The Role of Elastography in Clinically

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The role of elastography in clinically
significant portal hypertension
Angelo Alves de MATTOS1,2, Angelo Zambam de MATTOS1,2,
Giovana Dal Pozzo SARTORI2, Gustavo Tovo BOTH³ and
Cristiane Valle TOVO1,2

Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre, Departamento de Clínica Médica,
Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. 2 Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre, Curso de
Pós-Graduação em Medicina – Hepatologia, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. ³ Universidade Luterana do
Brasil, Departamento de Clínica Médica, Canoas, RS, Brasil.

HIGHLIGHTS ABSTRACT – This is a narrative review that aims to discuss the importance
• In compensated cirrhosis, using
non-invasive methods would exempt of elastographic methods in the evaluation of clinically significant
the patient from the need of an
portal hypertension (CSPH) in cirrhotic patients, where the authors
propose an algorithm for evaluating these patients. In compensated
• The Baveno VII presented the
“rule of 5” for Vibration-Controlled advanced chronic liver disease, the goal is to prevent the develop-
Transient Elastography; liver stiffness
measurement ≤15 kPa and platelets ment of CSPH and, in those already with CSPH, prevent the appear-
>150.000/mm3 exclude clinically
significant portal hypertension ance of gastroesophageal varices (GEV) and other complications of
(CSPH), while when ≥25 kPa is
highly suggestive of CSPH. portal hypertension. In compensated cirrhosis, the prevalence of GEV
• Spleen stiffness measurement has is 30–40%, of which 10–20% are at risk of bleeding. Therefore, using
been proposed as a more specific
technique to predict the presence of non-invasive methods would exempt the patient from the need of an
endoscopy. Hepatic Elastography is a non-invasive, safe, reproduc-
• Elastography has gained prestige
in the non-invasive evaluation of ible method, available through many techniques: Vibration-Controlled
patients with advanced chronic liver
disease by allowing prophylactic
Transient Elastography (VCTE), Shear Wave Elastography (SWE) and
measures to be taken when Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE). The Baveno VII presented
suggesting the presence of CSPH.
the “rule of 5” for VCTE: liver stiffness measurement (LSM) ≤15 kPa
and platelets >150.000/mm3 exclude CSPH, while an LSM ≥25 kPa is
highly suggestive of CSPH. Also, the “rule of 4” for SWE has been
proposed: patients with ≥17 kPa could be considered as having CSPH.
Received: 24 April 2023
Accepted: 8 August 2023 At last, spleen stiffness measurement (SSM) has been proposed as a
more specific technique to predict the presence of CSPH. In conclu-
Declared conflict of interest of all
authors: none sion, elastography has gained prestige in the non-invasive evaluation
Disclosure of funding: no funding
received of patients with advanced chronic liver disease by allowing prophy-
Corresponding author: Cristiane
Valle Tovo. E-mail: lactic measures to be taken when suggesting the presence of CSPH.
Keywords – Portal hypertension; elastography; cirrhosis.

Arq Gastroenterol • 2023. v. 60 nº 4 • out/dez 525

Mattos AA, Mattos AZ, Sartori GP, Both GT, Tovo CV
The role of elastography in clinically significant portal hypertension

INTRODUCTION gastroesophageal varices (GEV) becomes evident,

and the 5-year mortality is about 10% if there is no
When evaluating the burden of chronic liver dise- decompensation. In stage 3, bleeding due to variceal
ase(1), it is estimated that 1.5 billion patients are affec- rupture is already observed, with an estimated 5-year
ted worldwide, with the most frequent causes being mortality of 20% if there is no decompensation of
non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), hepatitis B the liver disease. In stage 4, liver decompensation is
and C viruses and alcoholic liver disease. Although present (bleeding not included, as it is more often
the number is probably underestimated, chronic liver related to the presence of ascites), with a 5-year mor-
disease is responsible for 2.000.000 deaths per year tality of 55–80%; in stage 5, there are further episodes
worldwide. In Brazil, liver disease is considered the of decompensation with a mortality up to 90% in 5
eighth most frequent cause of death(2). years. Finally, in stage 6, the patient has advanced
Until recently, the diagnosis of chronic liver di- decompensated cirrhosis (refractory ascites, infec-
sease was either histological, clinical, laboratory and tion, persistent hepatic encephalopathy (HE), jaundi-
echographic or endoscopic in the case of advanced ce and renal dysfunction), with a high mortality rate
disease. However, some tests are relatively invasive of 60 to 80% in 1 year.
and impractical for the constant follow-up of these Variceal veins are present in up to 40% of patients
patients. This has raised interest in using non-inva- with compensated cirrhosis (Child A) and up to 85%
sive methods for assessing patients with compensa- in the decompensated (Child C)(7). In a study carried
ted cirrhosis, but these were not usually adopted in out in our center evaluating a cohort of patients with
clinical practice until very recently(3) Consequently, chronic liver disease on an outpatient basis, digestive
elastography emerged as a robust and objective test bleeding was the second most frequent complication
for diagnosing or excluding severe fibrosis/cirrhosis at the presentation for these patients(8). We emphasi-
and clinically significant portal hypertension (CSPH) ze that the recurrence of bleeding in one year could
in cirrhotic patients. Accordingly, the Baveno VI and be up to 60% and that the actual mortality of each
Baveno VII consensus conference on portal hyper- bleeding episode varies from 15 to 20%(7).
tension suggested that liver stiffness measurement
(LSM) can be used to identify patients having com- Screening for gastroesophageal varices in
pensated advanced chronic liver disease (cACLD) cirrhosis
and CSPH(4,5). The screening criteria for GEV were based exclu-
This is a narrative review that aims to discuss the sively on performing an upper digestive endoscopy
importance of elastographic methods in the evalua- at the time of diagnosis of cirrhosis until a few years
tion of CSPH in cirrhotic patients, especially hepatic ago. In 2015, the Baveno VI consensus(4) recommen-
and splenic elastography, where the authors, in addi- ded that a measurement of less than 20 kPa when
tion to reviewing the state of the art on the subject, performing Fibroscan®, associated with platelets
propose an algorithm for evaluating these patients. count greater than 150.000/mm3, would exempt the
patient from the need of an endoscopy. In the same
Classification of cirrhosis year, the European Association for the Study of the
Six stages of cirrhosis must be considered when Liver (EASL) guideline evaluating non-invasive tests
classifying the disease(6). In stage 0, there is com- in liver diseases(9) considered that they should not
pensated disease without CSPH. This stage is defi- replace endoscopy to detect the presence of varicose
ned by a hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG) veins. Subsequently, many authors endorsed the po-
between 5 and 10 mmHg and reasonable response sition of Baveno VI(3,10), including the guidance from
to the etiological treatment; in stage 1, the disease the American Association for the Study of Liver Dise-
remains compensated, however with CSPH (HVPG ases (AASLD)(11) that reiterated the recommendation
≥10 mmHg) and, therefore, with a higher risk of de- and suggested that when the possibility of high-risk
veloping varicose veins, hepatocellular carcinoma bleeding varices (HRBV) is low, non-invasive tests
and decompensation. In stage 2, the appearance of could avoid the performance of a substantial num-

526 Arq Gastroenterol • 2023. v. 60 nº 4 • out/dez

Mattos AA, Mattos AZ, Sartori GP, Both GT, Tovo CV
The role of elastography in clinically significant portal hypertension

ber of endoscopies. However, international scientific this premise, the PREDESCI study(18) was designed,
societies, including the EASL(12), emphasize that, be- which evaluated the role of NSBB in patients with
cause of the high risk of GEV in patients with decom- CSPH. This randomized, prospective, controlled, mul-
pensated disease, endoscopy should be performed ticenter, double-blind study was conducted in patients
annually in these patients. with compensated cirrhosis and CSPH. Patients who
Although we still consider endoscopy as an im- responded acutely to NSBB were then randomized
portant screening tool in our center(13), we have in into propranolol vs placebo and those who had not
mind that in compensated disease, the prevalence responded to carvedilol vs placebo. The group that
of GEV is 30–40%, of which only 10–20% are at risk used pharmacological therapy showed a better evo-
of bleeding; therefore using non-invasive methods lution, and the authors concluded that NSBB increase
would be advantageous. Since the data are negative, decompensation-free survival (exalting the role of lo-
the chance of HRBV is less than 5%, and up to 30% wer incidence of ascites). This study was a milestone
of endoscopies would be avoided(14). in the treatment of patients with cirrhosis. From then
on, when faced with a patient with cACLD, the fo-
Changing paradigm in the assessment of patients cus must be on the treatment of CSPH and no longer
with cirrhosis and portal hypertension punctually on the treatment of GEV.
As we can observe in the classification of cirrho- The main studies that promoted a change in me-
sis(6), the prognosis of the disease begins to com- dical management and those that established the
promise the patient’s survival more significantly cut-off values for the non-invasive evaluation of
from stage 3, when bleeding due to rupture of GEV CSPH can be seen in TABLE 1.
happens. Still, it becomes more evident in stage 4 The reduction in portal pressure improves the
(first episode of decompensation), when mortality evolution of cirrhosis in the presence or absence of
significantly increases. Thus, the premise should be ascites, as demonstrated in a recent meta-analysis
to avoid bleeding and other complications in patients with more than 1100 patients(20). When evaluating
with cirrhosis, with CSPH being the leading cause of primary prophylaxis, around half of the patients who
these complications. responded to NSBB, in addition to having less ble-
In cACLD without CSPH, when elastography does eding due to variceal rupture, had fewer complica-
not indicate CSPH (stage 0), the goal to be considered tions related to cirrhosis decompensation, less need
is to prevent the development of CSPH by treating for liver transplantation and lower mortality.
or ruling out the cause of liver disease. In those al- Despite the lack of head-to-head comparative stu-
ready with CSPH (stage 1), the aim is to prevent the dies between the two main NSBB available in our
appearance of GEV and other complications of portal country (propranolol vs carvedilol), there is a greater
hypertension (ascites, HE). For this purpose, when tendency to use carvedilol, as it is believed to have
yet to be performed, it is necessary to treat the cause a more significant role in lowering the HVPG(21). The
of cirrhosis and adapt the patient’s lifestyle. However, use of carvedilol increases the proportion of respon-
in many cases, even after successful treatment, CSPH ders to 75% vs 50% of other conventional NSBB(22).
could persist(15), which leads us to infer that other me- In a systematic review and meta-analysis evaluating
asures are necessary since this seems to be the marker four randomized controlled trials with 352 patients with
of hepatic decompensation episodes. In this way, the compensated cirrhosis and CSPH (without previous
treatment with medications acting specifically by lo- bleeding), carvedilol decreased the risk of decompen-
wering portal pressure (NSBB) must be started(16). sation and patient mortality(23). These data were corro-
More recently, when the role of hyperdynamic cir- borated in a recent study in an American cohort after 3
culation in cirrhosis and the response to NSBB were years of follow-up evaluating cirrhotic Child-A patients
re-evaluated, it was shown that patients without CSPH with platelets between 30.000 and 150.000/mm3 and
have less hyperdynamic circulation and less reduction no previous history of decompensation(24).
in portal hypertension with the use of NSBB when The consensus of Baveno VII(5), when taking a
compared to those patients with CSPH(17). Based on position regarding the prevention of the first decom-

Arq Gastroenterol • 2023. v. 60 nº 4 • out/dez 527

Mattos AA, Mattos AZ, Sartori GP, Both GT, Tovo CV
The role of elastography in clinically significant portal hypertension

TABLE 1. Summary of data from studies on the evaluation of portal hypertension in cirrhotic patients.
Author Design/N Aim/primary endpoint Results/conclusion
Prospective N=213 cirrhotic NSBB are ineffective in preventing varices/
Development of
patients without varices bleeding (39% treated vs 40% placebo;
Groszmann RJ, et al.(19) gastroesophageal varices
receiving timolol (n=108) vs P=0.89) and are associated with adverse
or variceal hemorrhage
placebo (n=105) events
Patients with subclinical PH have less
To characterize the
Prospective, multicentric, hyperdynamic circulation and lower
hemodynamic profile
cross-sectional study N=273 portal pressure reduction using NSBB
of each stage of PH in
Villanueva C, et al.(17) cirrhotic with PH (194 with compared to those with CSPH, suggesting
compensated cirrhosis
CSPH and 79 with subclinical that NSBB are more suitable to prevent
and the response to NSBB
PH) decompensation of cirrhosis in patients with
according to stage
CSPH than in earlier stages
Multicentric prospective,
Decompensation occurred in 16/100
double-blind, RCT
(16%) patients in the NSBB group versus
(PREDESCI). N=201 with
NSBB to prevent 27/101 (27%) patients in the placebo
compensated cirrhosis and
Villanueva C, et al.(18) decompensation of group (P=0.041). Long-term treatment with
CSPH without HRBV (100
cirrhosis with PH NSBB could increase decompensation-
received propranolol or
free survival in patients with compensated
carvedilol and 101 received
cirrhosis and CSPH
To develop noninvasive Platelets ≥150.000 and a LSM value of 20
tests-based risk prediction kPa would have a predictive probability
Prospective, multicentric
Albrades JC, et al.(3) models to provide a point- for HRBV of 5%, and 30% of the patients
N=518 patients with cACLD
of-care risk assessment of showed a predictive probability of HRBV
cACLD patients below 5%
To explore the prevalence
of PH in the most common
LSM ≥25 kPa is sufficient to rule in CSPH in
International cohort study etiologies of patients
most etiologies, including non-obese with
N=836 compensated cirrhotic with cACLD and develop
Pons M, et al. (43)
NASH, but not in obese patients with NASH.
(358 HCV; 248 NASH; 203 classification rules based
LSM ≤15 kPa plus platelets ≥150.000 ruled
alcohol abuse and 27 HBV) on LSM, that could be
out CSPH in most etiologies
readily used to diagnose or
exclude CSPH
To validate the ANTICIPATE
The ANTICIPATE models performed well in
models using baseline
Validation study N=245 predicting the presence of CSPH in NASH
data from a multicenter
Rabiee A, et al.(45) patients with compensated cirrhosis. A model using FIB-4 plus albumin
RCT; and to develop and
NASH cirrhosis (FIB4+) can be used to predict CSPH when
validate a model using
VCTE is not available
laboratory values (FIB4+)
NSBB: non-selective ß-blockers; PH: portal hypertension; CSPH: clinical significant portal hypertension; RCT: randomized controlled trial; HRBV: high-risk
bleeding varices; cACLD: compensated advanced chronic liver disease; LSM: liver stiffness measurement; HCV: hepatitis C vírus; NASH: non-alcoholic
steatohepatitis; HBV: hepatitis B virus; AUC: area under the curve; VCTE: vibration-controlled transient elastography.

pensation in patients with CSPH, suggests the use Based on emerging data, the paradigm has shifted,
of NSBB, giving priority to carvedilol as it is more focusing on treating CSPH rather than just HRBV and
effective in reducing HVPG and in preventing de- preventing any decompensation (variceal bleeding,
compensation, it decreases mortality, and it is better ascites, or HE)(25). Thus, returning to the classification
tolerated. It reiterates that patients with NSBB and of cirrhosis(6), we would already start clinically inter-
cACLD do not need to undergo screening endoscopy vening in stage 1 (presence of CSPH without GEV)
and recommends endoscopic band ligation in those and no longer in stage 2. However, CSPH is defined
patients with HRBV with contraindication/intoleran- by an HVPG ≥10 mmHg, and to confirm this diagno-
ce to these drugs. sis, we would have to perform an invasive procedure
Thus, the new reality may be to focus more on that is not available in all medical centers. This could
CSPH and less on the presence of GEV. The treat- lead to an impasse, but we believe that, over the
ment of the underlying disease and the use of NSBB years, the evidence has grown to endorse the role
are the therapies to be used for this purpose, and of non-invasive methods for diagnosing CSPH, even
soon, the addition of new tools that could act at the though the gold standard remains the HVPG. Among
level of portal pressure, such as statins, could com- these methods, hepatic elastography has gained gre-
plement the current therapeutic options. at prestige in literature.

528 Arq Gastroenterol • 2023. v. 60 nº 4 • out/dez

Mattos AA, Mattos AZ, Sartori GP, Both GT, Tovo CV
The role of elastography in clinically significant portal hypertension

Hepatic elastography ver, interobserver agreement becomes significantly

Hepatic elastography is a non-invasive, safe, repro- lower in patients with a body mass index (BMI) ≥25
ducible method with good accuracy in evaluating li- kg/m², with steatosis in ≥25% of hepatocytes, hepatic
ver fibrosis. The mechanical changes that occur in the fibrosis <2 (METAVIR score), and in individuals with
liver as a result of liver fibrosis, promote an increase narrow intercostal spaces(35).
in the organ’s resistance. Elastographic methods were The p-SWE was the pioneer in the inclusion of
the standard for assessing the biomechanical proper- a specific software coupled to the traditional ultra-
ties of tissue(26,27). Thus, shear waves (SW) are gene- sound device to perform elastography. The B-mode
rated when a directional force is applied to a tissue. projected image on the screen allows the visualiza-
The ultrasound elastography consists of the LSM tion of the organ and the choice of the region of in-
through the evaluation of the speed of the shear wa- terest (ROI) to acquire the speed of the shear waves.
ves, which can be mechanically produced by an ex- Short-term acoustic pulses are emitted through the
ternal stimulus as the vibration-controlled transient transducer, generating SW at the ROI chosen by the
elastography - VCTE, used in the transient hepatic operator. Ultrasonographic images are used to guide
elastography - Fibroscan® or through ultrasonic pul- the placement of the ROI, and measurement is feasi-
ses present in the shear wave methods like point ble even if ascites is present(26). The result will be the
shear wave (p-SW) and two-dimensional shear wave median of 10 measures, and the reliability of the re-
(2D-SW)(28-31). In the same way, magnetic resonance sult is obtained with an interquartile range - IQR/me-
elastography (MRE) also uses external stimuli(29,30). dian below 15%; the lower the IQR, the greater the
The first and most validated technique is the VCTE: reliability of the test result. The pSWE has excellent
a specific probe produces a vibratory wave into a intra- and interoperator reproducibility for evaluating
right intercostal space over the liver area, which is liver elastography in healthy individuals and patients
transmitted to the liver. The result is expressed in with chronic liver disease(26).
kilopascals (kPa). In this method, the operator has The 2D-SWE follows the same principles described
little control over the evaluated area of interest, and for p-SW but with the ability to produce quantitative
the image is one-dimensional(32). Newer methods SW images at a higher ROI and focus on multiple lo-
emerged, in which shear waves are produced by the cations, sequentially detecting the time of arrival of the
acoustic impulse of the ultrasound beam directly into SW in multiple lateral areas of the liver parenchyma(26).
the liver, being called acoustic radiation force impul- The MRE has been highlighted in the non-invasi-
se (ARFI) techniques, generating shots in a single ve evaluation of liver fibrosis. The detection and sta-
point (pSWE) or in larger portions of the area of in- ging of liver fibrosis is the main clinical application
terest to be evaluated (2D-SWE). All these latter te- of MRE, and it has been considered the most accu-
chniques allow real-time visualization of the area of rate non-invasive method for detecting and staging
interest, with the result expressed in m/s or kPa(26,33). liver fibrosis, with excellent intra- and interobserver
VCTE is a one-dimensional technique that uses agreement(36). Compared to other methods, it is the
elastic SW (50 Hz) and low-frequency ultrasound pro- only non-invasive technique capable of diagnosing
pagating through the skin and subcutaneous tissue mild liver fibrosis with reasonable accuracy(37).
to the liver, performed with the FibroScan® system
(Echosens, France). The speed of the SW is directly Factors that may influence the performance of the
related to the stiffness of the tissue(34), which means methods
that the more resistant the tissue is, the faster the It must be emphasized that confounding bias,
manipulation of vibrations. VCTE is easy to perform, such as inflammation (aminotransferases above five
reproducible, fast (takes 5–10 minutes) and can be times the upper limit of normal), liver congestion,
performed at the bedside or in an outpatient setting. mechanic cholestasis, heart failure, biliary obstruc-
The results, expressed in kPa, and ranging from 1.5 tion, as well as food intake, should be excluded due
to 75 kPa, are immediately available. It is a method to the misinterpretation of the results, mainly when
with high intra and interobserver agreement. Howe- using VCTE and SWE(38).

Arq Gastroenterol • 2023. v. 60 nº 4 • out/dez 529

Mattos AA, Mattos AZ, Sartori GP, Both GT, Tovo CV
The role of elastography in clinically significant portal hypertension

Although most studies used VCTE as a reference, Hepatic elastography in the diagnosis of CSPH
studies using p-SWE or 2-D SWE almost always pro- The non-invasive diagnosis of CSPH in patients
duced similar effects, suggesting that the same con- with cACLD of different etiologies was recently eva-
founders must affect all techniques. For patients with luated in a cohort study with 836 patients with VCTE
falsely elevated liver elastography measurements due paired with PVHG, where patients with LSM ≥10
to alcoholic hepatitis, liver stiffness decreases after kPa and without prior decompensation of liver di-
1–4 weeks of abstinence. Other diseases that incre- sease(43). Portal hypertension was observed in more
ase liver stiffness, independent of hepatic fibrosis, than 90% of cACLD patients, regardless of etiology,
include amyloidosis, lymphomas, and extramedulla- except for patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
ry hematopoiesis(26,28,39). Hepatic steatosis also causes - NASH (60.9%). In the latter population, this fact was
attenuation of the ARFI pulse and may lead to greater more evident in obese patients with NASH (53.3%).
variability in measurements(26). When evaluating the presence of CSPH, the behavior
Magnetic resonance imaging has been recognized was similar, being also lower in patients with NASH
for decades as an important imaging method for the (50.5%), especially if obese (30.8%).
liver. Although conventional anatomical images pro- An LSM ≤15 kPa with platelet levels ≥150.000/
vide helpful diagnostic information, they have a limi- mm3 ruled out CSPH in most etiologies, while the
ted role in diagnosing early-stage liver fibrosis and best cut-off point for determining CSPH in alcoholic
cACLD(40). Park et al. performed a prospective study liver disease, chronic hepatitis B, chronic hepatitis C,
comparing MRE vs VCTE’s performance for fibrosis and patients with NASH was ≥25 kPa. In obese pa-
diagnosis in patients with NAFLD. A cross-sectional tients with NASH, the positive predictive value was
study of 104 consecutive adults who underwent only 62.8%, so a nomogram was proposed to predict
MRE, VCTE, and liver biopsy was performed. The CSPH in patients with NASH (ANTICIPATE-NASH),
authors found MRE to be more accurate than VCTE where BMI was also considered(43).
in identifying liver fibrosis (stage 1 or more)(41). Interestingly, the study demonstrates that decom-
For the diagnosis of cirrhosis in adults with NA- pensation in advanced NAFLD can occur at lower
FLD, the American Association of Gastroenterolo- levels of PVHG(44). This study has the rationale that
gy (AGA) reported that the use of the MRE is more the accuracy of PVHG in NAFLD may not reflect the
advantageous than the VCTE in a scenario of high actual pressure of the portal vein. It is a multicenter
prevalence of cirrhosis, as it presents fewer false- cross-sectional study of 548 patients with advanced
-positive results, reducing the number of patients un- NAFLD versus 444 patients with cACLD caused by
dergoing liver biopsy(42). The possibility of evaluating hepatitis C virus. Median PVHG was lower in the
a large sample volume, with the potential to assess advanced NAFLD cohort (13 vs 15 mmHg), despi-
the entire liver volume, is recognized as one of the te similar liver function and higher rates of decom-
main advantages of MRE compared to other metho- pensation in the advanced NAFLD cohort (32% vs
ds for staging liver fibrosis. This characteristic is a 25%; P=0.019). The authors conclude that patients
great advantage in staging since fibrosis often has with advanced NAFLD have a higher prevalence of
a heterogeneous distribution. Comparatively, biopsy decompensation at any assessed portal hypertension
covers about 1/50.000 of the liver volume, and VCTE level (compared to those with advanced chronic liver
covers about 1/100(36). disease caused by the hepatitis C virus).
The main limitations of MRE include low availa- In the last Baveno meeting(5), the “rule of 5” was
bility, high cost, failures due to hepatic iron overload presented. An LSM <10 kPa in the absence of clini-
and some general contraindications for performing cal or imaging events excludes compensated ACLD,
magnetic resonance. In addition, rigidity cut-offs where there is a slight chance (<1%) of decompen-
for different etiologies have yet to be established(36). sation or mortality. LSM between 10 and 15 kPa
MRE is the most accurate non-invasive method for suggests cACLD; LSM ≤15 kPa and platelets >150.000/
detecting and staging liver fibrosis, especially in obe- mm3 exclude CSPH (sensitivity and NPV >90%); LSM
se patients with ascites. ≥15 kPa is highly suggestive of cACLD and LSM ≥25

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Mattos AA, Mattos AZ, Sartori GP, Both GT, Tovo CV
The role of elastography in clinically significant portal hypertension

kPa is highly suggestive of CSPH (specificity and PPV decompensation and death (decrease ≥20% with LSM
>90%). In this scenario, there is a high risk of endos- <20 kPa or reduction to less than 10 kPa)(5).
copic signs of portal hypertension and decompensa- Regarding the decrease of LSM, a study evalu-
tion (less in obese patients with NAFLD). Although ated non-invasive tests in diagnosing CSPH after
in need of validation, the ANTICIPATE-NASH model curing hepatitis C(47). They evaluated 418 patients
(LSM, platelets, BMI) can be used to predict the risk with PVHG ≥6 mmHg and sustained virological res-
of CSPH in patients with compensated NASH-cACLD. ponse (SVR) who underwent post-treatment PVHG.
More recently, a validation study confirmed that AN- Three hundred twenty-four patients also had LSM/
TICIPATE model performed well in predicting the platelet paired data. These patients were validated
presence of CSPH in NASH cirrhosis and suggested a for decompensation in 755 patients with SVR-cACLD.
new model using FIB-4 score plus albumin (FIB4+) In the PVHG/non-invasive testing cohort, for those
to predict CSPH where VCTE is not available(45). with cACLD, the pre/post-treatment prevalence of
Considering the cost of VCTE with Fibroscan®, it CSPH was 80% and 54%, respectively. For certain
is interesting to evaluate other non-invasive metho- values of LSM/platelets, PVHG tended to be lower
ds for diagnosing CSPH. Although most studies have post-treatment, indicating the need for specific algo-
been conducted with the Fibroscan®, there could rithms. The post-treatment LSM/platelet combination
also be space for ARFI techniques. In this regard, produced high diagnostic accuracy in CSPH patients
an update of the consensus of the Society of Radio- with cACLD (AUC 0.884; 95%CI 0.843–0.926). A post-
logists in Ultrasound Liver Elastography(31) proposed -treatment LSM <12 kPa and platelets >150.000/ mm3
the “rule of 4” in evaluating patients with cACLD, excluded CSPH (sensitivity: 99.2%), while an LSM
including patients with viral etiology and NAFLD. In ≥25 kPa was highly specific for CSPH (93.6%). In the
this scenario, patients with ≥17 kPa (2.4 m/s) could validation cohort, the 3-year risk of decompensation
be considered as having CSPH. It does not mention was 0% in patients who met the criteria LSM <12
any difference in the use of p-SWE compared to 2D- kPa and platelets >150.000/ mm3, whereas in patients
-SWE, although it points out that more studies are with post-treatment LSM ≥25 kPa, the risk of decom-
needed for a more definitive answer regarding the pensation was 9.6%. The authors conclude that non-
cut-off levels used in predicting the different stages -invasive tests can estimate the likelihood of CSPH
of the disease. after HCV cure and predict clinical outcomes. Thus,
In the non-invasive detection of CSPH in cACLD, patients with LSM <12 kPa and Platelets >150.000/
Vuille-Lessard et al.(46) believe that p-SWE is not re- mm3 could be discharged from portal hypertension
commended to identify CSPH. However, considering surveillance if no cofactors are present, whereas tho-
that the performance of 2D-SWE is probably consis- se with LSM ≥25 kPa require surveillance/treatment.
tent with the VCTE, the heterogeneity of the cut-offs In the consensus of Baveno VII(5), it is suggested
(16 to 38 kPa) indicates a lack of standardization. that after the removal/suppression of the etiological
Although the method looks promising, more data is factors in patients with cACLD, surveillance should
awaited. be carried out with the criteria of de Baveno VI, espe-
When monitoring patients with cACLD, an LSM cially when the etiology of the liver disease is related
<20 kPa and platelets >150,000/mm3 would indicate to hepatitis B and C viruses. After SVR, surveillance
a low probability of HRBV, ruling out the need for is no longer necessary if LSM <12 kPa and platelets
endoscopy. However, these patients must be follo- >150.000/ mm3. In cACLD using NSBB without CSPH
wed annually with elastography. In patients with after removal/suppression of etiological factors, en-
contraindication/intolerance to NSBB, endoscopy doscopy is recommended in 1-2 years and if there
should be performed if LSM ≥20 kPa and platelets are no GEV, suspension of NSBB is recommended(48).
Baveno VII suggests monitoring those patients Splenic elastography in the diagnosis of CSPH
with LSM between 7–10 kPa and ongoing liver in- Liver stiffness correlates with the severity of liver
jury. Decreased LSM correlates with a lower risk of fibrosis up to the threshold of CSPH(49). In patients

Arq Gastroenterol • 2023. v. 60 nº 4 • out/dez 531

Mattos AA, Mattos AZ, Sartori GP, Both GT, Tovo CV
The role of elastography in clinically significant portal hypertension

with CSPH, the strength of the correlation between of fibrosis, SSM should only be taken in patients with
liver stiffness and fibrosis decreases, probably due to cACLD(31). It appears that SSM shows a better corre-
an increasing role of extrahepatic factors, especially lation with portal pressure than LSM does(53). Portal
the increase in portal venous inflow as portal hyper- hypertension leads to splenic congestion, increasing
tension progresses(50). In this way, spleen stiffness splenic stiffness, and it may even cause splenic fibro-
has been proposed as a more specific technique for sis(59). In healthy individuals, the spleen is stiffer than
evaluating liver fibrosis in patients with CSPH. Ho- the liver. Several studies, most of which were perfor-
wever, studies have yet to be performed to provide med with vibration-controlled transient elastography,
reliable cut-off values(31). have shown that SSM is more reliable in patients with
It has been shown that splenic stiffness measure- portal hypertension than LSM for assessing the risk of
ment (SSM) is related to the progression of hepatic fi- CSPH and esophageal varices(53,60,61). However, there
brosis, and in patients with hepatitis B or C infection, are differences in cut-off values between studies, and
SSM is increased even though the LMS is unchan- the level of evidence is still too low to recommend
ged(51,52). Subsequent studies have demonstrated that SSM in the diagnostic work-up of patients with cir-
SSM was positively correlated with HVPG and had rhosis(31). For ARFI-based techniques, limited studies
good performance in predicting CSPH and GEV in suggest that abdominal wall thickness and splenic
cACLD patients(53,54). Also, it has been indicated that longitudinal diameter are independent predictors of
although SSM is associated with portal hypertension, successful SSM(59). When using 2D SWE, it was de-
it is insufficient to accurately assess its severity(55). monstrated that CPSH is unlikely in patients with
Further studies have suggested that SSM could relia- SSM less than 26.6 kPa (3.0 m/sec)(62). Algorithms
bly rule out the presence of HRBV in cirrhotic pa- that combine LSM and SSM, or platelets count, have
tients independently of the etiology of cirrhosis(56,57). been proposed(63). In a multicenter study in which
In the same way, a recent systematic review and LSM and SSM were available in 109 patients, this
meta-analysis evaluated the studies on the diagnos- algorithm had a sensitivity of 89.2% and a speci-
tic accuracy of SSM in detecting CSPH, severe portal ficity of 91.4% to rule in CSPH(55). However, in a
hypertension, GEV, and HRBV in patients with cA- series of 191 patients(64), this algorithm has not been
CLD. In this study, 32 studies (3.952 patients) were validated. The Baveno VII Consensus recommends
identified, reporting the accuracy of SSM in diagno- that SSM using VCTE can be used in cACLD due to
sing portal hypertension and/or GEV in adults with viral hepatitis to rule out and rule in CSPH (SSM
cACLD. The results of this meta-analysis indicated <21 kPa and SSM >50 kPa, respectively). Validation
that SSM, by current techniques, had good accuracy of the best cut-off using a 100 Hz specific VCTE pro-
in detecting portal hypertension and GEV in cACLD be, as well as using pSWE and 2D-SWE is needed.
patients. AUCs for the diagnosis of CSPH exceeded Also, SSM ≤40 kPa by VCTE can be used to identify
90%, and AUCs for any GEV and HRBV diagnosis subjects with a low probability of HRBV, in whom
reached 87% and 83%, respectively. SSM was able endoscopy could be avoided(5).
to predict the presence of CSPH with good sensi- The high failure rate (15–30%) observed with
tivity and specificity (85% and 86%, respectively). SSM, mostly with VCTE and 2D-SWE, and the upper
SSM was considered a promising method to detect measurement of 75 kPa (specific to VCTE) have
portal hypertension and GEV with good diagnostic made SSM challenging to implement to this date.
accuracy, and it would be a helpful non-invasive Using the same probes and software for LSM may
surveillance tool for clinicians in managing cACLD not be appropriate, but SSM by VCTE has improved
patients(58). significantly with the use of a spleen-dedicated VCTE
The acquisition technique is the same as that for examination, where the SW frequency is set at 100
the liver, aside from the measurements being taken Hz instead of 50 Hz(46).
between the left ribs with the patient in a supine or Given the data compiled in the literature(4,5,18,43),
slight right lateral position. Considering that signifi- we believe an algorithm can be recommended, as
cant portal pressures are not expected at lower levels shown in FIGURE 1.

532 Arq Gastroenterol • 2023. v. 60 nº 4 • out/dez

Mattos AA, Mattos AZ, Sartori GP, Both GT, Tovo CV
The role of elastography in clinically significant portal hypertension

FIGURE 1. Conduct in the prevention of CSPH in a patient with cACLD.

CSPH: clinical significant portal hypertension; cACLD: compensated advanced chronic liver disease; LSM: liver stiffness measurement.
FIGURE 1. Conduct in the prevention of CSPH in a patient with cACLD.
CSPH: clinical significant portal hypertension; cACLD: compensated
CONCLUSION dy; Mattos advanced
AZ, Sartori chronic
GP, Bothliver
GT, disease;
Mattos AALSM:
liver stiffness measurement. Tovo CV contributed equally to drafting the article
It would be of interest to design studies evaluating and making critical revisions related to important in-
the evolutionary outcome of a liver disease contem- tellectual content of the manuscript. All authors have
plating the role of carvedilol vs placebo in patients read and approved the final version of the article to
with CSPH diagnosed by non-invasive tests. We have be published.
often used carvedilol in cirrhotic patients with signs
TABLE of1:CSPH in the absence of contraindications. In those
Summary of data from studies on the evaluation of portal hypertension in cirrhotic
in which CSPH is only identified through non-invasi- Angelo Alves de Mattos: 0000-0003-2417-9765. methods (platelets and elastography), we suggest Angelo Zambam de Mattos: 0000-0002-3063-0199.
individualizing the use of the medication. Giovana Dal Pozzo Sartori: 0000-0002-2701-3499.
Author Design/N Aim/primary endpoint Results/conclusion
Gustavo Tovo Both: 0000-0003-4054-1242.
Groszmann RJ, etcontribution
Authors’ Prospective N=213 Cristiane ValleNSBB
ineffective in preventing
al. Mattos AA cirrhotic patients
and: Tovo CV without
conceptualized the stu-
Development of gastroesophageal varices/bleeding (39% treated vs 40%
varices receiving timolol
varices or variceal hemorrhage placebo; P=0.89) and are associated
(n=108) vs placebo
with adverse events
Villanueva C, et Patients with subclinical PH have less
al. hyperdynamic circulation and lower
Prospective, multicentric, To characterize the hemodynamic
portal pressure reduction using NSBB
cross-sectional study profile of each stage of PH in
compared to those with CSPH,
N=273 cirrhotic with PH compensated cirrhosis and the
suggesting that NSBB are more
(194 with CSPH and 79 response to NSBB according to
suitable to prevent decompensation of
with subclinical PH) stage
Arqcirrhosis in patients
Gastroenterol with
• 2023. v. 60 nº 4CSPH than
• out/dez 533in
earlier stages
Mattos AA, Mattos AZ, Sartori GP, Both GT, Tovo CV
The role of elastography in clinically significant portal hypertension

Mattos AA, Mattos AZ, Sartori GP, Both GT, Tovo CV. O papel da elastografia na hipertensão portal clinicamente significativa. Arq
gastroenterol. 2023;60(4):525-35.
RESUMO – Trata-se de uma revisão narrativa que visa discutir a importância dos métodos elastográficos na avaliação da hipertensão
portal clinicamente significativa (HPCS) em pacientes cirróticos, onde os autores propõem um algoritmo para avaliação desses pa-
cientes. Na doença hepática crônica avançada compensada, o objetivo é prevenir o desenvolvimento de HPCS, e naqueles já com
HPCS prevenir o aparecimento de varizes gastroesofágicas (VGE) e outras complicações da hipertensão portal. Na cirrose compen-
sada, a prevalência de VGE é de 30–40% e 10–20% são varizes com risco de sangramento, portanto o uso de métodos não invasivos
dispensaria o paciente de endoscopia. A elastografia hepática é um método não invasivo, seguro e reprodutível, disponível através
de várias técnicas: elastografia transitória (VCTE), onda de cisalhamento (SWE) e elastografia por ressonância magnética. O Baveno
VII apresentou a “regra dos 5” para VCTE: medida da rigidez hepática (LSM) ≤15 kPa e plaquetas >150.000/mm3 excluem HPCS
enquanto um LSM ≥25 kPa é altamente sugestivo de HPCS. Além disso, foi proposta a “regra dos 4” para SWE: pacientes com ≥17
kPa podem ser considerados como portadores de HPCS. Por fim, a medição da rigidez do baço (SSM) foi proposta como uma
técnica mais específica para prever a presença de HPCS. Em conclusão, a elastografia ganhou prestígio na avaliação não invasiva
de pacientes com doença hepática crônica avançada, ao permitir a adoção de medidas profiláticas ao sugerir a presença de HPCS.
Palavras-chave – Hipertensão portal; elastografia; cirrose.


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