FINAL-Journal Revenue Enhancement Activities of The Barangays in The City of Tanauan

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Revenue Enhancement Activities of the Barangays in the City of

Jonathan M. Montealto, Amery Joyce G. Fajilan, Roneth P. Peolino, Karel Angela M. Tañamor,
and Mrs. Ana M. Sacayanan
Batangas State University, the National Engineering University JPLPC-Malvar;;;;


One optimal objective of the Local Government Unit’s public officials is to empower community
benefits. Thus, the public government should have initiatives to be able to fulfill the goals to give benefits the
community. To ascertain if it impacts the LGU’s ability to give a suitable course of action to its jurisdiction, the
competencies of the public officials must be uncovered. This quantitative and descriptive study concentrated on
the 48 Barangay Chairmen’s age, sex, highest educational attainment, and years in service and on the factors that
may influence the competency of their revenue enhancement activities in the City of Tanauan, Batangas. This was
anchored on the six (6) components of PESTEL Framework namely political, economic, social, technology,
environment and legal. After the statistical analysis, the study revealed that barangays are influenced and
challenged to provide revenue enhancement activities, which is rooted from the barriers between the
technological, environmental, and legal factors. Meanwhile, the respondents’ profile yielded no significance as
the assessed influence and competencies were specific to external factors under PESTEL rather than the impact
on the respondents themselves, implying that additional research from different perspective is recommended. This
research pursuit introduces a belief that influence, and challenges are always present when attempting to achieve
the core purpose of public service, which shows the importance of widespread participation and understanding by
member of the community and those in positions of power which requires specific skills and knowledge. Hence,
capacity building and training is the proposed course of action.

Keywords: Economic Factors, Environmental Factors, Legal Factors, Political Factors, Revenue Enhancement,
Social Factors, Technological Factors

1. INTRODUCTON ties that would drive revenue enhancement

might be hampered by a number of significant
Revenue is often associated with generating variables.
money, which is normally produced from normal
business operations. It is typically understood to be The unlimited wants of the local government
the sales resulting from the exchange of goods or units to receive funding from the national
services for cash. It can be acquired anytime if it government could not always be satisfied since
follows the flow of generating income, such as in the the resources are scarce, limited, or allotted to
public sector, where revenues are understood in the much more important activities; as such, they
form of any monetary inflows into the local need to produce their own by other means.
government's treasury that are made to cover Diokno-Sicat et al. (2020) implied that managing
government expenses. Local governments usually local assets can increase LGU revenues without
receive funding from inter-governmental revenue, increasing taxes, where improved asset
property taxes, utility revenues, sales taxes, loans, management is important as both a potential
and other sources. Exploring the bottom line, in source of revenue and a means of financing
barangays, generating income is essential to meeting expenditures for development projects. In
the community's basic needs; hence, they typically relation to this, revenue enhancement allows for
accomplish this by levying taxes on businesses the determination of several aspects that impact
operating within their boundaries. the competencies of local government unit
officials in order to achieve progressive
Mikesell (2021) defined public revenue as the outcomes in planned operations. Hence, given
cash that the government collects from various the vague considerations of this matter, it is
sources, such as taxes, fees, and charges, and which always susceptible to the critical and strategic
is used to pay public expenditures. When it comes to
management of officials towards their local
producing income, the capacity to pay concept is at assets to make use of the general purpose of
the core of government policy; therefore, a
revenue enhancement to assist future project.
barangay's ability to ensure that it carries out activi-
Moreover, LGU public officials were given the officials, which narrowly the numerical data can
more challenging task of developing and possibly justify by means of pragmatic
implementing revenue-generating initiatives. interpretation.
According to Section 7(a) of Republic Act No. 7160
or known as the Local Government Code of 1991, Respondents of the Study
an income must be enough to provide for all required The respondents of the study are the barangay
government facilities and services, as well as chairmen of the City of Tanauan. The study
specific functions corresponding with the size of the participants are 48 barangay chairmen as the
population. Understanding the concept will civilize researchers anticipated that they would provide
a competent strategic action by means of application pertinent data for the study. This was limited to non-
of streamlined principles to the problem. Moreover, barangay captains, financial officers, non-financial
Section 305 (c) of the same Act provided that local officers, barangay secretaries, and non-barangay
money is generated only from sources specifically secretaries since the topic is very specific to its
permitted by law or ordinance, and its collection target respondents.
must always be duly recognized.
Sampling Design
In this light, the LGU bridges the fiscal gap
The researchers targeted responses from the total
between their capacity to raise revenue and several
population of 48 Barangay Chairmen in Tanauan
factors that might affect their ability to fulfill their
City, Batangas. Thus, no sampling design was
objectives. According to research produced by the
Philippine Institute for Development Studies, which
was laid out by Ordinario (2020), local government
Data Gathering Instrument
units (LGUs) can leverage their assets to generate
The researchers used a researcher-made survey
additional cash for various public services. The
questionnaire, which consisted of two (2) parts, to
competencies of LGUs are classified not solely
gather the information that supports the objective of
based on their nature but also by the public officials
the topic. The first part of the questionnaire dealt
who govern the community with their decisions on
with the demographic profile of the respondents,
implementation and strategic action towards their
namely age, sex, highest educational attainment,
proposed projects. Prior to the internal and external
and length of service.
elements of the LGU structure, it should be suitable
Additionally, the second part comprised
to detect any issues and concerns in connection with
statements that focused on the assessment of
the barrier that hinders their competencies to raise
Barangay Chairmen on factors under the PESTEL
revenue. In this study, the researchers will assess the
framework that may influence them and/or the LGU
competencies of Local Government Units
in its revenue enhancement activities. PESTEL is an
specifically the barangay chairmen to understand
acronym for political, economic, social, technology,
their diverse strategy for raising revenue amidst
environmental, and legal factors. Also, in the
several factors that influence their course of action
second part, respondents were asked to rate each
in conformance its beneficial interest to the
community on top of breakthrough and or crisis. item using four (4)-point Likert rating scale. Each
variable has six (5) statements which the
respondents may respond to depending on the
2. METHODOLOGY frequency of their actions. The researchers used the
following mode and interpretation to show the
equivalence of each item.
Research Design
The researchers used quantitative and descriptive
Responses Mean Verbal
methods as the study required various perspectives
Ranges Interpretation
and accurate information from the respondents,
4 3.50 – 4.00 Strongly
which such methods could only support. Hence, the
researchers collected the data through a survey
questionnaire, in which responses were subjected to
3 2.50 – 3.49 Agree/Influential
description and firm interpretation. Using the
2 1.50 – 2.49 Strongly
Analysis of Variance, the pulse of the local
government unit officials was measured following
the requirements that this study had set. Since the
1 1.00 – 1.49 Disagree/Not
goal of this research is to understand and know
seriously the competencies of local government units
Meanwhile, the researchers assured that the data
in raising revenue guided by the factors that they may
they have collected were treated with utmost
encounter every time, the researchers believed that
confidentiality pursuant to the Republic Act 10173
this method would be effective and efficient to
also known as the Data Privacy Act.
collate the pulse of different local government unit
Data Gathering Procedure -ion.
To uncover the topic competently, the researchers Frequency and Percentage. These were used to
conducted in-depth research by reading books, present the demographic profile of the respondents
journals, cases, and related studies on the factors that in terms of age, sex, highest educational attainment,
may influence the competency of the LGU to raise and length of service.
revenue, which led them to discover the concept of Mean and Composite Mean. These were used to
six (6) factors under the PESTEL framework. The interpret the assessment of the Barangay Chairmen
researchers conceptualized their research questions on the influence of the factors included in the
by outlining the possible significance that this study PESTEL framework on their competencies to raise
may have and generating the objectives that may revenue.
serve as the backbone of this research pursuit. Brown Forsythe Test. This was used to
Subsequently, the researchers made a preliminary determine if there is a significant difference
draft of the survey questions and handed them over between the Barangay Chairmen’s assessment on
to their thesis adviser for corrections and the factors that influence revenue enhancement
suggestions. The questions focused on the when grouped according to profile variables except
assessment of factors that may influence the sex.
competency of local government unit officials in the Mann Whitney U Test. This was used to
City of Tanauan on revenue enhancement and determine if there is a significant difference in the
highlighted how government officials competently respondents’ assessment on the factors that
recognize and acknowledge the value of raising influence revenue enhancement when grouped
revenue. according to profile variables sex.
Furthermore, with the guidance of the adviser and
the panel of examiners, the validated questionnaire Ethical Considerations
was then tested for reliability. The pre-survey, which For ethical purposes, the researchers asked the
was conducted face-to-face with 15 barangay respondents for support and time to participate in
chairmen at the City of Sto. Tomas, Batangas, from the survey. A short overview of the goals of data
the 2nd to 9th days of August 2023. The retrieved collection was performed as part of the academic
data from the pre-survey was then tabulated and requirements. The researchers also assured them
forwarded to the thesis statistician. After the testing, that their participation was voluntary and that they
the Cronbach Alpha was computed at 0.84 with a had the right to withdraw from any successful data
reliability level of "good," which implies that the collection at any point under pressure or fear of
research instrument was reliable. Moreover, upon reprisal. All details and views from the respondents
knowing the reliability of the instrument, the were anonymous. No documents from the survey
researchers proceeded with the actual survey. showed the names of the respondents or their
Additionally, the researchers sought the approval establishments. The 2012 Data Privacy Act was
and consent of the city mayor in the distribution of respected accordingly to protect privacy. Data
the validated, tested, and reliable survey processing was handled confidentially. The
questionnaire to the 48 barangay chairmen in researchers secured the full consent of the
Tanauan City, Batangas. Considering the participants.
geographical area of Tanauan City, the time
allocation and availability of the barangay chairmen, 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
and the researchers’ internship, they strategically This chapter covers the presentation of the data
divided the 48 barangays into four (4). This is to have gathered through the survey, the analysis of every
a fast pace of distributing the research questionnaire consolidated finding, and the interpretation of the
while lowering the cost of transportation used, thus indicated results.
decreasing expenditures. 1. Profile of the Respondents
The researcher only distributes the research The succeeding tables present the demographic
questionnaire every Monday and Friday, as there is profile of the Barangay Chairmen in Tanauan City,
free time available. The actual survey lasted from Batangas. These specifically provide the age, sex,
August 26 until October 23, 2023. After the retrieval, highest educational attainment, and length of
the results were then tallied, tabulated, and service of the respondents.
forwarded to the thesis statistician. This is to
determine, analyze, and interpret the results. 1.1 Age. Table 4.1.1 presents the profile of the
respondents in terms of their age. This was
Statistical Treatment of Data determined and interpreted using frequency and
In analyzing the survey results, frequency and percentage.
percentage, weighted mean, Brown Forsythe test, Based on the table below, majority of the
and Mann-Whitney U test were used as the study’s respondents fall in the age bracket of 42 – 57, which
statistical instruments. This was utilized to generate has a frequency of 20 and a percentage of 42.
the accurate results necessary for detailed interpretat-
Table 4.1.1 In a 2017 study on gender equality in local
Distribution of Respondents in terms of Age government, Belgrade conducted a thorough
Age Frequency Percentage analysis of the factors underlying the disparities in
26 – 41 06 012 the representation of two sexual orientations in the
42 – 57 20 042 public sector. According to his research, women
58 – 67 15 031 only make up 14% of the population in 29
68 Above 07 015 municipalities. This is because, during election
Total 48 100 seasons, the majority of applicants are men, a
It was followed by the age bracket of 58 – 67, phenomenon that may be outside the purview of the
which has a frequency of 15 or a percentage of 31. local election committee. On the other hand,
Meanwhile, ages 68 and above garnered a frequency considering decision-making and the degree of
of seven (7) or a percentage of 15 and ages between authority held by both genders. Additionally, he
26 – 41 had a percentage of 12 with a frequency of discovered that control over a particular decision is
six (6). inevitably disproportionate because men are more
Results revealed that most of the barangay likely to hold higher positions.
chairmen in Tanauan City, Batangas, had already 1.3. Highest Educational Attainment. The highest
acquired not only the knowledge but also the educational attainment of the 48 Barangay
experience of leading certain groups of people. Chairmen in Tanauan City, Batangas was
Analysis may be linked to the idea that as one ages, determined. Data gathered were interpreted using
he or she will be able to face various life challenges, frequency and percentage as presented in Table
which may teach them lessons. Additionally, as 4.1.3.
observed, mostly people who run for office are those Table 4.1.3
at the age where they already have family or have Distribution of Respondents in terms of Highest
enjoyed a certain career in their life. Educational Attainment
Additionally, C. Cruz et al. (2017) state in their Highest Frequency Percentage
research that the reason why most of the elected Educational
officials are of middle age is that older citizens or Attainment
citizens that have been living a long time in the Elementary 02 004
community tend to be more interested in local Graduate 09 019
politics and thus more likely to vote for the same age High School 06 012
group of specific candidates. Graduate 31 065
1.2 Sex. The profile of the Barangay Chairmen in Graduate
terms of sex was determined. Table 4.1.2 presents College Graduate
the data collected using frequency and percentage. Total 48 100
Table 4.1.2 As can be gleaned from the table above, 31 or 65
Distribution of Respondents in terms of Sex percent of the respondents are college graduates.
Sex Frequency Percentage This was followed by those who are high school
Male 40 083 graduates, with a frequency of nine (9) and a
Female 08 017 percentage of 19. Moreover, six (6) or 12 percent of
Total 48 100 the barangay chairmen are vocational graduates,
while two (2) or four (4) percent are elementary
As gleaned from Table 4.1.2, 40, or 83 percent, graduates.
of the respondents were male, while the remaining Given that most barangay chairmen in Tanauan
eight (8), or 17 percent, were female. The data may City, Batangas, have college degrees, it can be
be linked to the observation that even during the assumed that they have a greater understanding of
election process, men and women are the planning, implementation, and assessment of the
disproportionally represented. It does not seem to projects of the local government units. These data
necessarily be anti-sexual prejudice since could have a positive effect on the community
orientation is still prevalent, but perhaps as a result because the barangay chairmen have received
of men and women's choices to run for a position, extensive training, leading to more effective
that varies. Furthermore, it may be inferred from the management techniques that will eventually benefit
facts above that men are more likely than women to the community. Therefore, educational attainment
be interested in entering politics because it could be is one important factor before entering politics, as it
presumed that men have what it takes to lead a will give an elected official an edge in the extensive
particular group of people. This may also be service they can provide.
affirmed by the notions of many that men were more To support the claim, Ignacio (2019) mentioned that
adept at handling complicated responsibilities. educational attainment has been acknowledged and
plays the most critical role in every decisive
moment. He further communicated that the compet-
-ency assessment is still observable externally, as Findings of the study may be linked to the
are the qualifications of those who are elected. This several postponements of local government
is also strengthened by the conclusion made by elections during the past years, which provided for
Tandoc-Juan et al. (2019) and Noble-Nur (2019) a longer term of office for many. This may also
that educational attainment is a strong predictor of imply that the majority of people in the area think
the choice of preferences for a politician. Someone that barangay officials who have held office for
who has finished his or her education is preferred, multiple terms are trustworthy candidates for public
for they are imbued with the relevant knowledge, office because they have more substantial
skills, and attitudes necessary for a leader. Though experience and superior managerial skills. In
this is not an undervaluation of those who didn’t connection with this, De Loyola (2023) ascertained
finish their education, the literature may reveal that that when educational attainment is not met, people
in today’s generation, educated politicians are on tend to base their decisions on experience and length
top of the list as they have the knowledge and skills of service when it comes to choosing the elected
to provide an extensive solution to the problem. officials.
Supported further by Donn-Ignacio (2019), who Moreover, as stated in Section 43(a)(b) of
specified in his journal that a certain level of Republic Act No. 7160, otherwise known as the
education should be a requirement for elected Local Government Code of 1991, the term of office
officials. This seems very practical, as many believe of the elective officials shall be three (3) years. No
that for a person to be an effective leader, they local elective official shall serve for more than three
should at least be a college graduate since they have (3) consecutive terms in the same position in their
to deal with different challenges. Similarly, barangay. Hence, voluntary renunciation of the
Mascarenas (2016) and Dumlao (2016) state that a office for any length of time shall not be considered
person who is educated is more positive towards an interruption in the continuity of the service for
challenges and more receptive to new ideas and new the full term for which the elective official was
ways as compared to those with low-level elected.
Moreover, as stated in Section 3 of the Batas 2. Respondents’ Assessment on the Influence of
Pambansa BLG, 222, otherwise known as an act PESTEL on their Revenue Enhancement
providing for the election of barangay officials and Activities
for other purposes. Qualification in the barangay The succeeding tables present the respondents’
election is that at least no person shall be eligible to assessment of the external factors that may
be a candidate as barangay official unless he is a influence their revenue enhancement activities.
citizen of the Philippines, a registered voter, and an Thus, it covers factors such as political factors,
actual resident of the barangay for at least six (6) economic factors, social factors, technological
months immediately before the preceding election factors, environmental factors, and legal factors.
and is at least twenty-one (21) years of age, who can 2.1. Political Factors. Table 4.2.1 presents
read and write, and who is not otherwise the respondents’ assessment of their revenue
disqualified by the existing laws. enhancement activities as influenced by political
1.4 Length of Service. The Barangay Chairmen’s factors. The data gathered were interpreted using a
profile in terms of length of service was also weighted mean and a composite mean.
identified. Data gathered were presented and The respondents strongly agreed that the
interpreted using frequency and percentage. barangay’s leadership actively supports and
As shown in Table 4.1.4, out of 48 Barangay promotes revenue enhancement activities, as it
Chairmen, 26 or 54 percent of them had been in garnered a 3.71 weighted mean. This implies that
service for more than seven (7) years. This was the local government units in the city of Tanauan
seconded by 15 or 31 percent who had been in actively support and highly perform the initiatives
service for five (5) to six (6) and remaining seven towards activities to raise revenue to help and not
(7) or 15 percent had been in service for three (3) to cause hindrance to boost the growth of the
four (4) years. economy. Thus, the notion connects to the
Table 4.1.4 statement, which specifies that LGUs can support
Distribution of Respondents in terms of Length the needs of the community even beyond what the
of Service law allows by creating ordinances that put
Length of Frequency Percentage initiatives into different ideas regarding revenue
Service enhancement activities.
3 - 4 Years 07 015
5 – 6 Years 15 031 Table 4.2.1
7 Years above 26 054 Respondents Assessment in their Revenue
Total 48 100 Enhancement Activities as Influenced
by Political Factors
Volcano on January 12, 2020, where the City of
Weig Verbal Tanauan was also affected by the natural
Item Statement hted Interpret phenomena. Lastly, there is the spread of an
Mean ation infectious disease known as COVID-19 that affects
1. The barangay’s revenue the lives of many people and drastically lowers its
enhancement activities are
supported by the local Strongly capacity to improve its economic ability to provide
3.60 for the needs of their respective barangays, together
government’s existing Agree
policies and regulations. with a tight budget until 2023. Thus, it is a
challenging reality to adapt to the continuous
2. The barangay’s political
stability positively impacts changes of a commanding leader in order to
3.35 Agree
revenue generation efforts. address the recurrence of unwanted circumstances
that might have harmful effects on the community.
3. The execution of revenue
enhancement activities in The claims are supported by the findings of the
the barangay has been easy study conducted by Altun (2016) on the effect of
with its strong 3.46 Agree political stability and governance on economic
collaborations with other
government entities. development, which reveal that political stability is
in the early stages for the strategy to work but with
4. The barangay effectively enough room for peaceful political adaptability to
advocates for favorable tax rising changes in interests in the future. They note
and fee structures to 3.58
Agree that there is no single path to growth. Additionally,
enhance revenue.
Moffat et al. (2021) state that revenue enhancement
5. The barangay’s leadership strategies can be used to increase revenue in rural
actively supports and
promotes revenue 3.71
Strongly municipalities. The study found that political
Agree stability is one of the factors that can contribute to
generating projects.
revenue enhancement if power is well distributed.
Highly Similar to Al Arif (2020), which implies that the
Composite Mean 3.54 Influenti
government should increase political stability to
accelerate growth.
It was supported by Republic Act 7160,
otherwise known as the Local Government Code of Hence, with a computed composite mean
1991, which indicates that barangay chairmen are of 3.54, barangay chairmen assessed political
responsible for promoting and supporting revenue- factors as highly influential on the revenue
generating projects in their respective barangays. enhancement activities in their respective
barangays. This may be associated with the
Collectively, Horvat et al. (2019) state that the observation that initiatives from the city
effects of the global financial crisis on local government were a big factor in being able to
government have made it more transparent in the provide service delivery, as if they failed to do so,
use of public resources. A local community must the political difference could be used as a barrier to
have revenue for its own operations and be implementing such activities. Moreover, during the
financially independent in order to complete all survey conducted by the researchers, the majority
responsibilities in a given calendar year. This of the respondents still must try to improve their
implies that it must establish a funding plan, i.e., a strong relationship with their local government
plan of action for the coming year. Since the local units to further increase their political ties in terms
government is limited to what the law allows, all of providing revenue enhancement initiatives. It is
revenue and expenditures must be based on it in in order to avoid political instability, as this may
order to comply with the law. occur from changes over time. Nonetheless,
Meanwhile, with the lowest computed weighted political support helps barangay chairmen at least
mean of 3.35, the respondents agreed that the to surpass the challenges of having the right to
barangay’s political stability positively impacts proper distribution of power by the local
revenue generation efforts. One of the ways to meet government in order to implement certain activities
the community’s needs for revenue boosters is by that can lead to revenue enhancement in their
having stable political traits. The data shows that the distinct barangays.
barangay chairmen may have encountered changes In order to do this, Batley and Mcloughlin
in the past 5 years relatively on the next level of (2015) supported the claims that the political
political unit, which is the city government. The interests, incentives, and institutions can all have
significant event that happened in the past 5 years an impact on the quality of public services. It is
changed the way of living, specifically in December typically generic, examining the effects of political
2019, when an infectious disease spread in different context as though all services behaved similarly
countries, which affected the economy in terms of under the same conditions. Similarly, in the
tourism. It was followed then by the eruption of Taal concept of policy circles, "service delivery" is
frequently referred to in aggregate, as if it addressed Pettinger (2021) supported this with his concept
shared challenges of politics and performance, which states that increasing economic well-being
regardless of sector, in order to generate income for through higher real incomes and other welfare
the community. indices such as improved literacy, better
2.2 Economic Factors. The respondents’ infrastructure, lower poverty, and better health
assessment on influence of economic factors on their care necessitates political stability, investment,
revenue enhancement activities was also determined. and a collaborative effort of public and private
The data gathered were interpreted using a weighted sectors will provide better sustainability for the
mean and a composite mean. delivery of community needs. The good the
Table 4.2.2 reveals that, with the highest economic sector of one community, the better it
computed weighted mean of 3.73, barangay can provide to boost such area that would lead to
chairmen in Tanauan City, Batangas, strongly agreed generate more revenue to find community by being
that the revenue enhancement activities implemented self-efficient. Similarly, Balbacal (2021) in his
by the barangay have positively contributed to the study on the sustainability of local economic
economic development of the community. This enterprises, he recommended that enhancing more
implies that the different initiatives and actions of the the contributions of certain revenue activities will
barangays in their community directly impact the deal positive response to economic development of
growth of their own community's economic the barangay.
development, which can lead to high revenue Further, with the lowest weighted mean
collections to support and establish economic well- computed at 3.29, respondents agreed that the
being and increase quality of life. barangay government actively collaborates with
external stakeholders, such as businesses and
Table 4.2.2 financial institutions, to implement effective
Respondents Assessment in their Revenue revenue enhancement measures. This implies that
Enhancement Activities as Influenced the barangay chairmen do recognize the
by Economic Factors importance of cooperation among various
Weigh Verbal
Item Statement ted Interpr
stakeholders in their community. This may be
Mean etation associated with the fact that these stakeholders are
1. The revenue enhancement great contributors to the barangay’s revenue
activities implemented by generation; thus, the need to integrate their roles
the barangay have positively towards effective implementation of revenue
contributed to the economic 3.73
Agree enhancement measures is a must. Additionally, as
development of the
community. specified, this covers the collaboration of the
barangays with different external outlets present
2. The barangay government
effectively manages its
within the range and distant area, such as economic
financial resources to Strongly and industrial zones, that can provide aid by
maximize revenue Agree bringing them to certain locations on the barangay.
generation. And this will have a certain impact on gradually
3. The barangay government increasing the economic development to support
has successfully attracted widely the urgent demands of the community, if
investments and businesses 3.42 only they will focus on making quality
to the area through its Agree collaborations with external outlets that assure
revenue enhancement
initiatives benefits for both parties. However, the recognition
of collaboration in this context signifies that local
4. The barangay government government units understand the importance of
regularly evaluates and partnerships with businesses and financial
adjusts its revenue
enhancement strategies 3.48 Agree institutions in revenue enhancement efforts
based on economic trends It has been supported by the study of Davis
and community needs.
(2022), where in his findings he demonstrated that
5. The barangay government both efficiency and effectiveness are crucial
actively collaborates with factors considered during the decision-making
external stakeholders, such process for engaging in regional collaboration. The
as businesses and financial
institutions, to implement
3.29 Agree study also highlighted the role of regional
effective revenue collaboration in advancing the public interest.
enhancement measures. Elected officials and local government managers
acknowledged the advantages of regional
Composite Mean 3.51 Influent collaboration, such as improved efficiency and
ial effectiveness in providing public services,
achieving economies of scale, sharing monetary
and non-monetary resources, and collectively their efforts in the community's economic well-
investing in large-scale projects. Likewise, it has being and long-term growth.
been supported by Pettinger (2021), who 2.3. Social Factors. The influence of social factors
emphasizes the need for a collaborative effort on the revenue enhancement activities of the
between the public and private sectors. barangays in Tanauan City, Batangas was also
Collaboration with external stakeholders, such as determined in the study. Data collected were
businesses and financial institutions, reflects this analyzed, interpreted and presented using weighted
cooperative approach to implementing revenue mean and composite mean.
enhancement measures and contributing to Table 4.2.3
community well-being. Respondents Assessment in their Revenue
Finally, a notably high computed composite Enhancement Activities as Influenced
mean of 3.51 denotes that economic factors are by Social Factors
highly influential on the barangays’ revenue
Weig Verbal
enhancement activities as assessed by the respective Item Statement hted Interpr
chairmen. In which the respondents assume that the Mean etation
economic factors do not hinder their capabilities to 1. The barangay’s revenue
provide effective actions towards increasing the enhancement activities are
aligned with the needs and Strongly
revenue outlet of the barangays. In simpler terms, 3.67
aspirations of the
they believed that these programs and actions were community.
successful in promoting economic growth and
prosperity. Yet, they still need to maintain a good 2. Revenue-generating
projects in the barangay
foundation for economic development, especially promote social inclusivity
by collaborating with external outlets. As it may 3.46 Agree
and community
strengthen the resilience of its policy action to participation.
further act progressively towards the aim of having
3. The positive support from
a higher return on revenue. the people in the community
Furthermore, the proactive approach adopted by has been considered a
the barangay government in managing and strength for the barangay’s 3.56
revenue enhancement
improving economic conditions aligned with initiatives.
various economic factors underscored the
significance of these initiatives within the overall 4. Revenue enhancement
activities in the barangay
economic landscape of the barangay. These efforts 3.50
foster a sense of community
played a substantial role in fostering economic well- Agree
pride and ownership.
being and prosperity within the community,
ensuring its long-term growth and sustainability. 5. The barangay effectively
communicates the benefits
This clear, proactive stance from the government of revenue enhancement 3.08 Agree
was instrumental in advancing the economic activities to the community.
welfare of the community and bolstering its
prospects for future development. Influent
Composite Mean 3.45
This has been supported by the study of Arora
(2016), which implied that making use of resources It can be gleaned from Table 4.2.3 that, with the
available to generate funds or in their locality and highest computed weighted mean of 3.67, the
other kinds of support like asking volunteers to raise respondents strongly agreed that the barangay’s
funds, building and utilizing networks and goodwill, revenue enhancement activities were clearly aligned
and collaborations with different sectors within and with the needs and aspirations of the community.
distant areas such as industrial zones happened This alignment necessitated an inclusive and
naturally in a community that has strong ties of transparent approach, channeling the generated
vision to expand economically. Likewise, Peterdy revenue towards addressing the community’s
(2023) relates it to the broader economy and tends pressing concerns. which the community will be
to be explicitly financial in nature. In which more likely to participate and help the local
economic factors were relevant to how local government unit attain its goal of enhancing its
government units built a flexible plan to revenue outlets. It is presumed that the local
constructively reverse economic slumps, government unit elected officials in the barangay
considering influences that affected their capability are quite aware of the social needs of their
to deliberate on a course of action? The high corresponding citizens, which is an in-depth
consensus on the government's positive impact on concern. Thus, it can convey that the connection
economic development was directly linked to the between the local government unit and the citizen is
alignment of their proactive stance with these still concrete but needs to be preserved in order to
economic factors, showcasing the importance of
garner the cooperation of the community. a cornerstone, fostering a sense of community pride
and ownership. However, the support and
As asserted by Alarte (2022), in order to
participation of the community don’t provide
effectively plan and initiate projects that will
assurance, as they are not concrete. The local
enhance the community’s economic productivity
government units still find it hard to make their
while addressing their felt needs, it is essential to pay
people participatory and understand the process of
close attention to the livelihood needs of the
certain activities that benefit them. Thus, it is still a
community. It has also been supported by Buot et al.
challenge, and the local government units are still
(2013), who provided further endorsement of this
encouraged to strengthen communication with their
notion by highlighting the willingness of community
community to easily impose activities regarding
members to participate as a crucial prerequisite for
revenue enhancement.
developing a successful community development
plan that aligns with the idea of community In a study by Bruin (2016), he emphasizes that
participation. the component of the general environment
represents the demographic traits, norms, practices,
Meanwhile, with the lowest weighted mean
and values of the community's people. This concept
computed at 3.08, the respondents agreed that the
encompasses demographic patterns such as
barangay effectively communicates the benefits of
population growth rate, age distribution, income
revenue enhancement activities to the community.
distribution, career attitudes, safety emphasis,
Many people always state that communication is a
health consciousness, lifestyle attitudes, and
powerful tool to address concerns and provide
cultural obstacles. which local government may be
solutions. Thus, it needs to be strengthened further at
hampered by different social considerations in terms
the barangay level. The local government unit,
of the traits of one person. Yet, it is essential to have
despite their efforts to determine and understand the
the support of the community to implement
needs of the community, still struggles to engage the
activities progressively, as they are one of the key
community. This may be due to the observation that
drivers of success.
many have lost interest in their respective barangay’s
activities due to the notion that mostly those who are This has been supported by Adams et al. (2018),
close to the people working for the barangay will be who recommend that a coordinator or facilitator
the only individuals who will benefit from such who has positive support from the community is
initiatives. Hence, effective communication within essential for providing strategic direction,
the context of revenue enhancement must involve the supporting communities and activities, promoting
implementation of clear, relevant, accessible, and community ownership, and facilitating partnership
transparent messaging, along with active community development, which has become the strength of the
engagement to foster understanding and appreciation government.
of these activities.
This was supported by the study of Asuncion et 2.4 Technological Factors. Barangay Chairmen’s
al. (2020), which emphasized the importance of local assessment on the revenue enhancement activities
government units (LGUs) improving their data of their respective barangays as influenced by
presentation, utilizing understandable terms, and technological factors was also determined. Data
prioritizing transparency in dissemination of gathered were analyzed, interpreted and presented
information to enhance comprehension within the using weighted mean and composite mean.
community. It can be observed to be triggering,
which can lead to misinformation if the local Table 4.2.4
government unit fails to properly communicate. The Respondents Assessment in their Revenue
community should access wide information Enhancement Activities as Influenced
dissemination and easy understanding of the by Technological Factors
programs and activities with which they will be
concerned and benefit, specifically when it comes to Item Statement ted

revenue activities, which talk about money. 1. The barangay uses technology to optimize
revenue generation for collection and
management processes to increase revenue
(e.g., centralized revenue data and integration 3.31 Agree
In general, the composite mean computed at 3.45 with payment gateways.

reveals that social factors are influential on the 2. The success of revenue enhancement activities

barangay’s revenue enhancement activities. The in barangays is influenced by adopting

technological advancements, such as tourism
app, e-commerce platform for local products 3.33 Agree
local government units obtain support and and digital advertising spaces.

participation from the community by aligning the 3. The barangay’s digital platforms and online
services contribute to revenue growth. 3.48 Agree
activities and programs with the community's needs
4. The barangay utilizes data analytics to identify
and aspirations. This alignment actively promotes revenue enhancement opportunities. 3.44 Agree

inclusivity and encourages community participation, 5. The operational efficiency of barangays is

enhanced through the adoption of technology
especially in revenue-generating projects. During the in revenue generating initiatives, such as
digital payment systems for local services.
3.15 Agree

data collection process, the barangay chairmen’s Composite Mean 3.34 Influential
claim of substantial community support emerged as
As presented in Table 4.2.4, with the highest emphasized the positive outcomes resulting from
weighted mean computed at 3.48, respondents technology adoption. It led to more responsive
agreed that the barangay’s digital platforms and governance, as technology enabled the barangay to
online services contribute to revenue growth. The efficiently address the needs and demands of its
effort of the local government unit to adapt to community, making frontline services more
technological-based platforms for their service accessible and convenient for residents. Moreover,
delivery turns out to be positive in nature, as the embracing digital technology in revenue-
majority of them believe that in their corresponding generating projects resulted in higher income for
barangay they promptly implemented it, which led the barangay through streamlined processes,
them to contribute to revenue growth. It can be enhanced tax collection, and the creation of new
projected that with the help of digital platforms and revenue streams.
online services, many taxes, fees, and other related It is further supported by Ott (2023) and
revenue outlets will speed up their collections with Dominguez (2022), who emphasize that
accuracy, which will lessen the time duration and technology has the ability to reduce collecting
improve record-keeping online. restrictions, notably by broadening the information
The effort of exhibiting technological-based available to the government. They pointed out that
services may also invite different investors, which being adopted as a technologically inclined
can provide service and revenue for both parties. community will help them grow and maximize
Despite the positive turnout of the respondents to community revenue generation, leaving the
the statement, some of them still see it as not traditional manual setup.
contributing that much to their transactions and The study's findings revealed a moderate
activities. Thus, the local government needs to connection between technology and revenue
strengthen its implementation so that everyone in enhancement activities in the local government
the sector can drive forward the changes applied in unit. This is because the composite mean was
the locality to improve service delivery. computed at 3.34, which denotes that indeed
In connection with this, the study of Canares technological factors are influential on the
(2016) supports the claims in which his paper barangays’ revenue enhancement activities.
contends to focus on the influence of ICT on local Results implied that there is still a need to figure
revenue creation in Bohol, Philippines. It claims out how the LGU can increase the adoption and
that the use of ICT may lead to more transparent and adaptation of technological aspects to improve
responsible revenue collection techniques, which service delivery. It may also be presumed that some
would benefit both the government and taxpayers. of the local government units do not adopt and
However, a number of factors impact the adapt because of their lack of knowledge and
effectiveness of ICT adoption, including the degree ability to put a strain on learning to keep up with
of political leadership, the nature of ICT demand, the trend. This may sound off, but this is actually
the cost-benefit ratio, and the availability of necessary, as technological changes are inevitable
technical skills and resources. In order to strengthen in order to promote quality and quantifiable results
governance, the study proposes an ecosystem in terms of increasing market stands to attract
analysis technique for assessing ICT uptake, different outlets that can bring revenue.
scalability, and use by subnational governments. It A relevant study by Kamal et al (2015) reiterate
highlights the potential of IT to enhance income- that the emergence of new and revolutionary
generating mechanisms at the local level but also integration technologies has had a significant
emphasizes the importance of good planning and impact on local government decision-making. The
execution to ensure success. technology is leading the way of the world; thus, it
Technology imposed highly important notes on is resembling to what the local should focus on.
how people will “adopt” and adapt” to never-ending These factors can be seen as an advantage but it
change. Even with the lowest weighted mean of also can be considered as a threat to the LGU if they
3.15, respondents agreed that the operational are late to realize the effect of technological
efficiency of barangays is enhanced through the advancement.
adoption of technology in revenue-generating Thus, the claims are supported by Ocsko (2021),
initiatives, such as digital payment systems for local who emphasizes why local government units have
services. It can be presumed that respondents a long struggle to move on to better things when it
enhance their operational transactions that promote comes to digital transformation. He said that the
revenue-related projects in their locality. Thus, old solution somehow seems more comfortable,
adoption still varies as it can change deliberately at more familiar, and more reliable, despite all the
choice, so it suggests that the local government unit evidence to the contrary. All of these concerns are
proactively ensures that everyone is keeping up with entirely justified, so it makes sense that many local
the technological enhancement. government units would be reluctant to adopt new
Dharmaraj (2020) supported the claims as he technology in favor of sticking with the security of
well-known and reliable platforms. These worries, conjunction with environmental concerns. Such
however, are making councils vulnerable and programs as waste management in conjunction with
preventing them from implementing solutions that recycling initiatives and locally made eco-friendly
could greatly benefit both themselves and their products in local government will boost the increase
constituents. These solutions include cost savings, in accumulated revenue from one outlet by utilizing
improved security of private information, and— the environmental capacity. This is reinforced by
above all—better public services. the study of Reza Ronaldo and Tulus Suryato
(2022), which emphasizes that Sustainable
2.5 Environmental Factors. The influence of
Development Goals promote the welfare of
environmental factors on the revenue enhancement
communities globally by reducing poverty levels
activities in the Barangays of Tanauan City,
through the promotion of various income-
Batangas was determined. Data gathered were
generating activities from scratch and waste.
presented in Table 4.2.5 using weighted mean and
Additionally, these goals promote environmental
composite mean.
sustainability by reducing substances that pollute
Local government units have played a pivotal role the environment.
in providing essential environmental resources and Meanwhile, even with the lowest weighted mean
initiatives to promote sustainability and protect the of 3.08, the respondents agreed that the barangay’s
natural world. With the weighted mean computed at revenue-generating initiatives promote green
3.71, barangay chairmen strongly agreed that their tourism and environmental conservation, such as
respective barangay focuses on ecologically friendly sustainable farm stays, organic and local food
revenue-generating operations, including waste experiences and sustainable souvenirs and crafts.
management, recycling initiatives, and the sale of The results indicated that even the local government
locally made eco-friendly products. Findings may be unit is aware on different environmental factors
associated with the fact that in all barangays across they still regard as slow on implementation of such
the country, solid waste management has been one of activities. It can be presumed that some local
the top priorities. Additionally, this underscores the government unit have different geographic scale
vital role of local government units in advancing which reduce their capacity to initiate programs.
sustainability and environmental protection, The researchers’ observation when they conducted
highlighting the positive correlation between their the survey reveals that the barangay in the City of
actions and the endorsement of eco-friendly Tanauan are not proportionally balance as some of
initiatives. It conveys that the LGUs are aware of the its barangay has given natural landscape that can
impact of every project implementation that they attract tourism while others have nothing or certain.
impose. It also affects them to implement activities such as
sustainable farm stays which can led to other
Table 4.2.5 revenue outlets because of the land capacity and
Respondents Assessment in their Revenue nourish. Thus, there is a potential improvement on
Enhancement Activities as Influenced it by further enhancing their promotion to support
by Environmental Factors and engage sustainable efforts in activities that
Weigh Verbal
promotes revenue using the land proportion and
Item Statement ted
other natural resources.
1. The barangay focuses on ecologically friendly
revenue generating operations, including waste
This observation is supported by the study of
management, recycling initiatives, and the sale of 3.71
locally made eco-friendly products. Agree Arifin and Rupita (2021), in which they reiterate
2. Revenue-generating projects in the barangay
that in order to overcome challenges, this
follow the guidelines set forth in Presidential
Decree No. 1586, also known as the
circumstance necessitates high costs and extra
3.44 Agree
Environmental Impact Statement System, to
assess their potential environmental impacts.
coordination across institutions. Apart from the
physical condition of the land, the socioeconomic
3. The barangay makes efforts to preserve and
protect the environment by implementing 4R’s, conditions of the community have a significant
which help replenish natural resources and utilize 3.40 Agree
revenue generation initiatives. impact. Thus, the notion may be seen in the uneven
4. The barangay’s revenue generating initiatives
distribution of the population, the mental attitude of
promote green tourism and environmental
conservation such as sustainable farm stays,
the unsupportive community toward creating
3.08 Agree
organic and local food experiences, and
sustainable souvenirs and crafts.
infrastructure, and the people's economic activities
that are geared toward neighboring countries.
5. The community exhibits a remarkable level of
awareness and support for environmentally
responsible revenue enhancement activities, such 3.48 Agree
Furthermore, Ekayani et al. (2019) stated that
as recycling programs and ecotourism initiatives.
natural tourism activities can generate revenue that
Composite Mean 3.34 Influential can be allocated for conservation, providing
The highest weighted mean revealed that most of economic benefits for local communities. Given
the barangay chairmen have the knowledge to that tourism activities have the potential to benefit
support the programs in revenue enhancement by the local economy, there is a possibility that they
strategically using appropriate solutions in conjunct- could also increase awareness and participation in
conservation activities. amount needed to be paid are normally posted in
any government office, which enables anyone to
Summing all these up, with a composite mean of
have easy access to this information. This, in turn,
3.34, the study reveals that environmental factors are
provides a more efficient and effective way of
influential on the revenue enhancement activities of
delivering services to the people.
the barangays in Tanauan City, Batangas. This
implies that the LGU adheres to environmental
impact assessment with regard to their proposed Table 4.2.6
activities. The local government had been including Respondents Assessment in their Revenue
the 4R principles and green tourism in their goals, Enhancement Activities as Influenced
yet by far the most successful outcomes were by Legal Factors
achieved when implementation sometimes failed to
be monitored concisely. Local governments need to Verbal
improve their competency in evaluating their Item Statement Interpret
environmental standing to properly use natural n
resources in their emerging quest for revenue outlets 1. The barangay’s revenue
while bringing up conservation. At some point, enhancement activities such as
local taxes and fees, public
certain areas of the local government were aware that services and utilities are
there were no tourist attractions because of their 3.44 Agree
implemented in accordance with
geographic location. This is also one factor that RA No. 1760, also known as
affects the area's ability to produce activities relative Local Government Code of
to environmental support. Thus, local governments 2. The barangay effectively
are in need of providing reforms to further strengthen manages legal risks to avoid
their barangays. imposition of unauthorized or
excessive fess associated with
The claims are thoroughly supported by the study of 3.35 Agree
revenue-generating project in
Villamor et al. (2017), where their assessment of the accordance with RA No. 7160
challenges encountered by the respondents in Local Government Code of
governance as well as their capacity to mobilize
3. The barangay has clear and
resources was interpreted as moderately serious. It transparent procedures in place
can be seen from the data that, when it comes to the for collecting and managing
capacity to mobilize resources of the respondents to revenue from various sources in
meet challenges encountered, respondents were accordance to RA No. 9485 3.48 Agree
Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007 (e.g.,
aware that there was no tourist attraction in their leasing of barangay properties,
locality. The study also implied that some of the market and stall rentals,
places in the Municipality of Mataas na Kahoy were community-based projects).
not yet discovered and developed. Having said that, 4. In accordance to RA No. 6957
Public-Private Partnership Act
it can be seen that proper utilization of resources to the barangay’s legal partnerships
generate revenue is a beneficial factor in sustaining 3.25 Agree
and collaborations with private
community needs. sector positively impact revenue
generation efforts.
5. The barangay ensures that its
2.6 Legal Factors. The respondents’ assessment on revenue enhancement activities
their barangays’ revenue enhancement activities as such as economic enterprise,
influenced by legal factors was also determined. tourism and local attractions,
Results were analyzed, interpreted and presented comply with the legal framework 3.46 Agree
provided in Presidential Decree
using weighted mean and composite mean. No. 1445, or the Government
It can be gleaned from Table 4.2.6 that the Auditing Code of the
respondents strongly agreed that their barangay has Philippines.
quite clear and transparent procedures in place for Influenti
Composite Mean 3.40
collecting and managing revenue from various
The revenue sources that the local government
sources in accordance with RA No. 9485 Anti-Red
unit utilizes to sustain itself should represent the
Tape Act of 2007 (e.g., leasing of barangay
fundamental ideal of democratic systems of
properties, market and stall rentals, community-
government: fair and equal treatment. Thus, revenue
based projects).
collection and management systems used by local
The highest weighted mean computed at 3.48
government units are becoming obsolete for
may be associated with the fact that all government
collecting and managing revenue from diverse
offices are required to provide transparent and
sources. The claims are supported by Arya and Yasa
organized information on the services that they are
(2021), who reiterate that the relations between the
offering. As observed, step-by-step procedures, the
time it will take one to finish a certain transaction, national government and the regions concerning
finances, public services, and the use of natural and
the person involved, and most importantly, the amou
other resources should be regulated and implement
implemented in accordance with the legal framework and provide things because legal factors could
to establish justice and equity. hinder the way they implement the action they are
Meanwhile, garnering a weighted mean of 3.25, proposing to take. Thus, for the economy to thrive
respondents agreed that, in accordance with RA No. and living standards to rise, successful policy at all
6957, the barangay’s legal partnerships and levels of government is critical.
collaborations with the private sector positively The table below presents the summary of the
impact revenue generation efforts. This may be obtained weighted mean from the external factors in
linked to the fact that the local government initiatives the PESTEL framework, which were previously
for partnerships and collaborations are quite small, discussed. As presented in Table 4.2.7, respondents
as they always have different legal requirements to assessed political factors as highly influential on
bond two parties in accordance with the law. Local their revenue enhancement activities with a 3.54
government needs to improve its strong ties to have weighted mean. This implies that the maintenance
public and private collaborations to gain beneficial of strong ties and communication with different
interest, which can impact the growth of revenue government agencies and other stakeholders is an
generation efforts. Thus, enhancing the local important factor in the barangays’ revenue
government interagency for undertaking enhancement activities. This may be associated with
entrepreneurial projects that use the assets of the the fact that, through this, the benefits of such
barangays can add value to the enrichment of the initiatives will be much easier to feel throughout the
community, both economically and financially. community.
Nwekeaku (2013) supports the claims in which he Table 4.2.7
reiterates that enhanced synergy among stakeholders Summary of Composite Mean
at federal, state, and local levels can encourage
cooperation, collaboration, and effective interaction. Item Statement Weighte Verbal
He specifies that it reduces conflicts, duplication of d Mean Interpretatio
efforts, and resource duplication while improving Political Factors 3.54 Highly
inter-agency relations and increasing revenue Influential
projections. Economic Factors 3.51 Highly
In general, with a composite mean of 3.40, it can Influential
Social Factors 3.45 Influential
be deduced that legal factors are influential in
barangays’ revenue enhancement activities as Technological Factors 3.34 Influential
assessed by their chief executives. This may be Environmental Factors 3.34 Influential
associated with the fact that barangays cannot Legal Factors 3.42 Influential
implement any activities, specifically those that will Grand Composite 3.43 Influential
generate money, without pertinent laws as a basis or
foundation. All initiatives at the barangay level must Meanwhile, both with 3.34 computed composite
be aligned with the goals and objectives set forth by mean, study revealed that technological and
the municipal or city level, if not the national environmental factors are influential on the
government. Additionally, this implies that LGUs barangays’ revenue enhancement activities.
encounter minimal to maximal risk if they do not Findings may be linked to the fact that technological
handle external factors correctly relative to the legal adoption is hard when the leaders are quite in
framework. It is important for the local government middle age as they are more into traditional. While
to strive to study and understand different legal in environmental the degree of geographic area
frameworks to use properly in accordance with the which is not distributed equally affects the barangay
situation that they will face. This can develop the to be able to have certain projects that can generate
competency of the local government to fully utilize revenue. And as time goes on, technological and
the benefits of understanding the legal factors and to environmental factors reliably an issue to face when
avoid circumstances that drive the performance to it comes on delivering services, where the two
failure. Thus, local government should be aware that factors are interchangeable and can cause risk when
some legal factors are not fit in certain areas, which not used properly.
causes boundaries to other categories of local
government. This has been supported by the study of 3. Analysis of difference between
Nunn et al. (2019), in which he reiterates that the respondents’ assessment of their revenue
state and local governments should adopt laws and enhancement activities when grouped
regulations that influence how economic activity according to profile.
occurs. These include labor market laws, tax policy, This study was conducted to assess the revenue
environmental restrictions, and zoning regulations. enhancement activities of the barangays in Tanauan
The legal factors dealt with the lack of ability to fit City, Batangas as influenced by the six (6) external
in certain areas. Some legal action doesn’t cover the factors namely political, economic, social,
potential differences between different communities. technological, environmental and legal. This part of
This interrupts the capability of one sector to adopt the study presents the analysis of significant
difference between respondents’ assessment on the
influence of PESTEL and their profile variables. In relation to this, Butterfill & Marianti (2014)
Table 4.3.1 presents the analysis of the respondents’ noted that relying solely on an individual's level of
assessment on the factors that influence their revenue exposure to a particular situation or circumstance is
enhancement activities and profile variable age. insufficient to determine their vulnerability. As a
Table 4.3.1 result, they stated that, more than the contributing
Analysis of Difference between Factors that factors, the assessment of an individual's capacity
Influence Revenue Enhancement and Age of and coping resources is significantly influenced by
the Respondents their age. To provide more details, they said that
regardless, it is insufficient to conclude that the
Factors F/t- p- Decision Interpre older person has experienced worse than the
valu val tation younger person, or vice versa, with regard to the
es ues
Political 0.511 0.6 Failed to Not variable being specified here. Hence, in a journal
78 Reject Significa published by Anderson and Perrin (2017), they
nt point out that the age differences in technology face
Econom 0.500 0.6 Failed to Not unique barriers to adoption, ranging from physical
ic 85 Reject Significa
challenges to a lack of comfort and familiarity with
Social 1.132 0.3 Failed to Not technology.
54 Reject Significa Furthermore, Table 4.3.2 presents the analysis of
nt the differences in the respondents’ assessments of
Technol 3.084 0.0 Reject Significa
the factors that influence revenue enhancement
ogical 42 nt
Environ 0.657 0.5 Failed to Not activities and the profile variable sex.
mental 85 Reject Significa
nt Table 4.3.2
Legal 0.320 0.8 Failed to Not Analysis of Difference between Factors that
11 Reject Significa
nt Influence Revenue Enhancement and Sex of
the Respondents
Since the data are not distributed normally, the Factor F/t- p- Decisio Interp
statistician used the equality of the mean (Brown s val val n retatio
ues ue n
Forsythe) to analyze the significant difference. It can s
be gleaned from the table that no significant Politic 156. 0.9 Failed Not
differences exist between respondents’ assessments al 500 21 to Signifi
of political, economic, social, environmental, and Reject cant
legal factors and profile age. This is because the p- Econo 159. 0.9 Failed Not
mic 500 89 to Signifi
values computed at 0.678, 0.685, 0.354, 0.585, and Reject cant
0.811, respectively, were all found to be greater than Social 119. 0.2 Failed Not
the 0.05 level of significance; thus, the null 000 48 to Signifi
hypothesis was rejected. However, in terms of Reject cant
Techn 154. 0.8 Failed Not
technological factors, the computed p-value of 0.042 ologic 500 77 to Signifi
is less than the 0.05 level of significance; thus, the al Reject cant
null hypothesis was rejected and a significant Envir 154. 0.8 Failed Not
difference exists. This may be associated with the onmen 00 66 to Signifi
tal Reject cant
observation that today, with the rampant use of
Legal 156. 0.9 Failed Not
technology, it is very evident that most of a man’s 500 22 to Signifi
activity may be done effectively and efficiently Reject cant
online or through the use of various products of The table above provides data about the
technological advancement. However, despite this summary of significance differences focusing on
fact, it is also unconcealed that the use of technology sex. The Mann-Whitney U Test reveals that the
is quite challenging to others, especially the elders, assessment of the respondents’ sex on revenue
who have been used to the traditional way of doing enhancement activities in terms of political factors
business. Additionally, Scheffe shows that in terms (FBF = 156.500, p = 0.921), economic factors (FBF
of technological factors, ages 26–41 (M = 3.6333) = 159.500, p = 0.989), social factors (FBF =
got the highest mean score, followed by ages 58–67 119.000, p = 0.248), technological factors (FBF =
(M = 3.4267) and 42–57 (M = 3.2500). It only means 154.500, p = 0.877), environmental factors (FBF =
to say that the influence of technology on revenue 154.000, p = 0.866), and legal factors (FBF =
enhancement has the greatest impact on respondents 156.500, p = 0.922) are not significantly different.
ages 26–41. However, in its overall term, it may be Hence, the result failed to reject the null hypothesis,
assumed that barangay chairmen's influence is not which indicates that there was no significant
dependent on their age or level of exposure to an difference in the assessments of the respondents
environment where challenges exist. when grouped according to sex. This could imply
that there are no disparities between sexes in the upon education, will adjust to or is at least capable
number of challenges and the influence of external of trying to adjust to the environment, i.e., education
factors faced by barangay chairmen. Their degree of brings about a change in the behavior of a person
evaluation in this regard is still based on the extent toward the environment. This concept applies
and accountability of their work. This could also equally well, even to a leader. Upon education, the
allude to the fine line separating the recognition of leader will try to adjust to his or her followers, and
difficulties from their resolution. The community this brings about a change in the leadership behavior
continues to hold the view, according to Prasuna of the leader.
(2021), that women in leadership roles are more Lastly, Table 4.3.4 provides the data related to the
likely to be underestimated. Moreover, will women assessment of significant differences focusing on
be able to lead if they are given the opportunity to length of service, in which the Brown Forsythe Test
speak up? Regarding the evaluation of impact, the was utilized. It can be gleaned from the table that
researchers could utilize Prasuna's claim to contend the assessment of the respondents’ highest
that, just as women's capacity to lead is not educational attainment on revenue enhancement
significantly different from a man’s, neither is their activities in terms of political factors (FBF=0.849,
assessment of the difficulties and impact of external p=0.443), economic factors (FBF=0.905, p=0.395),
factors under these variables. Moving social factors (FBF=0.836, p=0.444), technological
forward, in Table 4.3.3, the statistician used the factors (FBF=0.459, p=0.642), environmental
Brown Forsythe Test to determine the difference factors (FBF=0.598, p=0.555), and legal factors
between respondents’ assessment and their profile (FBF=3.219, p=0.057) are not significantly
variable highest educational attainment. Findings of different. Hence, the result failed to reject the null
the study reveal that the assessment of the hypothesis which indicates that there was no
respondents’ highest educational attainment on significant difference in the assessments of the
revenue enhancement activities in terms of political respondents when grouped according to length of
factors (FBF=0.587, p=0.656), economic factors service.
(FBF=1.401, p=0.276), social factors (FBF=1.943, Table 4.3.4
p=0.163), technological factors (FBF=0.377, Analysis of Difference Analysis between
p=0.773), environmental factors (FBF=1.063, Factors that Influence Revenue Enhancement
p=0.454), and legal factors (FBF=0.467, p=0.712) and Length of Service of the Respondents
are not significantly different. Hence, the result Factors F/t- p- Decision Interpre
failed to reject the null hypothesis, which indicates valu val tation
that there was no significant difference in the es ues
assessments of the respondents when grouped Politica 0.84 0.4 Failed to Not
l 9 43 Reject Significa
according to their highest educational attainment. nt
This may be a link to explain why a barangay Econo 0.98 0.3 Failed to Not
chairman’s educational background will not be used mic 5 95 Reject Significa
as an excuse to avoid facing the difficulties that come nt
with their job. Since barangay officials must Social 0.83 0.4 Failed to Not
6 44 Reject Significa
persevere through many hardships in order to uphold nt
their fundamental role as public servants, obtaining a Technol 0.45 0.6 Failed to Not
degree may not guarantee that obstacles won't be ogical 9 42 Reject Significa
encountered. nt
Enviro 0.59 0.5 Failed to Not
Table 4.3.3 nmenta 8 55 Reject Significa
Analysis of Difference between Factors that l nt
Influence Revenue Enhancement and Highest Legal 3.21 0.0 Failed to Not
Educational Attainment of the Respondents 9 57 Reject Significa
Factors F/t- p- Decision Interpretat The data shows that the number of years that the
values valu ion
barangay chairmen have served has nothing to do
Political 0.587 0.65 Failed to Not with the influence of the external factors that they
6 Reject Significant
Economic 1.401 0.27 Failed to Not are observing and implementing in terms of
6 Reject Significant collaboratively accessing revenue enhancement
Social 1.943 0.16 Failed to Not
3 Reject Significant activities. These results from the testing of
Technolog 0.377 0.77 Failed to Not significant differences may be because of the
ical 3 Reject Significant
Environm 1.063 0.45 Failed to Not disaggregated number of respondents when grouped
ental 4 Reject Significant
according to profile, which is justified by the data
Legal 0.467 0.71 Failed to Not
2 Reject Significant presented in this chapter, and the several variables
To support the claims, Kotur (2014) said in his that may weaken the distinction of the actual
article that education is nothing but an adjustment to difference per assessment. However, it is never
the environment. It implies the concept that a person, denied that all possibilities remain and that further
research using different approaches is hereby to a holistic development that prioritizes the
recommended to support the findings of this study in maximum satisfaction of the local government in
terms of the significance of the respondents’ profiles terms of revenue enhancement. More so, the local
and their assessment of the influence of several communities are encouraged to participate in the
external factors under PESTEL. initiatives of the local government.
4.Proposed course of action to develop an 2.The educational institutions and their teaching
enhanced revenue enhancement activities or personnel may incorporate the findings of the
program for the barangays study to encourage students to study the concept
of public revenue management. They may also
The researchers conducted this study to assess establish an avenue for the institutions to partner
the influence of various external factors, specifically with the governments through strategy
those included in the PESTEL framework, on the formulation, reform proposals, and policy
revenue enhancement activities of the barangays in recommendations based on evidence from
Tanauan City, Batangas, as determined by the relevant research pursuits. Students, especially
barangay chairmen. After a long process of obtaining management accounting students, are encouraged
the required data from the administered to indulge themselves in developing effective
questionnaires and making analyses and revenue management by studying the concept of
interpretations of the data, the researchers arrived at public revenue management in greater depth,
some courses of action addressing the concern areas, which this research can help with.
namely political, economic, and technological
3.Researchers may, in the future, include the
factors, to develop enhanced revenue enhancement
geographic characteristics of these units to further
activities for the barangays in the research locale.
emphasize the impact and difficulties that LGUs
are facing that are relevant to the demographic
4. CONCLUSIONS profile. To evaluate the importance of such a
Based on the afore-mentioned summary and profile, they may also attempt to use the profile of
findings of the study, the following conclusions the barangay itself instead of the profile of the
were drawn. barangay chairmen.
1.The majority of the barangay chairmen in
Tanauan City, Batangas are ages 42-57, male, REFERENCES
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with the aim of achieving gender equality. unwavering support to the student-researchers, their respective instructors, advisers and even the
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To Mrs. Ana M. Sacayanan, the thesis adviser, for
her trust, valuable advice, and support during the
entire study, especially for the patience and
guidance during the manuscript writing process;
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[13] Buot et al. (2013) Participatory Community a success;
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Studies 12 (2): 31-44, ISSN: 2244-5226. recommendations, valuable suggestion, and knowledge shared towards the accomplishment of
b&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.jou the study; To Mrs. Florina P. Santiago, thesis statistician, for
et-al-2-1-1.pdf&ved extending her time and effort in facilitating the
=2ahUKEwjZ1f3tPf_AhWQ9zgGHeIZA0sQF statistical data needed to complete the study;
To Ms. Eurika H. Ramirez, the thesis grammarian,
for diligently correcting the paper’s grammar and
[14] Cabaluna, CM. (2017. Revenue Generation and
spelling for assisting the researchers;
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BarangaysinLingayenPhilippines.https://www. To the City Government of Santo Tomas and Tanauan, for providing the necessary data needed
[15] Caldo, R. (2015). Assessment of Competency and for allowing them to utilize those within their
Measures of Barangay Council in San Jose, respective vicinity;
Sto.Tomas,Batangas. To the respected Barangay Chairmen who served
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ongressproceedings/2015/LCCS/011LCS_Cal time in answering survey questionnaires. Indeed,
do_RB.pdf their responses had made it possible for the
accomplishment of this study;
Lastly, to everyone who in one or another had by
contributing important information and
references, as well as editing this manuscript. To
all of you, thank you and God bless!

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