RCD Module 1

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Western Philippines University

Civil Engineering Department

Reinforced Concrete Design
Dr. Cesario A. Bacosa Jr
Civil Engineer (Structural Engineer/ Geotechnical Engineer/ Construction Engineer)


In the USD method, the criterion that must be satisfied in the selection of a member is.

Factored load ≤ factored strength

The factored load is equal to the sum of all service loads, each multiplied by its own load factor. The factored strength is the
theoretical strength multiplied by a resistance factor (strength reduction factor). Thus

Qi = a load effect (a force or moment)
γi = a load factor
Rn = nominal resistance
 = resistance factor
 Rn = design strength
γi Qi = factored load

The load factors and resistance factors are introduced to limit the probability of failure and yet permit economical structures. To
arrive properly at a suitable factor of safety, the relative importance of various items are considered and these includes:

1. Seriousness of failure, either to human or goods.

2. Reliability of workmanship and inspection.
3. Expectation of overload and to what magnitude.
4. Importance of the member in the structure.
5. Chance of warning prior to failure.

NSCP 2010 Provisions for load factors and load combination:

1.) [409-1]
2.) [409-2]
3.) [409-3]
4.) [409-4]
5.) [409-5]
6.) [409-6]
7.) [409-6a]
8.) [409-7]
9.) [409-8]
D = dead load
E = earthquake load
F = fluid with well-defined pressures
H = load due to lateral earth pressures, groundwater pressure, pressure of bulk materials
L = live load
T = self-straining force i.e., differential settlement, creep, shrinkage
W = wind load
Load Combinations using Strength Design Method (USD)
NSCP 2015 203.3.1
1.4D (203-1)
1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5Lr (203-2)
1.2D + 1.6Lr + (f1L or 0.8W) (203-3)
1.2D + 1.3W + f1L + 0.5Lr (203-4)
1.2D + 1.0E + f1L (203-5)
0.9D ± (1.0E or 1.3W) (203-6)

where: f1 = 1.0 for floors in places of public assembly, for live loads in excess of 4.8 kPa, and for
garage live load.
= 0.5 for other live loads

Load Combinations Using Allowable Stress Design (ASD)

NSCP 2015 203.4.1
D (203-7)
D + L + Lr (203-8)
D + (W or E/1.4) (203-9)
0.9D ± E/1.4 (203-10)

[ (
D+0 . 75 L+ Lr + W or
1. 4 )] (203-11)

Alternate basic load combination (a one-third increase shall be permitted in allowable stresses for all combinations
below, including W or E. NSCP 2015 203.4.2
D + L + Lr (203-12)
D+L+W (203-13)
D + L + E/1.4 (203-14)

Factored load combinations for structural concrete. NSCP 2001 409.3.1

U = 1.4D + 1.7L (409-1)
U = 0.75(1.4D + 1.7L + 1.7W) (409-2)
U = 0.9D + 1.3W (409-3)
U = 1.32D + 1.1f1L + 1.1E (409-4)
U = 0.9D + 1.1E (409-5)
U = 1.4D + 1.7L + 1.7H (409-6)
U = 0.9D + 1.7H (Sec 409.3.4)
U = 1.4D + 1.4F + 1.7L (Sec 409.3.5)
U = 0.9D + 1.4F (Sec 409.3.5)
U = 0.75(1.4D + 1.4T + 1.7L) (409-7)
U = 1.4(D + T) (409.8)

D = dead loads E = earthquake loads T = differential settlement,
L = live loads H = lateral earth pressure creep, shrinkage,
W = wind loads F = liquid pressure expansion, temperatur

If resistance to loadings due to weight and pressure of fluids with well-defined densities and controllable maximum
heights F is included in design, such loading shall have a load factor of 1.4 and be added to all loading combinations
that include live load.

If resistance to impact effects is taken into account in design, such effects shall be included with live load L.

Typical resistance factors are as follows:

Situation Resistance factor, 

Flexure, without axial load 0.90
Axial tension and axial tension with flexure 0.90
Shear and torsion 0.85
Compression members, spirally reinforced 0.75
Compression members, other 0.70
Bearing on concrete 0.70
Plain concrete: flexure, compression, shear, and bearing 0.65

Advantages of USD vs. WSD

1. more likely to be economical when LL/DL < 3.0.

2. more uniform reliability for all concrete structures regardless of the loads.
3. facilitates the introduction of advances in knowledge in concrete design.
Singly-Reinforced Rectangular Beam – Analysis for Flexure

b fc’

0.85fc’ ec = fc1 fc
a/2 0.003 C
a=βc COMP C c
(no crack) (cracked) fs T fy T
T es
AS ft1 < fr ft1 > fr
Equivalent Strain
Beam cross- stress diagram Stress Diagram Stress Diagram Stress Diagram
section Under light loads Under Service loads Under Factored loads

usable strain of concrete = 0.003 to 0.005

let bd


for bending
Strain diagram

using Es = 200x103 MPa

(balance steel reinforcement ratio)

when (under-reinforced, ductile failure, steel fails first, fs = fy)
when (balance-reinforced, simultaneous yielding of steel and crushing of concrete, fs = fy)
when (over-reinforced, brittle failure, concrete fails first, fs < fy)

Code Provisions: For design of singly reinforced beams

To ensure yielding failure:

To avoid sudden tensile failure:

To control deflection,
For MPa,

Finding required steel area given Mu, b, and d.


NSCP Table 409-1 – Minimum Thickness of Nonprestressed Beams or One-way Slabs

Unless Deflections are Computed

Minimum Thickness, h
Simply One end Both ends Cantilever
Member supported continuous continuous
Members not supporting or attached to partitions or other
construction likely to be damaged by large deflections
Solid one-way slabs
L/20 L/24 L/28 L/10
Beams or ribbed
one way slabs L/16 L/18.5 L/21 L/8

Values given shall be used directly for members with normal weight concrete (wd = 2300 kg/m3) and Grade
415 reinforcement. For other conditions, the values shall be modified as follows:

a) For structural lightweight concrete having a unit weight in the range 1500-2000 kg/m3, the values shall
be multiplied by (1.65 – 0.0003wc) but not less than 1.09, where wc is the unit weight in kg/m3.
b) For fy other than 415 MPa, the values shall be multiplied by (0.4 + fy/700).

Desirable proportion of beam dimensions: d = 1.5b to 2.0b

Singly Reinforced Rectangular Beam
Investigation Problem

Case 1. Steel yields first, fs = fy

1.1 Compute the ultimate moment capacity of the beam using fc’ = 21 MPa and fy = 276 MPa., mu=185.70 kn.m
b = 300 mm
0.85fc’ ec = 0.003
a C c
d = 435 mm d

T es
4-28 mm
Equivalent Strain
Beam cross- stress diagram Diagram


1.1.1 Compute balanced steel ratio

Since MPa,

1.1.2 Compute actual steel ratio


since steel fails first, fs = fy

1.1.3 Compute depth of stress block

1.1.4 Compute nominal moment capacity

1.1.5 Compute ultimate moment capacity

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