How To Become A Good Role Model in The Classroom Essay

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As a teacher you must be a good example and role model to your students and have an effective and
positive classroom. According to human kinetics (2023) students see the classroom as a place where
they can be themselves and express themselves and their ideas without judgment. Creating a supportive
environment helps a learner’s growth enabling them to learn and acquire new knowledge with guidance
and support from the teacher. This form of foundation building can be very beneficial in sparking a sense
of belonging and oneness within a learner, these feelings empower the learners mental and emotional
fortitude enabling them to learn in a much more effective manner. A teacher’s job is to guide his/her
students, setting themselves as positive role models, as being a teacher comes with the responsibility
and power to influence the lives of their own pupils, it is in the palm of their hands to mold these young
minds into becoming contributing members of their community’s. According to How to Be a Role Model
for Students, (2020) teachers play powerful roles in children's lives. Their influence transcends academics
and affects students' lives well into adulthood. Sharing your personal experiences in the classroom can
inspire and encourage students to overcome obstacles, transform, and strive to reach their goals.

The major things I am going to do in my classroom is to promote inclusivity and diversity which provides
students an opportunity to learn and grow together. Regardless of their differences in ability and skills,
backgrounds, social status, or any other characteristics. The University of Rhode Island defines diversity
in the classroom as “understanding each student brings unique experiences, strengths, and ideas to our
classroom … Diversity is the exploration and incorporation of these differences to enrich learning in our
classroom. According to Drexel University Inclusion in the classroom means that all children, no matter
their racial, religious, or ethnic background, gender, learning style, or ability have equal access to
educational opportunities in a learning environment where all students are equally safe, valued, and
respected. Acceptance is the first start to having an equal environment where everyone can learn at
their own pace, every student is unique with their own capabilities and as a teacher it is a must that this
is understood up to its core. The core to this is understanding, as understanding how students think, do,
and act is important to knowing how to cater to their learning process.

With each child being different it will be hard to cater to each of their needs as one teacher can’t do
everything all at once, that is why conducting varying forms of activities to bring out everyone’s strength
is a good way to accomplish having diversity and inclusivity. Not only focusing on written test to assess
the students’ academic capabilities, but also doing activities that can highlight the student’s creativity
and imagination in applying what they have learned. As stated by Sequeira et al., (2021), the teacher’s
fundamental task is to get students to engage in learning activities that are likely to result in achieving
[the intended learning] outcomes. It is helpful to remember that what the student does is more
important that what the teacher does. (Schuell, 1986, p.429). This is where the four key words-Activity,
application, Interaction, and differentiation come into play. A teacher must be sure that the lessons being
taught are applied and thus learned. Every lesson in the learning unit should be taught to be applied not
only memorized, doing hands on learning, or applied activities can be very successful in achieving this
goal of having “applied learning”. Applied learning can be very beneficial as it shows the students how
this lesson can be used and why the lesson is important to them and to the community.

In conclusion beyond academic knowledge, having diversity, inclusivity and coupled with a diverse
learning environment, along with a varied teaching method plays a very big factor in creating a nurturing
environment that focuses on not only learning for school and test but focuses on instilling in students
lifelong learning skills. By engaging students in varying forms of activities that highlights their differing
abilities and aspects, teachers can instill critical thinking, problem solving, adaptability and engagement
between students. Students learn not only for the purpose of passing a test or getting good grades, but
also for the purpose of knowing how to learn and purely seeking knowledge. This approach can prepare
students for the ever-evolving world, enabling them to adapt to changes in a changing world where
continuous learning is essential. Furthermore, exposure to diverse perspectives can enhance and
broaden a students' understanding of different perspectives and abilities, even enhancing a student's
ability to collaborate and collaborate effectively with peers. These skills are crucial in engaging with
people in the workplace or society. This way of education shows the students the diversity of the world
preparing them for the future that is beyond the educational setting, giving them the tools, they need
for their on going personal and professional development.

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