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5 key elements to achieve this goal

1. Universal coverage to reduce

exclusion and social disparities in
Defining health care concepts:
Health care system- “an organized plan of health 2. Service delivery organized around
services” people’s needs
• Mandates of the office of the 3. Public policy that integrates health
president into all sectors
• Roles, duties and responsibilities of 4. Leadership that enhances
DOH collaboration
• Regional offices 5. Increased stakeholder participation
• Provincial health
• Municipality level
• Barangay level

Health care delivery- “rendering of health care ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF PRIMARY

services to the people”
1. Education concerning prevailing health
Health care delivery system- “network of health
problems and the methods of
facilities and personnel which carries out the
task of rendering health care to the people; identifying, preventing, and controlling
referral of your patient from one health care
2. Locally endemic disease prevention
institution to another
and control
The Philippine health care system has rapidly 3. Expanded program of immunization
evolved with many challenges through time. Health against major infectious diseases
service delivery was devolved to the Local 4. Maternal and child health care
Government Units (LGUs) in 1991, and for many including family planning
reasons, it has not completely surmounted the 5. Essential drugs arrangement (generic
fragmentation issue
name, dosage, frequency use)
Primary Health Care- Essential health care 6. Nutritional food supplement, an
based on practical, scientifically sound, and adequate supply of safe, and basic
socially acceptable methods and technology nutrition
made universally acceptable 7. Treatment of communicable and non-
communicable disease and promotion
Primary Health Care
of mental health
• Deals with social policy which targets health 8. Safe water and sanitation
• Ultimate goal: better health for all Other elements include:

- Expanded options of immunization

- Reproductive health needs
- Provision of essential technologies for
- Health promotion • Organizing- designing the organization or the
- Prevention and control of non- specific division, unit, or service for which
communicable diseases the manager is responsible
- Food safety and provision of selected • Staffing- acquiring and retaining human
food supplements resources, and developing and maintaining
the workforce through various strategies and
Principles of Primary Health Care
- Basic objectives to launch and sustain • Controlling- monitoring staff activities and
primary health care as part of the performance and taking the appropriate
comprehensive health system: actions for corrective actions to increase
1. Improve the level of health care of the performance
community • Directing- initiating action in the organization
2. Promote favorable population growth through the effective leadership, motivation,
structure and communication of managers
3. Reduce the morbidity and mortality rates
especially among infants and children
4. Reduce prevalence of preventable, Management principles in relation to organizing
communicable, and other diseases function
5. Improve basic sanitation
1. Authority, responsibility, and
6. Extend essential health services especially
to the underserved sectors
2. Centralization, decentralization, and
7. Develop the capability of the community to
become self-reliant
3. Staffing
8. Encourage the contribution of other sectors
to the social and economic development of
the community
Organizing principle #1
9. Provide equitable distribution of health care
10. Ensure community participation and monitor
• Authority- formal and legitimate right of a
adequacy and distribution of health workers
manager to issue orders, make decisions,
11. Recognize that the formal health sector
and allocate resources to achieve desired
needs other sectors in the promotion of
outcomes of the organization
o Types of authority
12. Use appropriate technology which are
▪ Line authority- manager issue
accessible, feasible, affordable, and culturally
orders to their subordinates
acceptable to the community
and are also responsible for
▪ Functional authority- have the
Management of Primary Health Care (Functions
power only over specific set
of Health Care managers)
of activities
• Planning- setting priorities and determining ▪ Staff authority- given to
performance targets; managers are usually specialists in their areas of
required to set a direction and determine expertise
what needs to be accomplished • Responsibility- duty of employee to
perform the assigned tasks
• Accountability- reporting and justification Levels of Public Health Care Delivery in the
of task outcomes to higher management Philippines
by those in authority
• Primary
o Municipal health office
Organizing principle #2 o Rural health units
o Health centers
o Barangay health stations
• Centralization- refers to the
• Secondary
concentration of planning and decision-
o Provincial health office
making to the top of the organization
o District hospitals
• Decentralization- delegation of planning
o Emergency hospitals
and decision making to the lower
o Provincial medical centers
branches of the organization
• Tertiary
• Formalization- a written document
o National hospitals
provided for the direct control of the
o Regional hospitals
o National medical centers

Organizing principle #3


• Staffing
1. Government/Public sector
o Acquiring and retaining human
resources, and developing and ▪ largely financed through a tax-based
maintaining the workforce through budgeting system at both national (DOH)
various strategies and tactics and local levels (LGUs) and where health
o Assign individuals to respective care is generally given free at the point of
positions identified in the service
management plan ▪ DOH is mandated as the lead agency for
o Assess required competencies health
through: ▪ Has regional office in every region
▪ Determination of the 2. Private sector
competencies and qualifications ▪ hospital, health insurance, manufacturer of
▪ Recruit of qualified personnel medicines and vaccines, clinics, and other
▪ Improve existing services and related health services
programs ▪ for profit and non-profit providers, largely
▪ health care is paid through user fees at the
PHILIPPINE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM - is a point of service
complex set of organizations interacting to
provide an array of health services. The mission
of the DOH, in partnership with the people to
ensure equity, quality and access to health care:
- by making services available- by arousing
community awareness- by mobilizing
resources- by promoting the means to better
DOH serves as the main governing body of knowledge, facilities, and personnel to
health services in the country. treat effectively

• Provides guidance and technical

assistance to LGUs through the Center for
Health Development in each of the 17
• Provincial governments are responsible
for administration of provincial and
district hospitals
• Municipal and city governments are in-
charge of primary health care through


▪ First contact between the community and
different health workers such as doctors,
nurses, midwives in a barangay health
▪ Caters to patient with minor supervision
▪ Includes malaria eradication units,
Schistosomiasis control units operated by
DOH, tuberculosis clinics and hospitals
▪ Smaller, non-departmentalized hospitals
which involves municipal, district,
provincial, emergency, and regional
▪ Serves as referral center with basic
training and can perform minor surgeries
and some laboratory analysis
▪ Contains all the elements in the primary
▪ Highly technological and sophisticated
services offered by medical centers and
large hospitals
▪ These are specialized national hospitals
with high level of specialty intervention
▪ Services rendered at this level are for
clients afflicted with diseases which
seriously threaten their health, and which
require highly technical and specialized

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