AAFP Inmpairment and Disability Evaluation The Role of The Family Physician

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Impairment and Disability Evaluation:

The Role of the Family Physician

Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut
MARK SCHROEDER, MD, Natchaug Hospital, Mansfield, Connecticut

Physicians are frequently involved in the assessment of impairment and disability as the treat-
ing physician, in consultation, or as an independent medical examiner. The key elements of this
assessment include a comprehensive clinical evaluation and appropriate standardized testing to
establish the diagnosis, characterize the severity of impairment, and communicate the patient’s
abilities, restrictions, and need for accommodation. In some cases, a functional capacity evalu-
ation performed by a physical or occupational therapist or a neuropsychological evaluation
performed by a neuropsychologist may be required to further clarify the functional capacity of
the patient. The results of the impairment evaluation should be communicated in clear, simple
terms to nonmedical professionals representing the benefits systems. These individuals make
the final determination on the extent of disability and eligibility for benefits and compensation
under that particular benefits system. (Am Fam Physician. 2008;77(12):1689-1694. Copyright
© 2008 American Academy of Family Physicians.)

See related editorial n the United States, roughly 49 million diagnosed epilepsy who works as a commer-

on page 1655. persons have physical or mental impair- cial airline pilot will likely be permanently
ments that interfere with daily activi- disabled from that occupation, whereas an
ties. An estimated 10.9 million persons, office worker with newly diagnosed epilepsy
representing 6.6 percent of the working pop- may be able to perform his or her essential
ulation, are unable to work. An additional job functions without restriction, and there-
8.1 million persons are limited in the amount fore has no disability.
or type of work activity they can perform
because of chronic health conditions.1 The Role of the Family Physician
in Impairment and Disability
Definitions Determination
Impairment is defined as any marked loss or Evaluation of impairment and disability is
deviation in physiological function, psycho- usually performed in the context of a per-
logical function, or anatomical structure of son’s job application, to determine benefits
the body. An impairment may be temporary under an entitlement program, or for legal
or permanent; progressive or static; intermit- proceedings. When performing an impair-
tent or continuous; and may vary in severity ment assessment, the physician should
or fluctuate over time.2 Impairment assess- identify the third party making the request,
ment is a medical evaluation; the physician’s delineate issues to be addressed, and deter-
role is to determine the presence and severity mine his or her role (Table 1). It is important
of impairment and answer specific questions to clarify the role of the physician involved
regarding appropriate treatment and prog- in the process, because a request for impair-
nosis related to the medical condition. ment assessment could be made of a treat-
Disability is defined as the impact of ing physician, as a new consultation, or as an
impairment on a person’s ability to meet the independent medical examination.3
demands of his or her life.2 A disability may If the physician has an existing relation-
be temporary or permanent, and partial or ship with the patient, he or she must obtain
total. Impairment does not necessarily imply the consent of the patient to respond to these
disability. For example, a patient with newly requests and release information to the third

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use of one individual user of the Web site. All other rights reserved. Contact copyrights@aafp.org for copyright questions and/or permission requests.
SORT: Key Recommendations For Practice

Clinical recommendation rating References

Physicians should always determine their role in the evaluation, C 3

whether as a treating physician, new consultant, second opinion, or
independent medical examiner.
When performing an impairment evaluation: establish the diagnosis, C 5, 6
determine the severity of the condition, assess impairment impact,
and assess functional ability.
When writing the physician’s report, use clear language and remember C 4
that it is intended for nonmedical personnel.

A = consistent, good-quality patient-oriented evidence; B = inconsistent or limited-quality patient-oriented evi-

dence; C = consensus, disease-oriented evidence, usual practice, expert opinion, or case series. For information
about the SORT evidence rating system, see http://www.aafp.org/afpsort.xml.

party (e.g., employer, benefits administrator, an initial consultation, and possibly for an
insurer, attorney, judge). The physician may initiation of treatment to facilitate a return
bill the third party for the additional time to work. In this situation, a doctor-patient
required to generate the report. The treating relationship can be developed and follow-up
physician’s business office should decide on is expected.
an appropriate hourly rate for this service The person also may be referred for an
and discuss it with any third party prior to independent medical examination. This type
completion. of evaluation is performed to furnish specific
A person also may be referred to the physi- information to the third party pertaining to
cian by a third party (usually the insurer) for the health of the person. In this case, there
is no doctor-patient relationship established
and no follow-up is expected. The results of
Table 1. Guide to Successful Impairment Evaluation the evaluation are provided to the referral
source, who also pays for the examination.4
Decisions Examples There are potential advantages and disad-
Determine the third party Employer, benefits administrator, insurer, vantages when a treating physician performs
making the request attorney, judge an impairment evaluation on an exist-
Determine nature of Diagnoses, treatment, prognosis, impairment, ing patient (Table 2). If the physician is not
request and questions causality, functional capacity, work capacity comfortable providing an opinion regard-
Determine role as Treating physician, new consult or second ing the level of impairment, or believes that
a physician opinion, independent medical examiner additional information may be helpful, the
physician may advise the third party to refer
the patient to another physician for further
independent evaluation or testing.
Table 2. Performing Impairment Assessment
as Family Physician
Approach to Impairment Evaluation
The approach to impairment evaluation can
Potential advantages
be broken down into four steps (Table 3). The
More objective and verified information about the patient’s health status
first step is to establish the medical diagnosis
More thorough understanding of the impact of the patient’s impairment
on function, based on numerous encounters through history, physical examination, and
Impairment evaluation is a billable service to the third party requesting appropriate diagnostic testing.5,6 The second
information step is to determine the severity of the con-
Potential disadvantages dition.5,6 The examining physician is often
Inadequate knowledge or skills to provide impairment evaluation or opinion asked to rely on “objective evidence”; how-
Negative impact on patient-physician relationship leading to concerns ever, in the reality of clinical medicine, many
about trust and confidentiality conditions are diagnosed solely on patient
Symptom exaggeration by patient, which may adversely affect treatment history. Thus, the physician should be able
Difficulty in switching from the role of patient advocate to neutral examiner to classify the severity of the patient’s condi-
tion based on a combination of complaints

1690 American Family Physician www.aafp.org/afp Volume 77, Number 12 ◆ June 15, 2008
Table 3. Approach to Impairment

Establish medical diagnosis

History, physical examination, diagnostic designed to predict a person’s ability to per-
studies form work-related activities.10 The measures
Determine severity of the condition are especially useful for patients with muscu-
Asymptomatic, mild, moderate, severe, loskeletal problems.
end-stage disease There are two basic types of FCEs. The first
Assess impairment type is a general evaluation that is used when a
Impact of disease on organ function patient has no specific job to which to return.
(measured as loss of function)
This type of FCE assesses the patient’s abilities
Assess impact on functional ability
to perform various generic tasks related to the
Ability to perform work, leisure, self-care,
and social activities
physical demands of work, the performance
of which can be used for vocational plan-
ning. The second type of FCE is a job-specific
(subjective), physical findings (subjective evaluation, which is used to help determine
and objective) and laboratory data (objec- if the patient is ready to return to specific job
tive), where appropriate. demands. Therefore, the reason for obtaining
The third step is to assess the impact of an FCE should be clearly stated in the referral.
impairment on affected organ systems, No standard protocol for an FCE exists;
which is measured as loss of function. To rather, the evaluation may include a wide
aid in this assessment, organizations such range of tests and activities. Typically, FCEs
as the Department of Veterans Affairs,7 the are performed by physical or occupational
American Medical Association,5 the Social therapists and are designed to test several
Security Administration8 and state workers’ physical parameters: strength and endur-
compensation boards have developed their ance; positional or postural tolerance;
own detailed guidelines for the evaluation coordination; body mechanics; the ability
and uniform classification of disease sever- to perform repeated activities; and work-
ity (Table 47-9). When evaluating impair- simulation activities (if indicated). Specific
ment of patients under a specific benefits work simulation activities can be structured
system, the physician must use the appro- based on the reasons for obtaining the FCE.
priate guidelines. Depending on its format, the FCE testing
The fourth step is to determine the impact period may range from four to six hours and
of impairment on functional ability.5,6 If the may take place over two consecutive days.9,11
purpose of the evaluation is to determine
whether the patient can perform a specific
job, then the objective is to predict the level Table 4. Resources for Evaluation of
Impairment and Disability
at which the patient can safely and depend-
ably perform the essential functions of that
Department of Veterans Affairs
job. This requires a detailed knowledge of
Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR). Title 38: Pensions,
the tasks involved in the job. Bonuses, and Veterans’ Relief: Chapter 1. Department of Veterans
Affairs. Part 4. Schedule for Rating Disabilities7
Specific Types of Evaluation http://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=ecfr&sid=ace14df6f
functional capacity evaluation 7ff57e1ef3399d71f8ad3b8&tpl=/ecfrbrowse/Title38/38cfr4_main_
A prediction of function often can be made 02.tpl
based on the clinical assessment described Social Security Administration
above. If the physician has difficulty predict- Disability Evaluation Under Social Security8
ing function, particularly related to work Publication1-2005.pdf
recommendations, a more formal assessment Occupational Therapy Association
via a Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) Consumer Fact Sheets. Functional Capacity Evaluation9
may be desired. An FCE includes a standard- http://www.aota.org/featured/area6/links/link02o.asp
ized battery of functional measures per-
formed by physical or occupational therapists Information from references 7 through 9.
using performance-based testing and are

June 15, 2008 ◆ Volume 77, Number 12 www.aafp.org/afp American Family Physician 1691
Impairment and Disability
Table 5. Functional Capacity

Indications and contraindications for an Maximal medical improvement achieved, but
FCE referral are shown in Table 5.11 questions remain regarding return to work
Recommendations regarding whether the capability
patient can safely perform a combination of Quantification of physical capabilities for
disability determination
specific and general tasks are made by the
Quantification of functional abilities prior to
evaluator, based on the patient’s FCE results. vocational planning or return to work
These recommendations help the physician Quantification of functional abilities to assist
determine if it is feasible for the patient to with vocational planning or medicolegal
return to his or her full duties or modified settlement
Although the results of an FCE provide
Medically unstable patient
recommendations regarding a person’s
Presence of medical problems that may be
functional capabilities, a successful return impacted by testing (e.g., cardiopulmonary
to work depends on more than functional problems)
capacity alone. Performance on an FCE Inability to communicate with evaluator to
and a successful return to work may be understand directions or voice concerns
influenced by physical and psychosocial
Information from reference 11.
factors, including self-perception of disabil-
ity, pain intensity, pain-related fear, illness
behavior, and self-efficacy.12,13 Therefore,
screening for psychosocial factors that may may be improved by focusing on several fac-
influence functional performance may be tors, including an assessment of the patient’s
a useful adjunct to FCE and can be mea- motivation to return to work,17 and whether
sured via instruments such as the Pain Dis- there is evidence of deception18 (Table 6).
ability Index14,15 or a simple visual analogue
neuropsychological assessment
scale.16 The role that psychosocial job factors
(e.g., job stress, secondary gain) may play in Patients who complain of cognitive defi-
results of an FCE remains unclear.13 cits, especially with normal or minimally
impaired mental status examinations, are
psychiatric assessment candidates for neuropsychological assess-
Many patients are referred for impairment ment. This evaluation, usually performed by
evaluations related to mental health dis- a neuropsychologist, involves the systematic
eases, which often complicate other medical study of behavior using standardized tests
conditions. Psychiatrists or psychologists are that provide relatively sensitive indices of
the preferred examiners for assessing mental brain-behavior relationship covering a range
health impairment. of cognitive domains. Information from
Much of the evidence in the evaluation neuropsychological assessment can define
of mental health impairment is subjective the patient’s functional limitations and
or based on the unverified self-report of the residual cognitive strengths.19 A thorough
patient. Establishing the presence of impair- neuropsychological evaluation should also
ment in this situation may be more difficult contain one or more tests with validity scales
because the unsupported subjective report of to assess inadequate effort or exaggeration of
even an apparently honest claimant may not cognitive deficits.20
be considered sufficiently reliable evidence
disability evaluation
in a medicolegal context. It may also be more
difficult to identify exaggeration or fabrica- Disability assessment has a broader focus
tion of symptoms. Therefore, the examiner than impairment assessment because factors
must acknowledge these challenges of sub- such as essential requirements of a job, rea-
jectivity and ambiguity, and compensate sonable accommodation, educational level
to the degree possible. The reliability of an of the patient, transferable skills, and poten-
evaluation for mental health impairment tial for retraining have to be considered.

1692 American Family Physician www.aafp.org/afp Volume 77, Number 12 ◆ June 15, 2008
Impairment and Disability

Disability can also be assessed in terms of Independent medical examinations and

the impact of impairment on activities of consultations require a comprehensive report
daily living (e.g., self-care, mobility) without that should include a summary of reviewed
reference to a specific occupation. medical records, the detailed medical assess-
Information on impairment that is pro- ment performed, a summary of questions
vided by the physician is used by administra- being addressed, and the degree of impair-
tors to determine the extent of disability and ment from the identified condition that ref-
is translated into benefits, including finan- erences the impairment scheme used.
cial reimbursements.21 The process by which Certain benefit systems also inquire about
disability is assigned varies according to the causality and attribution. Causation deter-
criteria for eligibility and entitlement under mines whether a specific exposure or injury
specific programs (Table 4 7-9). Examples of was the cause of or a significant contributory
entitlement programs include the Depart- factor to the impairment. Causality in impair-
ment of Veterans Affairs compensation and ment and disability evaluation is determined
pension program, Social Security insurance, using the legal standard of “more probable
state workers’ compensation programs, and than not” or a greater than 50-percent prob-
private disability insurance. ability.21 This requires understanding the
causes of the specific disease or disorder lead-
Physician’s Report ing to the impairment, identifying the pres-
The information generated for a disabil- ence of one or more causative factors given
ity evaluation is often used by nonmedical the specific situation, and understanding the
professionals. Therefore, the report should natural history of the disease as it relates to
be written for that audience. Initial infor- exposure to the suspected agents. Multiple
mation and physical capacities forms are factors may increase the risk of a disease;
typically obtained from medical records therefore, knowledge of the interactive effects
of treating physicians. Certain limitations of these factors is important. Establishing a
can be determined based on the underlying temporal relationship between a specific
medical condition. For instance, a patient exposure and the onset of the disease is also
with newly diagnosed asthma should be important (e.g., an exposure to asbestos with
restricted from exposure to any respiratory the development of lung cancer). Other fac-
irritant, including smoke, dust, fumes, and tors, including appropriate latency (i.e., the
temperature extremes. Likewise, a patient period between initial exposure to an agent
with carpal tunnel syndrome may require and the development of the disease), are also
restrictions from repetitive or continuous important in determining causality.
upper-extremity activity. Other functional Finally, some systems can request the exam-
limitations involving the musculoskeletal ining physician to determine the contribution
system (e.g., tolerance for sitting, standing, of several diseases to the final impairment
walking) may be determined based on the (e.g., a patient who is diagnosed with chronic
physician’s experience with such cases. If the obstructive pulmonary disease and asbestosis)
patient has undergone physical therapy for
his or her condition (e.g., lumbar strain or
sprain), the treating physical therapist can
Table 6. Steps to Improve Assessment
provide additional clarification regarding
of Mental Health Impairment
the patient’s functional tolerances. Treating
physicians may generate a summary report Gather detailed and specific information about diagnoses, symptoms,
explaining the basis for any restrictions iden- signs, and impairments of illness
tified. Physicians may bill the third party Use multiple, objective, and verifiable sources of information about the
for the additional time required to generate patient’s functioning
summary reports. Sample physician report Pay attention to any inconsistencies observed or reported in the
templates covering impairment assessment presentation, diagnosis, treatment, and course of the patient’s condition
are available for reference.5,22

June 15, 2008 ◆ Volume 77, Number 12 www.aafp.org/afp American Family Physician 1693
Impairment and Disability

or multiple causes or risk factors in the etiol- 6. Demeter SL. Contrasting the standard, impairment, and
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1694 American Family Physician www.aafp.org/afp Volume 77, Number 12 ◆ June 15, 2008

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