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Euthanasia in India

Euthanasia remains a controversial topic in India, with differing opinions

on its legal status.

by 22047 MUSKAN JAIN

Current Legal Status
Restricted Practice

Euthanasia is currently illegal in India, except in cases where passive euthanasia is

permitted under specific circumstances.

Supreme Court Verdicts

The Supreme Court of India has previously provided guidelines for passive euthanasia,
euthanasia, but active euthanasia remains prohibited.

Public Opinion

A significant divide exists within society regarding the legalisation of euthanasia, making
it a challenging issue to address.
Debate Overview
1 Morality vs Autonomy

The debate centres around the balance between respecting an individual's autonomy
to choose a peaceful death and the moral implications of intentionally ending one's life.

2 Patient Rights

Advocates argue that legalising euthanasia would empower patients to make decisions
decisions about their own lives, including the option of avoiding prolonged suffering.

3 Ethical Considerations

Opponents emphasize the sanctity of life and the potential for abuse of euthanasia,
euthanasia, expressing concerns about maintaining ethical standards in healthcare.
Arguments for Legalisation
Compassion & Empathy Enhanced Autonomy Reducing Burden

Legalising euthanasia allows Granting individuals the right Euthanasia can alleviate the
compassionate end-of-life to choose their fate enables emotional, financial, and
care, providing comfort to them to die with dignity on physical burdens faced by
patients experiencing their own terms, respecting terminally ill patients and their
unbearable pain or suffering. personal autonomy. their families.
Arguments against Legalisation

Moral Implications Slippery Slope Religious Perspectives

Legalising euthanasia Opponents fear that legalising Religious beliefs and moral
challenges the sanctity of life legalising euthanasia may open codes often form the basis for
and raises ethical questions open the door for abuse, opposition to euthanasia, as it
about the value of human potentially leading to it contradicts the sanctity of life
existence. involuntary euthanasia or life principles.
misuse of the law.
International Impact
1 Netherlands

The legalisation of euthanasia in the Netherlands has stimulated discussions worldwide

and serves as a case study for evaluating potential effects.

2 Belgium

Belgium's legislation includes provisions for minors, highlighting the need for careful
careful consideration of age limits and consent in euthanasia laws.

3 Canada

Canada's landmark decision to legalise euthanasia prompts further exploration of the

the interaction between legislative action and societal attitudes.
Role of Medical Professionals
Medical professionals play a crucial role in the euthanasia debate, balancing their commitment to
preserving life with providing compassionate care for patients nearing the end of life.

Patient-Centred Care

Medical professionals must navigate the fine line between respecting patient autonomy and ensuring
ensuring adherence to ethical standards.

Ethical Dilemmas

Decisions surrounding euthanasia raise ethical dilemmas for medical professionals as they strive to
strive to balance professional obligations with patient desires.

Legal Compliance

Healthcare practitioners must remain aware of the legal framework surrounding euthanasia and
adhere to guidelines to avoid legal pitfalls.
Recommendations for the Future
Deliberate Legislation Societal Education Supportive Infrastructure

India should engage in Efforts should be made to An integrated healthcare

carefully considered, promote public awareness system should be developed,
evidence-based dialogue to and education surrounding developed, focusing on
draft comprehensive end-of-life care options, palliative care services and
legislation that balances facilitating informed mental health support to
individual autonomy and discussions within the ensure comprehensive care
safeguarding against abuse. community. for patients considering

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