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1: Matrices TOPIC.Q] Matrix and Operations : on Matrices TOPIC QZ Transpose of a Matrix, Symmetric and Skew- Symmetric Matrix TOPIC 1 Matrix and Operations on Matrices Matrix A matrix is an ordered rectangular array of numbers or functions, The numbers (real or complex) or functions are called the elements or the entries of the matrix. It is denoted by the symbol [ ] or ()- Order of a Matrix Ifa matrix has m rows and n columns, then its order is written as m x n.Ifa matrix has order m x 7, then it has mn clements. In general, m xn matrix has the following rectangu array: 42 3 An qq Gay An m2 Bm om Syn or [ay Inn» Where 1S 1S m,1S jSmsi,jeN- NOTE We shall consider only those matrices, whose element numbers or functions taking real values. 3 dager mam if ana Scalar Marts stags ment whe a Sagseal clomene ar eoul (neo toh w aleve alae mene ei quality of Matrices pepmusnes (2M SAARC Oa i eorequating Sots a not equal, Operations on Matrices _ Bese to eames flowing operations peer ees <—e 1 Addkion and Saberaction of Matrices Adiaa, eeoomner natant eal 3. See iting itn esl 2 : ome ae i : i 5 numberof ele = Mhz of"? aaa 1 Mark Questions 3 sf, The number of elem lark ee LS ey , Aisa mire nt at fy tie Ia choc eae 2s wm sionsan@ ah onen gone balls eo fom coe) ancer tan yy a 2 @e fe. ‘CRst Sample oper 2021 32.16[*~” =].[-! 4] 4 a + pa + elt poe ts Sa Wf, JHE fee manenngers, eekzect and k= the sty 7 17) en find Aa aplovteenanamn cite Speeds ab alt? EE Jpemein cac ae feos i giees es aiceef? sotzase sce A et a : eecal Laaccace cae a “ cso gy galt ff tent? et eet off] of 3 is wat at a seal, Ey J[S Spent te vata of 3 8) oct naa aosirareel Joos 4-20 -f fe sn te £36 x47, efi: of 3 SL cate coder? mci us 4 eyes wna 2. = value of A. ‘All adio 2020 3. The elements a, of a3 x3 matrix are given | 3: ais que matic and 4? = 4, then 1+) 14) yen A? is " a4 ae 35. Th ; ty oF 33) sivas te ij Case Semple Pope: 28. ind 40. ‘Jom -[2 oh “ag = }LSt*' 1: Write the value of element. 2 os O,when Ey 22a, o 2 © OF atin 2018 2 Seem eae a & Shasoeft 3] — pass 4-2-{5 lant 2=[* 2] wen Gd te rate ~ a rermel IS Tee cams 5 aine-o-f} fmol | a6.ntar af] -oien tatty vase °] y of maid eeniss ose atet} such that A? = 4 aos ole Ft a7it2[t 2]e[7 VA]. ssen tind the value of pa rics maces OE Aten. Rete vae eI \ mearalh [SALE Sper snane neo he UtAdy= TAis equal 10 CASE Somple Peper 202 1 3],fy ees ci Sa ~ A! 2 6 jae ON see. Lise on wa J 5 ant br spa ns oak. oh; Sr nee mata en tae Naa. ned ce HOARE y Ase te ane fe Bang 4? 7. Waulincdvalueof(4—1)? +(4-+1)"—Tonazoe [278 ave] [1 5 (apenas Oy AB=BA 13, ventmtd=[% P and 4? =37 then simp ; panier eel tos pases (AB~0 @BA=0 %, Sain ‘eo ible matrices of order 2x2 10], feo) fi (rsatsdrao a B= “Aino 2016 9-14 f 2 se creel off Ymesnrismrcae SERS BEERS : ant acl) 2 a aesotarm ga oh pees 1. Gh tits ASB fade 3 ee ee = eae , a. e bs mx Srespectively, then the order of matrix 0). emt e ene e rte ieopacnmtnctatcimta Peat mtcaserofmat 4 mn eeel! “|e icewvice aft when tes og CSE 202 Foreign 2016 Fs ON hen tay OA @axsandm=n ayoxs value ofk ‘indie 2012 dinate ai Sample oper 2623 Gang exe 27. Write the element a33 of a3 x3 matrix A =| se ie ele | a a |. If matrix A= |and A? = pd, then write the Re of} of) of y q wv cemensoy ae penbya, aL. Statomianl 2 J] pe Tse ns 45. 1raep 3 .82}2]. 42112 sand of5 shit ee Sona cesaa|"[ jae rateot 2 4) Bar al AA os 2 Jaa ane tb-c42dis stooge RABAT nog oa Bs offs pumaorse 42 ttmacix an| 3S ]and 4? = 24, tnen wrt the aie | os SERRE gone ea aa sonar snd 20 ©. On OR air? “jt >). en find («- s al*lo i}*ho ae tee questions ot at] nels ra fave 43, Sinpios0| Sin cas posit a maid emp eet] (4-3-0 an dy at2A~3B +50 2 e (ee a [eee Ont 18 1 vahe of y= rm following 5° rks Questions Bui ae ot PPE SHE AD anenn Sere Coit (itlmmemtee [EL (e2) 3 4 au sO] sap a[* 3] nen ad benanit Py [5 Foap § sy 4 ae ‘puvcnthat CD48 =0- ae an. Wie te vaca: ym fling eo nese Frese] [9 acfr 1 3f en fod 42-54 790, [et] meinen HEE 5] ved tadanatie X subi? 544404 X09 H Bs " 48 Wit ore of proc i223. ed es: | on social! Tes Leesa ey, _—o alu ofa and [ Weamrconcerr ——] sentra mal { st thatifa matacA hasordermanandother | 5 Marks Questions eee ee ico een ec - @rrer-fens cra of roves 50. Ifa mais 5 clement, thn writes pone rerio ‘sien 2 yyy spe sta-D) a { Siumiconcerr Ta ge TREY. 102 | Wsetmereat tite mac hasordermen tet |@~ 0 2 1f then show that | nanbert toast cece bo 3 A647 +74 421 20 51. Fra? matin 4m, Jwhoe elena ven bye; =U dni the valor ag és ; oS, aft, 7]? nm ts tevaesty 1440 2 tft? ta--74 hh 20.08 ‘Deni zon1e 203, casey find the value off. (888 2023 Allie Fe = Explanations: feel mera fe | rove SE ee ene sovemen(]of]-[5] = ERE /0 ‘On equating the corresponding elements, we get By equity of maces, xa2yed i Potstie2 (On solving Eas xa2y a 4] “et 2 - tH AP H3A=/7 AAAS AEA 3A RI+AtAtA-3AE: a1y3A-3d=1 sols SG HSS 25] Peal 5. (dy Weave, (A+B)? =A? 4B? = (AFBYASB) APB? FAB HEALD? =A +B? =A) (On putting the value e=3 in Ee d=4 4 atboe+dd=142-3+8=8 = ‘AB+BA=0 sau ciowemmnacfi 9] ! . eels i i] Ben be 4] Jel iE ath tbe vl iven,A=[° Jana a=[> > aiaiven,A=[) [248 =15 9 _fo+o 0+0)_[o 97 =[o+0 o+0} lo 0. AB =0 an o ‘Common Matrix multiplication fs not Mistakes commutative 24, 5. We know that a matrix of order? x2has 4 entries. a ‘| 4 Here, both matrices are equal, so we equate the corresponding elements, 2+ yeSand2x+2=8 yoand2x=6=92=3 ‘Therefore, x— y=3-3=0 Common Incrderto mutiptya Mistakes Sclarevery eer Given, 4? =1 i) Now, (4-1)? +(A41)? -74 = (0 3.471 +340? =) 4A 34214342? P= 7A = AP 34? 3A 14 A434? 4341 47-74 any Weal =a? and P =? = 1) #24? 464-74 =2A7A 464-74 teal= A) =21A-4 [from Eq. (0) =24-A=A A= A) Since, each entry has 3 choices, namely 1,2 oF 3. therefore number of required matrices 34 3 x3x3x3=81 coplecwite CBSE S0NEG Papers; ma a oe es by wsng matt 2 26, Weds -9 | ‘On equating the corresponding elements, we et xeD o 45, Do same as Q. No. 29, (ans. 71 soe oH - EACH ‘On equating the comesponding elements, we get (ABAD 3A =U-(I 44434434) a(t HP safe as STA-(U4 7A) =1 2-0 1-4 3-9}"[-2 -3 -6| woke He] seal (puti=2and j=3) ‘On equating the corresponding elemer q oe ug aespndig elements we pe a3 an ed 1 sr.cven [3] mara-a-[5 ° ea 5 o y 28, Given, mai equation is On solving the Es) and (i, we get 3 = sf leo-[h 2 3 Tafa] rs] sland y=2 14 hah s, eral j]i)eo sas» «fj}-o ‘ nee ay Pyeleie3 ; fme-[$ JJ} > Ras 41a) (0) 2.Grea|** 2 |_[22+2 b42 ae = wane oa L218 Joes] Be Bis ne usb 41 “ a oe Stic weg 44.Dosame as Q. No. 4 ah Ran BS et ates of nome fH o le 2 donnesra Nod (Ane 12 = sae ° ge saveincene[ 22, 8] te gone epee sind cove = : a i ; nigh Es.) andi, we pt aoe eral (° a pega. { con incon 1 , | eee 2 RHE cata, ,bitene tote | tone a yell a be art] Lo 5 fz 4 Ht ; { oe! ess es “ate ] (On equating the corresponding elements, we get stint cond p46 sey) corbin cord cost in pte 8+ y=Oand2r. ne temeny we pet On 74.10. € a) 23 a a Pera dececcmmdigcenen weet “(0 1] (sn? ar aries = e-Band eo S=1,, ysk ma \ Tie 7 F180 sang fo at teeny matin o Stes *>y82-CH=10 7 i 44. Given matrix equation is si iera aes On puting y=4in a,j, we get 2=3 E 1 2] 4 4 | Again, puting ==3, wegets=2 : s a]l- 9 | e Ueakaiile co geysem2-4ede o 3 Here, od i som, 77) 1 5. Dosameas Q.No.27. (Ans. 12] 1 condcrofmatrie 4=3xt Onder of product matrit 4B =3%9 50. Given, a matrix hs 5 elements So. possible one ‘On equating the coresponding elements, we BE tis ec4-ancaoa “LE Las 4] 54. Given,24-38 +5C=0 3 2A=38 5c 22 0) {2 0 24-3] P [Fi i} sf 1 oof a yipie 6 ig ale 3 sn feet Bee di a6 : = mena 1 oy 1 af 1-1, 5 [ks abe Bele 9 ° [6 6 9] fio 0 ~10} 3s 5 30] 6-10 6-0 0-(-10) 9-38 3-5 12-30 e feel ap yeanta3-1=2 He} osytoesuaeese— om o eonnas Hence proved. 3 | 433 8-1 44243 041-3 24359 2-240 0. Is -1 2] wey? 5 jo -1 -2 is -1 wow, SA) es 0 3-1 2) fio AB [10 fo 1 2 15-5 9, sei 0 ats a 0-5 145 fess o+0-1 sy the oder ofA is me von ne? So, onderofrmatrx Ais2<2, ae fd - fe arg dens 2ynt) [1-8 af oy fa se+as ay rae] [9 22, (nequsing corresponding elements both sd west de-sasd x Aurel, 20-90-1092. npend=2 = sedandat y=—2.2y-1=-8 2 2K(2)-t=-8 3 ess a4 Onpuitingx=1, y=—2, 2=3 and ¢ = 4.n Ea.) weet af ZI ye-2and2y-t-8 “ 4 Mottices rawmaelt dof Pek Y werd - Gale 6 cE p> Bete SutHisca énth-e Bee 223 [3 0 Jacsee 3y+8u) "Las 22, corresponding element both sides, weeet DetSea3 3482283 and 2y +502 0,3y +8022 102-77 and w= 44 =191 110] “4 ype r sfl2 1 3 oli -1 0 24040) [5 -1 2 2a3s0[-|9 -2 5 1-340} lo = cuiiaes Now, consider 42 —54-+40 Sci 2] fo os] [ae g 0 Hs -1 3] [4 00 ‘ rsa 2] loo 4 20 44243 041-3 44041 040-1 2-240 0-140 © ab -13 -10] 54 2} @ # shea exo Given, OM osaeuex enone {ubtactng mas fom both sides} sas stsO0- Xa s404n) = oeorels SHE 4] cleats ettaeel Lae | awe orl TE bE al fo hess i) caf ett22t1 0] fot so-1 an za-b+ab—2 4} | ab—6 il ‘om equating the corresponding elements, we get @?+2atina? +b-1 2e-be-2 @-1=0= a1 2a—b4 ab—2=ab—) da-2=03 a1 “a ose e—— fooss ~a Ne fayefsina oosit 0, wetne fa)e} sae SST Foo #(-Bhepacearia santy =P aan) srenefse ot) ‘ fe of sab 9 {= one oo esa —sina Ofeosh Bo) =f sna cosa 0|f-sinB cos 9 oo le oF afimccupcooresnp snasap roaosP 9 i B B ' ° ° feoxa =P) ~sin-B) 0) ={sna-B) caf) 0} ° oy Now for f(@— Ph replace ain f(a) by (a RIS = S(a-B) feoga-B) ~sina-p) 0 =/sia-B) coga-B) 61. Given, =| 1 j 1s0+4 Ov0+0 isd =foro+2 +440 042+: asove osace. scaes sos As c ou M : —_________—_@ Se om fso8 10 3] 21-3047 +k O-04040 Maat oldro 8 23/56)2 4S |e 7]0 201 eo | 12-124040 R24 414 ek 23-104740 ost boul boa ojstces ocbobee omoate 10g poe male ta] an fe eaten oil oa ea -2ek 0 =o ] foo a] oo -244 0 [aloo oo. -2+4} Joo ‘On equating the corresponding cements, we et “ak rey o ° ated afiz 8 2]-[2 2 29) Fre 1) fi 0 0 [ooo sfo 1s 7]sJo & of-fo 0 1s 0 2} lo 0 4} loo ae TOPIC 2 ranspose of a Matrix, Symmetric nd Skew-Symmetric Matrices Now? no M e[i2_s 23]-¢ a4 0 55 cx tof, os ommenersenas f 0-200 A848) fo 0g) Lstabemymats Then ef’ 24-24 30-30/mJo 0 of ertaee Maen 8 tye Boe wrix deg. Let d=] 2 wo=Rts nang H-48+H4+0 0-04090 55-71) Transpose of a Matrix skew-symmetric matric us “te it 0. cuensec fe signin oan (0 Coy ao agave ranted ye a er 1s of Transpose of a Matrices any two matrices, Then, we have sayed'es! Joso42 O+4+0 042+3]a) 24046 0+0+0 44049) to 2yfs and eacatefo 2 af] 2 0 alls fess 04040 24046 Some important Theorems (0 For every square matric 4, + is asymmenic tats and <— 4's skew-symunetic mani, Wart 1 =a wheren ia poste neg (io Any square mates ean be exp we by [ect 04040 s+0+26] [210% Symmetric Matrix ppeelerarer yee s]osses o4ss0 ovtosisfeliz 82 4 . ‘ 3a aunt matin 4 easyer mati, eee taeat 1040+ 04040 1640439] [34 08 ifdted, tei possible value of fand j, dag(derregldra Also, given 49 ~64? + 74 41) 20 y ee tis AN Q ig Sell UAE Hay om P0739 eat te 2 rn aman ‘Ss 5 us] fo -2 2 000 10000} Gurucharan Cleat. bere 2 22 Fla d Fl pe : 312 0 2 4 Meee Sts 8 Fay? ge? 2helRe i Wansand ha=2 1 3 2 a} [2-3 0 Based on he sbot information, answst h +] ae 2 exprested a5 the a matic 6 8D um of sy é 2 Tan skew-SYMHC Mati, my eae Case Based Questions oer protest into 2. two firmer Ramakisan and Gracin ig ly tre varie oe nary Ban ea be By Below are the matrices ereated by them. 4, B, Care the matrices ereated by Amit, ity} and Chirag | and € 0.50, respectively. ‘Based onthe above information, answer the vestions ca September sales (in 2) Total veo of Mae i {ime 20000 30000]Ramakishan 230 61000" e) s00 [30000 3000 urucharan : 110000 2000 18000130 > €4e000 ——(¢4oco0 10000 | Surya {2-=(6000 20000 8000] : ‘toa Cini CSE BTR: Ma AB + BAis asymmetric mati. 3. Marks Questions (iretnriontenl tet me pr fs! jefe 72] 5 eos -tnnte 1, fader? 5 Marks Questions a a1 4 14, Bgrenemnied=[2, jeieninote feo lye 8 | 2 Marks Questions +5 onto|"[7 ro) ate y 7 -10}"| iss Raman in ce are 100,200 and 139°

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