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01) Match the correct answers for the following questions.

(10 Marks)

1. What is your next class? a) It was a new lunch box.

2. Who will be your new class teacher? b) They are the sellers.

3. Are you from England? c) It is next to media unit.

4. Is she your sister? d) His pet is sick.

5. Where is our canteen? e) They had won a match.

6. How do you know today is a holiday? f) Mrs. Hulangamuwa.

7. Who are shouting there? g) It is grade 7 B.

8. Why was he sad? h) No, she is my aunt.

9. What was inside the bag? i) I checked the calendar.

10. Why were they joyful? j) I am from Germany.

02) Read the following conversation and complete the following table.(10 Marks)
“What time does the library open?” the boy on the phone asked.
“9.00 a.m., and why are you calling me at home in the middle of the night to ask a
question like that?” asked the librarian.
“Are you sure it is only at 9.00 a.m.?” the boy asked in a troubled voice.
“Yes, not until 9.00 a.m. Why do you want to get in before 9.00 a.m.?” the librarian
Then the boy replied, “I don’t want to get in. I want to get out.”
“Oh, didn’t you know the library is closed at 6 p.m.? the librarian asked.
“I fell asleep while I was reading behind a book shelf” said the boy.
“I’ll send the security guard to take you out within 10 minutes” said the librarian.
“Thank you for your kindness” said the boy.

Caller The boy The boy was in The library

receiver The librarian Librarian was at Home
The time called Middle of the Library closes at 6.p.m.
Library opens at 9 a.m. Librarian sends the Security guard
The boy’s voice was troubled The boy can come out after 10 minutes
03) Study the following picture and fill in the blanks of the following passage. (10
Marks) using the words given in brackets.
(kinds, piglet, puppy, hat, farm, chicks, trees, buildings, little ones, animals

This is a picture of a (1) ……………… There are many (2) ……………… on it. There are
some (3) ……………… at the back of the farm. There are two (4) ……………… in front of
them. All animals have their (5) ……………… with them. There are 08 (6) ……………… of
animal here. The farmer has a (7) ……………… on his head. There is a (8) ………………
and a dog near the farmer. The hen has three (9) ………………. The (10) ………………
stays close to its mother who is between sheep and cows.

04) Underline the word with a different vowel sound. ( 5 Marks)

1. ran, can, man, son

2. hot, hit, not, got
3. tin, bin, won, win
4. put, nut, hut, but
5. men, hen, ten, gun

05. Make questions from the following sentences. (10 Marks)

1. They are in the playground.

2. He is an athlete.
3. She is a singer.
4. They are new desks.
5. It is a smart board.
6. We are the students of grade 06.
7. Suryan went to the zoo.
8. The principal saw a new teacher.
9. It barked at the mailman.
10. There is a bag on the chair.

06. Read the dialogue and fill in the blanks. (05 Marks)

At the school

Teacher: Nirmal, what are you doing?

Nirmal: I am practicing the dialogue of the drama.
Teacher: Where is your friend? Is he
reading in the library yet?
Nirmal: No, he is not reading in the library. He is practicing guitar for the drama with
his music teacher.
Teacher: That’s good. Your teammates are waiting near the playground. Tell them not to
be late for the drama practice.
Nirmal: Certainly, teacher. They are coming to the class now.

1. I am ……………
2. He is ……………
3. Nirmal’s teammates are ……………
4. The teacher asks Nirmal’s friends …………….
5. They are …………
07. Match the pictures with the sentences. (05 Marks)

1) She goes to the school by bus.


2) He rides to the school.


3) They go to the school by bicycle.


4) She rides to the school.

5) She walks to the school.


08. Use 'what', 'where', 'who' or 'why' to complete the following questions.

1. __________ is reading a story book? My brother is reading a story book.

2. __________ are they running? They are running to catch the bus.
3. __________ is her wrist watch? Her wrist watch is in her pouch.
4. __________ are you cooking? I am cooking milk rice.
5. __________ is it sleeping? It is sleeping on the floor.
6. __________ is she crying? She has fallen down in the playground.
7. __________ are the ingredients? It contains sugar, salt, and wheat flour.
8. __________ are you late? I couldn’t get up early.
9. __________ is he happy? He won the race.
10. __________ do you live? I live in Colombo.

09. Read the poem and put a tick (√) or a cross (×). (05 Marks)

SIMPLE SIMON met a pie-man,

Going to the fair;
Says Simple Simon to the pie-man,
"Let me taste your ware."
Says the pie-man to Simple Simon,
"Show me first your penny."
Says Simple Simon to the pie-man,
"Indeed I have not any."
1. Simple Simon was going to the fair.
2. He does not want to eat pie.
3. The pie-man needs money.
4. Simple Simon pays money.
5. Simple Simon has more money.

10. Use the punctuation marks and rewrite the following. (1/2 X 20 = 10 Marks)

what is your name

are you a student of mountain college

i bought a pen pencil and book


i like music but i have no time to listen


the earth is our planet


sri lanka is our mother land


11. Match the following situations with the expressions. Put the correct letter in the box.
(10 Marks)

1. You accidentally put down your friend’s a) Thank you

2. A passenger’s bag falls from the rack to b) Nice to meet you
your laps in the bus
3. You cross a narrow bridge c) It’s my pleasure
4. A new student comes to your class d) Hurry up please
5. You leave the school in the evening e) It’s alright
6. You thank a friend f) You’re welcome
7. You go to catch a train by a taxi g) Be careful
8. Your friend gives you a seat in the bus h) Get well soon
9. A friend thank you for helping him i) I’m sorry
10. Your friend is sick. j) See you tomorrow

12. Read the following steps and put them in order by writing the number in the
provided box. (10 marks)

1. Open the lid

2. Take the toothpaste tube
3. Hold the tooth brush
4. Wash your mouth
5. Turn on the tap
6. Close the lid
7. Turn off the tap
8. Squeeze the tube
9. Brush your teeth
10. Put some toothpaste on your brush

13. Fill in the blanks with correct preposition. (1/2 * 10 = 5 Marks)

with, on, in, into, for, through, behind, of, by, to

1. There is a gift ______ your birth day. 6. We have a holiday ______ Wednesday.
2. Wild elephants live ______ the jungle. 7. We ran _____ river and swam.
3. I go to school _______ my brother. 8. They went ______ the ground and played.
4. Teachers come to the school _____ bus. 9. There was a fox _____ the bush.
5. It was the house _____ my uncle. 10. This river flows _____ the valley.

14. Write a paragraph on one of the following. (5 Marks)

 My school  My pet

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