Tenses For Verbal

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1. (A) You will not be succeeded / (B) until you will emphasize / (C ) at the dogma of hardship in life /
(D) No error
2. (A) It is high time / (B) you should leave now/ (C ) for the sake of your own well- being./ (D) No
3. (A) This property is belonging to me/ (B) and I will passes the same/ (C ) next year as per the accord.
/ (D) No error
4. (A) All people are knowing / (B) the veracity of this incident/ (C ) in the realistic way. / (D) No error
5. (A) we did not decide yet/ (B) what has to be done in this context/ (C ) to overcome the
repercussion of the problem. / (D) No error
6. (A) It is time / (B) they should take any final decision/ (C ) about this episode for better result. / (D)
No error
7. (A) Boss will help you out/ (B) in every situation as long as/ (C ) you will be the part of this company.
/ (D) No error
8. (A) Severed new performers are appearing/ (B) on the stage / (C ) and planning to perform
Hamlet./ (D) No error
9. (A) He just has reached here/ (B) after a long expedition/ (C ) and hiking at Himalayas/ (D) No error
10. (A) If he had come on time/ (B) he has enjoyed / (C ) the winsome climatic situation in this region/
(D) No error
11. (A) I could not remember / (B) what did he say to me / (C ) that day about all this./ (D) No error
12. (A) There is going my brother / (B) said Amit when/ (C ) he is in a dilemma. / (D) No error
13. (A) I will intimate you/ (B) In case you will ask any help/ (C ) from my part pertaining any incident./
(D) No error
14. (A) Train had left/ (B) the station/ (C ) before I reach/ (D) No error
15. (A) While she was studying/ (B) I has been watching television/ (C ) with my friends in my room./
(D) No error
16. (A) By this time next year he/ (B) has had/ (C ) settled himself / (D) in London./ (E ) No error
17. (A) The teacher told/ (B) us that we/ (C ) should stay at home/ (D) if it rains. / (D) No error
18. (A) Neelam arrived here, / (B) did all the preparations/ (C ) and then has called/ (D) on one of here
intimate friends./ (E ) No error
19. (A) I have been adoring/ (B) her for/ (C ) the voice with / (D) which she is gifted. / (E ) No error
20. (A) The victim tried to tell us/ (B) what has happened / (C ) but this words/ (D) were not audible/
(E ) No error
21. (A) Had he come/ (B) even a moment earlier/ (C ) he would have/ (D) found me there./ (E ) No
22. (A) She says/ (B) that she will take/ (C ) here umbrella / (D) in case it will rain/ (E ) No error
23. (A) If we had Sushant/ (B) I would have told/ (C ) the chairman to keep/ (D) his mouth/ (E ) No
24. (A) If I was you/ (B) I would have told/ (C ) the chairman to keep/ (D) his mouth shut/ (E ) No error
25. (A) I have been knowing / (B) him for ten years I don’t know / (C ) where he lives./ (D) No error
26. (A) All the farmers/ (B) in his garden will surely die/ (C ) before the rain/ (D) will fall. / (E ) No error
27. (A) If she had told me that/ (B) her husband never lived/ (C ) within his means, I would not/ (D)
have lend him the money./ (E ) No error
28. (A) The old man who is siting in that room/ (B) lived here for more than/ (C ) a month but he has
never created/ (D) any problem./ (E ) No error
29. (A) The secret of his good/ (B) health lies in the fact that/ (C ) he is getting up before sunrise/ (D)
and has a two mile walk/ (E ) every morning./ (F ) No error
30. (A) I will let you know/ (B) as soon as I will get/ (C ) any information/ (D) about your
promotion./(E ) No error
31. (A) He seems to be happy/ (B) because his parents / (C ) had comer from London/ (D) to live with
him./(E ) No error
32. (A) If I would have done this/ (B) I would have done wrong/ (C ) and would have disappointed/ (D)
many of my friends./ (E ) No error
33. (A) She was with me/ (B) me uptil now, so don’t blame her/ (C ) foe getting late. / (D) No error
34. (A) I lived here since 1997/ (B) therefore I know everything/ (C ) about this city./ (D) No error
35. (A) Newspaper told us about the events/ (B) that happen all / (C ) over the world. /(D) No error
36. (A) Nowadays he teaches maths/ (B) because the teacher of maths has been/ (C ) absenting
himself for a month./ (D) No error
37. (A) If Ashok comes here / (B) I would help him/ (C ) to best of my knowledge./ (D) No error
38. (A) The field started/ (B) before we reached/ (C ) because we were late./ (D) No error
39. (A)Believe me or not/ (B) I haven’t eaten any cake/ (C ) since I was a child. /(D) No error
40. (A) I will not go/ (B) until I finished my work/ (C ) No error
41. (A) It is apparent to everyone present/ (B) that he would die/ (C ) if he doesn’t receive timely
help./ (D) No error
42. (A) If the manager had acted/ (B) in time, the strike/ (C ) would not last long./ (D) No error
43. (A) If I was you/ (B) I would not have/ (C ) committed this blunder./ (D) No error
44. (A) He is going everyday/ (B) for a morning walk/ (C ) with his friends and neighbour./ (D) No error
45. (A) He long/ (B) were you/(C ) leaning English for?/(D) No error

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