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STUDENT NAME: Frank Zvakavapano STUDENT #: 0786520890









According to Schneider etal (2016), Occupational health surveillance is an essential component of

occupational health practice. The authors explain that occupational health surveillance is the

systematic ongoing assessment of workplace conditions and worker health.' This assessment is

used to identify, evaluate, and control occupational hazards, and to monitor the effectiveness of

control measures. SHEQ, which stands for Safety, Health, Environment, and Quality, is a vital

framework for ensuring the well-being of workers and the environment in an organization. It

consists of several components that work together to create a safe and healthy working

environment. In this essay, we will explore and provide specific illustrations for each component

of SHEQ.

Firstly, surveillance of the working environment is crucial to identify and manage potential hazards

that may pose risks to the workers. According to Hodgson etal (2013), Workplace health

surveillance is a core part of workplace health management. They explain that workplace health

surveillance is the process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data on worker health and

work exposures. This information is then used to 'improve health, identify high-risk groups, and

inform preventive strategies. They add that workplace health surveillance 'requires both health-

related and occupational exposure information. Companies conduct regular inspections and risk

assessments to ensure the working environment meets safety standards. For example, in a

manufacturing plant, supervisors may monitor the use of heavy machinery, ensuring that all safety

guards are in place and workers follow the required safety protocols. By continuously monitoring

and taking corrective actions when necessary, the company minimizes the occurrence of accidents

and promotes a safe work environment.

Secondly, surveillance of worker's health is an integral part of SHEQ. According to Newman and

Ford (2007), Worker health surveillance is the process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting


data on the health of workers for the purpose of promoting health and preventing disease. The

authors explain that worker health surveillance is not the same as individual health monitoring,

which is the process of assessing the health of an individual worker. Health surveillance helps

identify any work-related illnesses or potential risks to employees' health. For instance, in an office

setting, companies may offer ergonomic assessments to ensure employees' workstations are set up

correctly to prevent musculoskeletal disorders. By monitoring and addressing potential health

issues, companies can create a healthier and more productive workforce.

Next, information, education, training, and advice are essential components of SHEQ. It involves

providing employees with the necessary knowledge and skills to perform their jobs safely.

Companies should conduct regular training sessions on various topics such as fire safety, manual

handling, and first aid. Additionally, providing accessible resources and support is crucial in

maintaining a safe working environment. For example, companies can have safety manuals or

online platforms with safety guidelines and procedures readily available for employees. By

equipping workers with the necessary information and training, companies empower their

employees to work safely and prevent accidents. Newman, etal (2007 explained that information

and advice should be tailored to the specific needs of the workforce, and should be accessible,

understandable, and accurate.

Treatment and health programs are another important aspect of SHEQ. It involves providing

employees with access to healthcare services and facilitating their recovery in case of illness or

injury. For instance, companies may have partnerships with clinics or hospitals, providing

employees with prompt medical attention when necessary. Additionally, access to employee

assistance programs for mental health assistance can be beneficial. By offering treatment and

health programs, companies promote employee well-being and reduce the impact of health-related


issues on productivity. Health programs should be tailored to the specific needs of the workforce,

and should be 'designed to improve health, reduce the risk of future health problems, and encourage

workers to participate in their own health care. (Kauppinen etal 2007)

Finally, emergency preparedness is vital to respond effectively in case of unforeseen events such

as fires, natural disasters, or medical emergencies. Companies should have emergency response

plans in place, including clear evacuation procedures and regular emergency drills. Moreover, they

should appoint trained personnel who can manage emergencies and provide immediate assistance.

A well-prepared emergency response system ensures employees' safety during critical situations

and minimizes potential damage to the environment.

To sum up, each component of SHEQ plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety, health, and well-

being of employees within an organization. Through surveillance of the working environment,

ongoing monitoring of worker's health, providing education and training, offering treatment and

health programs, and having emergency preparedness plans, companies can create a secure and

healthy work environment. By implementing SHEQ effectively, organizations can protect their

employees, promote productivity, and contribute to a sustainable working environment.

In conclusion, it is evident that every aspect of SHEQ plays a pivotal role in safeguarding the

safety, health, and overall well-being of employees within an organization. By ensuring the

continuous surveillance of the working environment, closely monitoring the health of workers,

providing thorough education and training, offering treatment and health programs, and

establishing emergency preparedness plans, companies can establish a work environment that

prioritizes security and promotes good health.


Through the effective implementation of SHEQ, organizations can effectively protect their

employees, boost productivity, and contribute to the creation of a sustainable working

environment. By taking proactive measures to address safety, health, and environmental concerns

in the workplace, companies not only fulfill their legal and ethical obligations but also foster a

culture of care and well-being among their workforce. This, in turn, leads to increased employee

satisfaction, reduced absenteeism, and improved overall performance.

To achieve this, organizations should regularly assess and update their safety protocols and

policies, ensuring that they are compliant with industry standards and regulations. Additionally,

proactive monitoring of employees' health, including regular medical check-ups and screenings,

allows for early detection and prevention of potential health risks. By providing comprehensive

education and training programs, employees are well-equipped with the necessary skills and

knowledge to perform their duties safely and effectively.

Moreover, offering treatment and health programs not only addresses existing health issues but

also promotes a proactive approach towards employee well-being. Companies that establish robust

emergency preparedness plans are better equipped to handle unexpected situations, minimize

potential harm, and protect their employees in times of crisis.

In summary, the effective implementation of SHEQ within organizations is crucial for ensuring

the safety, health, and overall well-being of employees. By diligently monitoring and addressing

safety and health concerns in the workplace, providing necessary education and training, and being

prepared for emergencies, companies can create a secure and healthy work environment. This not

only protects employees but also enhances productivity and contributes to a sustainable working




Chatterji, Murphy, and Hodgson (2013), 'Workplace health surveillance is a core part of workplace

health management.'

Newman, Kauppinen, and Ford (2007),

Schneider, Jacob, and Verlander (2016), 'Occupational health surveillance is an essential

component of occupational health practice.'


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