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3, 2011

Frontlines of

On the


A Message from the U.S. Fund Board Chair and President

Dear Friend of UNICEF, As someone sharply attuned to child survival issues, you have likely been following the dire malnutrition and famine crisis in the Horn of Africa. This is a crisis of staggering scale, impacting children in Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Djibouti. Imagine the heartache of the mothers and fathers who starving themselves are watching their children suffer, wither, and beg for food that is not there. The worst drought in 60 years has killed their livestock and turned their fields to dust. Right now, in several regions of Somalia, one in five children is at exceptionally high risk of death. But thanks to you, help is available. UNICEF has been providing emergency therapeutic food in refugee camps and feeding centers, and immunizing children against the diseases that prey upon young malnourished bodies. UNICEFs decades worth of expertise in drought and famine relief mean it is making a significant difference (see p. 10). Of course, even as we focus on this still-escalating crisis, we remain committed to all the children suffering in silent emergencies those like preventable disease and unsafe water. But last month, we were able to share some wonderful news on that front. The number of children dying each day from preventable causes has dropped yet again from 22,000 to 21,000. It is a testament to your generous support of UNICEFs overall child survival work, funded through unrestricted donations including the contributions you make to our General Fund (see box on p. 12). As we head into the holiday season, there are so many ways to show your support for UNICEF and the worlds children (see p. 7). We encourage you to celebrate our partnership by sending UNICEF holiday cards. We also hope youll join us at one of the U.S. Funds many upcoming events, including our New York flagship gala, the UNICEF Snowflake Ball, and the UNICEF Ball in Los Angeles. No matter how you stand up for the worlds most vulnerable children this season, we are, as always, deeply grateful to have you by our side. Thank you.

Anthony Pantaleoni Board Chair

Caryl M. Stern President and CEO

P.S. To browse and order UNICEF holiday cards, please visit

U.S. Fund for UNICEF

In This Issue
9 Donor Activities at Home and Abroad 1415 Partner Profiles Why I Give: Patricia Anderson and Dominique Slavin 26 UNICEF in the Field

1013 Feature: On the Frontlines of Famine

16 Inside the U.S. Fund Continued 78 Inside the U.S. Fund

U.S. Fund for UNICEF Board of Directors

Honorary Co-Chairs George H.W. Bush Jimmy Carter William J. Clinton Chair Emeritus Hugh Downs Chair Anthony Pantaleoni Vice Chair Peter Lamm President Caryl M. Stern Secretary Gary M. Cohen Treasurer Edward G. Lloyd Honorary Directors Susan V. Berresford James H. Carey Marvin J. Girouard Anthony Lake John C. Whitehead Honorary Members Joy Greenhouse Helen G. Jacobson Susan C. McKeever Lester Wunderman Directors Andrew D. Beer Daniel J. Brutto Nelson Chai Gary M. Cohen Mary Callahan Erdoes Pamela Fiori Dolores Rice Gahan, D.O. Bruce Scott Gordon Vincent John Hemmer Peter Lamm Ta Leoni Bob Manoukian Anthony Pantaleoni Amy L. Robbins Henry S. Schleiff Kathi P. Seifert Caryl M. Stern Jim Walton Sherrie Rollins Westin

Produced by the Department of Editorial and Creative Services

Executive Editor Mia Drake Brandt Managing Editor Adam Fifield Art Director Rachael Bruno Assistant Managing Editor Jen Banbury Contributing Editor Eileen Coppola Designer Melissa Axelrod Copyright 2011 U.S. Fund for UNICEF . All rights reserved.

Every Child No. 3, 2011


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Emergencies Update
A year and a half after the earthquake that battered Haiti, nearly 600,000 people still live in displacement camps around Port-au-Prince (down from 1.5 million last year). Cholera remains a significant problem, though the number of cases has been decreasing; there are 438,365 as of this writing. To keep the disease at bay, UNICEF and local partners have distributed soap, water purification tablets, and chlorine for water treatment to 2.2 million people since April. UNICEF continues to provide a diverse array of aid to those still affected by the earthquake, including clean water, child protection, immunization, HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, and education (for the 20112012 school year, UNICEF procured school supplies for 750,000 students).

Last year, widespread flooding in Pakistan unleashed one of the largest natural disasters ever recorded. A total of 18 million people were affected, including 3.9 million children. UNICEF mobilized national, regional, and global resources to mount one of the largest emergency responses in history. Among the remarkable results: 11.7 million children were vaccinated against polio and 10.4 million were vaccinated against measles; 5 million people received clean drinking water; and more than 2 million children were screened for malnutrition. But just last month, additional monsoon flooding impacted more than 5 million Pakistanis. UNICEF is working with the government to assess urgent needs.

UNICEF continues to aid children who lost parents, homes, schools, and more in the Great East Japan Earthquake in March. UNICEF is helping to rebuild preschools and kindergartens and has set up childrens mini libraries with 150,000 books in 900 locations. The Japan Committee for UNICEF has directed the distribution of this and other assistance.

UNICEF is strengthening its presence in Libya and has been helping local water experts restore Tripolis water supply. To cover short-term needs, UNICEF procured 11 million liters of bottled water for half a million people. UNICEF has also distributed School-in-a-Box kits and is helping to care for children in special child-friendly spaces.
To donate to UNICEF emergency relief by region, please visit

U.S. Fund for UNICEF


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A Baby Named Independence

Shortly after midnight on July 9, a chorus of joyous whooping filled the maternity ward of Juba Teaching Hospital in South Sudan. It was a spontaneous celebration of birth the birth of a brand new nation and the birth of its first citizen, a baby boy aptly named Independence. South Sudans autonomy was made possible by a 2005 peace agreement that ended decades of bitter, violent conflict between the southern and northern regions of Sudan. But this infant nation and baby Independence both face tremendous obstacles: one in nine children in South Sudan dies before reaching the age of five, some 200,000 South Sudanese children are either severely or moderately malnourished, and less than 3 percent of children receive the full protection of immunization. Building up the public health system decimated by years of conflict, neglect, and lack of funding will be a top priority for the government of the worlds newest country. Some progress is already being made. Thanks to funding from UNICEF and other partners, a brand new ward recently opened at Al Sabbah Childrens Hospital in the capital, Juba. That means the hospital can treat more children suffering from malnutrition, malaria, pneumonia, and diarrhea. The expanded hospital will also fulfill a vital teaching role, training community health workers, mothers, and caregivers in simple but effective methods of improving childrens health. Josephine Spina Independences mother embodies both the troubled past and the hopeful future of this budding country. She is a former child soldier who was able to escape that violent life and put it behind her. Today, she has a job with the Wildlife Protection Service, working to safeguard the new countrys wild animals and their habitats. South Sudan will need much help in the coming years especially for its 4 million children (nearly half the total population). As UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake recently stated, We must all do our part to help this independence generation survive and thrive.

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Caring for Orphaned and Vulnerable Children in Swaziland

The southern African nation of Swaziland has the worlds highest rate of HIV infection, and nearly half of its children are orphans or living in otherwise vulnerable circumstances. An innovative UNICEF-supported program is caring for these children at nearly 1,500 community-based centers known as Neighborhood Care Points. Here, UNICEF-trained volunteers provide at-risk boys and girls with health care and other vital services. The children receive two meals a day, supplied largely by the World Food Program and the Global Fund. A $2 million contribution from Kiwanis Internationals Key Club has dramatically improved the program, spurred contributions from other organizations, and helped UNICEF work with the government to set up a national child safety and protection unit. Dr. Jama Gulaid, UNICEF Representative in Swaziland, spoke to Every Child about how Neighborhood Care Points began and how they are making a critical difference in childrens lives. Every Child (EC): Can you describe the challenges facing Swazilands orphans as well as other vulnerable children? Jama Gulaid (JG): Imagine a home where the head of the household is a child. This child has all the responsibilities of an adult and has to care for all the other kids. Children who have become caregivers have to put food on the table. If trouble occurs, they have to seek help. When their parents were alive, they would fix the home and replaster the walls of the traditional house if it was damaged in the rain. In Swaziland today, if there is no adult, the children are left with responsibilities such as looking after siblings, putting food on the table, and fixing dwellings. Take the example of the traditional dwelling. After two rainy seasons, it develops gaping holes in the mud walls, thus exposing children to the elements. And the winter can be cold in Swaziland. The orphans are also very vulnerable to violence and exploitation, loss of their inheritance, and hunger. On top of that, some of them have inherited HIV from their parents and require a lot of attention and care. EC: Can you tell us how Neighborhood Care Points work? JG: The care points give assistance to community-based caregivers, who are mostly women and who have volunteered to aid these children. With the help of UNICEF, the government, and other partners like the World Food Program, these caregivers get training and can make sure children get adult supervision, psychosocial support, food, medications (including antiretroviral drugs), and referrals to health facilities as needed... And since the government recently began removing primary school fees, with UNICEFs help, the care points

Key Club members Joe Hartsoe, Rob Gulick, Amanda Thain, and Grace Greenwell visited children at an older Neighborhood Care Point in Swaziland in 2007 before Key Club made a $2 million , contribution to improve the program.

U.S. Fund for UNICEF


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have also become a conduit to school. The caregivers know that these children need to be directed from here to the school, so the Neighborhood Care Points have just become a channel that nobody anticipated initially when we started investing in them.

who were willing to look after some of these children So UNICEF got initial funding from the European Commission Humanitarian Aid Office and said to the volunteer caregivers: You look after the children, and well bring you some support. UNICEF and other partners then worked with the government to set up the care points and provide basic materials. At first, the meeting place was often a tree or simple mud home. Now, we have a blueprint for the building its a concrete structure with a latrine, a storeroom, and a kitchen. The new structures are more child-friendly.

EC: How is health care delivered at the Neighborhood Care Points? JG: We bring health workers to the care points so they can provide immunizations and vitamin A supplements. They also screen the children and, if needed, refer them to health facilities. EC: How did the concept of Neighborhood Care Points evolve? JG: It came about in response to a drought emergency in 2003. UNICEF staff and representatives from non-governmental organizations were traveling around the countryside; they discovered that there were a lot of children out there, all by themselves They found children sitting alone in isolated homesteads after the premature death of parents, mostly from AIDS-related diseases. The drought made things even harder. But the more the teams looked around, they met people

EC: What kind of impact is Key Clubs $2 million contribution making? JG: The Key Club contribution has significantly improved the overall program. With this assistance, UNICEF has been able to provide more stimulation and more psychosocial support for the children, and more training for the caregivers. It has strengthened the existing centers and enabled us to open 100 new ones and provide crucial start-up items like cooking pots, and feeding utensils, and water and sanitation materials.

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A Groundbreaking Microcredit Program Helps Women and Children in Bolivia

So how does the program work? The Bancos Comunales program gives loans of up to 3,000 bolivianos (about $425), at an interest rate of just 2 percent. Threequarters of the interest goes toward increasing the communal banks reserves, while the rest goes into a savings account for the borrower. This amount is returned once she or he has finished paying the loan, usually within 12 months. But UNICEF-supported Bancos Comunales are not just banks: they train women to understand and advocate for their rights and those of their children, and encourage them to invest in their childrens education. In other words, they work to break the cycle of poverty in a multi-facNot long ago, Pilar Rueda, a mother of two living in the remote Bolivian town of Pocoata, was barely eking out a living by selling a few items from a small storefront. Hardship is all too common throughout Bolivia, where nearly two-thirds of the population about half of them children live in impoverished households. But something amazing is happening in this region of the country. Rueda and many others like her have been given the opportunity to excel, financially and personally, thanks to a UNICEF-created microfinance program called Bancos Comunales Communal Banks. The program extends credit to indigenous people, mainly women, in 13 remote municipalities of the Potos region of Bolivia. Normally, it is almost impossible for people in these areas to get loans for small, income-generating ventures. But unlike traditional banks, which charge high interest rates on microcredit, the Bancos Comunales program offers very low rates and is entirely directed and driven by the community. Pilar Rueda proudly shows off what shes been able to achieve with her Bancos Comunales loan. This store just used to have a couple of things, she says. Now it has so many products and provides us with a good source of income. eted way. Pilar Rueda has become a community leader as well as a savvy businesswoman. And though she never had the chance to go to secondary school, shes making sure her own children get a good education. Her son is already in college, and shes paying for the supplies her daughter needs to stay in school.

...UNICEF-supported Bancos Comunales are not just banks: they train women to understand and advocate for their rights...

U.S. Fund for UNICEF

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Ways to Engage This Fall and Holiday Season

Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF
In October, you can save lives by supporting UNICEF in your neighborhood or online. Take the iconic orange box door to door on Halloween, host a Halloween Party for a Purpose, or set up your own fundraising webpage. Get started at

Inspired Gifts

This holiday season, purchase lifesaving items such as warm blankets, mosquito nets, and therapeutic milk for children in need. Dedicate your gifts to friends or family members well send each of them a card to let them know. Visit

UNICEF Cards and Gifts

Help children around the world just by purchasing greeting cards and unique holiday gifts through Shop UNICEF. Youll also find seasonal decor and wonderful presents for the kids in your life. Find it all at

Upcoming Special Events

Thursday, October 20, Boston Thursday, October 27, New York

UNICEF Childrens Champion Dinner Honoring Sting and Trudie Styler UNICEF Masquerade Ball Hosted by UNICEFs Next Generation UNICEF Snowflake Ball Presented by Baccarat, Hosted by Andy Cohen, and Honoring John Strangfeld, Prudential
Tuesday, November 29, New York

UNICEF Ball Presented by Baccarat and Honoring Irena, Nick, and Mike Medavoy
Thursday, December 8, Beverly Hills
For more information or tickets, contact Jennifer Lopez at 212-880-9131 or

Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF Partners

Key Club International, a student-led service leadership program of Kiwanis International, has been Trickor-Treating for UNICEF since 1994. Over the years they have raised more than $5 million by hosting events like Halloween Spooktacular parties and haunted houses. This year, their efforts will support The Eliminate Project, helping to wipe out maternal and neonatal tetanus. HGTV now in its third year of support is Trick-or-Treat for UNICEFs Premier Media Sponsor. Once again, HGTV will highlight Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF in a primetime Halloween television special (tune in Saturday, October 22 at 8 PM ET) and on the Halloween section of Crocs Cares SM, the philanthropic division of Crocs, Inc., has joined the Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF campaign this year as a Proud Supporter and nationwide retail distributor of Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF boxes (which you can order online at Longtime U.S. Fund partners American Airlines and Coinstar, Inc. have returned as Promotional Supporters. And Heidi Klum is supporting this years campaign as the 2011 Trick-of-Treat for UNICEF Ambassador. We are hugely grateful to all these partners for improving the world and Halloween! for children. 7

Thanks to Our

Every Child No. 3, 2011

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Introducing the Audrey Hepburn Society

Audrey Hepburn never forgot the aid she received from UNICEF as an adolescent in post-World War II Holland. In 1988, she became a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador and traveled to more than 20 countries, meeting children who struggled every day just to survive. She reported what she saw to world leaders, governments, and the international media, lending a fierce and singular voice to the fight to save childrens lives. By the time she died in 1993, she had instilled in hearts and minds all over the world a passion for UNICEFs vital work. This fall, the U.S. Fund for UNICEF is introducing a new recognition society that honors her legacy. The Audrey Hepburn Society for the U.S. Fund for UNICEF is a special national group of the U.S. Funds most committed and generous partners in the global fight for child survival. Members are supporters who give $10,000 or more annually.

To save a single child is a blessing. To save a million children is an opportunity granted to us by UNICEF.
Audrey Hepburn
The various levels of membership will each offer unique opportunities for members to connect with each other and participate in UNICEFs work through volunteer gatherings, program events, and in-the-field experiences. Special communications and access to UNICEF staff will offer engaging and intimate ways to learn about the impact of donations. Members will also receive special recognition in U.S. Fund for UNICEF publications, on our website, and at events.
For more information about the Audrey Hepburn Society for the U.S. Fund for UNICEF please contact , Marci Brenholz at or (212) 922-2607 . Audrey Hepburn Trademark of Sean Ferrer and Luca Dotti. All Rights Reserved.

Moroccan Youth Get a Technological Boost from Dell

In the Moroccan cities of Casablanca and Rabat, young people have a new opportunity to use and master cutting-edge technology thanks to Dell. A grant from the Dell YouthConnect program has enabled UNICEF Morocco to help build computer labs in the cities youth centers. Dell has also donated equipment and sponsored their employees to set up the computer labs and teach computer classes. By helping young people in Morocco develop their computer and job skills, Dell is giving them a leg up and empowering them to achieve their dreams of success in the modern world.
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U.S. Fund for UNICEF

d o N o r AC t I v I t I E s At h o m E A N d A b r oA d

Southeast Regional Board member Dr. Gulshan Harjee, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Dr. Bobbie Bailey, and Caryl M. Stern at the UNICEF Experience in Atlanta. Dr. Bailey spontaneously pledged $250,000 during the inspiring event.

Participating as panelists and co-hosts for the Rising Power of Women in Philanthropy breakfast on September 16 in New York City were (l.-r.) Fran Drescher, Ambassador Swanee Hunt, Ta Leoni, Robert Jenkins, Pamela Fiori, Caryl M. Stern, Liya Kebede, and Mary Erdoes.

UNICEFs Chief of Child Protection Susan Bissell (center) spoke about child trafficking at a May luncheon in Houston, co-chaired by Southwest Regional Board members Eileen Lawal (left) and Susan Boggio (right).

U.S. Fund Vice President of Development Bill Horan, Southern California Regional Board members Brigitte Posch and Wendy Adams, and National Development Committee member Eric Eitel at a May event hosted by Ms. Posch and Rod Dubitsky.

Supporters Lorraine and Tim Nelson with children outside a school in Rwanda.

Supporter Martha Metz on a recent field visit to Rwanda.

Every Child No. 3, 2011



U.S. Fund for UNICEF

Frontlines of
By Adam Fifield

On the

scribed the unfolding calamity as a megafamine and likened its scope to the massive Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004. UNICEF and its partners, including the UNs World Food Program, are racing to save children like Aden by setting up emergency feeding centers in Dadaab and other settlement camps, in Somalia itself, and throughout the entire region. Using every means possible to reach children in jeopardy, UNICEF is rushing therapeutic food into affected areas by land, air, and sea. It is also delivering an array of other vital assistance, including immunizations, medicines, clean water, child protection services, anti-malarial mosquito nets, vitamin A supplements, and education for uprooted children. In southern Somalia alone, UNICEF has shipped more than 490 tons of ready-to-use therapeutic food enough to treat more than 33,000 severely malnourished children. Adens story and those of many other children like him who have been reached in time shows that UNICEFs response in the Horn of Africa is working and that the lethal grip of famine can be broken. But many are still in peril, and the operation remains at a critical juncture. Just $10 can feed a malnourished child for 10 days. Many generous American donors have committed lifesaving support, but as of this writing, UNICEF still faces a funding shortfall in the Horn of $91 million.

bdile and his family tried to outrun the famine. Their crops and livestock had been claimed by drought. They had little food or water. Getting out of Somalia and into Kenya was their only hope of survival. Malnourished and exhausted, the two parents, grandmother, and four children struggled across a parched, dust-blown terrain, walking for 25 days. Abdiles wife died of starvation along the way. But he kept going, carrying three children on his back. The desperate father feared that his youngest son, three-year-old Aden, would soon follow his mother.
The family finally reached the sprawling Dadaab settlement camp in Kenya, packed with more than 400,000 other refugees. By then, Aden was very close to death. He couldnt lift his head or swallow. He weighed only 11 pounds. The boy was taken to a hospital, where doctors wondered if he would make it. They immediately began treating him with therapeutic food supplied by UNICEF. Two weeks later, Aden had gained more than two pounds and was able to stand on his own for a few seconds at a time. My son is getting better by the day, and I know he will survive this, said a grateful Abdile, who shared his story with UNICEFs Chris Tidey. The Horn of Africas worst drought in 60 years has conspired with rising food and fuel prices, chronic conflict, and deep-seated poverty to create a vast and dire crisis. It is the most severe humanitarian emergency in the world today. Tens of thousands of people have died, more than half of them children. The situation is so grave that some parents have faced a kind of Sophies Choice: which children should they feed and which should they allow to starve? As many as 12.5 million people are affected in drought-wracked Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia, and Djibouti, including 4 million children. Southern Somalia is the hardesthit. There, famine has been declared in six districts and may spread to others. UNICEF emergency veteran David Bassiouni de-

Every Child No. 3, 2011


said that combating hunger and starvation has been at the heart of UNICEFs mission since its founding in 1946. At that time, the fledgling agency provided food as well as medicine to children in Europe suffering the aftereffects of World War II. Feeding children was how UNICEF started, says Bassiouni. That was how the organization came into being. We should not forget those humble beginnings, because thats how we originated. UNICEF has always given the nutrition of children and mothers very high priority. That means UNICEF will do everything in its power to reach malnourished children, even in a place like Somalia, where ongoing violence makes the work of humanitarian agencies extremely challenging and dangerous (dozens of aid workers have been killed in Somalia, including several UNICEF staff members). Despite such daunting circumstances, UNICEF is determined to deliver nutritional assistance to Somali children. One way it does this is by working with a network of over 70 local non-governmental partners and by deploying third party monitors to make sure aid reaches children. UNICEFs ability to respond to famines and to reduce risks from natural disasters has improved significantly over the years, says UNICEFs Deputy Chief of Communications Patrick Mc-

History of Fighting Food Crises

In recent years, droughts and floods spurred by climate change have threatened food supplies, especially in poor countries, and may have helped pave the way for food crises and famines. UNICEF acts as quickly as possible to aid children in the path of these often slow-building disasters. Famine is declared when acute malnutrition rates among children exceed 30 percent, more than 2 people per 10,000 die per day, and when food and other basic necessities are no longer accessible. Over the last several decades, many famines have been exacerbated by

armed conflict, which compounds the effects of drought and hampers the distribution of relief. UNICEF and its partners have a history of battling famines across the globe, including in 1979 and 1980 on the Thai-Cambodian border, in the wake of the brutal Khmer Rouge regime; in 1984 in Ethiopia and many other countries across sub-Saharan Africa; in the late 1980s in war-torn Sudan, when the late UNICEF Executive Director James Grant brokered ceasefires to allow food to be delivered to the south; and in 1992 in Somalia. These are only a few examples. Bassiouni, who was the UNICEF Representative in Somalia when the horrific famine afflicted that country in 1992,

Is It Possible to Head Off Emergencies?

UNICEF is a leader in responding to emergencies like the one raging in the Horn of Africa. These high-profile disasters often garner hearteningly strong support from our donors. But some of the greatest threats to childrens survival are silent emergencies that take their deadly toll outside the headlines: chronic malnutrition, preventable diseases, small crises that show signs of snowballing into something greater. By making an unrestricted gift to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF a gift that is not pegged to a specific emergency, program, or country you enable UNICEF to provide lifesaving aid where it is needed most. At times, this kind of funding can help head off or diminish an emergency altogether. It is also critical to maintaining momentum in UNICEFs fight against child mortality. Just last month, we were able to announce that the number of children under age five dying each day has dropped to its lowest level ever 21,000 per day. UNICEFs staff includes some of the worlds top experts in fields related to child survival. Every day, these experts track and assess the areas of greatest need for the worlds children. Where are food shortages developing? Where have the rains failed? Where have unexpected cases of measles appeared? By making unrestricted gifts to our General Fund, you are placing your trust in these specialists. And as always, every dollar you donate is leveraged for the greatest impact.
To donate to the General Fund, please visit


U.S. Fund for UNICEF

Cormick. I think we are much quicker, says McCormick. There are now prepositioned supplies, more transport, and more personnel. As a result, were seeing fewer of those horrific pictures and fewer deaths now than we did in Ethiopia and Somalia before. In addition to being more prepared to tackle famines and food crises and meet immediate needs, UNICEF today is also more effective at helping nurture early recovery, says Bassiouni. We are not only responding to crises but are focused on building back better. For instance, it provides families cash grants so they can buy food or other necessities. In Somalia, UNICEF is currently providing cash for six-month periods to allow families to overcome the drought and plan how to use the money in the best way over that period. This assistance ensures that some families can stay put instead of being forced to flee to refugee camps.

Back from the Brink of Death

Severe acute malnutrition is not just a matter of starvation. A malnourished child has a weakened immune system and is more susceptible to killer diseases. UNICEF is expanding its immunization activities in the Horn and is mounting a huge measles vaccination campaign that will reach a planned 10 million children. Ordinary food can actually be harmful to malnourished children, which is why UNICEF focuses on delivering therapeutic foods. These include high-protein biscuits, fortified milk, and a specially designed nutritional peanut paste that is packed with protein and vitamins. The paste is ready to use, does not need to be refrigerated or mixed with water, and can be administered anywhere by anyone. It has been hailed as a miracle food for its power to bring a child back from the brink of starvation. UNICEF is one of the largest suppliers of peanut paste in the Horn of Africa. Without treatment, acutely malnourished children can die in a matter of weeks. For these boys and girls, it is not only a question of going to bed hungry it is a question of surviving the night. But the vast majority of those who receive help can be saved. UNICEF is reaching as many children as it can.
To support UNICEFs response in the Horn of Africa, please visit

A Watchful Eye, 24/7

UNICEF is able to be first on the scene in many crises thanks to its one-of-a-kind operations center (OPSCEN) an extraordinary emergency information and communications hub where, each minute of every day, multilingual staff monitor potential emergencies. Based at UNICEF headquarters in New York, OPSCEN works to ensure a quick and well-informed response to everything from foreboding weather patterns to earthquakes, from food price spikes to political unrest and armed conflict. OPSCEN is always on the lookout for wherever and whenever childrens lives are threatened. It also helps to oversee the safety of UNICEFs more than 13,000 staff members worldwide by keeping an eye on potentially dangerous security situations. And the centers bailiwick is not just emergencies it also examines long-term social, environmental, and economic patterns and analyzes issues such as climate change and politics.

UNICEF acts as quickly as possible to aid children in the path of these disasters.

Every Child No. 3, 2011


P A r t NF E A t U r E I l E s Er Pro F

Why I Give: Patricia Anderson

As a mother, grandmother, and former schoolteacher, I have a special place in my heart for children and young people. Every child deserves a chance, but there are so many who dont get one. Some kids grow up in awful situations. I believe if you can get children headed in the right direction and make them strong enough, then they can overcome whatever theyve had to go through. During a field visit to Honduras earlier this year, I met some teenagers who had been given a second chance by UNICEF. Gang violence is a big problem in Honduras, where the unemployment rate is very high. A lot of these kids try to find something to do, and they end up making wrong decisions and joining gangs. We met one young man who told us that he was trying to find a place to belong and find love. He couldnt find it at home, and so became part of a gang. He had to get a tattoo, which identified him as a gang member even after he left. Employers would check young people like him to see if they had a gang tattoo, and if they

Every child deserves a chance, but there are so many who dont get one.

did, they wouldnt give them a job. At UNICEF-supported centers in Honduras capital, Tegucigalpa, these kids can now turn their lives around beginning with the removal of their tattoos by doctors. They get a lot of other support, too, like counseling and job training, and they learn to take responsibility for themselves. We these brave young men, and by this program, that I made a contribution to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF to help keep it going. What really impressed me with the gang project and others was how UNICEF would help the local communities get these programs off the ground. It was not a charity campaign, where someone comes in and does all the work and keeps doing it. UNICEF provided resources and guidance, but then the schools and communities and parents took ownership of the projects. I liked how UNICEF worked with the government and made sure everybody was on board. One great example is UNICEFs partnership with a local municipality to train mothers how to feed their babies and make sure they get the right nutrition in the first two years of life. Being able to witness UNICEFs work in Honduras was very meaningful to me. I got involved and went on this trip because of my son-in-law, Matt, who encouraged our family to support UNICEF. Matt passed away recently, and our support for UNICEF is a memorial to him. I think he would be deeply proud of what is happening in Honduras.

met some boys who had come back to talk about how they had changed their lives and how they had become mentors. They were now trying to keep other boys and girls away from gangs. I was so inspired by


U.S. Fund for UNICEF


Pro FI lE s

Why I Give: Dominique Slavin

Their families did not, so their tongues were cut out and they were sent into the street. And it was also clear to me that this was essentially happenstance. It was the grace of God that had put me inside that car, and nothing else. I contribute to UNICEF because I have left a piece of myself with those children. They didnt choose that life, and they didnt control the grim circumstances they faced every day. But something can be done for children like them, and UNICEF is there to do it. Growing up in developing countries, I was able to see UNICEF at I will never forget the faces of the children outside my car window more than 20 years ago. When I was growing up, my parents worked for the International Labor Organization. My sister and I got to see fascinating and diverse parts of the world, as my parents careers took us from Trinidad to Peru to India. Of those three places, India made the deepest impression on me. I lived there from ages nine to fifteen. On New Delhis wide boulevards and ubiquitous roundabouts, youd see whole families on one bike. Being in a car meant that you were wealthy. We would drive to my school, and on the way there was one and only one stoplight. Naturally, we would stop there every day, and children between the ages of six and nine would run up to our windows. We could see that some of them were missing their tongues. I was told that they had been cut out so the kids would be more successful at their job, which was to beg. I always knew that the main difference between these children and me was money. My family had money, so I sat inside an air-conditioned car and went to school. work. Everywhere I lived, they were there, always doing their best to help kids who often had nothing. So I trust UNICEF, because I know they do exactly what they say they do. My own children are involved now, too. My sons are very active and have helped build a Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF program at their school. Theyve really taken to it and dont stop talking about Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF. Their commitment actually lasts year-round. Every month, they each give a portion of their allowance to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF. Im glad that they have been able to help other children and also that they have been able to learn about the reality faced by most other kids in the world. Every child is a possibility. So if we do everything we can to help each possibility, then theres more hope for all of us. Thats what makes UNICEFs mission so basic and so important.

Every child is a possibility. So if we do everything we can to help each possibility, then theres more hope for all of us.

Every Child No. 3, 2011


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Back to School with UNICEF

It opened up the world for us. Thats how a middle school social studies teacher described the effect of TeachUNICEF on her classroom. As the Internet, and technology in general, shrink our world a little more each year, its increasingly important that children have the chance to study and understand the entire global landscape. The U.S. Fund for UNICEFs TeachUNICEF program provides U.S. educators with free tools including lesson plans and firsthand accounts of children from a huge range of countries, economic backgrounds, and ethnicities that help students learn about issues like poverty, gender equality, child labor, and water and sanitation challenges. TeachUNICEF resources give students a valuable insight into the major issues that confront their peers in the developing world and, in turn, empower them to become better global citizens. The U.S. Fund for UNICEFs Education Department supports TeachUNICEF through teacher training, pilot study, and other outreach initiatives. It is currently working with schools to facilitate screenings of an acclaimed documentary about education and gender issues
For more information about TeachUNICEF please visit , To learn more about UNICEF High School Clubs, visit

in the developing world: To Educate a Girl. A Viewing Guide to the film helps teachers and their students dig deeply into the films topics, which profoundly impact so many children around the world. The U.S. Fund also gives students the opportunity to explore global issues outside of the classroom through the UNICEF High School Clubs program a growing movement of students who want to help the worlds children survive. Student-led clubs partner with the U.S. Fund for UNICEF to educate, advocate, and fundraise in support of UNICEFs lifesaving work. Club members stay connected to humanitarian and child survival news, and engage their families and communities in these essential issues. They brainstorm about the best ways to raise funds and awareness, and hold innovative, fun events.

Photo Credits
Cover: UNICEF/NYHQ2011-1345/Antony Njuguna P1: UNICEF/NYHQ2011-1012/Riccardo Gangale UNICEF/NYHQ1989-0479/John Isaac UNICEF/NYHQ2009-1508/Kate Holt UNICEF/PAKA2010-00222/Marta Ramoneda P2: UNICEF/NYHQ2011-0795/Marco Dormino UNICEF/NYHQ2011-0100/Shehzad Noorani UNICEF/NYHQ2011-0493/Adam Dean UNICEF/NYHQ2011-0223/Roger LeMoyne P3: John Ferguson UNICEF/NYHQ2006-0528/Shehzad Noorani UNICEF/NYHQ2009-1509/Kate Holt P4: U.S. Fund for UNICEF/Kristi Burnham UNICEF/NYHQ2009-1923/Giacomo Pirozzi U.S. Fund for UNICEF/Kristi Burnham U.S. Fund for UNICEF/Kristi Burnham UNICEF/NYHQ2005-0726/Christine Nesbitt UNICEF/NYHQ2009-1921/Giacomo Pirozzi P6: U.S. Fund for UNICEF/Thomas Nybo U.S. Fund for UNICEF/Kristen Magelinx UNICEF/NYHQ2008-1577/Giacomo Pirozzi P8: UNICEF/NYHQ1992-0393/Betty Press UNICEF/NYHQ1989-0475/John Isaac UNICEF/NYHQ2005-2249/Giacomo Pirozzi P9: Left to right: Tim Wilkerson, Lee Salem of Lee Salem Photography, Kim Coffman, Barron Segar/U.S. Fund for UNICEF, Wendy Serrino, Julie Skarratt P10-11: UNICEF/NYHQ2011-0203/Kate Holt P12: UNICEF/SUDA00449//UNICEF UNICEF/NYHQ1992-1169/Hoss Maina P5: UNICEF/NYHQ1992-1199/Betty Press UNICEF/NYHQ2011-1185/Kate Holt UNICEF/NYHQ2011-1203/Kate Holt UNICEF/NYHQ2011-1124/Kate Holt P14: Courtesy of Patricia Anderson UNICEF/NYHQ2005-2076/Donna DeCesare P15: Courtesy of Dominique Slavin UNICEF/NYHQ2009-2167/Tom Pietrasik UNICEF/NYHQ2008-1404/Tom Pietrasik P16: UNICEF/AFGA2010-00325/Shehzad Noorani UNICEF/NYHQ2011-1013/Riccardo Gangale U.S. Fund for UNICEF/ Amador Valley High School IBC: UNICEF/INDA2011-00191/Niklas Hallen Courtesy of Jeff Rowe Envelope: UNICEF/LAOA2011-00048/Martha Tattersall P13:


U.S. Fund for UNICEF

The U.S. Fund for UNICEF

Danny Kaye Society

I was lucky to grow up in the United states. When I was a kid, I didnt have to worry about where my next meal came from, or whether I would get a terrible disease, or whether I would be able to go to school. I put UNICEF in my will, because I want other children to get the same kind of chances I had. supporting UNICEF is the best opportunity to make a lasting difference in the world. A charity also has to get good grades to get a donation from me. And UNICEF is an A-plus charity I am confident the money I contribute is going to have the greatest impact. Jeff Rowe Danny Kaye Society Member

Recognizing Those Who Have Invested in the Future of the Worlds Children
to learn more about how you can create a legacy of life for future generations of children, please contact Karen metzger toll-free at (866) 486-4233, or visit our website:

No child should die of a preventable cause. Every day 21,000 do. We believe that number should be zero.

Believe in zero.

The U.S. Fund for UNICEF has earned 6 consecutive 4-star ratings from Charity Navigator. Only 3% of charities evaluated by this trusted organization have received its highest ranking for at least 6 straight years. We meet all 20 of the Better Business Bureaus Wise Giving Alliance Standards for Charity Accountability.

U.S. Fund for UNICEF 125 Maiden Lane, New York, NY 10038 1.800.FOR.KIDS 2011 U.S. Fund for UNICEF. All rights reserved.

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