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1. It was very cold, that’s why we didn’t have a party in the garden.

If it …

2. Unless you hand in all your exercises you will have a negative mark.

If you …

3. I missed my dental appointment because you didn’t remind me.

If you …

4. He was using old tyres, that’s why he had an accident.

If he …

5. If you don’t advertise your product, nobody will know it.

Unless …

6. When I arrived the train had left, so I couldn’t say goodbye to them.

If I …

7. I didn’t help Sheila because she didn’t ask me.

If Sheila …

8. If he continues driving so fast he will be fined.

Unless …

9. I don’t know what time it is because I haven’t got a watch.

If I …

10. You got wet because you didn’t take an umbrella.

If you …

11. You don’t feel well because you didn’t do the right thing (and you know it).

If you …

12. I like that television but I can’t buy it because it is very expensive.

If ...

13. Dylan was not here at that time, so he didn’t meet the new counselor.

If Dylan …

14. If we are not careful with the resources, the earth will suffer the consequences in a short time.
Unless …

15. Gerry is really helpful, so everybody is delighted to work with him.

If …

16. She wasn’t wearing warm enough clothes, that’s why she caught a cold.

If she …

17. Jake was so distrustful that he didn’t mix with anybody.

If Jake …

18. Don’t go out in the rain because you’ll get wet.

If you…

19. I can’t meet my girlfriend because I have to study.

If I ...

20. I feel miserable because Kate doesn’t love me.

If Kate…

21. I won’t enjoy the film if you aren’t with me.

Unless you…

22. I won’t go to the party because I’m not feeling well.

23. We didn't see The Two Towers because the cinema was closed.

24. She doesn't understand because you haven't explained the situation to her.

25. You won't get a promotion if your work doesn't improve.

26. I never eat octopus because I get sick.

27. We didn't pick you up at the station because you didn't phone us.

28. The government won't win the elections unless they create employment.

29. I'll buy I new computer provided that I get a rise in salary.

30. She wanted to buy that picture, but she didn't have enough money.

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