Jarvis Gps 2023-10

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Employee Name: Mark O.

Position: Dept. Chair—Education, Family & Human Studies, Social Work
Date: June 2023

Where have you grown the most and found the most success over the past year in your role?
 Providing faculty support through significant shifts/changes.
 Addressing personnel issues in a positive manner, with a growth mindset, etc.

What skill(s), attributes, knowledge bases(s) would you like to strengthen over the next year?
When planning, keep in mind: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-based
Copy chart as needed

Skill/Attribute/Knowledge base:

SLCC Value: Collaboration

Description: I’ll be working with Division members on several time-

consuming projects, as listed below, including program/degree
development and review. I want to effectively engage in team-
based work on these projects using available digital tools: Teams,
SharePoint, etc.

Planning Milestones: Create Teams sites for each collaboration project.

Any metrics involved: n/a

Skill/Attribute/Knowledge base:

SLCC Value: Collaboration, Inclusivity, Learning

Description: Study Spanish daily.

Planning Milestones: Complete 1-3 (or more) Duolingo Spanish lessons per day, M-S.

Any metrics involved: n/a

How do the plans align with the department/college efforts?
 Collegial collaboration is imperative to grow our programs and support College initiatives
including, in our case, the opening of the Herriman campus, launching 4-year programs, etc.
 My plan to improve my Spanish supports the College’s HSI Initiative. Even our limited Spanish
ability can show Spanish-speaking students and their families that they are valued at the College.


What can I do as a supervisor to assist you in these efforts?
 N/A

Do you have what you need to perform your GPS and/or job successfully?
 Yes.

Professional Development:
 Apply for rank advancement to Full Professor.
 Continue to develop equity solutions for students and share those with the Division faculty. Examples:
early semester feedback check-in, automatic late policy.
 Continue to work on leadership skills, communication, etc. Dialogue with faculty quickly when issues
arise; come to the conversation with a positive perspective and growth mindset.
 Develop better organizational skills using software tools provided by the college, especially Office 365.

Current Projects
 Hire new Education Scholarship Coordinator
 Orient/train Social Work faculty hire, Rich Hydo
 Bachelor of Applied Science degrees: Social Work and, possibly, Education and FHS (Early
Childhood Ed)
 2+2 Education Program Partnership at the Herriman Building: FHS, Elementary Education
 FHS marketing
 Program and Concurrent Enrollment updates

Previous Projects Completed

 Helped Faculty Development create a new procedure for approving/processing adjunct faculty
trainings—met with them on multiple occasions to design a spreadsheet system, customized to
their needs, trained others on using the system, etc.
 Completed the Social Work five-year academic program review
 Hired new full-time faculty in Social Work; organized and led search committee in adding a second
pool of candidates.
 Completed annual reviews for faculty; chaired four sitting committees.
 Completed/submitted proposals for the Bachelor’s degrees.
 Supervised curriculum review for program changes (FHS) and course changes (EDU and SLSS).
 Attended majors meetings for FHS, Education, and Social Work.
 Collaborated with Student Affairs to create a more sustainable Summer Bridge program that
involved our SLSS faculty, TC Stuwe, adopting SLSS 1010 as the vehicle for the cohort model.
Updated adjunct faculty job description, screened/hired new faculty, etc.
 Collaborated on plan for student to complete FHS 2000; screened/hired faculty; met with student,
faculty, supervisor, and Cooperative Education office to develop a productive experience for the
 Helped plan (and attended) a Professional Development event: the First Amendment workshop.
 Worked on articulation/transfer issues with FHS and Social Work curriculum.
 Resolved several difficult complaints regarding faculty. Trained faculty on collegiality, clarified
roles, supported faculty with frequent accountability follow-ups, moderated challenging interoffice
collaboration for SLSS.
 Submitted proposal to Cabinet for reconsideration of Friday-closures for the
Eccles Lab School.
 Helped host the Utah Council on Family Relations’ annual conference at Utah Valley University.

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