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Lesson 2: Finding Joy in the “New Normal” 2 (Integration of Psychosocial

Activities in the Lesson

What’s In Home is your safest refuge this time. This is where you can protect yourself and your
family from the deadly COVID-19. As a student and citizen of this country, this is the best thing
you can do to help our frontliners in this fight. Continue to support and help them in your little
The quarantine level in each area is changing every fifteen days as decided by the government
and the IATF-EID. Depending on the risk level, changing the quarantine status (i.e. ECQ, MECQ,
GCQ, MGCQ) may vary from one place to another. This means that the way of life in a certain
place must also conform to the existing rules and regulations. Honestly, community
quarantine affects us all. We are still facing the uncertainties of tomorrow. The COVID-19
pandemic forces the government to implement the “new normal” in order to move forward.
Programs and policies are made to help the society adapt to this. Still, we need to practice
social distancing, continue to wear masks and wash hands more often as we continue to face
this battle. How about you? Have you adjusted already to the “new normal”? What did you do
at home during quarantine period? Did you gain weight? Did you use your free time wisely?
Did you sleep well? Did you still exercise? What recreational activities did you do? How did
you feel about your so-long-stay at home? Did you feel bored? Were you happy for not going
out with friends like what you were used to do? How about the people around you and your
family? Did you spend more time with them in doing recreational and positive activities to
relax and to have fun?
Recreation does not stop during this pandemic. There are so many recreational activities you
can do at home to kill boredom. Have you tried gardening? Seeing the healthy plants in your
garden can make you smile. Did you do some household chores like sweeping and scrubbing
the floor, fetching water, feeding the pets or even watering the plants? Doing them all with a
big smile on your face is already a form of recreation. How much more if you are doing them
with your loved ones! Turn your boredom into fun. Learning to like and love what you are
doing will lead you to finding real happiness in overcoming adversity. Relax, enjoy, have fun,
smile, and most of all, MOVE FORWARD.
Quarter 3 – Week 2 Activity: #COVID-FREE
1. Think of a recreational activity that you dream of doing when the pandemic is over.
2. Draw it inside the box.
3. Write your reflection below your drawing.
4. Use one (1) long bond paper.

• Submit it to me through Facebook messenger.

• Due date is on Friday, 12 in the afternoon.

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