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NAME_____________________YEAR & SECTION______


Test I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Encircle the correct answer. No erasures please (11 points)

1. In evaluating the quality of data,________________refers to the ability of the data to

represent the true value of what is being measured
A. Timeliness
B. Accuracy
C. Completeness
D. All of the above

2. In evaluating the quality of data,_________________means that all the needed

information must be included
A. Timeliness
B. Accuracy
C. Completeness
D. All of the above

3. In evaluating the quality of data_________________means the data must be made available

to be of some use for prevention and control measures or for planning purposes
A. Timeliness
B. Accuracy
C. Completeness
D. All of the above
4. __________A source of variation that can possibly occur when measuring instruments
are not standardized against each other to make sure that they are exhibiting almost similar
readings or measurements
A. Lack of Constancy
B. Lack of Precision
C. Lack of Congruency
D. Lack of Objectivity
5. __________ A source of variation that can possibly occur due to the fact that blood
pressure continually changes throughout the whole day
A. Lack of Constancy
B. Lack of Precision
C. Lack of Congruency
D. Lack of Objectivity

6. __________ A source of variation that may occur with how the experiences or the
personality of a data collector influences his observations
A.Lack of Constancy
B.Lack of Precision
C. Lack of Congruency
D. Lack of Objectivity

7. ___________A source of variation that may occur when using one BP apparatus, one
may get different readings from the same patient.
A. Lack of Constancy
B. Lack of Precision
C. Lack of Congruency
D. Lack of Objectivity
8. _____________refers to the capacity of the test to exclude or label negative those
who do not have the disease
A. Sensitivity
B. Specificity
C. Positive Predictive Value of a Test
D. Negative Predictive Value of a Test

9. ____________refers to the chance that a negative result is truly indicative of then

absence of the disease/condition
C.Positive Predictive Value of a Test
D.Negative Predictive Value of a Test
10. ______________refers the capacity of the test to pick up or label positive those who
have the disease

C.Positive Predictive Value of a Test
D.Negative Predictive Value of a Test

11. ______________refers to the chance that a positive result is truly indicative of the
presence of the disease or condition

C. Predictive Value of a Test
D.Negative Predictive Value of a Test


Case Fatality Rate Attack Rate Ratio

Prevalence Secondary Attack Rate Rate
Period Prevalence Proportional Rates Mortality Rate
Point Prevalence Proportional Mortality Rate
Incidence Fetal Death Rate
Incidence Rate Fetal Death Ratio
12. _________________________expresses the number of affected persons relative to the
number of unaffected persons and not relative to the total population (affected plus unaffected
13. _________________________is the frequency of a disease or characteristic expressed per
unit of size of the population or group in which it is observed
14. ________________________ is the number of fetal deaths relative to the number of live
15. __________________________is the number of fetal deaths expressed as a proportion of the
related total births (livebirths plus fetal deaths)
16. __________________________the number of deaths ascribed to a particular disease maybe
expressed as a proportion of all deaths
17. __________________________ It is the frequency of the disease at a designated point in
time (number of cases existent at the beginning of the period) and hence a census type of measure.
18. __________________________ It is a measure that expresses the total number of cases of a
disease known to have existed at some time during a specified period.
19. __________________________It is the number of cases of the disease which come into
being during a specified period of time per specified unit of population.
20. __________________________It is the frequency of events during a period of time or the
number of cases coming into existence during the period.
21. __________________________a special form of incidence rate , in which there is a limited
period of risk
22. __________________________a general frequency measure in which existing , both old and
new cases are determined
23. _________________________ a measure in which the numerator consists of the number of
cases of a disease which occur within the same household following the occurrence of a first, or
primary case.
24. __________________________the number of cases of a disease are sometimes expressed
relative to the total number of cases of all diseases rather than to the population
25. _________________________expresses the frequency with which members of a general
population die of the disease
26. _________________________expresses the frequency with which affected individuals die of
the disease.

TEST III. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE. Write true or false. If false, underline the wrong word or words
and write the correct answer above the underlined word.(15 points)
1. Prevalence measured as early in the disease as practicable is the measure of
frequency most useful to studies of causal factors.
2. The main value of incidence rates is in administrative situations requiring knowledge of
how many patients with a given disease exist in the community.
3. A change in prevalence from one period to another maybe the result of changes in
Incidence, Duration or both Duration and Incidence.
4. A decrease in prevalence may result not only from decrease in Incidence but also from
a shortening of the duration of illness- through either more rapid recovery or more rapid
5. If duration decreased sufficiently, a decrease in prevalence could take place despite an
increase in Incidence.
6. Disease-specific death rate and Disease-specific case fatality rate both have the same
7. Disease-specific death rate and Disease-specific case fatality rate both have the
different numerators
8. As the prevalence increases, the predictive value of a positive test will decrease
9. A very specific test gives a low positive predictive value since it produces many false
10. A very sensitive test gives a high positive predictive value
11. When a test is highly specific, its specificity is usually high
12. A specific test can pick up most cases of the disease but it will also erroneously label
as positive many persons who do not have the disease.
13. A highly sensitive test will correctly label as negative those who do not have the
disease but it will miss many cases.
14. The negative predictive value of a test increases with the prevalence of the disease.
15. Even if the sensitivity of the test is high, if the prevalence of the condition is low the
predictive value will be low.


1. _____________is a science that deals with human populations

2. Through the use of concepts and principles of Epidemiology, you will be able to:
2.1 Determine ___________are suffering from a disease
2.2 ________they may have acquired the disease
2.3 ________the disease is or its signs and symptoms and clinical course
2.4 _________these affected people may be found
2.5 ________the disease will usually develop as in seasonality and other factors which
affect the time when the disease will develop.
3. Choose if Program Manager, Clinician or Rural Health Physician
3.1 If you are mainly a ______________ , you make use of knowledge gained from
epidemiology when you try to diagnose, treat and predict the course of the disease of your
3.2 If you are a _____________, then you can make use of Epidemiology for planning and
evaluation purposes
3.3 A __________________ makes intensive use of Epidemiology since he plans health
programs at the municipal level as well as treats and evaluates patients during his morbidity

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