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Before jumping into the content for this course, let’s first remind our-
selves of some useful material from precalculus and calculus I.

1.1. Functions
Problem 1.1. One of the most fundamental families of functions is polynomi-
als. Define a polynomial function. What is the degree of a polynomial?
Another important family of functions is trigonometric functions.
Problem 1.2. Draw the graphs of the following trigonometric functions.
(a) sin(x)
(b) cos(x)
(c) tan(x)
(d) csc(x)
(e) sec(x)
(f) cot(x)
Problem 1.3. Write out some of the relations between the 6 trigonometric
Problem 1.4. (a) On one set of coordinate axes, draw the functions ex , 2x ,
10x , and (1/2)x . Label each function.
(b) From your picture, what do you notice about functions of type bx ?
Problem 1.5. (a) On one set of coordinate axes, draw the functions ln(x),
log2 (x), and log10 (x). Label each function.
(b) From your picture, what do you notice about functions of type logb (x)?
Problem 1.6. Explain how the function f (x) = bx and the function g(x) =
logb (x) are related.

1.2. Derivatives
Problem 1.7. For a function f (x) and a value a, explain what the quantity
f 0 (a) means.
In Calculus I, we worked out how to compute many kinds of derivatives.

Theorem 1.8. If f and g are differentiable functions then

(1) (Power Rule)
(2) (Sum Rule)
(3) (Difference Rule)
(4) (Constant Multiple Rule)
(5) (Product Rule)
(6) (Quotient Rule)
(7) (Chain Rule)
Using the rules above, we can compute the derivative of any polynomial
Theorem 1.9. The derivative of a polynomial f (x) = a0 + a1 x + a2 x2 + · · · +
an xn is .
Theorem 1.10. We know the derivatives of the following special functions.
(a) dx sin(x) =
(b) dx cos(x) =
(c) dx tan(x) =
(d) dx csc(x) =
(e) dx sec(x) =
(f) dx cot(x) =
d x
(g) If 0 < b, dx b =
d x
(h) dx e =
(i) If 0 < b, dx logb (x) =
(j) dx ln(x) =
(k) dx arcsin(x) =
(l) dx arccos(x) =
(m) dx arctan(x) =
Problem 1.11. For each of the functions below, find the derivative of the
function, then find the tangent line to the function at x = 1.
(a) f (x) = 3 + 7x + 2x3
(b) g(x) = sin(x) cos(x)
(c) h(x) = e3x

1.3. Integrals
Problem 1.12. (a) For a function f (x), explain what f (x) dx means. What
is this type of integral called?
Z b
(b) For a function f (x), explain what f (x) dx means. What is this type
of integral called?
Problem 1.13. (a) Compute 2x − 1 dx. Justify your answer using part
(a) from the problem above.
Z 2
(b) Compute 2x − 1 dx. Justify your answer using part (b) from the
problem above and include a picture.
Problem 1.14. Are theZ following trueZor false?
(a) If c is a constant, cf (x) dx = c f (x) dx
Z b Z b
(b) If c is a constant, cf (x) dx = c f (x) dx
Z aZ Z a
(c) f (x) + g(x) dx = f (x) dx + g(x) dx
Z b Z b Z b
(d) f (x) + g(x) dx = f (x) dx + g(x) dx
Za Z a Z a
(e) f (x)g(x) dx = f (x) dx g(x) dx
Z b Z b Z b
(f) f (x)g(x) dx = f (x) dx g(x) dx
a Z ab aZ
c Z b
(g) If c is a constant, f (x) dx = f (x) dx + f (x) dx
a a c
Problem 1.15. In what sense to integrals and derivatives “undo” each other?
Include an example in your explanation. (Hint: What happens when you
take the integral of a function and then take its derivative? What about the
other way around?)
Theorem 1.16 (Second Fundamental Theorem of Calculus). If f is
Z Z b
on the interval and f (x) dx = F (x)+C, then f (x) dx =
Problem 1.17. Use FTC II to compute the following integrals.
Z 4
(a) 2 − 2x dx
Z π/2
(b) sin x dx
Z 1
(c) ex dx

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