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What emerging technology do you think will have the biggest impact on our daily lives in the next
five years?
2. How has the proliferation of smartphones changed the way we live and work?
3. What are the potential ethical concerns surrounding the development of artificial intelligence?
4. Can you name a recent technological innovation that you found particularly exciting or game-
5. How do you think the Internet of Things (IoT) will transform our homes and cities?
6. What's your opinion on the rise of virtual and augmented reality technologies?
7. How do you see the future of autonomous vehicles shaping our transportation systems?
8. What role does 3D printing play in the world of manufacturing and design?
9. How has blockchain technology impacted industries beyond cryptocurrency?
10. Do you believe that we are on the cusp of a new space exploration era with private companies like
11. How do you think technology is changing the landscape of healthcare and medical treatments?
12. What is the most interesting application of drones that you've come across?
13. What are the benefits and drawbacks of renewable energy sources and their impact on the
14. How has social media influenced our society and interpersonal relationships?
15. What trends do you foresee in the field of cybersecurity in the coming years?
16. How do you think technology is influencing the future of education and learning?
17. Are you concerned about the potential loss of jobs due to automation and AI?
18. What do you think about the concept of a universal basic income in a world with increased
19. How do you envision the future of wearable technology, such as smartwatches and fitness
20. What are some of the challenges and opportunities associated with the development of quantum
21. How has e-commerce revolutionized the way we shop and interact with businesses?
22. What impact has streaming technology had on the music and film industries?
23. Do you believe that the concept of privacy is evolving in the digital age?
24. How can technology be leveraged to address environmental and climate challenges?
25. What's your opinion on the use of biotechnology and gene editing, such as CRISPR-Cas9, in
medicine and agriculture?
26. How do you see the development of 5G networks changing the way we connect and
27. What innovations do you think will redefine the future of the gaming industry?
28. How do you think technology is influencing the way we access and consume news and
29. What are the potential implications of a cashless society and digital currencies like Bitcoin?
30. How is technology being used to improve disaster response and relief efforts?
31. What are some of the potential dangers associated with the rapid advancement of technology?
32. How do you see the role of robotics in industries like manufacturing and healthcare evolving?
33. How has the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated digital transformation in various sectors?
34. What are your thoughts on the increasing role of AI in personalized advertising and content
35. How do you think innovations in renewable energy storage will impact the transition to clean
36. What is the future of space exploration and potential human colonization of other planets?
37. How can technology be harnessed to address global issues like poverty, hunger, and healthcare in
developing countries?
38. How do you think virtual reality can be used beyond entertainment, such as in education or
39. What role do you see biometrics and facial recognition technology playing in security and privacy
40. How might innovations in 3D printing affect various industries, from construction to fashion?

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