Callister in Pittsburg

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Popping champagne is a dilly cynosure of success.

But what
about the melancholy aftermath of sailing will not turns out
as it was? Will you be saved or ended up saving yourself.
Imagine the life that stakes you out with no warnings of
danger and little did you know that this is all nightmare.
Would you still believe it? In the land of Pittsburg, there was
a village of wades "the tiny people" whose loving their lives
with the comrades and passionate intention of neighbors.
Their living profligacy standouts the best among the other
neighboring village. Envious? No, because to love is to live
that's how they deal with their enemy. Their house build
with indefatigable sweat of workers. Believe it or not you
can actually left in awe because of its wooden materials all
natural and alluring. Even animals stunned for its
devastating style. But on the other hand, the particular half
of world is full of grudges and envy. How you deal with it?
Steven the man who lived their for such a long time. He aged
like fine wine what his secret though? Listen as he tells the
story of "Fountains of wrecked ship". Life is abundant of
surprises you'll never know when it comes and go. When you
fall in love does you let it go? I loved a girl who I met in this
island. She's a cheerful woman with a puffy cheeks and has
a blue eyes. Pure intentions were felt when we bumped each
other. Mind keeps thinking but heart keeps pounding. Surely,
knew that this was the beginning of our path. I was eighteen
that time and most of women in our town falls for my pick-up
line. Daily doses of happiness is when i woke up to help my
pops "papa" to do the gardening. Each day i couldn't stop
thinking about her. Clouds could stray those drizzling dose
of sweetness when they witness she would answer me
alacrity to live. Thoughts of tomorrow will destroy you with
sorrow. After many years of waiting to see her again i
reconcile my pounding love to find her. Roaming around the
island but their was nothing to see. Only trees and wide sea
when pitch dark dragged you down drowning in the middle
sulk in saltwater. Still their was no sign of seeing her again.
I let myself enjoyed my teenage life in the city where i was
given an opportunity to be a successful man someday with
the helping hand of people who truly believes my ability.
Study, work, eat, and sleep is the routine i live with until I
graduated Secondary level. Brought me tears upon reaching
this peak of mountain where adventure begin. Callister the
girl who i met long time ago. Finally my seatmate in college
we took the same course. Days had gone by, she's acting so
weird and crumpled with fears when be asked about how is
she doing. I took a spare moment to talk Callister. But she
insisted to be quiet. Things get better and merrier each day
when she's around. Couldn't stop my feelings and outsmart
her out. She said yes to be my behalf. We do adventures
together and thought it was a happy ending. But, time take
turns to prevail the truth. I dreamed Callister that night with
the stars shining brightly and moon sleeping soundly. But
how could this be? It feel so real and unaware of things get
surprisingly attacking me. Suddenly woken up by the sound
of alarm it's already morning and had to get up. I called
Callister and told her my dream. Callister head to where i
stayed and says. I have to tell you something Steven but it
will be reveal during midnight. They waited for long hours.
Callister leads the way to the mountain where Steven's
homeland can be seen. What about your homeland Callister?
said Steven. Steven this is my home while pointing the cave
behind them and he seems to be confused why didn't you
tell me from the beginning said he. Callister speaks up that
she's an immortal being where crafts and magic is what she
lived for. It tears him apart as he listens to it. She doubt that
his feelings may be vanished because they are not linked to
each other. Her appearance changed as the clouds covers
the shimmering night that scares him off out of the blue.
Things get absurd as her presence got knocked off, elf ears
starts to grow, nose disappeared and her thorny crown
blooms with the fireflies colorful lights, and her eyes blazed
with its murmur. Though Steven really likes him but his
feelings gone after he knew the truth. Seeks for help but
their was no one around. Steven looked away from where he
stand and sees that elf ears burning with fireflies on it.
Callister let him go and cursed him for not accepting her as
who she is. “I Callister, will remind you that no one could
ever loved you and remember your name” with a feisty
vengeance voice.

As Steven runs, he knew that something would happened

and it may ended his life for taking the risk. The melody
starts to play, piano appears on his way, and two kitties
screwed him with a fierce look. Hence, run for his life the
darkness stood on his way back, whom should I call? This is
so annoying! said he. Couldn’t escape the trail and vividly
mark the trees with “x” to find the way out. Running as fast
as he could saving himself from a wicked witch. The narrow
portal said to be the safest place to surpass the bridge of
cursed land. Anxiously think of that girl he met that leads
his way out. And realized he was lost in the jungle
screaming Callister’s name, no one answered. The spell
tormented his name that he wouldn’t remember her
anymore. This kiddo gives him a lamp and take the white
horse with him for this will sends him home. They make a
stop in a tiny house to spend the night and that exact
moment the rain starts pouring heavily. Believing that
tomorrow will be a new beginning. Slept soundly with no
assurance of what will may occur. This was a big lie!

They reached home after that vicious incident of yesterday.

Days after Steven sailed a ship back to his home. The trip
will take 3 days before it stop to their destination. During
the first night he had a worst nightmare that he found
himself floating in a pitch dark of ocean. Is this could be the
fortune of life goes to? He's trying to swim and saving his
life out of risk.

I woke up from that bad dream. But he realized that

nightmare is true and he sadly didn't make it. Because the
ship is wrecked and sank in the middle of the ocean. Many
lives blown away by which the ocean is where monstrous
creatures thought that people is their enemy and killing
them by their spells of curse. Some of them make it but the
rest didn't. Callister was seen in Steven's afterlife. She told
him that she did it because she fell in love to the mortal with
no assurance of paying her back with such enormous love.
Remember those times when where together you said that
was the apple of your eye. Spoiled you of the things that you
wanted because you need it. But when I need it you turn
your back at me. Sheers snip nap the window stack the
magic spell will drought and cursed you to be lonely for the
rest of your days as I give you another chance of life. Breath
and take the road that will lead you back where you came
from. The land of Pittsburg will became your home and you'll
be slaved to sorrow and only escapes when the time is right.
Too much love can kill you right? Longing for someone to
lean on can be dangerous decision if you never knew what
happens next. Pittsburg will be the land with mesmerizing
view of tomorrow and corker of happiness. That's where the
story end.

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