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1. What's the last movie you watched, and what did you think of it?
2. Do you prefer watching movies in the theater or at home? Why?
3. Who is your favorite actor or actress, and why do you admire them?
4. What's your all-time favorite movie and why?
5. Are there any movie genres you avoid, and if so, why?
6. Do you like watching foreign films with subtitles? Why or why not?
7. Have you ever walked out of a movie theater because you disliked the film?
8. What's a movie you love that most people seem to hate, and why do you enjoy it?
9. Is there a movie you're excited to see that hasn't been released yet?
10. How do you feel about movie remakes and reboots? Are there any you've enjoyed?
11. What's a classic movie you've never seen but want to watch soon?
12. Are there any movie soundtracks that you love? Which ones?
13. Have you ever dressed up as a movie character for Halloween or a cosplay event?
14. What's the scariest movie you've ever seen, and did it give you nightmares?
15. What do you think about the role of movies in shaping society and culture?
16. Do you have a favorite movie quote or line of dialogue?
17. What's the most visually stunning movie you've ever seen?
18. How has your taste in movies changed over the years?
19. Do you enjoy animated movies, and if so, which ones are your favorites?
20. Is there a movie that has had a significant impact on your life?

TV Shows:
21. What TV show are you currently binge-watching, and why did you start watching it?
22. Do you prefer to watch TV shows weekly as they air or wait to binge-watch the entire season?
23. Who is your favorite TV show character, and why do you like them?
24. Have you ever been emotionally affected by a TV show? Which one?
25. What's the best series finale you've ever seen, and what made it great?
26. Are there any TV shows you feel were canceled too soon or that you wish had continued?
27. How do you feel about the growing trend of streaming services and original content?
28. Do you watch any non-English language TV shows with subtitles? Which ones?
29. Have you ever participated in a TV show-related fan community or forum?
30. What's your opinion on the use of technology and social media in TV shows?
31. Are there any TV shows you think accurately represent a particular time period or subculture?
32. What's your guilty pleasure TV show that you enjoy, even though it's not critically acclaimed?
33. Do you think TV shows have a responsibility to address important social issues?
34. How do you choose what TV shows to watch next? Recommendations, trailers, or something else?
35. Are there any TV shows you've re-watched multiple times? Which ones?
36. Have you ever met someone famous or well-known from a TV show?
37. What's the most complex or intricate TV show plot you've ever encountered?
38. Do you prefer TV shows based on books, comics, or original concepts?
39. How do you feel about crossover episodes between different TV shows?
40. Is there a TV show that you're eagerly awaiting the next season of?

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