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Canadian Journal of Cardiology 37 (2021) 1240−1247

Clinical Research
Sex, Gender, and Cardiovascular Health in Canadian and
Austrian Populations
Zahra Azizi, MD, MSc,a,z Teresa Gisinger, MD, PhD,b,z Uri Bender, MD, MSc,a
Carola Deischinger, MD, PhD,b Valeria Raparelli, MD, PhD,c,d
Colleen M. Norris, RN, GNP, PhD,d,e Karolina Kublickiene, MD, PhD,f
Maria Trinidad Herrero, MD, PhD,g Khaled El Emam, PhD,h,i,j
Alexandra Kautzky-Willer, MD,b,x and Louise Pilote, MD, PhD;a,k,x for the GOING-FWD
Centre for Outcomes Research and Evaluation, McGill University Health Centre Research Institute, Montre al, Que bec, Canada; b Gender Medicine Unit, Division of
Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine III, Vienna, Austria; c Department of Translational Medicine, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy;
Faculty of Nursing, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; e Heart and Stroke Strategic Clinical Networks, Alberta Health Services, Edmonton, Alberta,
Canada; f Section for Renal Medicine, Department of Clinical Intervention, Science, and Technology, Karolinska Institute and Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm,
Sweden; g Department of Human Anatomy and Psychobiology, Universidad de Murcia, Murcia, Spain; h Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; i Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; j Replica Analytics, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; k Divisions of Clinical
Epidemiology and General Internal Medicine, McGill University Health Centre Research Institute, Montre al, Que bec, Canada

Background: Evidence differentiating the effect of biological sex Contexte : L’evidence differenciant l'effet du sexe biologique des
from psychosociocultural factors (gender) in different societies and its facteurs psychosocioculturels (genre) dans diffe rentes socie te
s et sa
relation to cardiovascular diseases is scarce. We explored the associa- relation avec les maladies cardiovasculaires reste rare. Nous avons
tion between sex, gender, and cardiovascular health (CVH) among explore l'association entre le sexe, le genre et la sante
Canadian (CAN) and Austrian (AT) populations. laire (SCV) parmi les populations canadienne (CAN) et autrichienne
Methods: The Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) (AT).
(n = 63,522; 55% female) and Austrian Health Interview Survey (AT- Me thodes : L'Enque^te sur la Sante dans les Collectivites Cana-
HIS) (n = 15,771; 56% female) were analyzed in a cross-sectional sur- diennes (ESCC) (n = 63 522; 55 % de femmes) et l'Enque ^te autrichi-
vey design. The CANHEART/ATHEART index, a measure of ideal CVH enne par entretien sur la sante  (AT-HIS) (n = 15 771; 56 % de
composed of 6 cardiometabolic risk factors (smoking, physical activ- femmes) ont e  te
es dans le cadre d'une enque^te transversale.
ity, fruit and vegetable consumption, overweight/obesity, diabetes, Les indices CANHEART/ATHEART repre sentent une mesure de la SCV

Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) continue to represent the lead- roles, behaviours and identities. It influences people’s percep-
ing cause of mortality and morbidity among women and men tion of themselves and their interaction with each other and
worldwide.1 While the importance of sex differences (biologi- contributes to the distribution of power in different socie-
cal characteristics in females and males) in the prevention, ties.4-13
diagnosis, and treatment of CVD are being increasingly recog- Biological differences between the sexes such as anatomic
nised, the impact of sociocultural gender has yet to be deter- and physiologic variations in coronary arteries and the auto-
mined.2-4 Sociocultural gender refers to psychosociocultural nomic nervous system alter the development and progression
of CVD.14 For example, smoking has been shown to have
Received for publication November 4, 2020. Accepted March 7, 2021. more adverse effect on females than on males, possibly owing
to a difference in nicotine metabolism. Indeed, females who
z These authors contributed equally to this work as first authors.
x These authors contributed equally to this work as last authors. smoke have a 25% higher risk of ischemic heart disease than
Corresponding author: Dr Louise Pilote, Center for Outcomes Research males.15,16 Sociocultural gender also contributes to sex differ-
and Evaluation, Division of Clinical Epidemiology and General Internal ences observed in cardiovascular health, including lifestyle
Medicine, McGill University Health Centre Research Institute, 5252 Boule- behaviours, such as exercising, and accessibility to cardiac
vard de Maisonneuve, Montreal, Quebec H3A 1A1, Canada. Tel.: +1-514-
934-1934, ext 44722; fax: +1-514-843-1676.
rehabilitation.17-21 Females are more likely to follow a healthy
E-mail: diet compared with males,22 but they are less physically
See page 1246 for disclosure information. active.23,24 The rise in incidence of premature acute coronary
0828-282X/© 2021 Canadian Cardiovascular Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Azizi et al. 1241
Sex, Gender, and Cardiovascular Health

and hypertension; range 0-6; higher scores reflecting better CVH) was ideale compose e de 6 facteurs de risque cardiome tabolique (taba-
calculated for both databases. A composite measure of psychosocio- gisme, activite  physique, consommation de fruits et le gumes, sur-
cultural gender was computed for each country (range 0-1, higher poids/obe site
, diabete et hypertension; intervalle de 0 a  6; des scores
score identifying characteristics traditionally ascribed to women). plus eleves refle tant une meilleure SCV) a e  te
 calcule pour les deux
Results: Median CANHEART 4 (interquartile range 3-5) and CAN gen- bases de donne es. Une mesure composite du genre psycho-socio-cul-
der scores 0.55 (0.49-0.60) were similar to median ATHEART 4 (3-5) turel a ete calculee pour chaque pays (intervalle 0-1, un score plus
and AT gender scores 0.55 (0.46-0.64). Although higher gender scores leve
e  identifiant les caracte ristiques traditionnellement attribue es aux
(CCHS: b = 1.33, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.44 to 1.22; AT- femmes).
HIS: b = 1.08, 95% CI 1.26 to 0.89)) were associated with worse Re sultats : Les scores medians associes au CANHEART 4 (intervalle
CVH, female sex (CCHS: b = 0.35, 95% CI (0.33-0.37); AT-HIS: interquartile 3-5) et au genre dans la population CAN 0,55 (0,49-0,60)
b = 0.60, 95% CI (0.55-0.64)) was associated with better CVH in both taient similaires aux scores me
e dians associes a l'ATHEART 4 (3-5) et
populations. In addition, higher gender scores were associated with au genre dans la population AT 0,55 (0,46-0,64). Bien que des scores
increased prevalence of heart disease compared with female sex. The s au genre plus e
lie leve
s (ESCC: b = 1,33, intervalle de confiance [IC] a 
magnitude of this risk was higher in Austrians. 95 % -1,44 a  -1,22; AT-HIS: b = 1,08, IC a  95 % -1,26 a  -0,89) aient
Conclusions: These results demonstrate that individuals with char-  te
e  associes a une moins bonne SCV, le sexe fe minin (ESCC: b = 0,35,
acteristics typically ascribed to women reported poorer cardiovascular IC a 95 % (0,33-0,37); AT-HIS: b = 0,60, IC a  95% [0,55-0,64]) a e te

health and higher risk of heart disease, independently from biological associe a une meilleure SCV dans les deux populations. En outre, des
sex and baseline CV risk factors, in both countries. Female sex exhib- scores plus e leves lie
s au genre e taient associe s a une prevalence
ited better CV health and a lower prevalence of heart disease than accrue des maladies cardiaques par rapport au sexe fe minin. L'am-
male in both populations. However, gender factors and magnitude of pleur de ce risque e tait plus e
levee chez les Autrichiens.
gender impact varied by country. Conclusions : Ces resultats demontrent que les personnes
presentant des caracte ristiques typiquement attribue es aux femmes
presentaient une moins bonne sante  cardiovasculaire et un risque
plus e leve
 de maladie cardiaque, inde pendamment du sexe bio-
logique et des facteurs de risque CV de base, dans les deux pays. Les
femmes pre sentent une meilleure sante  cardiovasculaire et une plus
faible prevalence de maladies cardiaques que les hommes dans les
deux populations. Cependant, les facteurs lie s au sexe et l'ampleur de
l'impact du sexe variaient selon le pays.

syndrome, especially in females in recent decades, can be (Supplemental Appendices S1 and S2). The Canadian Com-
attributed to changes in family dynamics and social and insti- munity Health Survey (CCHS 2014; n = 63,522) is a cross-
tutional roles. Nevertheless, few studies differentiate biological sectional survey that collected population-level information
sex from sociocultural gender with respect to cardiovascular on social determinants of health, health status, and health care
risk.5,6,25-29 As such, whether the effects of sex and gender dif- resource utilisation in the Canadian population. This survey
fer based on country of residence remains to be determined. began in 2001, and data have been collected annually since
In this study, we therefore sought to untangle the impact 2007. The Austria Health Interview Survey (AT-HIS 2014;
of sociocultural gender from biological sex in their association n = 15,771) was conducted as part of European Health Inter-
with cardiovascular health of Canadian and Austrian popula- view Survey series to gather comparable statistical health data
tions. (ie, population health status, health determinants, health care
use and access, and sociodemographic information) from vari-
ous European countries.
The GOING-FWD methodology to merge data from the
Study design Canadian and Austrian surveys
This cross-sectional survey study is part of the Gender The GOING-FWD systematic multistep approach for ret-
Outcomes International Group: to Further Well-Being rospective studies was used to identify gender-related variables
Development (GOING-FWD) which is a 5-country multi- and outcomes in both databases as well as to analyse the data.
disciplinary consortium that was co-funded by the Canadian Briefly, gender-related factors were identified with the use of
Institutes of Health Research, and GENDER-NET Plus the Women Health Research Network’s gender framework
( (ie, gender identity, gender roles, gender relationships, and
fwd/). The overarching aims of the consortium are to integrate institutionalised gender),8 and comparable outcomes were
sex and gender aspects in health research and to evaluate their subsequently selected. A retrospective data harmonisation was
impact on outcomes in noncommunicable diseases including performed according to the Maelstr€om Research guidelines,30
CVD. and finally, based on the data structure of the 2 survey data-
Data from 2 independent community health surveys bases, final analyses were performed locally and results were
administered in 2014 in Canada and Austria were analysed compared.
1242 Canadian Journal of Cardiology
Volume 37 2021

Table 1. Definitions of ideal cardiovascular health in Canadian and Austrian populations (CANHEART and ATHEART indices)
CANHEART: Canadian population ATHEART: Austrian population
Smoking Nonsmoker or former daily or occasional smoker who has Nonsmoker or former daily or occasional smoker who has
quit more than 12 months quit more than 12 months
Overweight/obesity BMI < 25 kg/m2 BMI < 25 kg/m2
Leisure physical activity Energy expenditure ≥ 1.5 kcal/kg/d equivalent to ≥ Number of days doing leisure physical activity for ≥
30 min walking per day 10 min, > 3 days per week
Fruit and vegetable consumption ≥ 5 times per day ≥ 1 time per day
Diabetes No self-reported diabetes diagnosed by health professional No self-reported diabetes diagnosed by health professional
Hypertension No self-reported HTN diagnosed by health professional No self-reported HTN diagnosed by health professional
BMI, body mass index; CANHEART, Cardiovascular Health in Ambulatory Care Research Team; HTN, hypertension.

Gender score construction to select the best set of variables. The optimised set of gender-
related variables from the selected components in the PCA
After the identification of gender-related variables in both
(Supplemental Tables S1 and S2) were then used to create a
databases and their harmonisation, the Gender and Sex Deter-
multivariable logistic model with biological sex as the depen-
minants of Cardiovascular Disease: From Bench to Beyond dent variable and gender-derived components as covariate. A
Premature Acute Coronary Syndrome (GENESIS-PRAXY)
gender index was then calculated through the construction of
methodology was used to generate a composite measure of
a propensity score, which was derived from coefficient esti-
gender.5,6 mates in the final logistic regression model. The propensity
score for each person was defined as the conditional probabil-
Outcome measurements ity of being a female vs a male based on gender-related varia-
The primary end points of this study were the cardiovascu- bles. This score ranges from 0 to 1, with higher scores relating
lar health of the population using the Cardiovascular Health to characteristics traditionally ascribed to women.
in Ambulatory Care Research Team (CANHEART)/ATHE- Multivariable linear regression was applied to assess the
ART indices and prevalence of overt heart disease. To measure association between gender score, biological sex, and cardio-
the cardiovascular health of the population, we used the previ- vascular health measured by CANHEART/ATHEART indi-
ously published CANHEART health index.31 This index is a ces (including smoking, physical activity, fruit and vegetable
measure of cardiovascular health, composed from the sum of consumption, overweight/obesity, diabetes, and hypertension)
the ideal metrics for 6 cardiometabolic health factors and in both populations. The models were adjusted for age. The
behaviours (ie, smoking, physical activity, fruit and vegetable same approach was used for testing the association with overt
consumption, overweight/obesity, diabetes and hypertension), heart disease. Multivariable logistic regression was used to
which range from 0 (worst) to 6 (best or ideal cardiovascular assess the relationships between sex, gender, and overt heart
health). With our data, we determined the CANHEART disease. These models were adjusted for age and CAN-
index and used a similar method to synthesise an index to HEART/ATHEART indices. A 2-way sex−gender score
measure the cardiovascular health of the Austrian population interaction was assessed in all models.
(ATHEART) (Table 1). Data analysis was performed with the use of R software
Heart disease in the Canadian health survey was a self- (version 1.2.5042). P values of ≤ 0.05 were considered to be
reported measure of chronic heart disease diagnosed by a statistically significant.
health care professional, whereas in the Austrian population
health survey it was defined as having history of coronary
heart disease or angina pectoris in the past 12 months. Results
The CCHS 2014 included 63,522 respondents 55.3%
were female (n = 35,114; 42.3% < 50 years old) and the AT-
Statistical analysis
HIS 2014 included 15,771 respondents, 55.7% of whom
Descriptive statistics were reported as mean § SD for con- were female (n = 8786; 53.86% < 50 years old). About 45%
tinuous variables and n (%) for categoric variables. To ensure of the Canadians and 53% of the Austrians had normal body
statistical power for all analysis, a case analysis (pairwise dele- mass index (BMI < 25 kg/m2). Rate of diabetes was double in
tion) approach was used for dealing with missing data. Canadians, whereas rate of smoking was double in Austrian
The detailed methodology of calculating the gender score population (Supplemental Tables S3-S6).
has been reported in our previous publication.5,6 In this novel Among all gender-related variables, household size, per-
method, principal component analysis (PCA), was used to ceived life stress, education level, sense of belonging to com-
choose from a large number of relevant psychosocial variables munity, marital status, and household income were selected
extracted from the CCHS and AT-HIS databases. The PCA from the first 6 components of the CCHS based on their fac-
method helps reduce dimensionality and facilitate data com- tor loadings. In the AT-HIS, frequency of negative emotions,
pression to select the unique set of covariates to use in the pre- education level, marital status, and household income were
dictive model. Details of the method are reported in gender-related variables selected from retained components.
Supplemental Tables S1 and S2. Ultimately, components that The first 6 components accounted for 84% of total variance
accounted for a cumulative variance of more than 60% of the in the CCHS, and a combination of the first 3 components in
data were selected. Factor loadings (correlation between origi- the AT-HIS constituted 61% of total variance in the dataset.
nal variables and factors) with values of 0.4 or more were used A gender score was calculated for all participants using
Azizi et al. 1243
Sex, Gender, and Cardiovascular Health

Table 2. Multivariate logistic model for assessing association of gender variables with biological sex as dependent variable
Gender variable OR (95% CI) Gender variable OR (95% CI)
Household size Frequency of negative emotions
(Reference: 1 person) − (Reference: 1 = never) −
2 persons 1.22 (1.15-1.30) 2 = not often 1.62 (1.49-1.75)
3 persons 1.25 (1.17-1.34) 3 = intermittently 2.57 (2.33-2.83)
4 persons 1.37 (1.28-1.47) 4 = often 2.71 (2.33-3.15)
≥ 5 persons 1.36 (1.25-1.47) 5 = always 2.03 (1.41-2.93)
Perceived life stress: stress during the day Education
(Reference: 1 = not at all) − (Reference: < secondary) −
2 = not very 1.37 (1.29-1.44) Secondary 0.57 (0.51-0.62)
3 = a bit 1.57 (1.49-1.66) Postsecondary 0.65 (0.58-0.69)
4 = quite a bit 1.76 (1.66-1.88) > Postsecondary 0.51 (0.45-0.59)
5 = extremely 1.81 (1.62-2.03) Marital status
Education (Reference: single) −
(Reference: < secondary) − Divorced/widowed 2.14 (1.92-2.38)
Secondary 1.23 (1.17-1.30) Common-in-law/married 1.18 (1.1-1.27)
Postsecondary 1.12 (1.03-1.22) Household income
> Postsecondary 1.20 (1.15-1.26) (Reference: high) −
Sense of belonging to community Medium 1.20 (1.1-1.31)
(Reference:1 = very weak) − Low 1.24 (1.15-1.34)
2 = somewhat weak 1.03(0.96-1.11)
3 = somewhat strong 1.16 (1.08-1.24)
4 = very strong 1.19 (1.10-1.28)
Marital status
(Reference: single) −
Divorced/widowed 2.62 (2.47-2.77)
Common-in-law/married 1.16 (1.11-1.22)
Household income
(Reference: high) −
Medium 1.37 (1.32-1.43)
Low 1.81 (1.69-1.94)
Gender index was calculated through the construction of a propensity score, which was derived from coefficient estimates in the final logistic regression model
with biological sex as dependent variable and gender-related variables as covariates. The propensity score for each person was defined as the conditional probability
of being a female vs a male based on gender-related variables. This score ranges from 0 to 1, with higher scores relating to characteristics traditionally ascribed to
AT-HIS, Austria Health Interview Survey; CCHS, Canadian Community Health Survey; CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio.

propensity scores with biological sex as dependent variable While a higher gender score (b = 1.33; 95% confi-
(Table 2). While greater household size, perceived life stress, dence interval [CI] 1.44 to 1.22; P < 0.001) was asso-
higher education, sense of belonging to community, being ciated with worse cardiovascular health, female sex
divorced or widowed, and lower household income were asso- (b = 0.35; 95% CI 0.32 to 0.37; P < 0.001) was associated
ciated with female sex in the Canadian population, lower edu- with better cardiovascular health in the Canadian popula-
cation, greater frequency of having negative emotion, being tion when adjusted for age (Table 3; Fig. 1, II). A similar
divorced or widowed, and having a lower household income trend was observed in the Austrian cohort, where higher
were associated with being female in the Austrian population. gender score (b = 1.08; 95% CI 1.26 to 0.89; P <
Higher scores represent characteristics traditionally ascribed to 0.001) was associated with worse cardiovascular health,
women in these countries. The mean gender scores in Cana- whereas female sex (b = 0.60; 95% CI 0.55 to 0.64: P <
dian and Austrian populations were 0.55 § 0.09 (median 0.001) was associated with better cardiovascular health
0.53, interquartile range [IQR] 0.49-0.60), and 0.55 § 0.12 when adjusting for age (Table 3; Fig. 1, II).
(median 0.54, IQR 0.46-0.64), respectively. The prevalence of heart disease was 8.7% (n = 2,453) and
Figure 1 represents the distribution of gender score in 2.14% (n = 150) in males and 6.3% (n = 2,212) and 1.59%
males and females. The blue color demonstrates gender score (n = 140) in females in the Canadian and Austrian popula-
in females, the red color males, and the purple color shows tions, respectively. Higher gender scores were associated with
the overlap of the score in males and females. Higher gender a higher risk of heart disease when compared to female sex in
score shows more feminine characteristics. The distribution of both populations (Table 4). This association was stronger in
the gender score in men and women did not entirely overlap the Austrian population (Austria: odds ratio 22.14, 95% CI
with biological sex in both populations, which shows their 7.28-68.17; Canada: odds ratio 3.87, 95% CI 2.71-5.52).
partially independent effect (Fig. 1, I). There was no significant interaction between sex and gen-
The mean cardiovascular health scores were 3.88 § 1.3 der score in predicting cardiovascular health (CANHEART/
(median 4, IQR 3-5) in the Canadian population, and 3.78 ATHEART indices) of the Austrian and Canadian popula-
§ 1.23 (median 4, IQR 3-5) in the Austrian population. The tions (P = 0.5 and P = 0.09, respectively). However, in the
cardiovascular health scores were significantly higher in Canadian population there was a statistically significant inter-
females in both populations (Austria: male 3.4 vs female 4.02; action between sex and gender for predicting the occurrence
Canada: male 3.74 vs female 3.99; P < 0.001). of overt heart disease (P = 0.04).
1244 Canadian Journal of Cardiology
Volume 37 2021

Figure 1. Density plots: y-axis: probability density of gender; x-axis: gender score. Higher gender score demonstrates more feminine characteristics.
(I) Gender score distribution in male and females in (A) Canadian and (B) Austrian populations. Red: gender score in males; blue: gender score in
females; purple: overlapping of gender score in both groups. The distribution of the gender score in men and women did not entirely overlap with
biological sex in both populations, which shows their partially independent effect. (II) Gender score distribution in CANHEART/ATHHEART index < 3
and ≥ 3 in (A) Canadian and (B) Austrian populations. Dark green: gender score in CANHEART/ATHHEART index < 3 (ie, worse cardiovascular
health); yellow: gender score in CANHEART/ATHHEART score ≥ 3 (ie, better cardiovascular health); light green: overlapping of gender score in both
groups. Higher gender score, ie, more feminine characteristics, demonstrates worst cardiovascular health in both populations. AT-HIS, Austria
Health Interview Survey; CANHEART, Cardiovascular Health in Ambulatory Care Research Team; CCHS, Canadian Community Health Survey.

Discussion In this study, we created a composite gender index in

The results of this study conducted in population-based Canadian and Austrian populations. Previous literature5-7,32-
samples of Canadians and Austrians demonstrate that socio- has highlighted the need for building a composite measure
cultural gender, referring to personality traits and social char- to assess the impact of psychosocial variables owing to the
acteristics typically ascribed to women, is associated with inherent statistical difficulties associated with addressing the
poorer cardiovascular health and a higher prevalence of heart large amount of variables. The present study shows that a gen-
disease regardless of sex. In contrast, females exhibited better der score can be created with different gender-related factors
cardiovascular health and a lower prevalence of heart disease depending on the study population. Although there are a
than males in both populations independently from baseline number of overlapping variables such as education, marital
cardiovascular risk factors. status, and household income, factors such as perceived life

Table 3. Association of cardiovascular health with biological sex and gender in Canadian and Austrians populations
Cardiovascular health in Canadians (CANHEART score) Cardiovascular health in Austrians (ATHEART score)
Unstandardised coefficient (b) 95% CI P value Unstandardised coefficient (b) 95% CI P value
Gender score 1.33 1.44 to 1.22 < 0.001 1.08 1.26 to 0.89 < 0.001
Sex (female) 0.35 0.33 to 0.37 < 0.001 0.6 0.55 to 0.64 < 0.001
Age group, y
< 20 (reference) − − − − − −
20-29 0.49 0.53 to 0.44 < 0.001 0.5 0.62 to 0.37 < 0.001
30-39 0.65 0.70 to 0.61 < 0.001 0.83 0.95 to 0.71 < 0.001
40-49 0.88 0.92 to 0.83 < 0.001 0.86 0.97 to 0.74 < 0.001
50-59 1.14 1.18 to 1.10 < 0.001 1.1 1.22 to0.99 < 0.001
60-69 1.23 1.27 to 1.19 < 0.001 1.2 1.34 to 1.10 < 0.001
≥ 70 1.24 1.29 to 1.20 < 0.001 1.19 1.31 to 1.07 < 0.001
CANHEART, Cardiovascular Health in Ambulatory Care Research Team; CI, confidence interval.
Azizi et al. 1245
Sex, Gender, and Cardiovascular Health

Table 4. Associations between sex, gender, and heart disease in Canadian and Austrian populations
Canadians Austrians
Predictor of heart disease OR 95% CI P value OR 95% CI P value
CANHEART score (Canadians)/ATHEART score (Austrians) 0.73 0.71 to 0.75 < 0.001 0.77 0.69 to 0.86 < 0.001
Gender score 3.87 2.71 to 5.52 < 0.001 22.14 7.28 to 68.17 < 0.001
Sex (female) 0.58 0.54 to 0.62 < 0.001 0.61 0.46 to 0.82 0.002
Age group, y
< 20 (reference) − − − − − −
20-29 0.95 0.62 to 1.48 0.96 0.94 0.2 to 4.42 0.70
30-39 0.70 0.45 to 1.1 0.12 0.32 0.07 to 1.67 0.08
40-49 1.82 1.26 to 2.68 0.001 0.53 0.16 to 2.38 0.21
50-59 4.62 3.34 to 6.60 < 0.001 2.14 0.77 to 8.91 0.34
60-69 8.78 6.38 to 12.47 < 0.001 3.95 1.44 to 16.36 0.04
≥ 70 19.45 14.16 to 27.59 < 0.001 7.28 2.32 to 26.00 0.001
CANHEART, Cardiovascular Health in Ambulatory Care Research Team; CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio.

stress and household size were specific to the Canadian popu- lack of social support, and socioeconomic factors such as low
lation, and frequency of negative emotions was reported only educational level and low income, on CVD.39-44
for the Austrian database. Importantly, despite the different Currently, one can find studies investigating the effect of
components that contribute to the construction of the gender some components of our gender index on cardiovascular
score, the results of the PCA revealed a very similar distribu- health. The relationship between a multigenerational
tion of the gender score in both countries. household and the risk of suffering a coronary artery inci-
In both populations, females experienced better cardiovas- dent has also been reported in a study by Ikeda et al.45 In
cular health, and had a lower prevalence of CVD. This finding that study, living with a spouse and children/parents com-
is similar to the result of the study by Maclagan et al.31 that pared with a spouse alone increased the risk of developing
also reported better cardiovascular health in females than coronary artery disease by 2-fold. Being divorced or sepa-
males and further reported that males had poorer healthy rated was an additional factor that was considered in the
behaviours compared with females except for physical activity. gender score. While studies have demonstrated a better
Some studies have suggested that caregiver status and family prognosis after myocardial infarction in married males,
commitments are barriers to physical activity in females, middle-aged married females demonstrated a higher fatality
which may explain the observed discrepancy in this vari- risk than unmarried females.46
able.35,36 In contrast, people with characteristics ascribed to Evidence for the role of psychosocial distress and social/
women (higher gender scores) experienced worse cardiovascu- environmental adversity on cardiovascular outcomes have
lar health and higher risk of heart disease in both populations. been discussed in a variety of disciplines.27,47 The present
The magnitude of this risk was greater in the Austrian popula- study reveals the importance of psychosocial and gender-
tion compared with Canada. related factors in cardiovascular health. Further prospective
The Gender Inequality Index (GII), a measure of institu- studies are warranted to assess the multidimensionality of
tionalised gender, was generated by the United Nations and such factors and their impact on CVD outcome. Such investi-
measures gender inequality in 3 areas: reproductive health, gation would facilitate the development of gender-based pro-
empowerment, and economic status.37 The GII is standar- motion strategies with the goal of endorsing healthy
dised such that 0 indicates perfect gender equality and 1 indi- behaviours to further improve the cardiovascular health within
cates perfect inequality (in favour of males). Canada (0.083) the population.4,27,29,31
and Austria (0.073) have similar low GIIs. Therefore the dif- There are number of limitations with this study. The first
ference in the impact of gender could be attributed to differ- limitation is the difference in definition of heart disease in the
ences in sociocultural characteristics, health care system, or 2 countries. The CCHS reported heart disease as chronic
institutionalised structures (education, income) of both popu- heart disease diagnosed by a health care professional, whereas
lations (Supplemental Table S6). For example, cultural differ- the AT-HIS definition was history of coronary heart disease
ences in social support or mother-role expectations could lead or angina pectoris within the past 12 months. That could be
to the slight difference between Canada and Austria.38 the reason why we see differences in the magnitude of higher
Our findings are consistent with the findings reported by cardiovascular risk in people with characteristics ascribed to
Pelletier et al,5,6 where a higher risk of adverse cardiovascular women between the 2 countries. In addition, owing to the
outcomes after a premature acute coronary syndrome was evi- harmonisation of both databases, some granularity of informa-
dent in patients with personality traits and social roles tradi- tion was lost. For example, we had to use household income
tionally ascribed to women, independently from biological instead of personal income, because the AT-HIS reported
sex. Cardiovascular health is determined by various factors, only household income.
most of which are interacting with living conditions and envi-
ronment of the individual. Our study explored the impact of
classical risk factors such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabe- Conclusion
tes, smoking, and overweight/obesity, in addition to psycho- The results of the present study demonstrate that individu-
social factors such as depression, anxiety, chronic life stress, als with characteristics typically ascribed to women have
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