Assignment 10

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Q1- A 3-phase generator delivers power 1.0 pu to an infinite bus through the transmission line.
The maximum power that can be transferred during pre-fault, during-fault, and post-fault
conditions is 1.75pu, 0.4 pu, and 1.25 pu. Find a critical clearing angle.

Q2- Find the critical clearing angle for the system shown in Figure for a three-phase fault at point
P. The generator is delivering 1.0 pu. power under pre-fault conditions.

Q3- Given the system below, a three-phase fault is applied at point P as shown. Find the critical
clearing angle for clearing the fault with simultaneous opening of the breakers 1 and 2. The
generator is delivering 1.0 pu power at the instant preceding the fault.

Q4- The figure shows the single-line diagram of a power system with a double-circuit transmission
line. The expression for electrical power is 1.5sin𝜹, where 𝜹 is the rotor angle. The system is
operating at a stable equilibrium point with mechanical power equal to 1pu. If one of the
transmission line circuits is removed, the maximum value of 𝛿, as the rotor swings, is 1.221
radians. If the expression for electrical power with one transmission line circuit removed is
𝑷𝒎𝒂𝒙 sin𝜹, the value of 𝑷𝒎𝒂𝒙 in pu is (Give the answer up to three decimal places.)
Q5-Q1. A 100 MVA, 11KV, 50Hz, 4-Pole, the synchronous generator has an inertia constant of 5
Seconds (MJ/MVA).
(a) Write the swing equation of the machine.
(b) If the machine is initially operating with Pm=Pe=1 pu, ῳ=ῳs and delta=10o when a 3-phase
fault occurs at its terminals at t=0 causing Pe=0, t>0. Find the rotor angle delta, 10 seconds
after the fault.

Q6-A 60-Hz generator supplying 60% of Pmax to an infinite bus through a reactive network. A
fault occurs which increases the reactance of the network between the generator's internal voltage
and the infinite bus by 400%. When the fault is cleared the maximum power that can be delivered
is 80% of the original maximum value. Determine the critical clearing angle for the condition

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