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Prepared by:

Engr. Nestor C. Competente

Physics is a body of knowledge
which deals with the study of
matter and energy.
 1.
Mechanics and Properties of
This branch deals primarily with the motion
of bodies, the concept of force and its effect
on the motion and shape of bodies.
Properties of solids, liquids, and gases are
also taken up in this branch of physics.
2.Sound and Wave Motion – it deals
with the transfer of energy by means
of periodic disturbances through
various media
3. Heat – The study of heat also
known as thermodynamics. It deals
with thermal expansion, heat
capacities of substances, change of
state, and heat transfer.
Thermodynamics is more precisely
concerned with the relationship
between heat and work
4. Electricity and magnetism-
deals with the concept of
electrical charge, the flow of
electrical charges, the concept of
electric and magnetic fields and
their interaction.
 5.Optics - is concerned with the
fundamental concepts of
electromagnetic waves, absorption
and transmission of light, and the
phenomena of reflection, refraction,
interference, diffraction, and
6. Atomic and Nuclear Physics- deals
with the structure of the atom and
nucleus, and related phenomena like
radioactivity, X-rays, nuclear fission
and fusion. It also includes the study
of fundamental particles, lasers and
chain reactions
❖ The ultimate responsibility for learning rests
with the students.
The instructor is only a facilitator, the university
I only a campus, an the text is only a book.
Come to class each meeting on time and
prepared for the scheduled instruction. Study
the material in advance and make a note of
questions to ask your instructors.
 Time learning is efficient learning. It is better
to study an hour each day of the week than to
study 20 hrs, every weekend. After each lecture
or recitation, use the very net free period to
reinforce your understanding of the topics
coveredd. Work for a few examples of problems.
The longer you wait, the more you forget, and
the more you waste your time. Cramming for
tests will not work. Instead review problems that
you already worked and attempt to work or
solve problems similar in the sample or tetbook.
 Learning is rarely completed inside the
classroom. In order to retain and build on
what you learn in the classroom , solving
problems on your is essential. Seek help from
others after you make your best attempt to
solve assigned problems. There is no
substitute for participation in the thinking
and procedures in solving the problem.
 Brush up your basic skills.
Mathematics is the fundamental tool for all
science. Make sure you understand the
principles in math. Stress the skill that you are
rusty or weak. Practice also encode/input data
in your calculator.
 Study the syllabus.
Know what will be covered on exams, when
they will be given, and how they will be used to
determine your grade.
 Find a class partner and obtain his/her
phone number.
Use a buddy system so that each can
notify the other of class/lab activities that
are unavoidably missed. Have this person
pick up extra handouts and instructions
given in your absence.
 Organizationis the key to effective
learning. Keep notebook, handout,
notes, problems, graded exams,
graded labs.
 If you get into trouble, seek help
A multitude of learning resources are available
for students . There are computer assisted
tutorials, the Internet, solution guides, problem
solving manuals, reviewers, and even textbooks
covering the same topics. Your instructor or
library personnel can you direction of what you
need, but you must take the responsibility.
 Don’t expect to fully understand physics
principle in the same way as you might
learn about other subjects.
The real understanding of physics comes
through applications and problem solving. Try to
schedule a free period immediately after your
Physics subject an attempt to work example
problems while the lecture is fresh
 Plan your study habits around the subjects
you are taking.
Many core subjects requiring extensive reading
and reporting can be treated differently from
math and physics. Each is important, but math
and physics cannot be efficiently learned in
cram sessions. When each successive topic
requires understanding of the preceding topics,
one can get hopelessly behind rather quickly.
 The best way to deal with the pressure of
physics exams is thorough and adequate
You should work as many example problems as
possible before taking exams.
 Some scientists consider physics as primarily
the science of measurement.
According to William Thomson or Lord Kelvin ,
a British mathematician and physicist
“ In physical science one knows what he is
talking about only when he can measure and
express it in numbers.”
1. Direct Method
2. Indirect Method
A quantity that can be
measured and consists of a
numerical magnitude and unit.
1. Fundamental or Basic Quantities- the
simplest type of quantities and cannot be
reduced further.
2. Derived Quantities- are formed by the
combination of one, two or all three
fundamental quantities
1. Fundamental Unit – the unit
assigned to basic or fundamental
quantities like m, s, kg

2. Derived Unit- any unit used in the

measurement of derived quantity
 Length
Length is a measurement of distance. The first
truly international standard was the meter (m)
established as the standard of length by the
French Academy of Sciences in the 1790s.
Several definitions were given and finally in
1983, the meter was redefined in terms of the
speed of light. The new definition is: “The
meter is the length of the path travelled by
light in a vacuum during a time interval of 1/299
792 458 of a second”
 Mass
The terms mass and weight are often used interchangeably.
Although they are related, they are not identical. The mass can
be defined as the quantity of matter present in an object. In
contrast, the weight of an object is the measure of
gravitational attraction between it and the significantly large
body, such as the earth or moon. The weight of an object on the
surface of the earth depends on its mass and on the distance
between it and the center of the earth. As the mass of an object
increases, its weight increases correspondingly. The
fundamental SI unit of mass is the kilogram (kg). In the metric
system, the unit for mass is the gram (g).
 Time
Time is a real occurrence. It is a continuous change
through which people live. The unit of time, the second,
was at first defined as the fraction of the mean solar day.
Since a very precise definition of the unit of time is
indispensable for the International System, the 13th
CGPM (1967) decided to replace the definition of the
second. This was affirmed by the CIPM in 1997 and that
this definition refers to a cesium atom in its ground state
at a temperature of 0 K: The second is the duration of
periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition
between the two hyperfine level of the ground state of
the cesium 133 atom.
 Volume is the amount of three-dimensional
occupied space or substance. The SI system
for volume is the cubic meter. Other units
used are cubic centimeters (𝑐𝑚3 ), liters (L),
and milliliters (mL).
 Specific Volume
- It is defined as volume per unit mass.
- It is the reciprocal of density.

𝒗 𝟏
𝑽𝒔 = =
𝒎 𝒑
 Mass Density-
the mass per unit volume
ρ = m/v

Where: ρ, mass density units; BG slugs/ft3

m, mass SI kg/m3
v, volume
 Specific Weight
- It is the weight per unit volume

𝑾 𝒎𝒈
𝜸 = =
𝒗𝒐𝒍 𝒗𝒐𝒍
Units: BG lb/ft3
SI N/m3
 Specific Gravity
- It is defined as the ratio of the density of the
fluid to the density of water at some specified
temperature. Normally the standard
temperature is taken at 4°C (32°F)

𝒑𝒇 γ𝒇
SG = =
𝒑𝒘 γ𝒘
SI Base Quantities
Examples of Derived Quantities
The three fundamental quantities have
dimensions, and for mass, length, and time can
be denoted by M, L and T respectively. The
derived quantities also have dimensions which
are more complicated than the dimensions of
fundamental quantities.
The study and analysis of the dimensions of
derived quantities in terms of M, L and T
constitute what is known as dimensional
Area = length x length = 𝐿2
Volume = length x length x length = 𝐿3
Velocity = = L𝑇 −1
Acceleration = = L 𝑇 −2
Mass = = M 𝐿−3
In any equation in physics, the dimensions for
all the terms on both sides of the equation
must be the same. If we have an equation of
the form
Which relates the physical quantities A,B,C and
D, the units should be the same for all terms. It
is instructive to check the dimensions to verify
the validity of the equations being used
One of the equations for uniformly accelerated
motion is
𝑣𝑓 = 𝑣𝑖 + at

L𝑇 −1 = L𝑇 −1 +(L𝑇 −2 ) x T
L𝑇 −1 = L𝑇 −1 + L𝑇 −1
In recording data of physical quantities, special attention should be given to
the significant figures. This will considerably help calculations involving
these numbers. Not only is time waste in the proper handling of data but
results of the calculations become more realistic.
Significant figures is used to indicate the approximate number of digits that
should be retained at the end of a calculations.
Rules :
 Addition or Subtraction
The result of addition or subtraction must be expressed to the same
precision as the least precise measurement. This means that the result must
be rounded with the same number of decimal places as the value with the
least number of decimal places.
 Multiplication or Division
In calculations involving multiplication or division, the answer must contain
the same number of
significant figures as in the measurement that has the least number of
significant figures.
Problem 1: Find the sum of the following
measurements: 183.2 m, 0.084 m, 14.42 m, 318.6 m
The number with the least number of decimal
places is 183.2 and 318.6(one decimal place).
Therefore, the answer is rounded off to 516.3 m.
Example No. 2 Multiple two measurements of
length 14.72 cm and 0.0082 cm.
The second number has only two
significant figures; hence the product
Problem 2: Several carpet installers make
measurements for carpet installations in the
different rooms of restaurant, reporting their
measurements with inconsistent accuracy
shown in table below. Compute the areas for (a)
the banquet hall, (b) meeting room, and © the
dining room, taking into account significant
figures (d) What total area of carpet is
Length (m) Width (m)

Length (m) Width (m)

Banquet hall Dimensions
Banquet hallof Rooms
14.71 14.71 7.477.47
Meeting Room 4.822 5.1
Dining Room 13.8 9
Meeting Room 4.822 5.1

Dining Room 13.8 9

1. Scalar – are those quantities which
completely specified by their magnitude,
expressed in some convenient unit.
Example of scalar quantities are length,
mass, area, volume, time and density. Scalar
quantities are easy to handle since they can be
manipulated by the ordinary laws of algebra
2. Vector quantities are those which
require, for their complete specification,
both magnitude and direction.
Examples of vector quantities are
displacement, force, velocity, acceleration
and momentum.
 A vector is represented
by an arrow. The arrow
has 3 important parts:
namely; the length of
the line shows the
magnitude, the head of
the arrow indicates the
direction of the vector,
and the tail indicates
the starting point of the
 Two vector
quantities are equal
if they have the
same magnitude
(length) and
direction no matter
where they are
located in space
 Two vector quantities
are not equal if they
have the same
direction but with
different magnitudes
or the same magnitude
but different directions
or both magnitudes
and directions are
 The composition of vectors is the process of
finding the resultant of two or more vectors. This
is process is also called vector addition. The
following rules apply:
Vectors are added algebraically if they are parallel.
Those acting in one direction may be
considered positive (+)and those in the opposite
direction, negative (-).
Vectors that are not parallel cannot be added
algebraically but are added geometrically or
 Resultant is another name for vector
sum. It is a single vector (i.e., force) that
will produce the same effect on the
body as that produced by two or more
 Equilibrant is the oppositely directed
force of the same magnitude as the
 Graphical Method is the method
wherein forces or vectors are drawn to
scale. The magnitude of the resultant is
measured by a ruler and the direction by
a protractor. This method is classified as:
 a. Polygon Method or Tail and Head
 b. Parallelogram Method
1. Assign a convenient scale and convert the given vectors or
according to the scale chosen.
2. At the origin of the reference frame, draw the first vector by
measuring the length with a ruler and the direction by means of a
3. At the arrowhead of the first vector drawn, make a small reference
frame and draw the second vector.
4. Repeat the procedure to draw the succeeding vectors in a head-to-
tail fashion.
5. Draw the resultant from the origin or tail of the first vector to the
head of the last vector drawn.
6. The magnitude of the resultant is determined by measuring its
length and multiplying the value with the assigned scale.
7. To measure the angle of the resultant, place the protractor on the
reference frame with its zero mark along the x–axis. Read the angle
obtained and describe the specific direction.
1. With the aid of ruler and
protractor, find the resultant of
the following vectors by graphical
method: 4 km directed 45 north
of east and 3 km directed 30 0

2.Using a convenient scale, find the
resultant of the following vectors
graphically: 10 m at 40
with the x-axis, 15 m at 140 with
the x-axis, and 15 m at 140 with the
x-axis, and 15 m at 210 . Check by the
component method.
Using the polygon method, determine the
resultant of the following: 8.0 N at 40 ,
9.0N at 1200 , and 12.0 N at 2000 . Check
by component method.
1. Designate an appropriate scale and convert the given vectors or
forces according to the scale chosen.
2. Use the rectangular coordinate system as your reference to specify
3. Draw the first vector making use of your protractor for measuring
the angle and your ruler for the magnitude of the vector.
4. Draw the second vector as adjacent side to the first vector drawn.
5. Draw parallel lines to the given vectors forming a parallelogram.
6. From the point of origin of the vectors, draw a diagonal line up to
the intersecting point of the parallel lines. This diagonal line is the
resultant of the given vectors.
7. The magnitude of the resultant is determined by measuring the
length of the diagonal line with the use of a ruler. Multiply the value
by the designated scale.
8. To determine the angle and direction of the resultant, measure the
first vector to the resultant vector by means of a protractor
Two vectors, 10 and 15 units long,
make 60 with each other. Find the
magnitude and direction of their
resultant to the longer vector using
the parallelogram method
Analytical Method is the method that makes use
of formulas or equations in mathematics.
 a. Cosine Law is applicable for only 2 vectors or
concurrent forces acting at an angle between
 b. Pythagorean Theorem is applicable for two
concurrent forces or vectors that form a right
 c. Component Method is applicable for 3 or more
concurrent forces or vectors.
 Cosine Law is applicable
for two concurrent
forces acting at any
angle between them
𝑅2 = 𝐹12 + 𝐹22 - 2 𝐹1 𝐹2 cos
= 𝐹12 +𝐹12 +2𝐹1 𝐹2 cos θ

cos (1800- θ) = - cos θ

 Sine Law in any
triangle is defined as
any side that is
proportional to the
sine of the opposite
angle; or the sides of
the triangle bearing
the same ratio as the
sines of the angles
opposite the sides..
Using the law of sines and law of
cosines, determine the resultant
displacement of 50 m to the east and
second displacement of 90 𝑚, 45
north of east.
The Pythagorean
Theorem can be used to
determine the resultant
vector when the two
vectors are at right angles
The Component Method (Rectangular
Resolution) is applicable for 3 or more vectors.
It is based on the system of rectangular
coordinates. A vector is resolved into a pair of
perpendicular components called the
horizontal and vertical components. The
component of a vector is the effective value of
a vector in a given direction. It refers to the
vertical and horizontal compositions of a given
A Resolution is the process of finding
the components of a given vector. The
horizontal component ( X-component)
is computed by the formula:
𝑹𝒙 = R cos θ
and the vertical component ( y-
component) is found by
𝑹𝒚 = R sin θ
The magnitude of the Resultant is
computed by using the Pythagorean

The angle ϴ which R makes with the -

axis can be solved using the formula
Given a vector , we define the
negative of this vector ( -b) to be
a vector with the same
magnitude as but opposite in
direction. Note that no vector is
negative in terms of its
magnitude, conversely, the
magnitude of every vector is
positive. This indicates that the
minus sign tells us about its
direction, that is, vectors b and
(-b) have the same magnitude
but have opposite directions . It
is also defined as the vector
that, when added to the original
vector, gives a resultant of zero.
Given two vectors Ậ= 3i + 4j and
B= 5i-2j . Find the direction and
magnitude of (a) Ậ ; (b) B;
( c ) A + B (d) A-B
Given two vectors Ậ= 3i + 2j – 3k
and B = i- 3j+k . Find their
resultant, and give the magnitude
and direction of this resultant.

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