Testing your mobile website on different resolutions
d. Checking popup usage on mobile
e. Checking that your CTA on mobile are visible and easy to access

Note: These changes will make sure your site is optimized for search
engine and to the visitors. Without working on the above parts, it’s
difficult to get ranks. These changes will give a signal to google that
your site is optimized and have enough quality to get the rank.

Month 2 and onwards:From month 2, we may start link building. Link

building is a continuous process and it has to be for long term
1. Continuation with anything listed in previous months that couldn’t be
completed fully.
2. Starting Off-Page SEO
a. Implementing the basic link building concepts
b. Getting links from high authority websites
c. Review your link profile to identify and remove bad links
d. Social share continuation
e. Bringing link juice to site via connecting with other content
f. Performing backlink audit
g. Competitors backlinks data check
h. GSC tool audit and backlink analysis
3. Continuous on-page improvements

Note: We need these activities to rank up the keywords we are targeting.

Without having high quality backlinks, it’s difficult to get the rank. If your
website health is up-to-the mark, ranks will depend mostly on backlinks.
Backlinks are one of the most important ranking factors to Google and
other search engines.

 Monthly Link Building
According to ahrefs, the website has achieved good number ofbacklinks
from around 4K domains.

Screenshot from ahrefs

To improve the authority,we will work on new outreaching opportunities

and other white-hat link building activities.

SEO Portfolio
Wehave worked with 500+ big brands and SMEs. Here are two work samples; one from
local market and one from international market.

Our Success: is one of the

leading e-commerce
booksselling site in Bangladesh.
We’ve been working with
rokomari for about 33 months
now. We made drastic change
with site structure and
implemented SEO strategies to
rank them first among it’s all
other competitors. Today they
are number one online
ecommerce book selling
website in Bangladesh.
Our Success: is a resource for artists to get

good art instruction videos. When I started
working with Proko in September 2015 it
was a mare startup project. I supervised the
whole on-page SEO, off-page SEO and
content marketing. Finally, they were ranked
on first page for about 20 keywords! I
worked with them till November 2017 and
today they rank first for most of the
searched keywords on drawing.

SEO Portfolio

Biweekly Ranking Report

We’ll provide biweekly ranking reports. The report willcontain the current
ranks for the keywords, the previous ranks and the improvement records.

Monthly Ranking Report Sample

Weusually offer three packages: Starter, standard and pro packages. I’ll send you
a list of attainable keywords that I’ll optimize so you get maximum benefit of the
related keywords. Here is our proposal for you.

Organic SEO Quotation

Keywords Monthly Usual Monthly Fee Approx. Time for
Investment for Overseas clients Top 3 positions*

5 BDT 40,000 $600 Around ~5months

10 BDT 60,000 $900 Around ~5 months

15 BDT 80,000 $1200 Around ~5 months

* Note:
 There is no such website that has maintained static ranks for all time for
certain keywords.
 Due to ‘Google Dancing’ you may notice some keywords may fall ranks
below 3 and it’s very normal.
 The quotation demands your website is fully functional and user friendly.
Your current website should undergo a redesign process to implement the
SEO factors.

There might have some other tasks we may need to work. Note that, every
task has some other subtasks as well that we haven’t mentioned to make
the proposal short, simple and understandable. Here is a quick summary of
what we will do and what support weneed from you.

SEO Service:
o Market research,
o Keyword research,
o Content research,
o Technical SEO
o On-page SEO,
o Link building

Please let us know if you have any question, we would like to take
suggestion from you as well.

You Deserve First Page Ranking. Get the Rank before your competitors get
higheron SERP.


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