Rubrics For Performance Task Video Tutorial

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Division of Science City of Muñoz
Muñoz National High School-Main Junior High School
Bantug West, Bantug, Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija


Quarter 1
Goal: You are going to create or make an instructional video/tutorial video involving sequences.

Role: A teacher (Note: Each member must act a teacher in the video)

Audience: Students/Teachers/Youtubers

Situation: You are a Math teacher in Grade 10 who found out that many students have difficulties in solving problems involving sequences.
As a concerned teacher, in order for you to address the said problem, you’ve decided to create simple but understandable instructional video/
vide tutorials on solving problems involving sequences. You are to download it at Youtube for you believed that it would be a great help not
only for the students but also to the other teachers.

Product: Instructional Video/Video Tutorial Uploaded in Youtube


Rubric on Instructional Video (Product)

Outstanding Satisfactory Developing Beginning

Criteria Rating
(10) (8) (6) (4)

Accuracy All computations are All computations are Most of the Some of the
correct and shown in correct. Use of key computations are computations are
detail. A wise use of concepts of the correct and show correct.
key concepts of the assigned topic in some use of key

Muñoz National High School-Main Junior High School

Brgy. Bantug, Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija 3119
Contact No.: 044-4565103
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Division of Science City of Muñoz
Muñoz National High School-Main Junior High School
Bantug West, Bantug, Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija

assigned topic in sequences. concepts of the

sequences. assigned topic in

Mathematical Explanations shows Explanation shows Explanation shows Explanation shows

Reasoning thorough reasoning substantial reasoning. gaps in reasoning. illogical reasoning.
and insightful

Presentation/ The presentation uses The presentation uses The presentation uses The presentation does
appropriate and appropriate visual some visual materials. not use any visual
Creativity creative visual materials. It is It is delivered in a materials. It is
materials. It is delivered in a clear disorganize manner. delivered in a clear
delivered in a very manner. manner.
convincing manner.

Video and Sound Video footage and Video footage and Video footage and The quality of the
effects are improved effects are somewhat effects are hampered audio and sound are
through consistently improved through by inconsistent quality consistently poor and
high quality sound consistent, mostly sound and audio that degrades the quality of
and audio. high quality sound together distract the the video footage and
audio. viewer. effects. The viewer is
constantly distracted.

Muñoz National High School-Main Junior High School

Brgy. Bantug, Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija 3119
Contact No.: 044-4565103
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Division of Science City of Muñoz
Muñoz National High School-Main Junior High School
Bantug West, Bantug, Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija

Clarity and Students present Students present Audience has Audience cannot
Organization information in logical, information in logical difficulty following understand the
interesting sequence sequence which presentation because presentation because
which audience can audience can follow srudent jump around there is no sequence
follow 100% of the 75% of the time. 50% of the time. of information.
time. Students were Students were 75% Students were 50% Students were
100% prepared and prepared. prepared. unprepared and did
have obviously not rehearse the
rehearsed. presentation.

Professionalism Used humor rarely Used humor rarely Frequent joke during Joked during the
and appropriately. and appropriately. presentation. Not presentation. Dressed
Dressed as a Dressed casually. formally dress. Took poorly for a formal
professional. Obvious Took the assignment the assignment no presentation. Did not
that this student took seriously. that seriously. appear to take the
the presentation as an assignment seriously.
important step in their
professional career.

Originality The problem is unique The problem is The problem looks like The problem looks
and unlike any somewhat unique but a repackaged version virtually the same as
problem we did in has components that of a problem done in ones done in class.
class. look similar to ones class except with a
discussed in class or different scenario or

Muñoz National High School-Main Junior High School

Brgy. Bantug, Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija 3119
Contact No.: 044-4565103
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Division of Science City of Muñoz
Muñoz National High School-Main Junior High School
Bantug West, Bantug, Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija

is like an unassigned involves a problem

problem from the text exactly like an
set to a different unassigned problem
scenario. from the text.

Use of Language No grammatical, Almost no A few grammatical Many grammatical,

spelling or grammatical, spelling spelling or spelling or
punctuation errors. or punctuation errors. punctuation errors. punctuation errors.

Punctuality The video lesson/video The video lesson/video The video lesson/video The video lesson/video
tutorial was submitted tutorial was 1 day tutorial was 2 days tutorial was 3 or more
on or before the late. late. days late.

Collaboration Project demonstrates Project demonstrates Project demonstrates Great difficulty

that everyone in the that everyone did that most contributed working with others
group contributed about the same but some clearly did and with sharing
equally and everyone amount and worked lot more than others. decisions or
worked well together. well together. Members still worked responsibilities. Some
together. members contributed
while others didn’t.

Muñoz National High School-Main Junior High School

Brgy. Bantug, Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija 3119
Contact No.: 044-4565103
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Division of Science City of Muñoz
Muñoz National High School-Main Junior High School
Bantug West, Bantug, Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija

Muñoz National High School-Main Junior High School

Brgy. Bantug, Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija 3119
Contact No.: 044-4565103

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