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Cad Desk Student Fee's Rec...

S SC R IB D (Sea rch

1011412018 Cad Desk Student Fee's Receipt

3DINDAYAL NAGAR,SAi Center : 2028
MANDIR ROAD, Student Reg.No. :--2028/66 -
CODE- 244001

Receipts No. :2028/63 Date: 10ill9/20 18

Student ame : Pushpendra Kumar
Offiine Receipts No. :
Address :Chandausi Course Fee 12000 Rs.
GST 0 Rs.
Course Title : Diploma Cmse u1Mechanical CAD Total Fee
12000 Rs.
Amount Collected
Received : 12000 12000 Rs.
Rs. Rs Total Received Amount
12000 Rs.
Current Due Amount
0 Rs.
Payment By :Cash Date : 10/0912018 Bank Place

Terms & Conditions:

I . Studcnl are rcqu('sl to pay full course fee at the time of registration .In case of course fees being paid in installml:'nl. all paymenls should be made as per the fee payment
schedule agreed at timeof registration
2. Any d1sputcs ammg between lhc holdC'r of this TCC(.'lpl and the C('ntc-rlfranchisce who issuo;>s this receipt shall be dcemcd to have arisen in the stat(' where lhc franchisee funclion.s and
issubjC'Ct tothe courtjurisd1ction of the p:alace where the franchise<'? C<"ntcr islocated. It is 10 be resolvC'd b<"twC<'n the hotd('r of the reccip1 and franchisee only.
{Company) will no11akc habili1y for any such disputes and will bot be made party 10ii
3. Course fee once paid cannot be refunded afler thecommencemem of the course. ll·e\-cr the proporti onate amount can b<" e:ir.changOO for another course another person for a train ing.
4. N o liabilit)' for the company on the part of delay or non fulfillment of:my tem1 of the contrac1 caused by force majeure or by any industrial dispute.default by any sub.
contractor. strike. scarcity of material or labour flood riol.tcrrorism or cause not din:ctly within its conlrol

I have read the tem1s & conditions printed overleaf, For : MORADABAD UITAR PRADESH
Understood the same and here by confirm having accepted the same forjoining the course
Student's Signature

Authorised Center
(Seal & Signature)
------------------------------------------------------------------cut here--------------------------------------------- --------------------


3DINDAYAL NAGAR,SAi Center : 2028
MANDIR ROAD, Student Reg. No. :l 2_0_28/_6_6 -

Receipts No. :2028/63 Date:10ill9/20 18

Student Name : Pushpcndra Kumar
Offiinc Receipts No. :
Address :Chandausi Course Fee 12000 Rs.
GST 0 Rs.
Course Title : Diploma Cotse u1Mechanical CAD Total Fee
12000 Rs.
Amount Collected
Received Rs. : 12000 Rs 12000 R>.
Total Received Amount
12000 Rs.
Current Due Amount 0 Rs.
Payment By :Cash Date : 10/09/2018 Bank Place

Terms & Conditions:

I. Studenl arc requesl to pay II.J I\ course fee at the time of registration .In case of course fees b<"i ng paid in ins1allmen1. all pa)'ntents should be made as per the fee payment
schedule agreed at time of registration
2. Any disputes ansmg between the holder of this receipt and the eenterffranchiscc who issues thisreceipt shall be deemed lo have arisen in the state where lhe franchisee funclions
and issubject tolhe court JUrisd1ction of the palace when• the franchise<' '!Center islocated. It is to be rcsolvC'd b<"twC<'n the holdl'r of the rect'ipl and franchisee only.
(Company) will not take habihty for;my such disJ)\1tt'sand will bot be made party lo 11
].Course fee once paid eanno1be r('fundcd afler the commencemen1 of1he course. lloo·evcr the proportiona te amount can be e.'llchangOO for another course another person for a
training. 4.No liability for the company on the part of delay or non fulfillment of any 1em1 of the contract caused by force majeure or by any industrial dispute. dcfault by any
sub. contractor. strikl' scarcity of matt>rial or labour flood riot. 1errorism or cause not directly within its control
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