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|2135 SETB

SUBJECT: Maximum Marks: 80

allowed: 3 Hrs.
Gencral Instructions WRITING and LITERATURE
1. The Question Paper
2.This question papcrcontains
THREE sections -READING,
12 pages.
3. Ateipt questions based on specific instructions for each part.
Section A: READING SKILLS (22 marks)
Reading Comprehension Through Unseen Passages 12 M
1. Read the following text. tapping
1. head, twitching your ear, And
Have you ever caught yourself scratching your sure fidgeter.
you are a
your foot or playing with your keys or pen? If you have, your wriggling
it is very likely that the habit has carried over from childhood, when teachers. It is
probably exasperated-and sometimes amusedyour paarentsit is a distraction.
not a pleasant sight to see a grown-up person fidgeting; infact,
is fidgeting quite
Recently, some doctors in Britain have discovered that not only
normal, it even does you good.
hungry, thirsty or tired. Belng
Aimost everybödy fidgets when thev feel hot. cold. with some
kept waiting also brings us to fidgets. Most of this is normal but then
a probiem.
this translates into èxagaerated mannerisms that is where we have Tollowed
VWhen the British doctors wired up volunteers to an electric fidget meter,
upto or
Dy a grueling interview, some stayed almost completely still. Others made
movements in half a minute. Since the rate went up when disturbing topics wele
-raised, it seemed that those who fidgeted more were the anxious types, needing 0
release nervous energy.
4 This is what led to the conclusion that fidgeting has its uses too-since it helps get
rid of stress that could sometimes lead to headaches, muscle pain or even ulcers.
Fidgeting is also believed to fight the flab. Addup all those little movements made by
fidgeters during their waking hours and they burn up as much energy as a jog, the
report said.
5 While British doctors may feel that fidgeting is an expression of anxious behaviour,
doctors here do not necessaily agree.
6 Meanwhile a former assistant professor in Los Angeles opines that fidgeting is a sign
of "some underlying tension which is causing anxiety". While one cannot make
generalised statements, some experts feel that pencil-suckers yearn for
babyhood, teeth-grinders and fist clenchers seem to be holding back their
aggression, foot tappers wish to be on the move and people who scratch may
wish to injure themselves.
7 Aleading psychiatrist gives a positive side to the anxiety angle. AcCcording to him,
"a bit of anxiety is not harmful since it induces one to do better. It often brinas out
the best in peoplewhile meeting deadlines, submiting reports or at interviews
and examinations." He gives the example of tennis players who play with
Page 1 of 12
vii s
V0 ii
geting? How State oWhat severe
tanywstressful lindividuals?
unchallenging(d) (C) (b) Select
(a) FidgetingStatefidget
According The Answer
(d) (c) (b) (a)Choose 11. U.
isnot a a
does are TRUE sign habit
normal childish Solution.
the on Dr
once Clwithout
playing about
lCKmeantime, unacceptable.
COuid individuals,
While fidgeters
often PeOpies0Giel twitchingthe of
a the th annoyingneiuing
voisidered inessmignt
e James
antonym your can pleasant of ofdefinitely
British to following soldwhile ual
or exasperation
and fidgeting
habit most being those
FALSE the pnobia,
Who problem. endsaffect
commonalities "Anything pieces others WIth
understanding waiting " others, but, this,
doctors for habit a author, doessight appropriate inquestions be other
keepaunablefidgeting he up
noticing. coin then
good. performance.
in besides,
adds. anxiety",
the carried good and grown a beneficial," ofsuggesting another eye.fidgeting I1
what and grown a that polished
a to problems,
in to could
and word neurologist combat are treat "It
a your tackle what
noticed distraction
amusement statement up based wil In of may but
'gruelling', forward were Greece, themselves course. psvchiatrist be
of up hestop stone pocket the
fidgeting deliberately.
f person remedies because. it be
something Often,warns
the the on
says. fidgeting, and find it
2 among the of person innocuous
to London, anxiety, he
text, from findings designed many or get
doctors in completeis
passage speed glove, perturbed hard really insists
para one's while more
or "the "mainly
as savs,
various how taxi-drivers accordinaly-- when
tricks person kick to It. harmless
childhood of hopesof orfidgety reveals a
differ of does above.
the modern
forsome infact, unless that person
British by to the
kinds the gently wearing to
sentence. for get could the
storescarry in the habit, sends fidgeting is it distract fidgets
in text.fidgeting
stroking the habit, a
of days. doctors lifemore a out la ck is suffering
their a get as the
fidgeters? for worry-beads process." harming
in ring of non-verbal of shaking in his turn
view lasting London's hypertenseefforts when
fidgeting even nervous
using even with which confidence no
help companion trom to
of half and the EXperis, in the way of
a you Conromtig! restiessness,
thumb. Westwhich habits, messages
Or the
practical or SOGIallyts fidgetershould neurological
minute can woried anxio0s and hand trom
2 2 2 n
End they ruo liKe uie even
to or be orhis it
2. iX

opportunities. have greater items (d) (C) (b) (a) The (d) (c) (b) Buyers. (a) Given
Depending of life, machinescommercial (iü)
processing() final
value are in
Food th
potential e and third India,
employment which
income significantly.
has and onlyIndia Read
the expert
An DrthStroking Playing
e Clicking the
raw shelled othermanufactured key grocery
in with shifted has has been less the
is isAssistant JamesGreek
person habitbelow
to has
commodity and
form orthrust production cereals for.become followinga
value-added undergo of made value set thanmajor on
and or (Government
under about th e profitable, to who
polished onthe with with are
secondary on FPI
market the from fidgeting driver
money the areas opportunities, farming increase 10 Buyers, worry
eready (Government in vast Analysis addition, producer Professor visualizes
processes, two is 11.2
of potential attaining largely per text.
spced coin a sOmea
to a Ministry
defined promoting
type change under in progress stonesbeads
one for sub-categories,
and cent and a of in ways
processing. processes but
the milk, per population.
but of in
London one'
that and of th e world pulses cent the India in
knows life ssolution.
gains the transforming
of as to corporate lower of of
whereby inclusive self-sufficiency
improve several Los newer awith like for by
Page isextent transforming 'M ake of of add overtime value that pocket
fit transformed
Food (Law,India, and in neurologist Greek
one's cven which
3 for significantwhere 2019). total Food wastages the is Angeles how
ofPrimary in way Select
12 a viz.,
Processing et
jute, exportsvalueagriculture. in addition agricultural/food data processed.
coming to taxi half
nsumption. ofetc. process the India'
growth, 2010). arable processing in thumb
of people
value the Based one al., second to providing control a
value original agricultural to shows controlling drivers minute the
prOcessing product product food 2019). land years
Programme. it
It farm
and generating component and practical who
has is in Accordingly, it
involving Industries on item in that Demand
It physical physical Recognizing been
alsofruitsstrengthen industry
output, food providing fidget
does the alternative fidgeting
involves is into
products food items
relates to the world,
and security solution can
lik e edible
employees, another identified needs for
is not properties categorizes
properties sixth create (FPI)higher
categorizedincreased vegetables the processing opportunities for in rid
steps undergo in to the is the processed the is
and largest fo r employmentto given
by ranked isandpolicy
such food immense as alternate
domestic one its
increase world
has of adding
of one stable people by
shelf any
the food the that food and first area focus firms food
as as a of but Dr

drying. threshing. cleaning. grading. sorting. packing. etc. Secondary
processing involves croation of value added products like bread, wine,
sausages, etc.
The importance of processed food items in the consumer basket has
incteased globally over time. With higher income, urtbanisation, demographic
shifts, inproved transportation and changed consumer perceptions regarding
quality and safety, food consumption patterns have changed over the years.
Further, advertising through mass media/social media is also found to have
resulted in a higher demand-led Food Processing Industry (FPI) growth in
Others 13
Cocoa, Neat a1u Meat
Chocolalc etc 6 Products 16

Suuar 3,
Products 4 Fich and Fish
Proiucts 12
Feed 3
S'arches 2
Fruit p
Grain MiI
Products 5
Dairy Vegetable and Anim£l
Preducts 10
Olls and Fats 14
Pattern of Processed Food Trade

The share of processed food in world espcially Indian exports in value terms
has remained stable over the years. In 2018, it accounted for 6.5 per cent of
total world processed exports and 5.7 per cent of total world exports.
With the increasing importance of processed food in consumers' food basket,
qualitystandards have also emerged as an important factor with new
regulations. The food system is being regulated through a mix of private-public
standards which provide the basis of competitive strategies while also proving
to be entry barriers. The implementation of quality standards has been an
issue of contention between developed and developing countries.
On the basis of the understanding of the passage, answer the following
i What does the given passage highlight? 1
a) The system of import and export.
b) The growing demand of processed food.
c) The foodcapacity of India.
d) The share of lndian exports in food market.
Which type of opportunities does the processed foods provide for? 2
ii According to the passage, India has become self-reliant because of
(a) agriculture.
l(b) stable income.
(c) employment opportunities.
(d) import business.
iv Which industry adds to the growth of the country?
(a) Import-export
(b) FPI
(c) Agriculture
(d) Chocolate food industry

Page 4 of12
y India is ranked first inthe production of 1
(a) milk,jute and pulses.
(b) fruits and vegetables.
(C) cereals.
(d) chocolate.
vi What is involved in the manufactured processing of food? 2

vi Drying, threshing, and grading are a part of

(a) tertiary processing.
(b) primary processing.
(c) secondary processing.
(d) value added processing.
viii The passage states that the growth in the FPI can be credited to 1
a) globalisation.
(b) urbanisation.
(c) higher incomes.
(d) advertising
Note:All details presented in the questions are imaginary and created for
assessment purposes
Attempt ANY ONE of two in about 50 words. 4
A Dev Public School will be conducting an online course on cyber safety for
students of Class XI and XIl. In this course, students will learn about cyber
security basics like: terminology, roles, and concepts such as encryption,
cryptography, and a variety of tactics used by cyber attackers. As Rutwik
Sen, Computer Club WC, draft a notice in about 50 words for the school
notice board, urging students to sign up. Mention any other relevant details
required for the notice like duration, last date for registration etc.
B The Young Divas wing of your society, Eco Tech World, Sector13, Chandigarh,
will be holding free Zumba classes on Sunday mornings, in the commonabout
You are Rani Kumari, the Secretary of the association, draft a notice in
50 words informing the young residents. Mention any other relevant
required for the notice.
4 Attempt ANY ONE of two in about 50words.
A You are amember of the Cultural Society at
Abhyas High School. Your school is
organizing acultural programme aimed at spreading awareness about 'Save
Earth'. The programme will have dance and song perfomances, poetry
recitation, and art exhibitions by the students throughout the day, in the school
auditorium. In about 50 words, create an invitation for parents and school
teachers to attend. Mention the relevant details required for an invitation.
friend's brother's
B You and your parents have received an invitation for your
wedding to be held in Chennai on 6th and 7th November. All of you would be
delighted to attend. Draft a reply to your friend accepting the invite and sharing
your excitement while congratulating him. 5
5 Attempt ANY ONE of two in about 120-150 words.

Page 5 of 12
came across thel
A You are Shila George, a graduate of Christ University. You
letter to Amity
following advertisement that you would Iike to apply for. Write a
Education Group, expressing your interest in the position (any one) along with
your bio data.


nvites aoptcctons o
Torits YOuth NewspaperThe Glabal iaes
The Globo! iomos is a registered Campus Youth Nowspaper ofsheAmity
Education GroUp with i00,000 sfudents, 5 universities, 150 institions
and 8 global carnpuses. li's a weekly newspgper witt o tirculolior oi
40,000copies and is prepared by the children, for te childrer..
part of its he Gioba! Times requires on Editorio!
The job responsibilities indude co-ordinofing
with the team on cditing/writirig/page desigring ond pronoting the
newspoperthrovg various events/activities.
The ideal canidate shovid have ars English ionours degrce or a
Giplonmafdegrëe in Journoism wiit 2-5 years of experience.
B In our' society we do not give to our women the respect and status that they
deserve. Women are stared at, stalked and even molested. We need to
change the male mindset about women. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the
editor of a national newspaper giving your views on the problem. You are
Omar/Amna, A-114, Mall Road, Delhi.
6 Attempt ANY ONE of two in about 120-150 words. 5

A You are Sneha Patil of Class XII. You have seen the following data in
the magazine you came across and you felt the need to create
awareness on the topic among the future citizens. Write an article for
your school magazine on the The need and ways to prevent child labour. Use
the given cues along with your own ideas to compose this article.
Children below the age of 14 engaged in various types of work in homes,
hotels. garages and factories.
Millions of children work as child labourers
They are paid less wages
Laws are not sSo strict
Work in dingy cells without proper oxygen
Laws should be strictly enforced
Child Welfare Club,
B You are Sandhya/Sohan an active member of the
and poverty- stricken
Indore, which works for the welfare of deprived education and health
children, by providing them opportunities to get You were pleasantly
facilities. Recently you visited Child Care Home.
children. Write a report in
Surprised to see the good care provided to the
120-150 words on your visit.
Page 6 of 12
Youmay use the following points: SET B
deprived and poverty- stricken children- abandoned
teaching- providing skill-based education- all very wellchildren-
equipped medical room - health check-up-- donations - books, clothes, -toyswellby
various NGOs
TEXT (40marks)
7 Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two 6
For once on the face of the Earth
let's not speak in any language,
let's stop for one second,
and not move our arms so much.
It would be an exotic moment
without rush, without engines,
we would all be together
in asudden strangeness. (Keeping Quiet)
i) The poet uses the word "let's" to 1
a) initiate aconversation between the poet and the readers.
b)invite readers as part of the poem'slarger call to humanity.
c) welcome readers into the world of the poem and its subject.
d) address readers as fellow membersof the human race.
Complete the given sentence appropriately. 1
Based on the extract, silence would help humanity to
What does the speaker mean when he describes people as 'single-minded'?
a) People who only work towards understanding themselves.
b) People whoare driven by only one passion in their life.
c) People who only focus on their own progress.
d) People who can focus on only one task at atime.
0v Margaret Atwood said, "Language divides us into fragments, Iwanted to be 1
Choose the option that correctly comments on the relationship between
Margret Atwood's words and the line from the above extract"let's not speak
jin any language".
a)Atwood endorses Neruda's call not to speak in any language.
b)Atwood justifies Neruda's request not to engage in any speaking.
c) Atwood undermines Neruda's intent to stop and not speak in any
d) Atwood surrenders to Neruda's desire for silence and not speak in any
V Why do youthink the poet employs words like "exotic" and "Strangeness"?
a) To highlight the importance of everyone being together suddenly for once.
b) To emphasize the frenetic activity and chaos that usually envelopes
human life.
rush orwithout
c) Toindicate the unfamiliarity of asudden momentwithout
engine. would all be together in
d) To direct us towards keeping quiet and how we
that silence
Page 7 of 12
given in column A with
VI Choose the option that correctly matches the idioms
their meanings in Column B.

Column A ColumnB
1. On the face of the earth i) in existence
2. What on earth i) to do all possible toaccomplish
3. Move heaven and earth i)To express surprise or
4. The sall of the earth iv) To be good and worthy
a) 1- (): 2- (iv); 3-(i); 4-(ii)
b) 1 - (i); 2- (ii); 3- (i); 4- (iv)
c) 1- (ii); 2-(0); 3-(iv); 4- (i)
d) 1- (iv); 2- (o); 3- (i); 4 - (i)
B Driving from my parent's home to Cochin last Friday morning,
sawmy mother,
beside me, doze, open mouthed,
her face ashen like that of a corpse and realized with pain
that she was as old as she looked but soon
put that thought away...and
looked out at Young
Trees sprinting, the merry children spilling
out of their homes,
Whydoes the poet compare her mother's face toa corpse? Answer in one 1
What effect does the phrase 'open mouthed' have on the poem? 1

a) It builds a mood of surprise and shock in the poem.

b) It reveals the speaker's fear of her own death and mortality.
c) It adds to the imagery of the speaker's mother appearing dead.
d) It highlights the speaker's attempt at hiding her emotions fronm her mother.
ii Complete the givensentence appropriately.
The contrast present in the given extract is between,
iv Choosethe option that applies correctly to the two statements given below.
Assertion: The poet wards off the thought of her mother getting old quickly.
Reason: The poet didn't want to confront the inevitabilityof fate that was to dawn
upon her mother.
la) Assertion can be inferred but the Reason cannot be inferred.
b)Assertion cannot be inferred but the Reason can be inferred.
lc) Both Assertion and Reason can be inferred.
d) Both Assertion and Reason cannot be inferred.
Which of these phrases uses the same poetic device as the following line from the 1

Looked out at Young Trees sprinting..
a) That restaurant is as nice as the Big Fish
b) the pen became my highway to success
Page &
of 12
C) that fluffy cloud crying with SET B
d) the tall trees with many sadness
Where is the poet travelling to?
Readthe given extracts and answer the 1
AIThe mists screened them now questions for ANY ONE given. 4
hy. The fishermen had gone home completely, and at this time of day no one came
and even the chance
Ihave considered the day at an end. "What shall beachcombers would
we do with this man?" Sadao
muttered. But his trained hands seemed of their own will to be doing
could to stanch the fearful bleeding. He packed the wound what they
that strewed the beach. The man moaned with pain in his with the sea moss
stupor but he did not
awaken. "The best thing that we could do would be to put him back in the sea,
Sadao said, answering himself.
i What does the speaker mean by The mists screened them'? 1
a) Mist had exhibited them
b) Mist had revealed them
c) Mist had exposed them
d) Mist had hidden them
Who is a beachcomber?
a) Avagrant living on beach
b) Aperson walks along a beach looking for valuables
c) A wanderer searching for things on the beach
d) All of these
iii What does the word 'Strewed' mean?
a) spread out
b) protected
c). Uncovered
d) Unavailable
iv Why did they want to throw the man back into the sea?

B. Then | looked around and saw that everyone in

the station was dressed likel
sideburns and
eighteen ninety-something; I never saw. so many beards, wore a
Imoustaches in my life. A woman walked in through the train gate; she shoes.
dress with leg-of-mutton sleeves and skirts to the top of her smal
Back of her, out on the racks, Icaught a glimpse of a locomotive, a very To makel
Currier & lves locomotive with afunnel-shaped stack. And then | knew. feet. It
sure, Iwalked over to a newsboy and glanced at the stack of papers at lead story
was The World; and The World hasn't been published for years. The since, in
said something about President Cleveland. I've found that front page
the Public Library files, and it was printed June 11, 1894.
Where did Charley find himself?
a) InGalesburg, a peaceful world
b) At New Haven and Hartford railroads
c) At New York Central
d) At the Third Level of Grand Central Station
the second level?
How was Charley sure that he was in another level, not in
a) He noticed differences in the dress of the people there
b) He saw an old-fashioned engine
Page 9 of 12
c) He found everything in the station like of SET B
d) All of the above eighteen-ninety- something
How did Charley make sure that he had gone to
a) He went to Public Library to confirm his the time of 1894?
b) He noticed the date on the time travel
c) He confirmed it by Newspaper, The World
d) Both A
askinga newsboy
What is a locomotive?correct.
a) An 1
old-fashioned train
b) A Ticket Counter
c) Anengine that pulls the
d) All of the above train
9 Read the given
A. Poor man! It was in
extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the
honour of this last lesson that he had put two given. 6
Sunday clothes, and now I understood on his fine
why the old men of the village were
sitting there in the back of the room. It was
they had not gone to school more. It because they were sorry, too, that
his forty years of faithful service and was their way of thanking our master for
that was theirs no more. While of showing their respect for the cOuntry
was thinking of all this, Iheard my name
would Inot have given to be able to say that called. It was my turn to recite. What
through, very loud and clear, and without one dreadful ruleButforI the participle all
the first words and stood there, mistake? got mixed up on
notdaring to look up. holding on to my desk, my heart beating,and
Whydoes the narrator refer to M. Hamel as
a) He empathizes with M. Hamel as he had to
'Poor man!"? 1

b) He believes that M. Hamel's "fine Sunday leave the village.

was not rich. clothes" clearly reflected that he
c) He feels sorry for M. Hamel as it was his last
d) He thinks that.M. Hamel'spatriotism and sense of lesson
duty resulted in his
Which of the following idioms might describe the villagers' act of attending 1
ii the last lesson most accurately?
a) Too good to miss'
b) 'Too little, too late'
c) "Too many cooks spoil the broth'
d) Too cool for school'
Choose the antonym of 'dreadful'.
a) fearful
b) delightful
c) awful
d) frightful
iV Select the suitable word from the extract to complete the following 1

Respect: country:: Honour:
Based on the above extract, choose the correct statement that is TRUE for
M. Hamel's viewpoint.
(a) Those who know nothing of foreign language, know nothing of their

Page 10 of 12
(b) Their own SET B
learnt by them.language is most beautiful, clearest, and logical and it is not
(C) A poor man is like a
most beautiful languageforeigner in his own country. Only
one would ever know. French is the
(d) German was a
vi beautitul language.
Complete the sentence with an appropriate
The old men of the village explanation, as per the extracl.
were sitting there in the back of the room
It was a big and confusing forest which he
Sure, to walk in a definite direction, but the paths gotten into. He tried, to bel
Strangely! He walked and walked without coming to twisted
the end
back and forth so
inally he realized that he had only been walking around in the of the wood, and
torest. All at once he recalled his thouahts about the world and same part of the
his own turn had come. He had let himself be fooled by a the rattrap. Now
bait and had been
caught. The whole forest, with its trunks and branches, its thickets and
0gs, closed in upon him like an impenetrable prison from which he talen
could never
How would you characterize the mood of the above extract? 1
(a) mysterious, restful
(b)ominous, despairing
(c) thoughtful,whimsical
(d) philosophical, anguished
ii By what bait had the peddler been fooled?
(a) He had chosen to take the 'safe' forest route
(b) He had decided to avoid the public highway
(c) He hadstolen money from the trusting crofter
(d) He didn't realize the power of his rattrap analogy.
iii The consequence of his own turn having come was that the peddler had 1
(a) got irreversibly lost in the thick forest
(b) been fooled and imprisoned in a hopeless prison
(C) been walking around the same part of the forest
(d) walked the whole forest without finding the end.
iv What did he recall all at once? 1
V Which figure of speech has been used in the last line?
vi Find a word in the extract which is opposite to 'passable'.
10 Answer ANY FIVE of the following six questions in about 40-50 words 1
Why did Asokamitran pray for crowd shooting all the time? (Poets and Pancakes)
"Gandhij's loyalty was not a loyalty to abstractions; it was a loyalty to living
human beings." Give any two examples based on the life of the villagers of
Champaran to prove this statement.
The rattrap seller had philosophical insights, yet failed to resist
temptations. How can we confirm it?
ivExplain the concept of 'Interstices' in our lives, as given by Umberto Eco?
How were the parents and M.Hamel responsible for the children's neglect for
the French language?
Vi How are Aunt Jennifer's tigers different from her?
Page 11 of 12
questions, in about 40-50 words. 2x2=4
11 Answer ANY TWO of the following three
time for all tigers inhabiting
I "From that day onwards, it was celebration statement.
Pratibandapuram". Bring out the irony in this
enhanced in the 'Students on lce
How would astudent's leaning experience beclassroom? Analyse any one point.
Programme as compared to studying only in a
try to convince him
Were not the same",says Derry., How does Mr Lamb
that there is no essential difference between them?
12 Answer ANY ONE of the following two guestions in about 120-150words.
quickest and
A "Do the thing you fear to do and keep on doing it..that is the
surest way ever yet discovered to conquer fear
The lessons Indigo' and 'Deep Water' talk about the need to fight and
challenge your fear. Imagine yourself to be the school counsellor and write a
Speech to present in school addressing the students. (Remember to include
the facts/examples based on the lessons mentioned.)
You may beginthe speech like:
Greetings to all.
Iwant to discuss conquering fear with you today.
At some point in our lives, we have all felt fear. and it's normal to feel terrified
or apprehensive in particular circumstances. But fear can also keep us from
reaching our objectives and leading the life we want to. Howcan we conquer
our fear and use it for good instead...
B Athing of beauty is a joy forever.' This is what John Keats saysin the
poem. Do you think in the present times of acute stress and violence,
proximity to beautiful things can lead man to everlasting happiness?
13 Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 120-150 words. 5
A Giving or taking bribe is an evil practice. How did the Tiger king bribe British
officer to save his kingdom? How do you view this act of him? Do you find
leaders politicians in the world today being indifferent to the needs of the
people andbehaving in the same way? Comment with relevant examples.
BBama's experience is that of avictim of the caste system. What kindof
discrimination does Zitkala-Sa's experience depict? What are their responses to
their respective situations?

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