TV Series Bible Presentation in Dark Brown Light Brown White Personal & Authentic Style

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Risk behaviors of adolescents refer to actions or choices that can have negative
consequences on their health, well-being, and future prospects. These behaviors
often emerge during adolescence, a period characterized by increased
independence and peer influence.
RISK- the probability that a hazard in the
environment can actually negatively
affect the individual.
RISK-TAKING- a behavior of doing
something regardless of potential loss.
Identified Sexual
Risks that were found
among the growing
Filipino Adolescents
are as follows:
One in three has sexual experience. They engage in sex at younger ages:
first sex for boys:17.6 years old while first sex for girls:18.1 years
old.One in 50 had sex before age 15 while one in four had sex before age
of 18. Seven in 10 of first premarital sex cases are unprotected against
unintended pregnancy and sexually -transmitted infections (STI)
including HIV-AIDS.

-1.2% have paid for sex and 1.3% have recieved payment for sex, this is
low but above the national average level; 6.7% have engaged in casual
sex; 4.1% mostly males have FUBU experience; 6.3% have males having
sex with males experience; 2.9% of married youth ( including those
lived-in) have engage in extramarital sex.

-7.1% aged 15-19 are already mothers. The proportion of women who
begun childbearing increases with age:2.0% aged 16, 31.2% aged 19.
Teenage fertility is the lowest among all regions of the country. While
prevalence of sexually transmitted infections like HIV and AIDS are
increasing in the youth, as of 2013, 86.7 have heard of HIV and AIDS
with poor understanding about this.
sexual promiscuity;
regular use of drugs and alcohol;
repeated violation of the law;
running away more than once a month;
skipping school;
aggressive outbursts/impulsiveness;
dark drawings or writings;
deterioration in hygiene;
oppositional behavior;
refusal to work/non-compliance;
chronic lateness;
changes in physical appearance,
excessive daydreaming;
Common Drugs abused by young
people and their effects:
Also known as Cannabis, Grass, Joint, Splif, Hashish, Pot, Weed.
Usually, people smoke lthe leaves but the leaves and stem can
be made into tea or even cookies. The effects may vary. You can
stay under the influence for about two to three hours,
someeople become relaxed and hapy whel others feel panic or
fear. User’s eyes are usually red and their throats and mouth
become dry.
Effects: can cause increase in heart rate and dilation of certain
blood vessels in the eyes. Chronic Bronchial Irritation is one of
the long term effects of marijuana.
impairment of long-term memory, gum disease, increase risk
cancers in mouth, jaw, tongue and lungs.
Heavy used of marijuana during pregnancy can also cause
impaired fatal growth amd development.
Also know as Khat, Qat, and Mirraa. Mairungi is the
common name for a stimulant leaf that is chewed in
much of East Africa. Chewing mairungi can help
someone feel more awake, confident, and energetic,
and can also reduce hunger. In fact, mang student’s
use it when “cramming” for and exam.
Effects: Negative Effects includes sleeplessness,
anxiety, aggressive behavior, and hallucinations. Some
men are unable to get an erection ater they have been
Alcohol is the most common drug and is used worldwide.
Because it is legal, often kept in the home and comes in
extremely cheap local brews, alcohol is extremely easy to
find and consume. At first, alcohol causes relaxation and
people feel less self-conscious. After more alcohol, an
individual gets drunk, reaction time slows down and
thinking straight becomes difficult. ( This is wht people
who are drinking are often involved in car accidents).

Effects: Further drinking can cause slurred speech and

aggressive behaviour that can lead to fights, rape, or orher
kinds of violence.When people drink, their ability to make
healthy and decisions is impaired.
The consequences of these alcohol-based decisions can
be cery dangerous, even life threatening.
also known as tobacco or cigars. Many young people
start smoking tobacco products for different reasons
including: influence of friends, seductive
advertisements, and older role models like sibling’s or
celebrities, to mention a few.
Nicotine-one of the most addictive and dangerous
substance, it is an active ingredient in tobacco.

Effects: According to WHO (2006), tobacco is the

second major cause of death in he world.The tar in
cigarettes increases a smoker’s risk of lung cancer,
emphysema, and bronchial disorders. t
also known as Crack, Coke, C, Charlie, Nose Candy, Toot,
Bazooka, Big C, Lady, Stardust, Coco, Flake, Mister
Cocaine is prepared from coca leaves which are greenish-
yellow leaves of different size and appearance.It is often
called the”champagne of drugs” because of it’s high cost.
Cocaine usually comes in a white powdered form and
crack looks like hard white rocks. It is usually snorted up
the nose or it is injected or smoked.
Effects: A small amount of cocaine will raise body
temperature, make the heart beat faster, increase the
breathing rate, make you feel over confident, and make
you more alert with extra energy. It makes one feel like
his/her body is going very fast. Excessive doses may
result to seizures, strokes, cereberal hemorrhage or heart
Also know as Hammer, Horse, H, Junk, Nod, Smack,
Scag, etc. Heroine is a drug obtained from morphine
and comes from the opium poppy plant. Heroin is a
drug that slows down the user’s body and mind.It is a
very strong pain killer and can be one pf the most
dangerous thing to mix with other drugs. Heroine can
be injected, snorted, smoked, or inhaled.
Effects: When injected heroin provides an extremely
powerful rush and a high that usually last for between
four to six hours. More effects includes a feeling of
well-being, relief from pain, fast physical and
psychological dependence, sometimes nausea and
vomiting, sleepiness, loss of balance,concentration,
and appetite. An everdose can result te death. And the
most dangerous effect of injecting heroin is the
increased posibility of contracting AIDS.
Also known as Speed, Ice, Browns, Football, Crystal
meth,Crack meth, etc. Amphetamines are stimulants that
affect a person’s system by speeding up the activity of the
brain and giving energy. Amphetamines are man-made
drugs and relatively easy to make. Ice usually comes as
colourless crystals or as a colorless liquid when used for
Effects: Amphetamines can cause an increase in heart beat,
faster breathing, increase blood pressure and body
temperature, sweating, make the person more confident and
alert, make it difficult to sleep and might make the abuser
talk more.
Some amphetamines are prescribed by doctors to treat
conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD) and narcolepsy (uncontrollable urge to sleep). Other
Also known as Ecstacy, Adam, Essence, MDM, MDMA, Eve
and many more.Ecstacy belongs to the same group of
chemicals as the above category that is stimulants amd is
more often used in the form of tablets at rave parties. Like
amphetamines, ecstacy is also a synthetic ( man-made)
drug. It is usually a small, coloured tablet and it comes into
different colors.

Effects: A person using ecstasy will probably feel happy,

warm, loving, and more energetic. He/she would feel
emotionally close to others, and might say or do things that
he or she would not. More effects are Nausea, vomiting, rise
in blood pressure and heart rate and possibly even death
because of overheating.
Inhalants and solvents are chemicals that can be
inhaled, such as glue, gasoline, aerosol sprays, lighter
fluid, etc. These are not drugs as such and are, in fact,
legally available from a large number of shops.
However, they are abused widely by the poorer section
of society, particularly street youth.

Effects: Inhalants may give the user a”high” for a very

brief peroid of time. They make him/her feel numb for a
short peroid of time, dizzy, confused, and drowsy. They
can also cause headaches nausea, fainting, accelerated
heartbeat, hallucinatiins. They can damage the lungs,
kidneys, lover in the long term.

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