JUMP! ACM - Facilitator Guide

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Facilitator Guide


The purpose of this guide is to support the Facilitator in executing the JUMP! ACM course.

The focus of this course is to enhance the skills of delegates to a minimum to hire level for the role of ACM. This not
only supports our employees, but also the business as it builds a talent pool for future recruitment needs.


Let’s Learn! Let’s Experience!

MS Office – Excel Communication Skills
TOPS Knowledge Analytical Ability
Solution Orientated
Customer Focused

An electronic copy of the workbook must be given to each delegate at the start of the course. This is where they will
record their learnings throughout the course. As a facilitator, you will guide delegates through the course, this may
involve organising guest facilitators and department shadow time. So please review the course in advance and
arrange as necessary.

The course covers 21 hours of learning and experience. This time may change depending on availability of
departments in your subsidiary and workload. Modules 1-7 are 3 hours each, the Individual Review (module 8) is not
included in the timings of the course, ensure you have scheduled time to do this with each delegate at the end of the
course, this doesn’t have to happen immediately, but must happen within 1 week of the course completing.

1. What does an ACM do?
2. What standards must an ACM work towards?
3. ACM – What’s expected?
4. Communication – Interdepartmental Meeting
5. Analysis – Have a go!
6. Solution Orientated – Scenarios
7. Customer Focused – Client Communication
8. Individual Review

Please note: There are elements in the guide which indicate where preparation is needed. Please review the guide
prior to the start of the course so you have time to prepare these items.

1. What does an ACM do?

Objective: Overview of ACM role from an ACM

Preparation: Book out 1.5 hours with an ACM from any account available – depending on the number of ACM
JUMP! courses you run per year you may want to stick with a regular ACM or rota this between all ACMs

Facilitator instructions:

 During the first 30 minutes of this module hold a facilitated discussion drawing out the current thoughts
and opinions of the delegates on what the role of an ACM entails
 Ask open questions
 Relay questions to the group
 Ask direct questions where there is more of a point to draw out from an individual
 Make notes as the discussion continues to delegates to see

Expect contributions such as:

o Manages Supervisors
o Manages performance on the account
o Liaises with the Client
o Communicates problems to the Client
o Holds DSMs
o Observes Supervisors coaching

 The ACM should then join the session

 Introduce the ACM/ACM introduces themselves
 The ACM must now talk through a typical week in the life of an ACM – they must highlight:
 Outline of responsibilities
 Regular tasks
 Irregular situations they have had to deal with (to show the scope of the role)
 Management responsibilities – how they manage their team
 How they work to drive performance
 Client communication
 Reporting
 Use of TOPS
 Working with other departments
 People matters (HR)
 MBRs and QBRs

 The session should be interactive and allow for open ‘Q&A’

 During the last 30 minutes of this module the ACM does not need to stay for the remainder of the session
 Hold a facilitated discussion drawing out the differences and similarities in the first discussion compared with
the realities that the ACM outlined
 Use any remaining time for delegates to update their workbook with what they have discovered during the

2. What standards must an ACM work towards?

Objective: Gain understanding of TOPS requirements from ACM perspective

Preparation: Gain access for each delegate to the TOPS Interactive Guide (until released use the TOPS manual)
and the Microlearning introducing the standard (release date to be confirmed)

Facilitator instructions:

 During the first 30 minutes discuss the importance of the standards we have in Teleperformance
 Some delegates might be familiar with TOPS (if they are currently Supervisors for example)
 Take opinions and information from the group on TOPS in general and on the ACMs role in TOPS
 Play the introductory video on the standard (micro learning)
 Discuss the video content

 Set the task for the next hour by introducing the TOPS Interactive Guide to the delegates
 Ensure everyone has access
 Split groups into groups of two (or larger depending on your group size)
 Set the task – Research TOPS and specifically the role and influence of an ACM in TOPS, create a short
presentation on this topic to present back the to the group
 At the end of the task have each group present back

 End the session by summarising findings and give time for delegates to update their workbook

3. ACM – What’s expected?

Objective: Experience what real life is like for an ACM

Preparation: Organise shadowing with ACMs around the business for each delegate. If security protocols allow
then it would be best if each delegate worked with an ACM they didn’t currently work with/work for.

Facilitator instructions:

 Brief ACM population that will be supporting with this activity on what should ideally be covered during
the 3 hour shadowing experience:
 CCM introduction
 Preparation for DSM or ISM
 Review of performance on the account
 Tasks for that specific day
 Observe a shadow coaching observation for a Supervisor
 Observe the ACM in a meeting with another department
 E TOPs from ACM perspective demonstration
 Client Communication
 ‘Coffee closure’ – a 10 minute relaxed chat about the highs and lows of the role – a chance for
any other questions to be asked by the delegate

 Facilitator should ensure ACMs meet/collect delegate at the start of this session to make the process
smooth and a good experience

4. Communication – Interdepartmental Meeting

Objective: Demonstrate skills needed when working with other departments on a particular issue

Preparation: NA

Facilitator instructions:

During the first 50 minutes:

 Split the group (dependent on group size) and ask them to note down meeting topics for meetings that
might occur between:
o ACM and the Training Team
o ACM and the Recruitment Department
o ACM and the QA Team
o ACM, Training, Recruitment and QA
 Example ideas are:
o ACM and the Training Team – A large number of product updates are due from the client
o ACM and the Recruitment Department – New hire attrition is high
o ACM and the QA Team – CSAT needs to improve
o ACM, Training, Recruitment and QA - New hire performance is low
 Groups should then add a scenario background to the meeting topic
o The state of the account
o Any previous history on this topic
o Any client communications around this topic
o Any CCM direction around this topic
o Any previous action taken on this topic

The next 50 minutes:

 Once each group has topics for these meetings, assign a meeting and a topic at random to each group. It
should be a topic they didn’t come up with as a group originally
 Allow the groups time to review the topic and the scenario and to pick someone to play the ACM from
their group
 Set the groups the task of preparing the ACM for this meeting:
 List what questions the ACM should ask
 What facts the ACM will come to the meeting with
 What solutions the ACM may have in their mind

During the next hour:

 Now each group must play out the meeting with the group that set the scenario playing the other parties
within the meeting
 Leave time for feedback after each meeting
 Ask the ACM in the meeting what the outcome was and whether they are happy with it

During the last 20 minutes:

 Hold a summary discussion asking what skills were needed from the ACM to get to an appropriate solution
 Utilise any remaining time for the completion of notes in the workbooks

5. Analysis – Have a go!
Objective: Demonstrate analytical skills needed to analyse the performance of a particular account

Preparation: Request cleansed data set of department performance from ACMs on each account you have in the
subsidiary. Request ACMs to provide a summary of their analysis along with the data they provide.

Facilitator instructions:

 Open the first 30 minutes with a discussion on what analysis an ACM does within their role
 Discussion ideas:
o Daily performance
o Weekly performance
o Monthly performance
o Low performing teams
o Speed to target of new hire groups
o Focused analysis on one particular KPI – could be key for the client or a low performing KPI
o Absence
o Attrition
o Impacts on service level
 This discussion should be stimulated from the time spent with the ACM earlier on in the course

 Split the delegates into groups (depending on group size) and distribute the data sets (without the ACM
 Allow 30 minutes per data set (3 per group) and given them time to analyse and note their findings

 Spend the remaining time hearing from each group and on each data set and then share the ACM
 Discuss any similarities or major differences in findings

 Use any remaining time to complete notes in the trainee workbook

6. Solution Orientated – Scenarios

Objective: Gain awareness of situations that ACMs are faced with and solutions that can be applied

Preparation: Organise time with an ACM for this session. Before the session the ACM must prepare 6 common
scenarios that require problem solving or solution sourcing from an ACM point of view and the solutions they
would apply to them. The ACM can also prepare these in advance with the facilitator so the facilitator can deliver
this session without the help of an ACM.

Facilitator instructions:

 During the first 30 minutes discuss the task at hand and facilitate a discussion with the group on what
they learned from ACMs they spent time with earlier on in the course
 The facilitator should now hand now allow a random member of the group (there will be 6 turns at this
activity) to select a random scenario from the 6 arranged by the ACM
 Spend 20 minutes per scenario – picking a different person each time to select the scenario
 Group discussion to identify the possible solutions or actions to take
 These will include:
 What questions they want to ask
 Who might they need to communicate with to solve this (different departments, client, CCM,
 What outcome they want
 Actions to take

 This activity will really benefit from an ACM being in the room or joint facilitating as they will be able to
question the ideas of the group

 Summarise and spend any remaining time updating the workbook

7. Customer Focused – Client Communication

Objective: Discover different techniques to communicate news to Clients

Preparation: Create a selection of cards with different news items on that might need communicating to Clients.
Ideas for these are:

o Cleared a major email backlog

o Beneficial piece of customer insight
o You need to request overtime payments from the Client in order to meet targets
o Low KSAT/unexpected KSAT
o Service Level is low
o Media issue from an agent email response to a customer
o Failed quality target
o Client tells you they are sending over a consultant
o Client calls you with a high level complaint from a customer that our agent spoke to
o You are not going to be able to clear backlog by Client deadline
o Recruitment are unable to achieve the numbers you need

Facilitator instructions:

 During the first 30 minutes discuss the need to communicate somethings to clients and how to deal with
requests from clients
 What have the group picked up from their time with their ACM?
 Discuss with the group the decisions needing to be made with certain pieces of information:
1. Who does it need communicating to? Internal/External
2. What method of communication should be used? Email, Telephone, both? MBR?
3. How should it be positioned?
4. When should it be communicated?
 Discuss two of your cards as examples
 During the next 1.5 hours work through the cards as a group, discussing each case and the pros and cons for
choices against items 1-4 above

 Utilise the remaining time to summarise the module, the course and for delegates to update their workbook.

8. Individual Review
Objective: Review of performance during JUMP! ACM

Preparation: Ensure 20 minutes review time is booked with each individual and a quiet space for review is
available. Facilitator must request the workbook to be available for review during the meeting.

Facilitator instructions:

 Ask for delegate’s feedback and thoughts on the course

 Ask delegate about their thoughts on their own performance throughout the course
 Ask delegate about their key learnings from the course
 Breakout into discussions where appropriate
 Discuss your thoughts on the delegate’s performance during the course
 Ask if the delegate is still considering their career path toward an ACM role
 Close session
 Add review notes into the delegate workbook
 Ensure request for attribute of JUMP! Graduate is added to delegate’s CCMS profile

Revision History
Version Date Reason for Revision Revision Type Author
1 5/2/2018 Refresh and creation. Major Global Training Team
1 1/7/2019 Updated JUMP! Logo. Minor Global Training Team
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