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Technological Advancements:

Smart City: A city that uses technology to enhance the quality of life for its residents.

IoT (Internet of Things): Interconnected devices and sensors that collect and share data to improve
city operations.

AI (Artificial Intelligence): Technology that enables machines to simulate human intelligence, often
used for automation in cities.

Blockchain: A digital ledger technology used for secure and transparent data storage in various city

Drones: Unmanned aerial vehicles used for surveillance, delivery, or infrastructure inspection in
urban areas.

Sustainability and Environment:

Renewable Energy: Energy sources that are replenishable, such as solar, wind, or hydroelectric

Green Spaces: Parks, gardens, or urban vegetation aimed at improving air quality and biodiversity.

Carbon Neutral: Achieving a balance between emitting carbon and absorbing it from the

Waste Management: Systems and practices for collecting, processing, and recycling waste to
minimize environmental impact.

Climate Resilience: City planning and infrastructure designed to withstand and adapt to changing
climate conditions.

Urban Development and Infrastructure:

Mass Transit: Public transportation systems like subways, trains, or buses used for efficient city

Vertical Farming: Agricultural methods using vertical structures to grow crops in urban areas.

Mixed-Use Development: Urban planning that combines residential, commercial, and recreational
spaces in a single area.

Urbanization: The process of a population shifting from rural to urban areas, leading to city growth.

Infrastructure Upgrade: Improving and modernizing essential city systems like roads, utilities, and

Innovative Concepts:

Augmented Reality (AR): Technology that overlays digital information onto the physical world,
enhancing urban experiences.

Hyperloop: A high-speed transportation system using vacuum tubes for rapid travel between cities.

3D Printing: Technology capable of constructing buildings and infrastructure using additive

manufacturing techniques.

Self-driving Cars: Autonomous vehicles equipped with AI technology for transportation within cities.
Urban Revitalization: Renewing and improving city areas to enhance livability and attract

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