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Practical Lab # 8.

Finding pressure distribution over an aerofoil at different velocity and

The airfoil is tilted with respect to the (undisturbed) flow direction, defined by the angle of
attack,α. the airfoil experiences a force FR. The airfoil cross section of an airplane wing is
long in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the drawing and the flow can be considered
as two dimensional.
In this practice you should obtained the form experimental the values of the components of
the force FR , but in this case we consider pressure distribution over an aerofoil at different
velocity and angles.
To measure the pressure distributions on an aerofoil
HM 170 Air Flow Bench Win Tunnel, it was presented in before practice; the same way is
use in this case.
Wind Tunnel and HM 170.09 Drag Model "Aero Foil"
Instruments: Manometer, an aerofoil mode with pressure topping on bottom and copper
surfaces. Dial gage of pressure.
Technical Description
The aerofoil drag model is intended for usage in the measuring section in the HM 170
Educational Wind Tunnel. The model consists of an aerofoil section made of plastic and
mounting bracket made of corrosion-resistant steel. The aerofoil is painted red and is fitted
with guide panels at the ends. These ensure that the flow is optimally aligned with the
aerofoil. The model is placed in a 2-component force transducer, this indicates the drag force
and lift as a measured value when the body is placed in a flow.

Figure 1. Aerofoil
[1] Drag model for experiments on bodies in flows
[2] Aerofoil made of plastic, profile NACA 15, lxwxh 100x100x15mm
[3] Bracket made of corrosion-resistant steel, d=4mm
[4] Force transducer section up to the middle of the model 239mm
[5] Model painted in RAL 3000
Technical Data
Profile: NACA 15
Dimensions and Weight
l x w x h: 100 x 15 x 289 mm
Weight : ca. 0.3 kg

Drag Coefficient
A dimensionless value that allows the comparison of drag incurred by different sized and
different shaped bodies.
The force an object due to aerodynamic drag can be calculated using:

F = aerodynamic drag force [N]
Cd = drag coefficient
A = frontal area [m2]
ρ = density of fluid [kgm-3]
v = velocity of object relative to fluid [ms-1]

Figure 2. Forces Diagrame

First we mount the model in the middle of the working section.
Then we connect all the pressure topping along the length of bottom and top surfaces of the
aerofoil model to the manometer. And the we set the aerofoil at 100C of angle of attack.
After that we measure initial atmospheric pressure acting on the aerofoil before starting the
wind tunnel.
Finally we started the wind tunnel and measured the pressure at different portion along the
aerofoil length.
The measurement to realize should be taken as is shown in the following table:
Table 1. Data
The data collected Calculated as tabulated
x P∞ Patm(pa) Px, gauge(pa) Cp
In cm of H2O In pascal

Subsequently we shown the example, how we can calculate of the pressure and Cp we can
carry out it known the experimental values.
To measure pressure distribution in aerofoil, calculate the pressure coefficient.

(Px)y – Gange pressure at x distance of the aerofoil
(P)y - Gange pressure of free stream
 - Density of air
U - Free stream velocity
CP - Pressure coefficient
(Px)y=Px-gauge-Patm Patm=0.82mbar
Ρ=Patm/RT R=287
ρ=0958kg/m T=250C=298K
Show the result with help of the graph same as is shown in the following figure 3, with the
values calculated.

Figure 3. Result
You should be boarding the aspect in relation with behavior the Cp and pressure in different
positions of the aerofoil.
That was explain in the topic of content of the report, the same way you should have the
reference to the bibliography useful for this practice.

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