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Write a short Profile of Maya Angelou based on the following

Born : 1928 April 4, St. Louis, Missouri

Nationality : American
Alma mater : California Labor School
Occupation : Writer, poet, civil right activist, director, singer,
Notable works : Mom & Me & Mom, Letter to My Daughter,
The Heart of a Woman, I know Why the Caged
Bird Sings, I Shall Not be Moved, etc.
Awards : Presidential Medal of Freedom, Grammy
Awards, National Medal of Arts, Lincoln Medal,
Died : 2014 May 28, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Maya Angelou (1928-2014)
Maya Angelou, the American writer, poet, civil right activist,
director, singer, was born on 4 April, 1928 in St. Louis,
Missouri. She had her education at California Labor School.
Her notable works include Mom & Me & Mom, Letter to My
Daughter, The Heart of a Woman, I Know Why the Caged Bird
Sings, I Shall Not Be Moved, etc. She won Presidential Medal
of Freedom, Grammy Awards, National Medal of Arts, Lincoln
Medal, etc. She died on 28 May, 2014 in Winston- Salem,
North Carolina.

Write a short profile of Emily Elizabeth

Dickinson based on the following hints.
Bom rn
: 10 December 1830, Amherst
Massachusetts, US
Occupation : Poet-poems deal with
themes of death and
Nationality : American
Notable works : Success Is Counted
Sweetest, A Narrow Fellow
in the Grass, Be- cause I
Could Not Stop for Death,
A Route of Evanescence, etc
Died : 15 May 1886 at the age of
55, Amherst,Massachusetts.
Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The famous American poet Emily Elizabeth

Dickinson was born on 10 December, 1830 in
Amherst, Massachusetts, US. Many of her
poems deal with themes of death and
immortality. Her notable works include
Success Is Counted Sweetest, A Narrow Fellow
in the Grass, Be- cause I could Not Stop for
Death, A Route of Evanescence, etc. She died
on 15 May, 1886 at the age of 55 in Amherst,
Salutation (greeting the dignitaries on the
stage and the audience)
Introduction: begin with a quotation, a story,
or an incident to capture the audience.
Body or content: The details of the subject
should be given in the order of importance
The ideas should be arranged in a logical
order. Use stories, questions, and quotes
Conclusion: Give some suggestions or end
with an exhortation. Do not forget to thank
the audience for their patient listening.
The central theme of the stories The Champ and A
Glass of Milk is Help Both stories tell us how great a
help in time is Prepare a speech on the importance
of Help in our daily life to be made in your school

Respected teachers and dear friends

Today I stand before you to say a few words about
the greatness of help. A help in time is
incomparable. All of us need help. Only those with a
goodwill can help others. Helping the needy is a
blessing. It is something divine. Many need our help.
Help can be in many ways. Kind words, little loving
deeds, even a smile can be helpful to many. So let us
try to be always helpful to others.
Thank you
Jai Hind
The unit 'Helping Hands' tells us the importance of swimming. As
a part of Talent Lab activities in the school, Radha gave a speech
on the importance of swimming.
She used the following words in her speech.

Enjoyment Save life

Sports item Swimming Physical exercise

Mental health Healthy weight


Prepare a speech. You may use the word web given above.

Dear friends
We have assembled here as a part of Talent Lab activities.
Today I am very happy to share with you my impressions and
experiences as a swimmer. Swimming is perhaps the best
physical exercise which gives exercise to our whole body. It is
regarded as an international sports item. It provides us with
enjoyment, mental health and bodily fitness. Swimming is a
hobby too. By knowing how to swim we can save the lives of
people who are in danger. I mention this from my experience
as a swimmer. Once I could save the life of a boy who was
caught in a current. So friends, learn swimming as early as
possible. Practise swimming regularly. It will make you more
healthy You may also have a chance to save the life of a
brother or sister.

Thank you
Jai Hind
Imagine that your School Nature Club is organizing an
awareness programme to protect nature. Prepare a
speech for the occasion.

My dear friends
‘All living beings are the rightful inheritors of the earth'. I am
sure you are all familiar with these famous lines of Vaikom
Muhammad Basheer. These lines remind us many things. We
do not have the sole right on this earth and the things on it.
We have no right to destroy anything here. Many of the
things cannot be made again if once they are destroyed. We
cannot give life to even a fly that we kill. So today let us take
a pledge that we shall do our best to protect our nature.

Thank you
The Nature Club of your school is organizing an awareness
programme to promote the merits of labour. Prepare a
speech for the occasion.

Dear friends
"The fruits of labour are the sweetest of all pleasures.
"I am very happy to share with you some of the merits of labour.
Hope you are thrilled by the beautiful story 'The Grain as Big as a
Hen's Egg'. Leo Tolstoy in this story tells us a lot about the merits
of labour.
Tolstoy and Gandhiji taught us the dignity and value of labour
through their deeds. "If we live by our own labour, we can be
healthier, happier and wealthier. The very old peasant in the story
The very old peasant in the story is an example. He worked hard
and so he had bright eyes, sound teeth, pleasant speech and good
hearing. He was healthy and happy even at that old age. He was
healthier than his sons and grandsons because he knew very well
the values of labour. He was proud of his labour. So, friends, let us
also be proud of labour. Labour, whatever it may be, is worthy if
useful to society. It will bring you everything you need. Thank you.
The Social Service Club of your school has decided to
celebrate Farmers' Day. You are asked to make a speech on
the 'Dignity of Labour’.
Prepare the speech

We are celebrating Farmers' Day today. Every year we

celebrate Farmers' Day to honour our farmers. Farmers are
the backbone of a country. They work hard to feed us all.
Many think that the farmers are poor people. Their work is
not as good as the work of officers. It is wrong. The farmers'
work is noble. We must be proud of labour. Labour, if it is
good for our society it should be encouraged. Gandhiji taught
us the dignity of labour. So it must be praised. We must be
proud of our farmers.
Thank you
Jai Hind
The central theme of the story 'The Grain as Big as a Hen's
Egg' is the importance of farming and agriculture. Farming is
not merely an act of cultivating crops. It glorifies labour and
helps develop concern for fellow beings. Grandfather said
that his field was God's earth. Land was free. Each man had
enough corn for his family. They were not greedy on what
others had produced.
Prepare a speech on the importance of farming and
agriculture to be delivered on the occasion of your school's
Farmers' Day celebration. (Second Term -2016)
Respected teachers and dear friends,

"Farmers are the founders of civilization and prosperity.

"Hope all of you are familiar with this oft-quoted
sentence of Daniel Webster. It reminds us of the
importance of farmers and agriculture. All our
prosperity depends on farming. We learn the basic
lessons of dignity of labour from agriculture. By being a
farmer one learns many valuable lessons of social life.
The readiness for hard work, co-operation, etc. are
some of the qualities we gain by being farmers. Love of
nature leads us to the protection of environment. Let us
try our best to promote agriculture and lead us to
prosperity. Remember, farmers are the backbone of a
country. Let us be good farmers.
Thank you
Jai Hind
The story, "The Grain as Big as a Hen's Egg" reveals the
importance of farming and dignity of labour. The District
Panchayath has decided to conduct a harvest festival. You are
asked to deliver a speech in connection with the festival.
Prepare a speech based on 'The Importance of Farming.’

(Hints: healthy food, fresh vegetables, use of pesticides, health

problems, love towards farm- ing, use of fertilizers)
(Second Term - 2018)
The Importance of Farming

I am very glad to share with you some of my views about the
importance of farming. Ours is mainly an agricultural state. So
everyone of us is expected to do some sort of work related to
farming. Farming is necessary in many ways. By farming we can
produce healthy food, fresh vegetables and fruits. We can put an
end to the use of poisonous pesticides. It is the root cause of many
health problems. By participating in farming activities we can
create love towards farming in children. It will also promote digni-
ty of labour in children. Festivals like harvest festival provide
children with opportunities to know more about scientific farming.
I wish all success to this festival.
Thank you
Jai Hind
The Nature club of your school has organised a function to
honour a farmer in your village who won the Karshakasree
award. You are asked to deliver a speech on this occasion.
Prepare a speech on "The Advantages of growing
vegetables and fruits in our garden".

Hints: (Fresh, pesticide-free, nutritious, stress reduction,

satisfaction, healthy life, additional income, natural
manure) (Second Term - 2017)

We are here to honour our dear Mohan uncle who won this
year's Karshakasree award. As you know he really deserves
this honour because he is a devoted farmer. He is an ide- al
farmer in many ways. He grows different kinds of vegetables
and fruits in his garden. He follows a pesticide-free approach in
his fields. He uses only natural manures. He harvests rainwater
for irrigation. He produces enough vege- tables and fruits in his
farm. So he gets enough fresh, nutritious and good vegetables
and fruits. He is free from all stress and strains of life. The
secret of his health and satisfaction is his way of farming. He is
happy and healthy. Let us also follow his ways.
Thank you
Jai Hind
- Reveal the character’s true feelings
- First person language I, me
- Know your character properly
- Include the events in the story
In the story "The Champ," Radha jumped into the current to
save Aman. Neha was watching anxiously. She began to cry.

What would be her thoughts?


How bold Radha is! She is a good swimmer. I am sure Aman

will be saved by Radha. There is nobody to help Radha and
Aman. Radha alone has the courage to risk her life. Radha, I
am proud of you.
"I can't cheat anybody as you did. My father taught me
not to harm anybody. Take your rings back", said Carla
to the merchant. The merchant felt sorry for his
greediness. He admired Carla for her cleverness.

Write the Merchant's thoughts.

(Annual - 2019)

This clever girl has opened my eyes. She taught me an

unforgettable lesson. I had been greedy for a long time. I
cheated many poor people. This girl has returned my rings
after teaching me a good lesson. I will never cheat anybody. I
will try to return everything to the poor people who were
cheated by me.
When Carla returned she told her father how she taught
the greedy man a lesson. He became happy and felt
proud of his daughter.

Write the thoughts of the farmer then.


Well done. He deserved such a punishment. I am sure he

won't cheat anybody. What a greedy man he is! I think he
might have cheated many people. Carla has taught him a
good lesson. Even if she did not return the rings nobody
would blame her. But I have taught her not to do any harm
to anybody. I am proud of my child.
The traveller who saw the children with a seed as big as
a hen's egg decided to buy it because he had in his mind
some ideas.
Write the likely thoughts of the traveller.

This is a very strange thing. I will buy it from the children for a
nominal price. As it is a very curious thing I can sell it to the
king. He will certainly buy it from me for a good amount. I am
lucky. These children do not know anything about its value.
The prince sent messengers to announce that he would
visit every home to find out the lady who danced with
him. Cinderella heard the announcement. What would
be her thoughts?
Will the prince recognize me? Will my stepmother and
stepsisters allow me to appear before the prince? If they do
not allow me, how will I ask the prince to let me try on the
shoe. How can I appear before the prince with this dirty old
clothes? My fairy godmother will certainly come to my help.
Fortunately I have with me the other shoe. It will help me.
Read the passage from the story 'Cinderella'. Stepmother and
stepsisters took away Cinderella's pretty dresses and forced her
to put on an old grey one. They also gave her wooden shoe to
wear. They laughed at her and sent her to the kitchen. There she
was made to do heavy work from morning tonight.
She was very unhappy and her mind was filled with the
thoughts of her mother.
Write the thoughts of Cinderella.
(Term 1- 2019-20)

I am an unlucky girl. How cruel my stepmother and

stepsisters are! If my mother was alive, it would not happen.
My mother's advice will give me strength to face any
difficulty. I will always be good and pious. God will certainly
take care of me. I am sure, my good mother sees everything.
I will always remember my mother's advice.
Cinderella went to the ball dressed in wonderful clothes.
She looked like a princess. She danced with the prince.
When the clock struck twelve she ran back home. The
prince invited her to dance with him the next day.
Cinderella was very happy.
What would be her thoughts? Write the thoughts of
(Term 2- 2018)

I am a lucky girl. The prince loves me very much. That is why

he invited me to dance with him tomorrow also. Will my
godmother come to my help tomorrow also? Was I late to
reach home? I should have returned home a little earlier. My
loving mother on watches me. She will send my godmother
tomorrow, I am sure.
When the clock struck twelve, Cinderella left the ball. She
went back home. She was sad and worried.
Write Cinderella's thoughts.
(Term 1 - 2017)

I am an unlucky girl. If I could remain in the ball- room and

continue dancing with the prince, he would certainly marry
me. He liked me very much. He danced only with me. Time
spoiled everything. I could not neglect the words of my
godmother. I hope she would come to my help once again.
to her
NEWS REPORT Elephant, challenge

mod, 29 Dec 202s:-


The nurse who attended the old lady told their friend
about Dr Kelly's help to the old lady The friend was a
reporter. He sent a report to his daily about Dr Kelly's
kind deed.

Write the likely report he sent


Dr Howard Kelly's Sweet Revenge

Primsway, December 21: Dr Howard Kelly of City

Hospital here today sweetly revenged an old lady
admitted in the hospital. She was given the best care
during her stay here under the supervision of Dr Kelly.
He recognised the patient easily. When he was a boy he
came to this lady for a glass of water. Then this good
lady gave him a glass of milk. That love and care, he
could not forget. He noted on the side of the hospital
bill 'Paid in full with one glass of milk.' A sweet
"Don't be panic, Aman. I am here to help you", Radha said
soothingly. "Just hold my waist with one hand and try to
paddle slowly with your feet. I will carry you with me.
"You remember how Radha saved Aman from the river
current. This incident appeared in the newspaper next day.

How would be the news report?


Thirteen-year-old girl rescues a boy

Delhi, January 28: Radha, a Std VIII girl from UP, rescued
a boy from drowning in the Yamuna river. Aman, a
teenaged boy, was caught in a swift current. Nobody on
the shore dared to rescue the boy. Radha, a thirteen-
year-old girl jumped into the river and rescued him. Her
timely interference saved the life of the boy. It is
reported that Radha's name will be recommended for
children's bravery award.
The Prince married Cinderella in the presence of all the
courtiers, Cinderella's stepmother and sisters. All the
countrymen gathered in the palace to greet them. The next
day, all the newspapers reported the wedding.

What would be the likely newspaper report?


Royal Marriage

Princeland: 25/01/2023 The royal marriage took place in the

Royal Palace here. The elder Prince married a beautiful girl
named Cinderella. The marriage took place in the presence of
the king, the queen and all the courtiers. Cinderella's step-
mother and sisters were also present. All those who were
present blessed the newly wedded couples.
The Prince married Cinderella in the presence of all the courtiers,
Cinderella's stepmother and sisters. All the countrymen gathered
in the palace to greet them. The next day, all the newspapers
reported the wedding.
What would be the likely newspaper report?
(March 2022)

Royal Marriage
Princeland : 25/04/2022

The royal marriage took place in the Royal Palace here. The
elder Prince married a beautiful girl named Cinderella. The
marriage took place in the presence of the king, the queen
and all the courtiers. Cinderella's stepmother and sisters were
also present. All those who were present blessed the newly
wedded couples.
Diary writing is a personal form of writing
where a person maintains a diary to write
about his/her personal life or a situation.


- Write in first person

- How it made you feel
- Write honestly
- Hopes or expectations
The old lady was greatly surprised to read the line
'Paid in full with one glass of milk', on the edge of
the bill. She had already forgotten everything about
her small help. Now everything flashed through her
mind. Before going to bed, she took out her diary
and noted down her feelings. How would be her
likely diary entry?

Sunday 4 December 2022

What a strange coincidence! Never thought of such a
help from anybody. How generous he is! Always
remembered the small help. I didn't think a glass of
milk was so great to him. He paid his debt by
clearing my hospital bill. Everything seems to be a
dream. May God bless him. An unforgettable day.
Raja at last came before his grandfather. He hugged Raja and
thanked God. Before going to bed Rap noted his feelings of
that day in his diary.
Write the likely diary entry of Raja.

Monday 6 February 2023

An unforgettable day in my life. I never thought that I was so
much loved by my grandparents. I should not have soaked my
loving grandfather by shaking the sandalwood tree. When I
was away from them, they frantically thought that I was
missing. It pained them all very much. I could not understand
their love for me. How loving my grandparents and uncle are!
Carla noted the incidents in her diary. How her father was
cheated and how she revenged him, etc.

Write the likely diary entry of Carla.


Monday 17 October 2022

An unforgettable day. A greedy merchant cheated my

father. Took the goods with wagon. Could teach the
greedy man a good lesson. Sure he won't repeat his
mistake. He thought he could continue cheating poor
people. I could have his rings. But returned them
because my father has taught me to be honest and
Dr Howard Kelly paid the bill for the woman in
the story. ‘A Glass of Milk'. She read the words
in the bill, 'Paid in full with one glass of milk'.
Tears of joy flooded her eyes. She wrote a
diary entry on that day.
Write the diary entry.
(Annual Evaluation 2019)

Saturday 24 December 2022

An unforgettable day in my life. I never

expected such a kind and loving deed of
gratitude when I gave a glass of milk to a
thirsty boy. I really forgot that incident. Dr
Kelly recognised me. He is really an ideal
doctor. How can I thank him? He really does
not expect anything. Dear Kelly, I am proud of
you. May God bless you.
Character Sketch

A character sketch simply summarizes the key

personality traits, background, behaviour and nature of
a particular character.
• Personality traits
• Back story
• How they changed or evolved
• Their impact those around them
• Physical and non-physical features
• Visualizing words
• Clear and concise description
• Total outline
Shammi (Kumbalangi Nights)
APPEARANCE: Bald, well-dressed,
ATTITUDE TOWARDS OTHERS: scary, rude, bipolar
QUALITIES/TRAITS: confident, talk behind other’s back, moody
Conversation (Role-Play)
Conversation between two people written in first person

• Telephonic Conversation
• Argument
• Casual Talk
• Job Interview
• Know your characters well
• Play the role of your characters
• Be dynamic
• Do not overexplain
• Read
The woman's attention fell on the side of the bill. She
read the words 'Paid in full with one glass of milk'. At
once she recognised the doctor. "Oh! he is the boy
whom I gave a glass of milk". Tears filled her eyes. She
ran to Dr Kelly's room.

Write the possible conversation between them.

(Annual Evaluation 2017)
Woman: Oh I am very sorry. I couldn't recognise you.
Doctor : …………………….
Woman : ………………….
Doctor : ……………………
Woman: …………………..
Doctor : ……………………

Doctor : Don't worry, I could easily recognise you.

Woman : You are really very kind, doctor.
Doctor : Aunt, you taught me the lessons of love
and kindness.
Woman : Me? When did I teach you?
Doctor : When you lovingly gave me a glass of
milk. I can't forget your love, aunt.
The woman in the story ‘A Glass of Milk’ was
discharged from the hospital. She reached
home. One day Dr Howard Kelly visited her
house. The woman was very happy to see Dr
Howard Kelly
What would the conversation between
Dr.Howard Kelly and the woman be?
(Annual Evaluation 2019)

Dr Howard Kelly : Hi Aunty

Woman : Hi Dr Kelly
Dr Kelly : How are you, Aunty?
Woman : Very fine. And you?
Dr Kelly : Fine, Aunty, be more
careful about your
Woman : OK my son. Hope you
are not offended my
calling you son
Dr Kaily : Never That glass of milk
with much love is still in
my mind.
Woman : Your repaying of that
debt is sweeter than it,
my son.
Dr Kelly : OK Aunty. I'll come to
you again.
Woman : Thank you, my son.
Before leaving the hospital, the old woman came to
Dr Howard Kelly to thank him. Write the likely
conversation between the old woman and the

Old Woman : May I come in, doctor?

Doctor : Come in please. Be seated.
Old Woman : Thanks Doctor. You have been
very generous.
Doctor : Madam, you had been more
generous. I learned from you how
to be generous
Old woman : Sorry, I couldn't recognise you at
Doctor : But I could. That glass of milk is
still in my mind.
Old woman : Thank you, doctor. I can
understand your love.
Doctor : Let that love be with us always
Old woman : OK, bye!
Carla after teaching the merchant a lesson reached home and
had a talk with her father.
Write the likely conversation between Carla and her father.

Carla : Father, father ....

Father : Why are you shouting, Carla?
Carla : I've taught him a lesson.
Father : Really? How Carla?
Carla : He offered me everything in his hand for my water
Father : Then?
Carla : He gave me three copper coins.
Father : Was it all he had?
One day a friend of Carla happened to meet her. Carla told her
how she revenged the greedy merchant.

Write the likely conversation between Carla and her friend.


Carla : Hi Christi.
Christi : Hi Carla.
Carla : A piece of glad news, Christi.
Christi : Tell me quickly. Is your marriage...
Carla : Nothing of that sort. I revenged that greedy man.
Christi : You mean the one who cheated your father.
Carla : Yes, I went to the market with a basket full of water
Christi : Did you meet that man?
Carla : Yes. He promised to give me everything in his hand.
And then?
Carla : I agreed. He gave me the few coins in his hand. I
demanded the three gold rings on his fingers. He had
to give them too to me. But I returned the rings.
Christi : Well done, Carla.
In the story 'Clever Carla', the farmer explains everything
to Carla just as it happened. The next day, Carla went out
with a basket full of ripe water melons.
Imagine that you met her in the street. Write the
conversation between you and Carla.
(Second Term - 2019)

Myself : Hello Carla, where are you going?

Carla : To the market.
Myself : Are these watermelons from your farm?
Carla : Surely.
Myself : Where is your father?
Carla : He is at home. Today I am going to market to teach
a greedy man a lesson.
Myself : Really? Carla, be careful.
Carla : OK.
The traveller who saw the children with an object shaped like
a grain of corn wanted to get it from the children.
Write the likely conversation between the traveller and the

Traveller : What are you doing here, children?

Children : We are playing.
Traveller : What is it in your hand?
Boy : I don't know. We got it from that ravine.
Traveller : Let me see it. (Looks at it) What are you
going to do with it?
Boy : We will show it our parents.
Traveller : Good. I'll give you a penny if you give it to
Children : OK.
Cinderella came to her stepmother to know about her
daughters' performance at the ball. Write the likely
conversation between Cinderella and her stepmother.

Cinderella : Mom, did the prince dance with my sisters at the

Stepmother : Surely. The prince liked them both.
Cinderella : Who had left a shoe at the ball?
Stepmother : I don’t know.
Cinderella : Mom, have you heard about the announcement?
Stepmother : Yes, but why should I worry ?
Cinderella : Ok, mom
Informal Letter
An informal letter is a non-official letter that we usually use to
write to our friends, family or relatives. These letters are personal
letters that are not used for official purposes.
Informal Letter FORMAT Ammobally

ABCDE 123123
From Address

10 October 2021 Date

Dear ……. Salutation

Main Body

Leave taking

Yours truly, Closing phrase

On hearing Carla's clever action, one of her friends wrote a
letter to Carla congratulating her.
Write the likely letter of the friend.

Green Villa
30 January 2023

Dear Carla,
Well done, Carla. I am proud of you. Yesterday my uncle told
me about your clever and timely action against the greedy
merchant. You are brave and clever. Congratulations Carla.

Yours lovingly
On hearing Carla's clever action, one of her friends wrote a letter
to Carla congratulating her.
Write the likely letter of the friend.

Green Villa
Arco20 October
20 October 2022

Dear Carla
Well done, Carla. I am proud of you. Yesterday my uncle told me about
your clever and timely action against the greedy merchant. You are
brave and clever. Congratulations, Carla.
Cinderella, after her marriage with the prince, reached the
palace with her and stepmother. Her life in the palace was very
happy. She wrote a letter to one of her friends about her new
life. Write the likely letter of Cinderella.
Royal Palace

Dear Christi
Hope you remember your friend Julie. My stepsisters have given
me a new name - Cinderella. Before my mother's death she had
advised me to be good and pious. I lived as my loving mother
wished. By her blessings, now am the princess of Newland. My
stepmother and stepsisters were very cruel to me. Fortunately I
could dance with the prince in a ball. He fell in love with me and
married me. I pardoned my stepsisters and stepmother.
Dear Christi, here I am very happy. I want to see you soon.
Yours lovingly
Formal Letter
A formal letter is one written in an orderly and
conventional language and follows a specific stipulated
format. These letters are written for official purposes
only, such as writing a letter to the manager, to the
Principal of the college or school, to the editor, etc.
ABCDE 123123
Kerala From Address

10 October 2021 Date

The Editor
<newspaper name>
To Address Letter FORMAT
Sir/Ma’am Salutation

Sub: …………………. Subject


Main Body

Leave taking

Yours sincerely,
Closing phrase
ABCDE 123123

10 October 2021

The Editor
The Hindu
Letter Example
Sub: Potholes in our locality is causing difficulties

With due respect, I would like to inform you that due to potholes in roads we
are facing a lot of difficulties in our area. Monsoon season has already started
a few days ago and is increasing our problems.

There is a risk that people might get hurt while driving on the roads having
potholes especially with the children who play outside. Even for pedestrians it
has become quite difficult to walk through the road.

Therefore I wish to draw the attention of the concerned authorities with the
help of your newspaper. Hopefully, you will be able to help us in drawing their
attention and resolving this matter at the earliest.

Yours truly,

Raghu Nath
- Start with a salutation (Ladies &
Gentlemen, Dear Students..)
- Share the info
- Request if necessary
The prince chose Cinderella as his bride. The prince asked the
messenger to make an announcement in public places around the
kingdom about the royal wedding.
Prepare the announcement.

Ladies and gentlemen, please pay attention
Our honorable prince has chosen Cinderella as his bride. Their
wedding ceremony will be at 11.30 on Thursday 25th August
2022. All are cordially invited to attend the function and the
wedding reception arranged in the palace hall.
The prince wanted to find out the beautiful girl who had
danced with him. The next day, he sent messengers to
announce that the prince would visit all homes to find out
the lady who had left a shoe at the ball. Prepare the

For the attention of all the young ladies of the country:

Our prince is going to visit every home to find out the
beautiful girl who danced with him at the ball and left a
shoe in the ball-room.
All the girls who participated in the ball should stay at
home for the visit. They will get a chance to try on the shoe.
The king ordered his servant to bring the old peasantto the
palace. The servant went to the old peasant's house and
took him to the palace. When they left, the old man's wife
was worried. 'Why did the king call my husband?', she
asked herself. Later in the evening the man returned from
the palace. His wife was waiting for him. He described all
the events to her.
How will he describe the events that happened in the
palace? Write the description.

I was taken to the palace because the king wanted my help.

Some children got a grain as big as a hen's egg. They sold it to a
traveller. The traveller sold it to the king. Nobody knew what it
was. So I was brought before the king as our son had suggested. I
told the king that it was a grain of corn. The king could not
believe it. Then I told him how farmers worked and lived when I
was young. The king was pleased to know about the happy days
and hard work of farmers. In the end I was given a feast.
The servants at last brought a very old but smart
peasant before the king. The king greeted him and
showed him the grain. The king got enough
information about the grain from the old man.
Write a description about the old man's boy- hood
experiences in his own words.

When I was a boy my parents used to grow corn like this in

our fields. I had also grown and used such corn. At that time
we never bought or sold bread. We thought that it was a
sin. Our field was God's earth. Land was free and nobody
owned anything. We worked hard. When people no longer
lived by their own labour, fields ceased to grow such corn.
Even now I am healthier than my sons and grandsons
because I lived according to God's law.
Do you remember the story of the grain? The king ordered
his servant to bring the old peasant to the palace. The
servant went to the old peasant's house and took him to the
palace. When they left, the old man's wife was worried.
"Why did the king call my husband?' she asked herself, Later
in the evening the man returned from the palace. The wife
was waiting for him. He described all the events to her.
How will he describe the events that happened in the
palace ?
Write the description (second Term – 2017)

I was taken to the palace because the king wanted my help.

Some children got a grain as big as a hen's egg. They sold it to
a traveller. The traveller sold it to the king. Nobody knew
what it was. So I was brought before the king as our son had
suggested. I told the king that it was a grain of corn. The king
could not believe it. Then I told him how farmers worked and
lived when I was young. The king was pleased to know about
the happy days and hard work of farmers. In the end I was
given a feast.
The King in the story 'The Grain as Big as a Hen's Egg'
wanted to know when and where such corn grew. His
minister prepared a notice inviting all wise men to come
before the king to help him.
Prepare the likely notice.

His Highness our Maharaja wants the help of wise men
in this country. He has got a strange grain of corn as big
as a hen's egg. Our king wants to know when and
where such corn grew. Those who can tell these facts
will be awarded.

Placards and Posters
• Catchy line
• Convey a relevant message
• Short and to the point
Dr Howard Kelly put many signboards in his
hospital. Prepare two signboards.
(Annual Evaluation 2019)

Dr Howard Kelly MD Keep Silence

Senior Physician

Help the Needy Keep the Premises Clean

The king in the story 'The Grain as Big as a Hen's Egg'
decided to appoint the Great grandfather as his advisor for
agriculture. The Great grandfather wanted the king to
promote organic farming in the country. The king decided to
place posters everywhere in the country.

(Hints: Fresh vegetable, Natural food, Poison-free, Healthy

Prepare a poster on Organic Farming.
Every year we observe April 7 as World Health Day.

Prepare a poster related to health and nutrition to be

displayed in your class.
Every year we observe April 7 as World Health Day.
Prepare a poster related to health and nutrition to be
displayed in your class.
(Annual 2021-22)

Nouns- Singular/ plural
Singular nouns represent only one thing, but plural
-nouns represent more than one. If someone stands
alone, we call them a person (singular), but if
there's more than one person, we call them people
Nouns- Singular/ plural
1. Most nouns form their plurals by adding the
- letter ‘s’ to the singular. Eg- BOY- BOYS, BOOK-
2. Some nouns form the plural by adding ‘es’ to
the singular. Eg- BENCH- BENCHES, BRUSH-
3. Some singular end with ‘y’. Those are added
with ‘es’ and ‘y’ is replaced with ‘i’ to make it
4. Some singular nouns are changed to plural by
changing the inside vowels. Eg – WOMAN-
An adjective is a describing word. It describes a noun.
• Ramu is a good boy
• The sky is blue
• Smitha has a smiling face
• She drank a little milk
• Kochi is a large city
A sentence that expresses a strong and sudden feeling
is called an exclamatory sentence. An exclamatory
sentence should have an exclamation mark at its end.
• What a fool he is!
• How kind you are!
• What a heavy rain!
• How nicely she dance!
Opposites of some words can be formed by adding
prefixes like im, un, dis, ill, in, non, ir, etc

polite × impolite
possible x impossible
Agree X disagree
Appear X disappear
Complete X incomplete
Regular X irregular
Certain X uncertain
A preposition is a word used before a noun or
pronoun to show place, position, time, or method.
A preposition joins a noun to another noun, to an
adjective, or to a verb.
• Appu got it from the road.
• Appu is fond of music.
• Alex put the key on the table.
Common prepositions
at, by, for, from, in, of, off, on, out, through, till, to, up,
with, about, above, across, along, amidst, among,
around, before, behind, below, beneath, beside,
between, beyond, inside, outside, within and without.
This is a pen + I bought it (which/ that)
Ans- This is the pen that I bought
He is the man + He came here
Ans- He is the man who came here
An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective
or another adverb
1. Modifying a verb: Rema runs quickly
2. Modifying an adjective: Rose is a very beautiful
3. Modifying another adverb: Tharun sings very
Commands and Requests
These sentences are used to give orders or to make
i. Stand up.
ii. Give me your pen.
iii. Please move a little.
iv. Go out.
A group of words in a sentence which together behave
as a noun is called a noun phrase.
eg. i. We took the night train.
ii. Do you know the boy sitting there?
iii. It was a hot day.
Edit the following passage

The King send for the old mans father. they found him, and
brought him before the King. His eyes were clare, his hearing
good and he distinctly spoke
(March 2021-22)

sent, man's, They, clear, spoke distinctly

Edit the following passage.
(March - 2015)
Cinderella go to the ball-room dressed in wonderful clothes. He
rode in the red coach. Six footman waited on her. In the ball-room,
she looked like an princess. Nothing was then heard but a confused
noise, "How beautiful she is!"

went; She; footmen; a

Read the following passage and edit the underlined
(Second Term - 2017)

So the king sent for the old mans father. They find him,
and brought her, before the king. he SS entered walking
easily and without crutches. mal His were eyes clear and
he spoke distinctly.
man's, found, him, He, eyes were
Read the given passage. There are a few errors which are
underlined. Edit the passage.

The king called all his vice men and tells them to found
out what the thing is.

wise, told, find, was.

The king of Ananthapuri wants to promote farming in his
kingdom. One of his courtiers prepared a news report.
There are some errors in it. Help him edit the report.

Ananthapuri: The king of Ananthapuri is worried about the

poor condition of farming in his king- dom. He visit all parts
of his kingdom. He could hardli see any cultivated land
except in some areas. So he issued orders to began farming
in all parts of the kingdom as early was possible. The king
offered hundred gold coins for the best farmer, which
makes the best result in farming.

Ananthapuri: The king of Ananthapuri is worried about the poor

condition of farming in his kingdom. He visited all parts of his
kingdom. He could hardly see any cultivated land except in some
areas. So he issued orders to begin farming in all parts of the
kingdom as early as possible. The king offered hundred gold coins
for the best farmer who makes the best result in farming.
Edit the following passage.

I took a decision; I said firmly, Bats is no ancestors with ours.

But they are among God's countless creations. Let the coconuts
be destroyed. That doesn't matter. Let us be satisfy with what
is left after they has taken their share. They certainly have an
right to the coconuts.

are; of; satisfied; have; a

Edit the following passage

The King send for the old mans father. they found him, and
brought him before the King. His eyes were clare, his hearing
good and he distinctly spoke.

sent, man's, They, clear, spoke distinctly

Read the passage and edit the words underlined.

one day, a poor boy was selling goods from door to

door to pay her way through school It was a hot day
and he feel tired and hungery. He had only one thin
dime left about him.
(Annual Evaluation 2018)

one day, a poor boy was selling goods from door to

door to pay his way through school It was a hot day and
he felt tired and hungry. He had only one thin dime left
with him.
Edit the following passage. The errors
are underlined.

After a long strugle, the battle was win.

dr kelly requested the business office to
passed the bill to him by approval.
Edit the following passages. The errors are underlined.

i. Then someone scoopped her out in water and laid she down
slowly on a sand

i. Then someone scoopped her out of water and laid her

down slowly on the sand.
ii. Immediately he rose and goes down the hall by the
hospital to her room. Dressed in the doctors gown, he
went to see her.


Immediately he rose and went down the hall of the

hospital to her room. Dressed in the doctor’s gown, he
went to see her.

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