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1. Define Management.
“Management is an Art of getting things done through and with people in formally organized groups”.
2. Define Authority.
Authority is the legitimate right to give orders and to get orders obeyed. It gives the right to take
decisions and get them executed by the subordinates.
3. Define Remuneration.
Reward for employment in the form of pay, salary, or wage, including allowances, benefits bonuses,
cash incentives, and monetary value of the noncash incentives.
4. Define Centralization.
Centralization is that a majority of decisions are taken by higher levels in the organization. The
decision-making authority is concentrated at the top levels of management.
5. What is Scalar chain?
Scalar chain refers to the chain of superiors ranging from the highest authority to the lowest level in
the organization. All upward and downward communications should flow through each line of
authority along the scalar chain.
6. What is Espirit de Corps:
Espirit de Corps refers to harmony and mutual understanding among the members of an organization.
“Union is Strength” and Unity in staff is the foundation of success in any organization.
7. What is Administration?
It is the management of an office, business, or organization. It involves the efficient organization of
people, information, and other resources to achieve organizational objectives.
8. What is profession?
Occupation, practice, or vocation requiring mastery of a complex set of knowledge and skills thorough
formal education and/or practical experience. Every organized profession is governed by its respective
professional body.
1. Write a note on the Levels of Management.
Top Level Management-Top managers, Managing Director, CEO, Board of Directors,
President, Vice-President, Chairmen, etc.
Middle Level Management-Department Heads and Second line managers.
Low Level Management-First Line Manager, Supervisors and Workers.
2. State whether management is an Art or Science.
One has to know the true nature of management that is whether it is a Science or an Art.
Management as a Science:-
• Any discipline can be called scientific. If, its methods of inquiry are systematic and empirical, if
information can be analyzed and arranged in sequence and the results are cumulative and
• All scientism information collected first as raw data is finally ordered and analyzed with the
help of statistical tools. It thus becomes communicable and intelligent.
• Science is also cumulative in that what is discovered is added to that which has been found
before. One learns from past mistakes and obtains guides for the future. One builds upon the
base that has been left by others.
• On the basis of above definition of Science we may presume that management is a science. But
since the word “Science” is used to denote two types of systematic knowledge natural or exact
and behavioral or inexact, some more explanation of the scientific nature but it is right that
management is a science.
Management as an Art:-
• Art is concerned with the understanding of how a particular work can be accomplished.
Management in this sense is more an art. It is the art of getting things done through others in
dynamic and mostly non-repetitive situations.
• The manager has to constantly analyze the existing situation, determine the objectives, seek
alternatives, implement, Co-ordinate, control and evaluate information and make decision. The
theoretical lessons and principles which a manager learns would help him less, until they are
implemented. He needs to apply such principle to tackle his special problems.
• Knowledge and management theory and principles is indeed a valuable aid and kit of the
manager but cannot replace the managerial skills and qualities. Therefore, Management is an
Management is Both Art & Science:-
• We have seen that management has elements of both Art and Science. It is not proper to term
management as pure science or pure art. In fact, it is a science as well as an art. Because
science and art both are complementary to each other. “Management is a mixture of art and
science” according to Stanley F.teela
3. State some of the contribution of F. W. Taylor.
Time and Motion study
Different payment
Drastic Reorganization of supervision
Scientific Recruitment & training
Intimate friendly co-operation between the management and workers.
4. Write a note on “Scalar Chain”.
Scalar chain means the hierarchy of authority from the highest executive to the lowest one
for the purpose of communication.
It exhibits the superior subordinate relationship and the authority of superiors in relation to
subordinates at various levels.
According to this principle, the order or communications should pass through the proper
channels of authority along the scalar chain.
1. Bring out the different roles played by a manager.
Interpersonal Role
• Figure head
• Leader
• Liaison
Informational Role
• Monitor
• Disseminator
• Spokesman
Decisional Role
• Entrepreneur
• Disturbance Handler
• Resource Allocator
• Negotiator
2. Illustrate on the contributions of Elton Mayo.
I. Illumination experiments-Designed to assess the effect of illumination on employee efficiency.
II. Test Room experiments-Designed to judge the influence of working condition Duration of rest
periods, length of the work weak, wage, incentives on work performance.
III. Interviewing Studies (Psychological in nature)-Undertaken to improve employee attitudes.
These were psychological in nature.
IV. Observation Studies (Sociological in nature)- Carried out to understand the factors influencing
informal organization of work groups.
3. Discuss the contribution of Henri Fayol.
Division of work
Authority and responsibility
Unity of command
Unity of Direction
Subordination of individual interest to general interest
Scalar chain
Stability of Tenure of personnel
Espirit de corps.

1. Define Planning.
Planning is deciding in advance what is to be done. It involves the selection of objectives,
policies, procedures, and programmes from among alternatives. It is the first and foremost
function of management.
2. Define Budgets.
A Budget is a statement of expected results expressed in numerical terms of a definite
period of time in the future.
3. Define Policy.
A policy is a general guide to thinking and action rather than a specific course of action. It
defines the areas or limits within decisions can be made to achieve organizational
4. Define Objectives.
Objectives are goals or aims which the management wishes the organization to achieve.
These are the end points, towards which all business activities like organizing, staffing,
directing, and controlling and directed.
1. Express the nature of planning.
Planning is the beginning of the process of management. A manager must plan
before he can possibly organize, staff, direct or control.
Planning is an intellectual process which requires a manager to think before
acting. It is thinking in advance.
Planning is a continuous process. It needs to possess a built-in flexibility in
atleast five major areas technology, market, finance, personnel and organization.
Planning is an all-pervasive function-Planning is important to all managers,
regardless of their level in the organization.
2. Write a note on the importance of planning.
Planning Minimises risk and uncertainity.
Leads to success
Focuses attention on the organization’s goals
Facilitates control
3. Write a note on the Concept of Policies.
A policy is a general guide to thinking and action rather than a specific course of
It defines the area or limits within decisions can be made to achieve
organizational objectives.
Policies are flexible and broad plans providing scope for judgement and
interpretation on the part of subordinate managers .
Policies are general statements of understanding which guide or channel
thinking in decision-making of subordinates.
Policies are routes to the realization of objectives.
They prescribe the broad ways in which objectives can be attained.
Policies decide the line of action along which subordinate executives are
expected to work in order to accomplish the goals of the organization.
4. Write a note on the types of Decision- Making.
Organizational/ Personal Decisions
Routine/ Strategic decisions
Programmed/ Non-Programmed decisions
Policy/ Operating decisions
Individual / Group decisions.


1. Explain about the different steps in planning process.

i. Establishing verifiable goals (or) Set of goals to be achieved.
ii. Establishing planning premises
iii. Deciding the planning period
iv. Finding Alternative course of action.
v. Evaluating and selecting the course of action
vi. Developing derivative plans
vii. Measuring and controlling the progress
2. Explain on the process of decision making.
Defining the problem
Analyzing the problem
Developing alternative solution
Evaluating the alternatives
• Risk
• Economy of effort
• Timing
• Limitation
selecting the boot solution
• Experience
• Experimentation
• Research and analysis
Implementing the decision
Feedback and control
3. Write about the different types of plans.
Multi-Use Plans
• Objectives
• Strategies
• Policies
• Procedures
• Rules
Single Use Plans
• Programmes
• Budgets
• Schedules
• Projects
• Methods
1. Define Organizing.
Organizing is the process of bringing together of all the available resources in accomplishing the
desired results.
2. Define Organization structure.
Organization structure is the pattern of relationship among activities, positions and people in an
organization. The internal organization of an enterprise represents the network of vertical and
horizontal authority relationships between various positions.
3. Define Project organization.
A project organization is a structure that facilitates the co-ordination and implementation of
project activities. Its main reason is to create an environment that fosters interactions among the
team members with a minimum amount of disruptions, overlaps and conflict.
4. What is matrix organization?
It is a hybrid grid structure wherein pure project organization is superimposed on a functional
structure. It is a two-dimensional pattern developed to meet the problems of growing size and
complexity of undertakings.
5. Define a committee.
A committee is a group of persons formed to discuss and deliberate on problems and to
recommend or decide solutions. A committee may be constituted at any level of organization and
its members may be drawn from various departments.
6. What is span of control?
“Span of Control” is also called “Span of Supervision” and “Span of Supervision”. Span of control
refers to the number of subordinates that report directly to a single manager or superior.
7. What is Departmentalization?
Departmentalization is defined as the person of growing individual’s jobs into departments. It
involves grouping of activities and employees into departments.\
8. Define Forecasting.
Forecasting is a decision-making tool used by many businesses to help in budgeting, planning,
and estimating future growth.
1. Express the nature and elements of Organization.
Common purpose
Authority Structure
Division of labour
Rules and Regulations
2. Bring out the steps in the process of organizing.
Determining the activities to performed
Grouping of activities
Assignment of duties
Delegation of authority
Defining authority relationships
3. Explain the importance of formal and informal organization.
Formal organization refers to the planned structure of jobs and positions with clearly defined
objectives and functions. It is deliberately and conscious created by top management.
Informal organization arises from the personal to social relations of people. It is not formally
designed but develops spontaneously out of interactions between people.

4. List out the factors that determine span of control.

Nature of work
Type of technology
Ability of the manager
Degree of centralization
Staff assistance
Time available for supervision
Capacity of subordinates
Geographical dispersion of subordinates.
5. List out the importance of departmentalization.
Fixation of responsibility
Approval management development
Administrative control


1. Write short note on the different types of organization structure.

Line organization or Military organization
Functional organization
o Finance
o Marketing
o HR
o Production
Line and staff organization
Project organization
Matrix organization
Committee organization
Free from organization.
2. Write short notes on the different types of departmentalization.
Time and number

1. Define Delegation.
Delegation of authority is the process a manager follows in dividing the work assigned to
him so that he performs that part of the job.
2. Define Decentralization.
It refers to the systematic effort to delegate to the lowest levels all authority except that
which can only be exercised at central part.
3. Define Recruitment.
Recruitment is the process of identifying the sources of perspective candidates and
attracting them to apply for jobs in the organization.
4. Define Staffing.
Staffing is that part of the process of management which is concerned with obtaining,
utilizing and maintaining a satisfied work force.
5. Define Power.
Power refers to the ability or capacity to influence the behavior or attitudes of other
6. Define Selection.
Selection is the process of identifying the sources of prospective candidates and attracting
them to apply for jobs in the organization.
7. Define Training.
Training is an organized process for increasing the knowledge, and skills of people for
definite purpose. The purpose of training is to improve the employee’s current job
1. Distinguish between Authority and power.

1. Right to do something. Ability to do something
2. Derived from organization position- Derived from many sources- Personal
3. Always flows downwards can be Flows in all directions
4. Legitimate resides in the position. May be Illegitimate.
5. It’s narrow term. One source or Broad concept- can achieve results when
subset of power. authority fails.
2. Distinguish between line authority and staff authority.


1. Right to decide and to command Right to provide advice, assistance and
2. Contributes directly to Assists line in the effective
accomplishment of organizational accomplishment of organization
objectives. objectives.
3. Relatively unlimited and general. Relatively restricted to a particular
4. Flows downward from a superior to May flow in any direction depending
a subordinate. upon the need of advice.
5. Creates superior subordinate Extensions of line and support line.

3. List some of the limitation of authority.

• Biological limitations
• Physical limitations
• Legal constraints
• Social constraints
• Organizational limitations
• Economic constraints.
4. Bring out the difference between Authority and Responsibility.
1. Right to command to act Obligation to perform the assigned duties.
2. Arises from position Arises from superior subordinate
3. Can be delegated. Cannot be delegated.
4. Flows downwards Flows upward
5. Long life continuing Short life over with performance of the
given duty.
6. Return on responsibility Cost of authority.
5. List some of the types of delegation.
• General and specific delegation.
• Formal and Informal delegation.
• Written and Oral delegation.
• Downward and Sideward delegation.
6. Write a note on the process of delegation.
• Determination of results expected.
• Assignment of duties.
• Granting of authority.
• Creating accountability for performance.
7. Bring out the difference between delegation and decentralization.

1. It is a process or an art It is the end result of delegation.
2. It denotes relationship between a It denotes relationship between the top
superior and a subordinate. management and various department or
3. It is essential for management It is optional as top management may or
may not disperse authority.
4. The delegator exercise control The control may be delegated to
over the subordinates. department heads.
5. It is a technique of management. It is a philosophy of management.

8. What are the advantages of decentralization?

• Relief to top executives
• Motivation of Subordinates
• Quick decisions
• Growth and diversification
• Executive development
• Effective communication
9. Write a note on the sources of recruitment.
Internal source
o Promotion
o Transfer
External source
o Advertisement
o Campus interview
o Employment exchange
o Government authorized consultants
o Consultants
o Unsolicited application.
10. Bring out the steps involved in the selection process.
o Preliminary interview
o Selection test
o Medical exam
o Physical exam
o Reference
o Final interview
o Appointment letter
o Placement
11. What is the purpose (or) need for training?
Organizational analysis
• Objective analysis
• Resource utilization analysis
• Organization climate analysis
• Environment scanning
Task and role analysis
Man power analysis
1. Describe briefly the various types of training techniques.
On the job technique
o Job Instruction Tech (JIT)
o Couching
o Internship
o Apprenticeship
o Simulation
o Vestibule
Off the Job Technique
o Lecture
o Conferences
o Group discussion
o Case study
o Role playing
o T- group training.

1. Define direction.
Directing concerns the total manner in which a manager influences the actions of
2. Define coordination.
Coordination implies an orderly pattern or arrangement of group efforts to ensure unity of
action in the pursuit of common objectives.
3. Define controlling
The managerial function of controlling is the measurement and correction of the
performance of activities of subordinates in order to make sure that the objectives are
1. Explain the nature of directing.
Elements of management
Continuous function
Pervasive function
Creative function
Human relations
2. What is the purpose of directing?
Harmony of objectives
Maximum individual contribution
Unity of command
Appropriate techniques
Direct supervision
Managerial communication
Effective leadership
3. Why coordination is necessary to complete a task in organization?
i. Efficiency and effectiveness
ii. Unity of direction
iii. Human relations
iv. Quintessence of management
4. Write about the different types of coordination.
Internal & External coordination
Vertical & Horizontal Coordination
Procedural & Substantive Coordination
5. Write on the principles of coordination.
Direct personal contact
Early beginning
Principle of self-Coordination
6. State the importance of controlling.
It enables management to verify the quality of various plans and policies.
A control system ensures the achievement of objectives.
Control helps managers to discharge their responsibilities.
Control keeps the subordinates under check and creates discipline among them.
Effective control ensures efficiency and effectiveness in the organization.

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