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2. How does an organization attract human resources?

provide examples.
Attracting human resources to an organization involves creating a compelling and positive image
of the company as an employer of choice. Here are some strategies and examples to attract
talented individuals:
- Build a Strong Employer Brand:
Example: Showcase a positive work culture through employee testimonials on the company
website or social media platforms. Highlight employee achievements and success stories.
- Competitive Compensation and Benefits:
Example: Offer competitive salaries, bonuses, and comprehensive benefits packages. Consider
unique perks such as flexible work hours, remote work options, or wellness programs.
- Professional Development Opportunities:
Example: Emphasize ongoing training programs, mentorship opportunities, and career
development plans. Demonstrate a commitment to helping employees grow and advance in their
- Create a Positive Work Environment:
Example: Foster a collaborative and inclusive workplace culture. Share photos of team-building
activities, events, and a welcoming office space to give potential candidates a sense of the
company's atmosphere.
- Flexible Work Arrangements:
Example: Allow for flexible work hours, remote work options, or compressed workweeks.
Highlight these options in job postings to attract candidates seeking a better work-life balance.
- Employee Recognition and Rewards:
Example: Implement a robust employee recognition program to acknowledge and reward
outstanding performance. Recognize employees publicly through internal newsletters, social
media, or company-wide meetings.
- Promote a Diverse and Inclusive Culture:
Example: Showcase diversity and inclusion initiatives, such as employee resource groups,
diversity training, and policies that support a diverse workforce. Communicate a commitment to
equality and fairness.
- Effective Recruitment Marketing:
Example: Utilize social media, job boards, and targeted advertising to reach potential candidates.
Use compelling and authentic content to convey the company's values and opportunities.
- Positive Employer Reviews and Testimonials:
Example: Encourage current employees to share their positive experiences on employer review
websites like Glassdoor. Highlighting positive testimonials can significantly impact a candidate's
perception of the company.
- Clear Career Pathways:
Example: Clearly outline career progression opportunities within the organization. Share success
stories of employees who have advanced in their careers within the company.
- Innovative Recruitment Strategies:
Example: Use innovative recruitment methods such as virtual reality experiences, gamified
assessments, or interactive recruitment events to showcase the company's modern and forward-
thinking approach.
- Sustainable and Social Responsibility Initiatives:
Example: Emphasize the organization's commitment to sustainability and social responsibility.
This can appeal to candidates who value companies with a strong sense of corporate social

By implementing a combination of these strategies, organizations can enhance their

attractiveness to potential employees and stand out in a competitive job market.

3. Describe the common selection methods. Which method or methods are the best
predictors of future job performance?

Organizations use various selection methods to assess and evaluate candidates during the hiring
process. The effectiveness of these methods in predicting future job performance can vary.
Common selection methods include:
- Resumes and Application Reviews:
Reviewing resumes and job applications to assess candidates' qualifications and relevant
- Interviews:
Conducting one-on-one or panel interviews to evaluate a candidate's skills, qualifications, and
cultural fit.
- Reference Checks:
Contacting previous employers or professional contacts to gather information about a candidate's
work history and performance.
- Cognitive Ability Tests:
Assessing a candidate's general intelligence, problem-solving skills, and ability to learn quickly.
- Personality Assessments:
Evaluating a candidate's personality traits, work style, and interpersonal skills.
- Skills and Job Knowledge Tests:
Evaluating a candidate's specific skills and knowledge relevant to the job.
- Work Samples and Simulations:
Asking candidates to complete tasks or exercises that simulate real job responsibilities.
- Assessment Centers:
Comprehensive evaluation involving multiple exercises, simulations, and interviews.
- Structured Reference Checks:
Employing a systematic and standardized approach to reference checks to gather specific
information about a candidate's past performance.
- Biographical Data:
Collecting information about a candidate's life experiences, achievements, and background.

Best Predictors of Future Job Performance:

The most effective predictors of future job performance often involve a combination of methods.
Research suggests that a multi-method approach, such as combining cognitive ability tests,
structured interviews, and work samples, tends to provide a more accurate assessment of a
candidate's potential success in a role. Additionally, the relevance of specific methods depends
on the nature of the job and the competencies required for success in that particular role.

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