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Peer Review Plus Testing


Hospital Organization

Hospital Organization – Landing Page

Landing page background image is cut off.

Hospital Organization – Landing Page

Remove Review Contract from the top menu navigation. Review

Contract should be a tile item like Manage Your Facilities in the
third position after Health Organization Metrics.

Hospital Organization – Landing Page

Increase the size of the profile icon to 1.7rem. Remove language

and Roles from the Profile menu.

Hospital Organization – Manage Your Facilities – Landing Page

Remove the radio buttons. The user will take action or access the
record details by clicking on of the buttons in the action column.

Hospital Organization – Manage Your Facilities – Landing Page

Buttons need to stay in the same order, not flip positions

depending on value.

Hospital Organization – Manage Your Facilities – Landing Page

Remove the radio buttons. The user will take action or access the
record details by clicking on of the buttons in the action column.

Hospital Organization – Manage Your Facilities – Landing Page

Search, filter, and sort functions are not working.

Hospital Organization – Manage Your Facilities – Landing Page

Remove the search, filter, and sort functions in the Actionable column.
This features will not work when using button functions.

Hospital Organization – Manage Your Facilities – Landing Page

Remove the search and filter functions in the Status column. Leave the
sort function in the Status.

Manage Facilities
• Updated details of a facility that I just added where the city and state
disappeared and added them back. Saved, went back in through
update facility and they were gone again.
• Went to the second facility in the position and city and state were
gone. Added them back through “update details” and saved, went
back in and gone again. Then started getting “form invalid” errors.
• Went to third facility in the list and into “update details”. Changed
the city and state, changed the accreditations. Saved. Then went
back into “update facility” and they were back to the original entries.
Hospital Organization – Manage Your Facilities – Landing Page

Change the “X” Cancel button to be the same style as the “Save
Changes” button. See the example button below the image.

Hospital Organization – Manage Your Facilities – Update Details

Change button label from “Go Back” to “Back”.

Hospital Organization – Manage Your Facilities – Add Facility

Received error Form is Invalid after adding a new facility, clicked the
Update Details button from the Manage Your Facilities landing page,
then clicked the “Go Back “ button. I also click the “Save Changes”
button and received the same error.

Add a Facility
• The back button jumps back to the original screen, not to the
previous screen
• Phone number is now 10 digits, but should format to (xxx) xxx-xxxx
• When I added a facility I entered both a city and state, but after I
saved it and went into “update details” it both fields were empty
• Since it was in the first position I was stuck in that “form is invalid”
loop again
• Went to the second facility in the list and hit “update details” and
nothing happens; just loops back to the same screen over and over
• With this error

Manage Cases
Reviewed Cases
Facility – Facility Landing Page

Remove “My Account” from the top menu navigation. Move “My
Account” to the Profile menu and remove Language and Roles.
Increase the size of the profile icon to 1.7rem.

• There’s nowhere on any of the screens that tell you what organization
or facility you’re logged in as. Guessing that some will manage
multiple facilities so that will be important for them to see.
• Reviewer Amy Williamson (FLT10000019-000243) was made
“inactive” but her cases still come up under “Manage Cases”. Should
that be the case? Need a way to re-assign cases for someone who
becomes “inactive” but has pending reviews in queue.
Manage Reviewers
• “Update Details” on reviewer rev1000000039 and added a website.
Saved, went back in and it was gone. Same with other reviewers.
• Did the same with other reviewers and different fields and it worked.
• Sort and other buttons do nothing
Manage Your Reviewers
Add Reviewers
• Put in an NPI for Julie Bryan, Fort Wayne, IN

• Adding date of birth is cumbersome, have to scroll instead of just

entering it
Add Reviewers
• What is our numbering (ID) convention for new reviewers?
• Seems random

• After adding, went back in through “update details” – language was in

there three times
Facility – Manage Your Reviewers – Landing Page

Remove the radio buttons and S.No (serial number) column.

Facility – Manage Your Reviewers – Landing Page

Remove the search, filter, and sort functions in the Actionable column.
This features will not work when using button functions. Also, change
the “X” Cancel button to be the same style as the “Save Changes”
button. See the example button below the image.

Facility – Manage Your Reviewers – Landing Page

Search, filter, and sort functions are not working.

Facility – Manage Your Reviewers – Update Details

Remove the search, filter, and sort functions in the Actionable column.
This features will not work when using button functions. Also, change
the “X” Cancel button to be the same style as the “Save Changes”
button. See the example button below the image.

Facility – Manage Your Reviewers – Update Details

After clicking Update Details for record REV1000000033, the system is

retrieving another providers information.

Facility – Manage Your Reviewers – Update Details
After clicking Update Details for record REV1000000056, change the
last name and first name from St John, Marcus to Smith, Shawn, then
click the “Save Changes” button, the record in the table is not updated
to changed name.

Facility – Manage Cases

Search, filter, and sort functions are not working.

Facility – Manage Cases

Remove the radio buttons and S.No (serial number) column.

Manage Cases
• Clicked “View” (the eyeball) on an imaging file and instead of opening
it downloaded it to my computer and showed a blank window. Some
worked and some uploaded.

Facility – Reviewed Cases

Search, filter, and sort functions are not working.

Facility – Reviewed Cases

Remove the radio buttons and S.No (serial number) column.

Facility – Reviewed Cases

Remove the search, filter, and sort functions in the Actionable column.
This features will not work when using button functions. Also, change
the “X” Cancel button to be the same style as the “Save Changes”
button. See the example button below the image.

Add Case
• Patient gender should be spelled out

• Adding files
• Can’t add more than one at a time – each one “fetches” for a long time and
you have to wait on it to go to the next one. Waited over 8 minutes for the
first simple PDF to load and then cancelled to move on. Had to refresh the
page to get out. Lost the entire case again.
• Left during add and when I came back it had timed out, so I lost
everything I had done. This shouldn’t happen.
Add Case
• Because of the problems on the last slide, I
simply added a case with no files attached and
hit submit. That allowed me to at least save one.
• Uploaded a different file and it look 55 second.
It was another PDF but smaller.
• Loaded “other” PDF and it missed a last name
• On added files the cursor doesn’t change when
you hover over “done” but the click seems to
work; also takes a bit to close so you’re not sure
it worked
Add Case
• Uploaded a 3.6 megabyte lab report. Took over 5 minutes.
• Redacted some actual results and some dates.

Should these
be redacted?
Peer Review Report
• This scale needs to be re-worded &
• Date should be truncated to just the date;
get rid of everything else

• When you hit “Go Back” it says “fetching

data”; there shouldn’t be any fetching


Reviewer – Landing Page

Landing page background image is cut off.

Reviewer – Landing Page

Remove the global search function. Increase the size of the profile
icon to 1.7rem. Remove Language and Roles from the Profile menu.

Review Accepted Cases
• Multiple cases with the same ID
• Clicked “Review” and received this error;
tried several different cases same error
Reviewer – View Assigned Cases

Important: Download and print functions must be disabled for all documents.

Reviewer – View Assigned Cases

No answer notification for required answers when trying to submit case review.
The user is unable to proceed and must attempt to locate the question that’s
not answered on the screen.

Reviewer – Review Accepted Cases

Remove the radio buttons.

Reviewer – Review Accepted Cases

Pagination does not allow you show more than 10 records at a time.


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