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COSHH Assessment

Name of Substance: LIQUID CLEANER

Eyes: Irritation
Skin: skin irritation
Inhalation: Dizziness/Drowsiness
Ingestion: Damage to the lungs

PPE. – Select Required PPE (Tick Box to Indicate PPE is Required)

Other Control Measures – Ensure an adequate level of personal hygiene. All personnel involved to be briefed on hazards, risks and control measures
necessary. The SHS must be read prior to handling the substance. Control measures specified in this assessment must also be in place and effective prior
to commencement of task.

Good natural Forced general Ensure good personal

ventilation ventilation hygiene

Risk status without High / Medium / Low Risk status with specified High / Medium / Low
specified controls in place Medium controls in place Low

1.Ingestion: Drink a glassful of water

2.Eye Contact: Flush with water for 10 to 15 minutes
3.Skin: If prolonged contact occurs, rins thoroughly with water. If spilled on clothing, change clothes.
Fire Action: Do not sustain combustion per D.O.T. 49 CFR 173 appendix H method. Standard self – contained breathing apparatus
(SCBA) and full fire fighting turn – out gear ( Bunker gear )

Extinguisher Type:


Remove all source of ignition . use only non –sparking tools and equipment in the clean-up process. Contain and absorb spilled liquid with
non combustable, inert absorbent material then place absorbent metirial into a container for the later disposal notify the appropriate
authorities as required .For a water spill: remove from the water surface by the skimming or with suitable absorbents. Notfy appropriate
authority as required
Sign off section:

Name Card №. Position Company Signature

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