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Name: Marie Cris C. Dichos

School: Aerotower Building
Email address:


About one-third of global energy is consumed in residential, public, and commercial

buildings In Aero Tower building, where it is used for space heating, cooling, ventilating,
lighting, cooking, water heating, refrigerating, and operating electric and mechanical
devices. Global energy use in buildings is expected to grow as cities in developing and
continue to modernize and per capital income levels continue to increase. Because of
their high energy consumption, residential, public, and commercial buildings also offer
unparalleled opportunities for energy savings. This guidance note outlines how cities
can tap into a wide array of proven technologies, policies, and financing mechanisms to
improve energy efficiency and capture cost-effective energy savings in buildings. It
offers city leaders advice on how to get started in introducing energy efficiency
measures, and provides lessons and examples from successful programs that have
been introduced worldwide.

Keywords: buildings, energy Efficiency, effective strategy


In recent years, increasing interest has been shown in targeting energy efficiency as a
roadmap for carbon mitigation, limiting energy use, improving buildings’ energy
performance, and reducing energy consumption for achieving sustainable buildings.
This presents a systematic review to provide the best practices in this area and identify
the challenges, motivations, recommendations, Achieving energy efficiency toward
sustainable buildings is a hot topic in the sustainable development area. The outcomes
from this paper will provide a valuable reference to stakeholders, governments, and
decision-makers and give suggestions from the selected past studies. This review will
provide motivation and attract future research endeavors in the field. and pathways for
future work.

There is a growing concern about energy consumption in buildings and its implications
on the environment. Rising energy consumption in buildings may be lowered by
increasing energy efficiency. However, recent research indicates that running a
corporation is not a simple undertaking. The problem of increasing energy in buildings
will be reduced by choosing the proper approach and strategy. There are several
approaches utilized and suggested for benchmarking energy efficiency in buildings.
Energy-saving policies, such as turning off lights and appliances when not in use, can
be introduced and enforced. Incentives, such as rewards or recognition, can also be
provided employees who take initiatives to minimize their energy use. The energy
consumption habits can have a significant influence on the overall energy efficiency of
buildings. Energy-conscious practices may be promoted installation of energy-efficient
equipment and systems, and the implementation of rules and incent.

II. Current Status Assessment

Building Codes and Standards: Many countries and regions have implemented or
updated building codes and standards to require higher energy efficiency in new
constructions and renovations. These codes often specify requirements for insulation,
windows, lighting, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems to promote energy-
efficient practices.
Green Building Certifications: Green building certifications, such as LEED
(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) and BREEAM (Building Research
Establishment Environmental Assessment Method), have gained popularity. These
certifications incentivize and recognize buildings that meet specific energy efficiency
and sustainability criteria.
Energy Audits and Retrofits: Energy audits are being conducted in existing
buildings to identify energy-saving opportunities. Energy retrofits involve implementing
upgrades, such as better insulation, energy-efficient lighting, and HVAC improvements,
to reduce energy consumption and operating costs.
Smart Building Technologies: Advancements in smart building technologies have
enabled the integration of automation and energy management systems. These
technologies optimize energy use by adjusting lighting, heating, and cooling based on
occupancy and environmental conditions.
Public and Private Initiatives: Both public and private sectors are actively
promoting energy efficiency in buildings through incentives, rebates, and funding
programs. Governments, utilities, and organizations are encouraging building owners
and developers to adopt energy-saving measures.
Public Awareness: There is increasing public awareness about the importance of
energy efficiency and sustainable building practices. Consumers are now more
conscious of energy-efficient features when purchasing or renting properties.
III. Identified Challenges and Areas for Improvement
Despite progress, several challenges in aero tower building will remain in achieving
widespread energy efficiency. Some of these challenges include the high upfront costs
of energy-efficient technologies, and the need for proper training and education of
professionals in the construction and building management.
IV. Action Plan

Developing an action plan for energy efficiency in buildings requires a comprehensive

approach that involves various stakeholders and addresses different aspects of building
design, construction, operation, and maintenance. Here's a step-by-step action plan to
improve energy efficiency in buildings:
Energy Audit and Benchmarking:
Conduct energy audits of existing buildings to identify energy consumption patterns and
potential areas for improvement.
Establish energy consumption benchmarks to measure the performance of buildings
and set energy efficiency targets.
Building Codes and Standards:
Review and update building codes and standards to include more stringent energy
efficiency requirements for new constructions and renovations.
Collaborate with industry experts, architects, and engineers to ensure the feasibility and
effectiveness of the proposed standards.
Public Awareness and Education:
Launch public awareness campaigns to educate building owners, occupants, and the
general public about the benefits of energy efficiency and sustainable practices.
Provide resources and guidelines on energy-saving measures and technologies for
building owners and managers.
Financial Incentives:
Introduce financial incentives and tax benefits for building owners who implement
energy-efficient technologies and measures.
Offer low-interest loans and grants to support energy efficiency retrofits in existing

Retrofit Programs:
Establish retrofit programs that provide technical assistance and financial support to
help building owners upgrade their properties to meet energy efficiency standards.
Prioritize energy-saving measures based on cost-effectiveness and potential energy
Smart Building Technologies:
Promote the adoption of smart building technologies that enable real-time monitoring
and control of energy use.
Invest in building automation systems that optimize lighting, heating, cooling, and
ventilation based on occupancy and environmental conditions.
Renewable Energy Integration:
Encourage the integration of renewable energy sources, such as solar panels and wind
turbines, into buildings to generate clean electricity on-site.
Facilitate access to net metering or feed-in tariff programs to enable building owners to
sell excess renewable energy back to the grid.
Encourage the adoption of energy-efficient design principles and construction
Monitoring and Reporting:
Implement a system for ongoing monitoring and reporting of energy consumption and
savings in buildings.
Use the data to evaluate the effectiveness of energy efficiency initiatives and make
necessary adjustments to the action plan.
Collaboration and Partnerships:
Foster collaboration between government agencies, private sector organizations,
NGOs, and academic institutions to jointly promote energy efficiency in buildings.
V. Implementation Progress
It’s important to remember that progress in energy efficiency in buildings varies greatly
from nation to country and area to region, depending on factors like government
regulations, economic situations, public awareness, and technology breakthroughs. I
recommend studying recent papers, studies, and updates from trustworthy sources and
relevant government organizations to receive the most up-to-date information on
implementation progress.
VI. Impact Assessment
he impact of energy efficiency in buildings can be significant and far-reaching,
encompassing environmental, economic, and social benefits. Here are some key
aspects of the impact assessment of energy efficiency in buildings:
Environmental Impact:
Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Energy-efficient buildings consume less energy,
leading to lower greenhouse gas emissions, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2), which
contributes to climate change.
Conservation of Resources: Energy efficiency measures help conserve natural
resources, such as fossil fuels and water, by reducing the overall demand for energy
and minimizing the extraction and consumption of these resources.
Economic Impact:
Lower Energy Costs: Energy-efficient buildings typically have lower energy bills, which
results in cost savings for building owners, tenants, and occupants.
Job Creation: The implementation of energy efficiency measures can create new job
opportunities in various sectors, such as construction, manufacturing, and renewable
Social Impact:
Improved Comfort and Well-Being: Energy-efficient buildings often provide better indoor
air quality, temperature regulation, and lighting, leading to improved comfort and well-
being for occupants.
Health Benefits: Better indoor air quality and reduced exposure to pollutants can lead to
improved health outcomes, reducing the occurrence of respiratory illnesses and other
health issues related to poor building conditions.
Energy Security:
Reduced Reliance on Imports: Energy-efficient buildings decrease overall energy
consumption, reducing a country's dependence on imported energy sources and
enhancing energy security.
Reduced Strain on Infrastructure:
Lower Peak Demand: Energy-efficient buildings can help reduce peak energy demand,
easing the strain on the power grid during times of high energy use.
Delayed Infrastructure Investments: By curbing energy demand, energy efficiency
measures can delay the need for costly infrastructure expansion and upgrades.
Green Building Market Growth:
Market Transformation: Energy efficiency initiatives stimulate demand for green building
products and technologies, driving innovation and market transformation in the
construction industry.
Increased Property Value: Energy-efficient buildings tend to have higher property values
due to their lower operating costs and enhanced appeal to environmentally conscious
buyers and tenants.
Climate Mitigation:
Contributing to Climate Goals: Energy-efficient buildings play a crucial role in achieving
national and international climate targets and commitments, such as those outlined in
the Paris Agreement.
Global Energy Demand Reduction:
Alleviating Strain on Global Resources: Energy efficiency in buildings contributes to
global energy demand reduction, promoting a more sustainable and balanced use of
Overall, energy efficiency in buildings is a key strategy to combat climate change,
promote sustainable development, and create a more resilient and prosperous future.
As such, governments, businesses, and individuals worldwide are increasingly
recognizing the importance of investing in energy-efficient buildings and implementing
policies and initiatives to achieve these goals.

VII. Lessons Learned and Best Practices

Several lessons learned and best practices have emerged from the efforts to improve
energy efficiency in buildings over the years. Implementing these practices can lead to
significant energy savings, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and improved overall
building performance. Here are some key lessons learned and best practices in energy
efficiency for buildings:
Whole-System Approach: Taking a whole-system approach to energy efficiency is
essential. This involves considering all aspects of building design, construction,
operation, and maintenance in an integrated manner. Focusing on individual
components alone may not yield optimal results.
Early Integration of Energy Efficiency: Incorporating energy efficiency measures
early in the design phase of a building is more cost-effective than retrofitting later.
Integrating energy-efficient features from the start can lead to more seamless
implementation and greater long-term benefits.
Building Envelope Improvements: Improving the building envelope, which includes
insulation, windows, doors, and roofing, is crucial for reducing heat gain or loss and
maintaining a comfortable indoor environment while using less energy for heating and
Energy-Efficient HVAC Systems: Choosing energy-efficient heating, ventilation, and
air conditioning (HVAC) systems is vital for optimizing energy use while maintaining
indoor comfort levels. Proper sizing, regular maintenance, and modern technologies are
essential considerations.
Smart Building Technologies: Implementing smart building technologies, such as
building automation systems, energy management systems, and occupancy sensors,
can optimize energy use by adjusting building systems based on real-time data.
Efficient Lighting Solutions: Utilizing energy-efficient lighting technologies, such as
LED lights, and incorporating daylighting strategies can significantly reduce electricity
consumption for lighting.
Behavioral Changes and Occupant Engagement: Educating building occupants
about energy-saving practices and encouraging behavioral changes can contribute to
substantial energy savings. Simple actions, like turning off lights and electronics when
not in use, can have a significant impact.
Regular Energy Audits and Monitoring: Conducting regular energy audits and
monitoring building performance can help identify areas for improvement and track the
effectiveness of energy efficiency measures.
Renewable Energy Integration: Combining energy efficiency with renewable energy
sources, such as solar panels or wind turbines, can further reduce a building's reliance
on conventional energy and lower its environmental impact.
Green Building Certifications: Pursuing green building certifications, such as LEED or
BREEAM, can provide a framework for achieving and recognizing high levels of energy
efficiency and sustainable building practices.
Financial Incentives and Financing Mechanisms: Offering financial incentives,
grants, or access to favorable financing options can encourage building owners to
invest in energy efficiency upgrades.
Public Policy Support: Governments can play a crucial role by implementing
supportive policies, regulations, and building codes that promote energy efficiency and
sustainability in buildings.
Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration: Encouraging collaboration among
stakeholders, sharing best practices, and exchanging lessons learned can accelerate
the adoption of energy efficiency in buildings globally.
By incorporating these lessons learned and implementing best practices, stakeholders
can make significant strides toward achieving energy-efficient, environmentally friendly,
and sustainable buildings. These efforts contribute not only to a more resilient built
environment but also to the global fight against climate change and resource depletion.

VIII. Future Recommendations

The main goal is to improve energy efficiency as a mandatory requirement for

sustainable buildings by adopting measurements such as utilizing renewable energy
sources, purchasing energy efficiency systems, using the materials & equipment for
GHG emission reduction, using software for designing the buildings to reach a higher
energy efficiency. Adopting policies and regulations for the public to promote sustainable
buildings, adaptive techniques such as energy-saving techniques for improving
sustainable energy performance with reducing the building's energy demand for better
overall performance. For achieving this goal of sustainable buildings, there is a need to
continue improving and managing energy efficiency

Studies on improving energy efficiency to achieve sustainable buildings are increasing
in number. However, these types of studies have several limitations that are still
unaddressed. Energy efficiency in sustainable buildings is an emerging and hot topic
that needs further investigation. The main contribution of this article is that it conducted
and built a systematic review and created a classification for selected articles linked to
this topic. The selected papers on the energy efficiency of sustainable buildings are
grouped into two categories: review articles, which are divided into using rating
systems, developing policies, techniques, adaptive technologies, strategies, and other
reviews that do not fall under any of the previous categories; and conference
proceedings with research articles, which are divided into environmental, social, and
economic impacts, and others that do not fall under the previous categories. The
selected articles were comprehensively analyzed by highlighting the motivations,
challenges, recommendations, and pathways of work related to targeting energy
efficiency to achieve building sustainability. The recommendations need to be followed
by researchers, governments, policymakers, and stakeholders such as professionals,
designers, investors, developers, practitioners, and clients for mitigating carbon
emissions, limiting energy use, improving the energy performance of buildings, and
reducing energy consumption in buildings to achieve sustainability. The pathways for
future work provide recommendations that guide future researchers in adopting
systems, techniques, strategies, methods, analysis techniques, tools, parameters,
software, and models to overcome the challenges related to improving the energy
efficiency of buildings. Most of these challenges include lack of knowledge,
understanding, evidence of findings, parameters, natural resources, policies, systems,
techniques, methods, and other challenges. Addressing these energy efficiency
challenges will enable buildings to achieve sustainability and energy efficiency, thus
contributing to achieving the United Nations’ SDGs 11 and 13. This comprehensive
review also summarizes the methodical aspects of selected articles, such as the country
of the authors, software used, data collection, type of journals, research methods,
journals, and impact factors, to provide a valuable reference for future researchers. With
these aspects in mind, topics related to emerging energy efficiency in sustainable
buildings need to be updated.

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