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La Ex IGP 2021


1. What is Nationalism? - Shri PK Joshi / 2020 / Pururav Bharadwaj

2. Do SWOT analysis of India ? - Shri PK Joshi / 2020 / Pururav
Bharadwaj Swarna
3. Do you know the reason for insurgency in Burundi? - Shri PK Joshi /
2020 / Pururav Bharadwaj Swarna
4. Tell me about the difference between Asha worker and community
health worker in Uganda. - Shri PK Joshi / 2020 / Pururav Bharadwaj
5. What is difference in approach of India and Israel in tackling the
issue of flight hijack? - Shri PK Joshi / 2020 / Pururav Bharadwaj
6. Why is Middle East always in a crisis situation? - Shri PK Joshi / 2020
/ Pururav Bharadwaj Swarna
7. How Brexit will impact india? - Shri PK Joshi / 2020 / Unknown
8. What is the importance of Bangladesh geostrategically? - Shri PK
Joshi / 2020 / Unknown
9. What are the disputes with Bangladesh? - Shri PK Joshi / 2020 /

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La Ex IGP 2021

10. Tell about Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau's theory ? - Shri PK Joshi
/ 2020 / Unknown
11. What are the recent internal decisions of India taken to
international bodies ? - Shri PK Joshi / 2020 / Unknown
12. Talk about NAM ? - Shri PK Joshi / 2020 / Unknown
13. Before Donald trump we saw Pakistan coming close to US ? How it
affects us ? - Shri PK Joshi / 2020 / Unknown
14. How is Pakistan able to take the issues to the UN ? - Shri PK Joshi /
2020 / Unknown
15. What are your views on Indian PM going abroad and addressing
Indian diaspora? - Shri PK Joshi / 2020 / Unknown
16. How to improve India's foreign policy? - Shri PK Joshi / 2020 /
17. Why foreign policy is important why not we focus on governance
? - Shri PK Joshi / 2020 / Unknown
18. Why did you take Political Science? - Shri Bharat Bhushan Vyas /
2020 / Soumith Raju
19. What are the Principles of Natural Justice? - Shri Bharat Bhushan
Vyas / 2020 / Soumith Raju
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20. Tell us about Human Rights Organisations politics . - Shri Bharat

Bhushan Vyas / 2020 / Soumith Raju
21. Tell me what Chanakya said about Politics? - Shri TCA Anant Sir /
2020 / Anshuman
22. Can you compare Machiavelli and Chanakya? - Shri TCA Anant Sir
/ 2020 / Anshuman
23. Tell me the evolution of political science over history and its
contributions country wise. - Shri TCA Anant Sir / 2020 / Aniket
24. Which Indian political scientist you believe has given the most
original contribution to the field. Why? - Shri TCA Anant Sir / 2020 /
Aniket Sachan
25. What is the difference between thoughts of Machiavelli and
Gandhiji - Shri TCA Anant Sir / 2020 / Aniket Sachan
26. We often talk only of economic reforms in China . Tell me about
the Social and administrative reforms in China, apart from economic
reforms? - Air Marshal Bhonsle / 2020 / Unknown
27. What is the difference between bail and parole ? - Air Marshal
Bhonsle / 2020 / Unknown
28. What was Machiavelli's main theory ? - Shri TCA Anant Sir / 2020 /

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29. Tell us about his book & his theory? - Shri TCA Anant Sir / 2020 /
30. Are we following Machiavelli or Gandhi? - Shri TCA Anant Sir /
2020 / unknown
31. Whom should we follow? - Shri TCA Anant Sir / 2020 / unknown
32. Are means really important ? Should not we focus just on ends? -
Shri TCA Anant Sir / 2020 / unknown
33. What was Glorious revolution? - Shri TCA Anant Sir / 2020 /
34. Name some books of R K Narayan? - Shri TCA Anant Sir / 2020 /
35. Name his book which was made into a movie? - Shri TCA Anant Sir
/ 2020 / unknown
36. Name the Famous books of Jane Austen? - Shri TCA Anant Sir /
2020 / unknown
37. What do you know about Social Contract Theory ? And who gave
it? - Shri Bhim Sen Bassi / 2020 / Anchika
38. What is the end of the ideology thesis and multipolarity? - Smt
Sujata Mehta / 2020 / ABINAYA
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39. Communism or capitalism, which one is best and why? - Smt
Sujata Mehta / 2020 / ABINAYA
40. Is NAM dead? - Shri PK Joshi / 2020 / Unknown
41. Tell about political philosophy of Aurobindo Ghosh? - Shri PK Joshi
/ 2020 / Unknown
42. Is Plato's republic relevant in modern times? - Shri PK Joshi / 2020
/ Unknown
43. Is trade political or economical? - Shri PK Joshi / 2020 / Unknown
44. On what commodities India recently increased tariff ? - Shri PK
Joshi / 2020 / Unknown
45. Is invading countries on the pretext of Human Right good? What
about India's 1971 intervention? So are you saying HR is a myth? -
Shri PK Joshi / 2020 / Unknown
46. What is Paradiplomacy? - Shri PK Joshi / 2020 / Unknown
47. Tell us about the US Taliban deal. - Smt Smita Nagraj / 2020 /
48. How many US forces are there in Afghanistan? - Smt Smita Nagraj
/ 2020 / Unknown
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49. What are the dual enemies they are fighting ? - Smt Smita Nagraj
/ 2020 / Unknown
50. What would happen after the deal ? - Smt Smita Nagraj / 2020 /
51. China vs India in terms of giving market access - What do you
think of it ? - Smt Smita Nagraj / 2020 / Unknown
52. Tell us about Capitalism with Chinese characteristics. - Smt Smita
Nagraj / 2020 / Unknown
53. Bhutan has been able to take advantage of proximity with India in
the Hydro power sector but not Nepal, Why? - Smt Smita Nagraj /
2020 / Unknown
54. Is China building any hydro project in Nepal ? - Smt Smita Nagraj /
2020 / Unknown
55. If India refuses to buy power from the projects built by China in
Nepal whom would it sell ? - Smt Smita Nagraj / 2020 / Unknown
56. Tell us about Doklam crisis. - Smt Smita Nagraj / 2020 / Unknown
57. Despite numerous policies like the Act East why our relations with
south East Asian nations have not realized the potential ? - Smt
Smita Nagraj / 2020 / Unknown

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58. Tell about the three PSIR Scholars: Plato, Aristotle, Machiavelli ? -
Shri Bhim Sen Bassi / 2020 / Unknown
59. Tell me the importance of Machiavelli . - Shri Bhim Sen Bassi /
2020 / Unknown
60. Can you make comparison between Machiavelli and Kautilya ? -
Shri Bhim Sen Bassi / 2020 / Unknown
61. Why did you opt for PSIR ? - Shri TCA Anant Sir / 2020 /
Mohammad Nadeem
62. What is your favourite topic in PSIR ? - Shri TCA Anant Sir / 2020 /
Mohammad Nadeem
63. Why PSIR? Why not engineering? Why not other optional? - Shri
Bharat Bhushan Vyas / 2020 / Ramkumar G
64. Why is political science called science and history is not? - Shri PK
Joshi / 2020 / Unknown
65. Tell us about ICJ? Explain binding vs enforceable rulings? - Shri PK
Joshi / 2020 / Unknown
66. You have PSIR as an optional, Tell me what will be the impact of
CAA on our Act East Policy? - Shri PK Joshi / 2020 / Unknown
67. Why India has not been successful in establishing good relations
with our neighbouring countries? - Shri PK Joshi / 2020 / Unknown

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La Ex IGP 2021

68. Tell me about India's Refugee policy. And what is the significance
of giving asylum to Dalai Lama? - Shri PK Joshi / 2020 / S Manjunath
69. What is the Role of G-20, BRICS, SCO.? Why they are formed? -
Shri PK Joshi / 2020 / S Manjunath
70. Tell me about communist manifesto and its author. - Air Marshal
Bhonsle / 2020 / Manish Kumar
71. Tell me about Friedrick Engels? - Air Marshal Bhonsle / 2020 /
Manish Kumar
72. Tell me name of some communist countries in the world? - Air
Marshal Bhonsle / 2020 / Manish Kumar
73. What is Constitution? - Air Marshal Bhonsle / 2020 / Manish
74. Can a country not be run if Constitution is not there? - Air Marshal
Bhonsle / 2020 / Manish Kumar
75. Tell me about Physics and PSIR - Are both sciences? - Shri Bharat
Bhushan Vyas / 2020 / Unknown
76. Tell me about UNSC. There are some countries which are
demanding changes in UNSC. Can you name them? Why they are
demanding the changes? - Shri Bhim Sen Bassi / 2020 / Unknown

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77. You are a student of Political Science, What is politics of foreign

companies (especially USA) in the generic pharma sector ? - Shri
Bhim Sen Bassi / 2020 / Unknown
78. How India is responding to it? - Shri Bhim Sen Bassi / 2020 /
79. Can you give some examples? - Shri Bhim Sen Bassi / 2020 /
80. Why we call it Political Science? Where is science in it? - Shri PK
Joshi / 2020 / Unknown
81. How International Relations help a country in Economic
development? - Shri PK Joshi / 2020 / Unknown
82. What is BRI? Why India is opposing it? - Shri PK Joshi / 2020 /
83. You have political science as an optional, what were the
constitutional changes made for introducing GST? - Smt Sujata
Mehta / 2020 / Anjali Birla
84. What changes were made and with which article ? - Smt Sujata
Mehta / 2020 / Anjali Birla
85. What is 'state' in political science? - Shri PK Joshi / 2020 /

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86. Why political science is called science ? - Shri TCA Anant Sir / 2020
/ Unknown
87. Who is called father of political science ? - Shri TCA Anant Sir /
2020 / Unknown
88. Who is teacher of Aristotle ? Difference between Plato and
Aristotle. Why Plato is said to have communist tendencies ? Why
Plato is called radical ? What is Plato's communism of wives ? - Shri
TCA Anant Sir / 2020 / Unknown
89. Who is your favorite thinker in PSIR? What views influenced you
the most? - Smt Smita Nagraj / 2020 / Naveen Yadav
90. Tell us about the role of Bismarck and Sardar Patel. - Smt Smita
Nagraj / 2020 / Naveen Yadav
91. Which area of PSIR fascinates you? - Shri Bhim Sen Bassi / 2020 /
92. Is voter behavior in India prejudiced? - Smt M Sathiyavathy / 1970
/ MR
93. If you are the protagonist of the movie "Article 15". What would
you have done differently? - Smt M Sathiyavathy / 1970 / MR

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