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Ministry of Environment and Forestry and the Asian

Development Bank, through FIP-1 Project,

participate in the World Forestry Congress XV in
Seoul, Republic of South Korea, 2-6 May 2022

Community Based Forest Management (CBFM)

Through Social Forestry Scheme - Forest
Investments Program-1 West Kalimantan

The FIP-1 Project entitled: “Community Focused Investments to Address Deforestation and Forest
Degradation”, is a 5-years (2018-2023) grant project funded through the ADB, in cooperation with
the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Government of Indonesia. The Directorate General of
Social Forestry and Environmental Partnership (DG PSKL) is appointed as the Executing Agency.
The Project has two main outcomes, first is a 3.7 M ton of CO2e reduction by 2027, and the second
is a 20% increased of community income by 2023. The Project builds a strong cooperation with the
West Kalimantan Provincial government and with the REDD+ Working Group.

The FIP-1 Project targets to bring a 17,000 Ha of forest area into a CBFM agreement between
community group and Forest Management Unit. The FIP-1 project is implemented within 4 FMUs
in Kapuas Hulu and Sintang. The CBFM is implemented through the nationally regulated Social
Forestry scheme, which provides community a long term legal access to forest area. Following the
signing of Social Forestry agreement, the Project will support the development of community
business strategy and plan, in which it becomes an exit strategy for the Project.

Lesson Learned from the CBFM Facilitation Process

• 10 villages are selected
for the CBFM in Sintang
and Kapuas Hulu
• 32,275 Ha are proposed
for Social Forestry/CBFM
• 530 people (145 are
women) will receive
The Project conducted few The mapping aims to The existing farmers Training themes: regulation
benefits from the CBFM
consultations (initial minimize tenurial conflict group for Agroforestry, framework, organizational • Type of CBFM: Village
socialization, area delineation, and to obtain community ANR, Livelihood development, and REDD+ Forest and Conservation
GRM, group establishment, and consent for the CBFM Improvement programs planning and implementation. Agreement (in the
preparation of CBFM proposal program. FMU should be are established and The Project facilitate National Park).
including training program). part of the process and to included as the Social development of proposal and • Expected to have the
FMU is an important partner synchronize with the Forest Forestry Group. submission to the Central Agreement before Dec
during consultations. Management Plan. Government for verification. 2021

Forest Investment Program-1 Kalmantan Barat

Community Focused Investment to Address Deforestation and Forest
Degradation in West Kalimantan. @fip1.kalbar
Ministry of Environment and Forestry and Asian Development Bank
Visit our website: Forest Investment Program-1 Kalmantan Barat

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