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from childhood to adulthood
The personal development of an individual occurs throughout
life. Personality is one of those phenomena that is rarely
interpreted in the same way by two different authors. In one
way or another, all definitions of personality are conditioned by
two opposite views on its development. Despite numerous
conceptual and other differences, almost all psychological
theories of personality that exist between them are united in
one thing: a human is not born with a personality but builds it
in the process of his life. This means that the qualities and
properties of a person are acquired not genetically but as a
result of learning: that is, they are formed and developed.
The first and most important person in my life was my mother.
Mother’s emotions were passed on to me, exerting either a
positive or a negative effect on my psyche. It is worth noting
that the mother’s somewhat incorrect behavior, and her

excessive emotional reactions to stress, were the cause of my
periodic anxiety states. However, as I grew up, I learned to
cope with my emotions independently; besides, I stopped being
so emotionally dependent on her mother. In addition, my
mother always tried to be a means of absolute protection for My father also played an essential role in the
me based on love. development of my personality. He was always
attentive and caring to both my mother and me.
This is one of the main factors that has shaped my
feeling of happiness and strength. In addition, from
the relationship between parents, I learned the
interaction model between people of different
genders. I saw a good example of being partners,
and I strive to build the same reliable family in the
As I got older, socialization played a significant role in my personal
development. This is the process of personality formation, the gradual
assimilation of the requirements of society, and the acquisition of socially
important characteristics of consciousness and behavior that regulate relations
with society. My socialization continues today: it is a process of constant
cognition, consolidation, and creative development of the rules and norms of
behavior dictated by society. I believe that this process has a significant impact
on the psyche. Therefore, I try to be serious about my choice of friends and
activities to surround myself with interesting and ambitious people.
The school takes over the socialization of the individual after the family. As I grew
older and prepared to fulfill my civic duty, the knowledge I was assimilating became
more complex. However, not all of it was consistent and completed: as a child, I got
my first ideas about my motherland, and in general terms, I began to form my
concept of the society in which I live, of the principles of building life. In general, I
was interested in learning about this world; however, undoubtedly, I could not fully
understand all the processes of the world.
Mass Media
The mass media, especially television and the
Internet, have become a powerful tool for the
socialization of my personality. Thanks to these tools,
I was able to see different events and points of view
on them. This allowed me to form my own opinion on
many questions. In addition, due to the abundance of
low-quality information, I had to learn critical
thinking. Thanks to this, now I can rely on my values
to distinguish truth from falsehood.
In the future, I think employment and more serious training will affect my
personality even more. In addition, I will start my own family and learn to
be a partner and a parent. Each of these stages is large-scale, and this
scale is sometimes even frightening. However, these processes are
exciting, and it is from them that real-life consists. In the future, I would
like to pay more attention to personal development and become better
every day.

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