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This is to certify that Rishi kumar jha,

student of class XII – A has
successfully completed the Physics
Project under the guidance of- Mr.
Ajay kumar. This project is genuine
and is not plagiarism of any kind. The
references used in making this project
file are declared at the end of the file.

External`s Class In-charge sign:---------------


I wish to express my deep gratitude and sincere

thanks to the principal,_____________, KENDRIYA
VIDYALAYA, for his encouragement and for all the
facilities he has provided for this project work. I
extend my hearty thanks to subject teacher Mr. Ajay
kumar and lab assistant who guided me to the
successful completion of this project. I take this
opportunity to express my deep senses of gratitude
for their invaluable guidance, constant
encouragement and immense motivation which has
sustained my efforts at all stages of this project work.
I can`t forget to offer my sincere thanks to my
classmates who helped me to carry out this project
work successfully and for their valuable advice and
support which I received for them time to time.

 Aim of the experiment

 Introduction
 Apparatus Required
 Principle
 Block Diagram
 Circuit Diagram
 Theory
 Procedure
 Observation
 Uses of this project
 Conclusion & Scope
 Bibliography


Automatic light control system is a simple and powerful concept,

which uses transistor as a switch ON and OFF the light
automatically by using this system manual works are removed. It
automatically switches ON light when the sunlight goes below the
visible region of our eyes. It automatically switches OFF light
under illumination by sunlight. This is done by a sensor called
Light Dependent Resistor( LDR) which senses the light actually
like our eyes.
By using this system energy consumption is also reduced because
now a –days they manually operated lights are not switched OFF
properly even the sunlight comes and also not switched on earlier
before sunset. In sunny and rainy days, ON time OFF time differ
significant which is one of the major disadvantage of using timer
circuit or manual operation.
This project exploits the working of the transistor in saturation
region and cut-off region to switch ON and switched OFF the
light at appropriate time with the help of an electromagnetically
operated switch.
Automatic light needs no manual operation of switching ON and
OFF. The system it self detects whether there is need for light or
not. When darkness rises to a certain value then automatically
light is switched ON and when there is other source of light, the
light gets OFF. Switched ON can also be tailored using the
potentiometer provided in the circuit.
Moreover, the circuit is carefully designed to avoid common
problems like overload, relay chattering and inductive kick in

 A n-p-n transistor;
 Breadboard
 Resistors:33Ω,1MΩ
 Connecting wires;
 L E D;
 L D R;
 9V Battery;

The automatic light control system operates on 230V

AC supply. The automatic light controller has a
photoconductive device whose resistance changes
proportional to the extent of illumination, which
switches ON or OFF with the use of transistor as a
Light dependent resistor, a photo conductive device
has been used as the transducer to convert light
energy into electrical energy. The central dogma of
the circuit is that the change in voltage drop across
the light dependent resistor on illumination or
darkness switches the transistor between cut-off
region or saturation region and switches OFF the

1. A transistor is a semiconductor device used to

amplify or switch electronic signals and electrical power.
It is composed of semiconductor
material with three terminals for connection to an
external circuit.

Emitter (E): It is the left hand side thick layer of the

transistor which is heavily doped;
Base (B): It is a central thin layer of transistor which is
lightly doped;
Collector (C): It is the right hand side thick layer of
the transistor which is moderately doped;
A p-n-p junction transistor is obtained by growing a
thin layer of thin layer of n- type
Semiconductor in between two relatively thick layers
of p- type semiconductor
A n-p-n junction transistor is obtained by growing a
thin layer p- type semi-conductor in between two
relatively thick layers of n-type semi-conductor.

In the project, common emitter n-p-n transistor (BC-

547) is used.
2. Carbon Resistor: A carbon resistor has generally
four rings or bands A,B,C and D of different
colours corresponding to the value of resistance.
In project, we use carbon resistance of 1MΩ and

3. LED: A light –emitting diode (LED) is a

semiconductor light source. When a light
emitting diode is forward –biased (switched on),
electrons are able to recombine with electron
holes within the device , releasing energy in the
form of photons. In this project, we use led of
white colour.
3. LDR

3. Battery: This is a rectangular prism shape

with rounded edges and a polarized snap
connector at the top. In project, we use 9-Volt
4. Wires: A wire is a single, usually cylindrical,
flexible strand or rod of metal. These are used to
connect components
7. Breadboard: A breadboard is a construction
base for prototyping of electronics. Because the
solderless breadboard does not require soldering, it is

 Take a breadboard and connect its two halves.

 Connect a 9V battery on the breadboard.
 Connect an NPN transistor on the breadboard
with its three legs (Emitter, Base, Collector)
inserted in three different columns of the
 The emitter of the transistor is grounded.
Connect one leg of a 1MΩ resistor to the base of
the transistor, and its other leg to any different
column of the breadboard. Connect the
corresponding column to Vcc.
 Connect an LDR between the base and emitter of
the transistor.
 Connect one leg of a 330Ω resistor to the
collector of the transistor, and its other leg to any
different column of the breadboard.
 Take an LED connect its negative terminal to the
right leg of 330Ω resistor, and its positive terminal
to Vcc.

By employing this circuit energy consumption can be

reduce considerably as the switches ON or OFF
automatically in appropriate time. Moreover, errors
which occur due to manual operation also can be
eliminated completely. The automatic street light
controller unit fabrication is cost-effective with good
sensitivity and high reproducibility. Moreover, the
construction of the circuit is also simple so that it
can be done easily as it involves locally available
component. The circuits designed in such a way that
extent of darkness at which the light has to switch
ON or OFF also can be tailored whenever it is
needed. It can be used for other purposes like garden
lighting balcony lighting etc.

Application 1: The above circuit can be powered

from a battery, which can be changed during day
time by harvesting the solar energy through solar cell
as shown below:
Application 2: The solar energy harvested from
sunlight can be stored, inverted from DC voltage to AC
voltage using sun tie converted. The AC voltage can be
stopped up and given to the electric grid.

The Ac voltage from the electric grid can be stepped

down, rectified and used for powering the circuit.
Meanwhile, the street can also be prepared by the AC
voltage, which is controlled by a relay switch connected
to the switching part of the circuit. The above
mentioned strategy will be enabling us to harvest solar
energy in an effective way for the operation of the
circuit and for powering the street light also.

Here are some various sites from where we collect

some of important information related. Project are:


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