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What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

Table of Contents

1.WELCOME TO GRAITEC POWERPACK FOR REVIT 2023 ........................................................... 4

2.GENERAL ............................................................................................................................... 4
2.1.Compatibility with Revit® 2023 ........................................................................................................... 4
2.2.Ribbon Customization ......................................................................................................................... 5
3.POWERPACK STANDARD ....................................................................................................... 7
3.1.BIM Connect .......................................................................................................................................... 7
3.2.Link To Excel ........................................................................................................................................ 9
3.2.1.Export Revit Sheets to Excel ........................................................................................................ 9
3.2.2.Family Types Creation .................................................................................................................11
3.3.Family Manager .................................................................................................................................. 13
3.3.1.User Interface ............................................................................................................................... 13
3.3.2.User Favorites.............................................................................................................................. 15
4.POWERPACK PROFESSIONAL ............................................................................................... 18
4.1.Batch Export ........................................................................................................................................ 18
4.1.1.Items menu – New Interface and functions .................................................................................19
4.1.2.Options menu – New Interface and functions ........................................................................... 23
4.2.Structural section ..............................................................................................................................24
5.POWERPACK PREMIUM CONCRETE ...................................................................................... 25
5.1.Dialog windows - Tree structure. ..................................................................................................... 25
5.2.Generate Drawings – Custom configuration................................................................................... 26
5.3.Reinforcement schedule ................................................................................................................... 27
5.3.1.New French Template for Schedule Bar .................................................................................... 27
5.3.2.Schedule schema for variable rebars ....................................................................................... 28
5.3.3.Rebar schedule word export ..................................................................................................... 29
5.3.4.Calculation of formwork areas ................................................................................................. 30
5.3.5.Bending Detail- Quantity ........................................................................................................... 33
5.3.6.Rebar detailing for slab drawings .............................................................................................34
5.4.Split Multiple Rebar ...........................................................................................................................36
5.5.Cut openings in rebar set- Optimization ......................................................................................... 37
5.6.Edit Slab Rebar – Improvements ...................................................................................................... 38
6.POWERPACK DESIGN ........................................................................................................... 39

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

6.1.G. Reinforcement Ratio Parameter ...................................................................................................39

6.2 Design assumptions for cracked concrete ......................................................................................39
6.3 RC BEAM MODULE .......................................................................................................................... 40
6.3.1 Separate anchorage methods for top and bottom bars ......................................................... 40
6.3.2 Ability to define concrete cover per span ............................................................................... 40
6.3.3 Minimum length for bottom longitudinal bars .......................................................................... 41
6.3.4 New options for spacing of the vertical reinforcement on openings .....................................42
6.3.5 Option for centering top reinforcement at supports ...............................................................43
6.3.6 Possibility to ignore maximum diameters .................................................................................45
6.4 RC COLUMN MODULE......................................................................................................................45
6.3.1 New reinforcement scenario - user imposed number of bars ..................................................45
6.5 RC FOOTING MODULE .................................................................................................................... 46
6.4.1 Improvements to defining reinforcement spacing................................................................... 46
6.4.2 Possibility to set number of iterations for geometry optimization ......................................... 47
6.6 RC WALLS MODULE .........................................................................................................................48
6.5.1 Additional symbol to the vertical bars package name ............................................................48
6.5.2 Possibility to impose diameter and spacing for vertical and horizontal bars .......................48
6.5.3 Possibility to generate U bars at same spacing as horizonthal bars .................................... 49

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023


GRAITEC is very pleased to present the latest version of the PowerPack for Revit 2023. This new
version brings features and enhancements which improve the workability, efficiency, and
productivity of its software. Users will have access to more new features and more customization as
well as important changes in the user interface.

In the PowerPack Standard and Professional, several interfaces have been improved to be more
user-friendly. This means that users can easily adjust tools according to their preferences. Users will
find these changes, notably in the Family Manager and the Batch Export interfaces. Moreover, new
features have been added to the link-to-Excel tools, sheet support has been added, and users now
have the possibility to efficiently generate families using Excel.

As for Concrete and Design modules, many tools have been optimized and improved with new
features, designed to enable PowerPack to facilitate work across a wider range of possibilities.
Users will find these changes notably in the Reinforcement schedule tab with a new Word export tool,
a new parameter for reinforcement ratios, and a tool to calculate formwork areas. All this is aimed at
optimizing tasks and thus improving the workflow.

2. General

2.1. Compatibility with Revit® 2023

The PowerPack 2023 is now exclusively compatible with Autodesk Revit 2023. For the previous
versions of Revit 2021 and 2022, the Powerpack 2022 is required.

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

2.2. Ribbon Customization

In this new release, two improvements have been made to facilitate Ribbon Customization based on
user preference.

Now, when the box in the tab headers of a category is checked, all PowerPack tools inside will be
enabled. The user will be able to customize which tools will be visible on the Ribbon. As an example,
we can see in the following image the category "BIM Connect" is activated, however, the tool "Import"
has been deactivated by the user.

On the contrary, when the box is unchecked, all elements will be greyed out. So, it is impossible to
make any adjustments to this category, which will not be visible on the Ribbon.

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

It is important to note that users can save these ribbon configurations in a .xml file by clicking on
Save as.

In the 2022 version, when a ribbon configuration file had already been opened in the project, user
changes on the ribbon by clicking “OK” affected it. But now this file is no longer affected by this
workflow. Instead, changes will be saved by default on the "Custom" profile. Therefore, users should
use the Save as button to modify the original file.

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

3. PowerPack Standard

3.1.BIM Connect
This tool has been updated to be compatible with the new approach to analytical modeling in Revit
2023, in which the analytical model is independent of the physical model to increase its versatility
and autonomy. This results in four new possibilities:

• The physical model exists without an analytical part.

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

• The physical model exists associated with an analytical part.

• The physical model exists non-associated with an analytical part.

• The analytical model exists without a physical part.

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

As we can see in the pictures above, the workflow is ensured by the BIM Connect regardless of the
condition of the project. Hence, users will be able to use the three available functions normally:
Export, Import, and Synchronization.

In addition, the list of non-associated objects is now generated in the export report. In this way, the
user can easily identify them to avoid any problems with modeling.

For more details, please refer to the user guide " Workflow - Advance Design and Revit 2023”.

3.2. Link To Excel

3.2.1. Export Revit Sheets to Excel

Support for sheets has been added to the “Link to Excel” Option. Therefore, it is now possible to
obtain a schedule of sheets for your project directly into Excel, edit the schedule with Excel, and
import it back into Revit. When adding a new link to Excel, select the “sheets” category.

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

After selecting the desired fields that you wish to appear in the schedule, you can modify it, update
sheet parameters, and import these changes back into Revit with the Link to Excel tool.

Types of one parameter can be adjusted using a drop-down menu made from every type loaded in
the Revit project. Therefore, it is easier and quicker to adjust those parameters without errors.

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

The results of the modification are applied after importing data back into Revit. In this example, you
can see that draftsman, checker, and approver names have been changed, and that the sheet’s title
block has been changed from Standard to A1 Metric.

3.2.2. Family Types Creation

In previous versions, creating a family in Excel was an overly complicated and time-consuming
process. Since the user had to export the family as a text file, then open it as a csv file in Excel to
modify it, then reverse the process to import the new family back into Revit. Now, this process is
simplified and automated as the link to Excel allows this task to be done.

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

To use this new Link to Excel feature, the user must create a new table of type "Type"(1) and add at
least the parameters "Family Name" (2) and "Type Name" (3). Those three conditions are mandatory.
The user can also add the parameters they wish to view or modify in the link settings.

An example is given below for the creation of new types of window parameters. After creating the
link to Excel, it is possible to add a line corresponding to a new type and specify its name and
dimensions. Once all the desired types have been created in Excel, it is possible to import the Excel
file into Revit to import the new families into the project.

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

3.3. Family Manager

This tool has been improved with new options and filters to facilitate users to access and set their
family preferences. In this regard, the interface has a new configuration to give space to favorite

3.3.1. User Interface

In this release, most of the icons (except for the <- and -> for switching pages) have been moved to
the top of the window (the Hauraton catalogue can be accessed from Add new folder option “+”).

The options available for the management of families and libraries are:

1. Save configurations: In this version, all the configurations that have been made in the Family
Manager tool can be saved in an .xml file by using this button.
2. Import configurations/ Import families: These functionalities allow users to load the
configurations saved in the .xml and replace (Import configurations) or add to (Import
families) the currently listed families.
3. Refresh the entire database: This function will update all the folders to the newest version.
4. Add new folder
5. Delete selected folder

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

Additionally, there are three new options to change the way users view families, which are available
in the View Layout tab.

• Thumbnail view: This option shows a thumbnail of the families accompanied by basic
information such as name, file size, etc.

• List: This option displays a list of families, which contains family name, file name, category,
Revit version, number of types and the option add to favorites.

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

• List with preview: This option shows a list of families. But unlike the previous option when a
family is selected, the thumbnail appears to the right of the window.

Filters button is another new tool used to filter the families by category, (e.g.: Floor Tags).

3.3.2. User Favorites

Users now have a new section where they can enter, view, and manage preferred families. This
section is in the library panel, which has been divided into two sections:

1. Library View with two categories: Graitec Libraries (predefined Graitec families) and User
Libraries (user-added families).
2. Favorites (2) (favored families).

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

The favorites section has a default folder named “Favorites”. New folders can be created by right-
clicking on Favorites and choosing New Folder, which can be renamed or deleted.

In this example, we can see how a custom folder is created in Favorites and then renamed " My

Families can be added to the default folder of Favorites by clicking on the hollow star icon “☆”.
Another option to add families is by right-clicking on the folder in the library section and choosing
“Add to Favorites”. It is important to note that these families will not disappear from their original

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

As an example, we can see how the family " G_Dalle_Brut_Niv_NGF" is added to the favorites library.

To add families in a custom favorites folder, users need to click on the drop-down button “☆” and
choose the custom folder.

As an example, we can see how we add the family " G_Dalle_Brut_Niv_NGF" to "My folder".

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

4. PowerPack Professional

4.1. Batch Export

Now, this tool has a new interface and new functionalities. Both the menu of items (1) and the menu of
options (2) have been modified to be more user-friendly.

Before addressing these improvements, it is important to note that it is possible to use the Batch
Export when there is no open project in Revit. But, contrary to previous versions, it is possible to
import only one project in this way. If a project has already been opened, then Batch Export will only
show it, with no possibility to add another one.

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

4.1.1. Items menu – New Interface and functions

In this menu, users can choose to display the list of sheets or views of the project, which uses all the
available space in the window for easy viewing. Each list has several fields to identify the main
features. By default, Views have the following fields:

1. Export.
2. View Name.
3. Type
4. View Scale
5. Export Name
6. Export file types (IFC, PDF...) (Other types will be unlocked in the Options menu).

On the other hand, Sheets have the following fields:

1. Export.
2. View Name
3. Sheet Number
4. Sheet Name
5. Designed by
6. Export Name

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

7. Export file types (IFC, PDF...) (Other types will be unlocked in the Options menu).

In this version, users have several functions to filter and sort the list of views or sheets according to
their preference. To start they can adjust the selected items with the checkboxes of export and
export file type groups, which have 3 states:

• Blank, which means no item is selected for export in the current list.
• Ticked, which means all items that have at least one Export.
• Square symbol, which means some of the items that have Export types selected are not
ticked for exporting.

Selected items in the list can be filtered with All Items and Selected Items. The second option only
shows those where export checkboxes are ticked.

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

In addition, there is a search bar that allows users to search and filter concerning a parameter from
the list. This function can be used in multiple fields to get a more accurate search (e.g.: Level 1 and

The tool also shows the number of items that have been selected for export (e.g.: 12 items).

a) Sets

Sets are a new feature that lets users create a customized list of items to be used on multiple
occasions. It can be created for both views and sheets at the same time. Users can browse and
select a set in View/Sheet set option.

Set options in the interface include:

1. Create
2. Duplicate
3. Rename
4. Save
5. Delete

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

b) PDF print options

This version includes a new pop-up window if print to PDF is selected for any of the views or sheets.
Where users can make final printing adjustments. Filters can still be used in this window, as well as the
Search bar. As an example, we can see how 3 items are chosen for export in pdf. Then these appear
in a new window to be adjusted according to user preferences.

This window has 6 options :

• View/Sheet Number: This shows the number of the sheet or the ID number of a view.
• View/Sheet Name: This shows the name of the sheet or view.
• Format: This shows the format with which is going to be exported.
• Size: This shows the size of paper with which the PDF is going to be printed.
• Orientation: This has 3 options Landscape, Portrait, and Sheet template.

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

4.1.2. Options menu – New Interface and functions

Now, by default in the General tab, a new category called Visibility tackle the visibility and
parameters options. The export types can be switched on/off by selecting/deselecting the checkbox
from the option Export type visibility.

In addition, in Visibility, a new section is added called Manage Parameters with its 2 functionalities,
View Parameters (1) and Sheet Parameters (2). These buttons open a new window where the user
can add more parameters to the Views/Sheets in the Items menu. Project information parameters are
also available in the drop-down section named “Select available fields from:”.

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

On the other hand, the PDF tab has the following new options:

• Use Sheet template, which allows you to choose whether sheets will be according to the
sheet template or not.
• Show advanced PDF print options before exporting which triggers the extra window PDF
print options after clicking on OK to export items.

4.2. Structural section

In this version, three tools used for the adjustment of the analytical model will be removed from the
PowerPack. The reason is that the new mechanism of the analytical model in Revit 2023 allows
performing these operations directly in the model. So, the analytical elements can be adjusted
manually over the 3D view or with the help of Revit tools (e.g.: align).

The tools removed are the following:

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

1. Reset Analytical Models

2. Trim or Extend
3. Stretch to Node

However, users can still use the other tools. Detect Errors, which shows disconnected nodes
according to a tolerance given by the user. Toggle Analytical Model, which shows or hides the
analytic model. Toggle Analytical Floor, which shows or hides the analytical floors.

5. PowerPack Premium Concrete

5.1. Dialog windows - Tree structure.

In this latest version, the interface of several tools has a tree structure. In this way, users can instantly
view/hide the different sections available in the dialogue windows. This aims to facilitate and
optimize the use of the tools. As an example, see the "Reinforcement Configurations" window below.

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

5.2. Generate Drawings – Custom configuration

Now, when the “Generate Drawings” function is used for the first time, a new window pops up by
default asking if a user wants to load a custom configurations file. When the “Yes” option is selected,
users need to search the file in a new window.

It is important to note that this option is also available in the Customize Drawings windows. Users
have thus the possibility to load a new configuration whenever they want.

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

5.3. Reinforcement schedule

5.3.1. New French Template for Schedule Bar

A new Bar Schedule template is available in this version for French users. Users can now use this
template when using the Reinforcement Schedule option, in the Design ribbons.

Special attention must be paid when using the types called "Codes Formes" and "ISO 3766” since
both types display the length of the reinforcement shapes. For both types, the display of the length of
the reinforcement shapes may not be effective when the schedule is created. Indeed, the parameters
used in the schedules are the parameters of the NF-P-02-016-1993 reinforcing bars length. If other
reinforcement shapes are used in your project, it will be necessary to edit the schedule’s fields
manually in order to replace the corresponding columns with the correct parameters. Most of the
time these are described by the same lower-case letter or the same upper-case letter.

In the example above the parameters A, B, C, D, and E have been replaced by the parameters of the
same name (see image below) so that the lengths are displayed.

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

5.3.2. Schedule schema for variable rebars

Now, Schedule Schema generates by default a "var" tag on the variable segment of a set of rebars.

As an example, we can see in the following image a set of rebars whose vertical length is variable. So,
when the scheme is created the label "var" appears by default.

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

5.3.3. Rebar schedule word export

It is now possible to export a schedule to a Word document using the “Export Schedule” option. This is
a feature that allows for instance a structural engineer to create a bar schedule in Word that can be
attached to different documents.

The Word Template used can be customized by any user to obtain their standard. The title block and
dimensions of it can be modified in Word to add the project name, address, client, designer's name,
verifier's name, and other information.

If the schedule includes bending details, the images are automatically inserted into the word

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

5.3.4.Calculation of formwork areas

Formwork area can now be easily calculated using the new feature “Formwork Area.” This feature
can be found in the “Reinforcement Schedule” drop-down menu.

This feature automatically creates a new shared parameter for the selected elements called
“G.Formwork Area Total”. This shared parameter is different from the total surface area, the
formwork is measured in terms of an area that is in contact with the concrete surface. The parameter
can be found in the element’s properties.

This parameter works with concrete columns, beams, footings, continuous footings, walls, floors, and
foundation slabs. The measurements of formwork are carried out separately for each type of
concrete works, such as the following:

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

Column: the formwork for concrete columns will be calculated as the surface area of four lateral
sides of the column.

Beam: the formwork for concrete beams will be calculated as the surface area of four lateral sides
faces of the beam and the bottom face.

Footings: the formwork for concrete footing will be calculated as the surface area of four lateral
sides of the foundation only.

Continuous footing: Like footings, the formwork for concrete continuous footings will be calculated
as the surface area of four lateral sides of the foundation only.

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

Walls: the formwork for concrete walls will be calculated as the surface area of four lateral sides of
walls only.

Foundation slabs: the formwork for concrete slabs will be calculated as the surface area of four
lateral sides of slabs only.

Structural floors: the formwork for structural concrete floors will be calculated as the surface area
of four lateral sides of structural floors and the bottom face.

The deduction of formwork area with the intersection of beams; the intersection of beams and
columns or walls; and openings in slabs are considered. Therefore, the connecting area between
elements will be subtracted from the default formwork area explained above.

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

For instance, on the figure below the bottom face of the slab is connected to one wall and two
structural columns, hence the calculated formwork area will consider the areas in contact with the
columns and the wall (highlighted in red)

The Formwork is not automatically updated. Users are required to use the tool again after modifying
the element in order to update the parameter’s value.

5.3.5. Bending Detail- Overall Quantity

Now, this tool automatically calculates and generates a parameter with the total number of rebars of
the same type in an element.

"OverallQuantity" parameter appears in the shape detail tag and the properties panel, and it is
updated automatically with changes in rebar quantity.

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

5.3.6. Rebar detailing for slab drawings

In the previous release, the Detail Rebar was the only function for creating rebar detail annotations.
However, this tool did not generate appropriate annotations for slabs. Now, there is a new
complementary tool named Slab Detailing for this type of element. Therefore, it works for straight
bars with or without hooks, and U-bars, given that usually these are the rebars used for slab

This tool generates a new detail family that will contain the bending detail and the distribution
symbol. Unlike Detail Rebar, which place only a multi-rebar tag and a bending detail.

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

The advantage of using a family to make annotations is that this can be easily customized by
changing the parameters on the properties panel. In this way, users can modify the following:

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

1. Constraints: In this section, it is possible to modify the main features of the family, such as the
main length (A), the diameter, and the label's position.
2. Texts: In this section, it is possible to change the label text related to the main dimensions of
the rebar (A, B, C, D, E).
3. Dimensions: In this section, it is possible to change the other dimensions of the rebar (B, C, D,
4. Identity Data.
5. IFC Parameters.
6. Visibility: In this section, users can control the visibility of the main dimensions of the rebar (A,
B, C, D, E).
7. Other: In this section, users can control the visibility of labels.

Additionally, if users want to make more specific changes, they can directly edit the family.

It is important to note that changes in rebars will be updated automatically in the family. On contrary,
changes made in the family will not affect the original rebars.

5.4. Split Multiple Rebar

Users now have the option to select multiple rebars and multiple rebar sets that they want to split.
When using “Split rebar”, after the selection, a new dialogue is opened that features a new preview
window. Users can choose to display this preview either in 2D or in 3D. Both preview modes are
dynamic so that users can preview any changes when modifying the parameters available in this
dialogue window.

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

For instance, if the span of my slab is very wide, I will want to reinforce it with steel that may be
longer than the maximum factory construction length. So, by using the "Split Rebar" function, it is now
possible to select the top and bottom longitudinal reinforcement sets and with a few clicks resize
these sets to the desired length.

5.5. Cut openings in rebar set- Optimization

In previous versions, this tool created openings by cutting one rebar at a time. This is a slow method
because the time to do it increases according to the number of rebars. Now, this function has been
optimized to make a cut of the whole set of rebars, reducing the execution time.

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

5.6. Edit Slab Rebar – Improvements

This function has been improved with the possibility to display slab neighbors during editing in 3D.
This means that users can see formworks and outlines of walls, columns, and beams (this applies to
steel elements), as can be seen in the following example.

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

6. PowerPack Design

6.1. G. Reinforcement Ratio Parameter

In the previous versions, "G. Reinf Ratio” took into consideration only rebars created by Advance
Design Modules. Now, this parameter has been renamed “G. Reinforcement Ratio” and it counts all
rebars from an element.

In addition, it is now calculated by using any of the PowerPack Design calculation tools (e.g.: using
Verify). This parameter will be visible in the properties panel as we can in the following image.

6.2 Design assumptions for cracked concrete

Options related to cracked concrete have been moved to a new tab on the Design assumptions
dialog window, which makes it easier and faster to find and edit related parameters. This change
applies to modules containing settings for outlining (Beams, Columns, Foundations).

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

6.3 RC Beam Module

6.3.1 Separate anchorage methods for top and bottom bars

Now it is possible to set the default method of anchoring the bar ends separately for the longitudinal
bottom and top bars. For this purpose, hook angle settings are available independently in the
Reinforcement assumption window.

6.3.2 Ability to define concrete cover per span

To allow for better control over the design assumptions, the reinforcement cover can now be defined
independently for each span of a multi-span beam. For this in the reinforcement Assumptions dialog,
the Special features section now lets the users define concrete cover values separately for each

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

Added content in tabs for overwriting settings to spans

6.3.3 Minimum length for bottom longitudinal bars

Now we can impose the minimum length for bottom longitudinal bars. It is possible to make this
setting global and apply to all spans - for this purpose, a new option is available in Reinforcement
assumptions window on Longitudinal bars tab, but it is also possible to override this setting
independently for each span in Special Features tab.

New option in the Reinforcement Assumption window

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

Result for an example beam with the disabled new option (no minimum length) - bars of length 95 cm

Result for an example beam with the enabled new option (minimum length=150cm )

6.3.4 New options for spacing of the vertical reinforcement on openings

For better adjustment of transversal reinforcement on openings two new options are available on the
Transversal Reinforcement tab of the Reinforcement Assumption dialogue:

• Minimum spacing at the left and right of an opening

It defines the minimum spacing to be considered when generating the transversal
reinforcement at the left and right of the openings

• Symmetric reinforcement at the left and right of an opening

An option to generate symmetrical transversal packages at the left and right of an opening

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

New settings in Reinforcement Assumption

Effect of spacing setting

6.3.5 Option for centering top reinforcement at supports

Usually, the length of the bars of the top reinforcement on both sides of the column is different for
design reasons. However, to avoid mistakes in construction, asymmetrically distributed
reinforcement is often used. For this, a new option Symmetrical top bars on intermediate supports
have been added to the Assembly Bars tab of the Reinforcement Assumption dialogue. When

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

activated the top bars on intermediate supports are symmetrically extended at the left and the right
of the column., the top bars on intermediate supports are symmetrically extended at the column's left
and right. The option will have no effect at the right of the column. The option will not affect the right
of the column. The option will have no effect at the right of the column. The option will not affect the
top bars on the supports adjacent to cantilever spans or those near a depression.

New option in Reinforcement Assumption

New option disabled - top reinforcement is not symmetrical

New option enabled - top reinforcement is symmetrical

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

6.3.6 Possibility to ignore maximum diameters

One of the default reinforcement settings is the relationship of the maximum bar diameter of the
applied reinforcement for different section width ranges. These settings are available on the tab Bar
Constraints/Maximum Diameter in the window Reinforcement Assumptions. Now a new option Ignore
maximum diameter has been added in this window.

When checked (default) then max diameters are ignored if the required area could not be covered
using the maximum imposed diameters. When unchecked then the imposed maximum diameters are
strictly respected.

New settings in Reinforcement Assumption

6.4 RC Column Module

6.3.1 New reinforcement scenario - user imposed number of bars

A new additional mechanism for the generation of longitudinal reinforcement in rectangular columns
by imposing the number of bars on the sides is available. For this purpose, in the Reinforcement
Assumption / Longitudinal Reinforcement tab, a third scenario 'User defined number of bars' has been
added to the list of available scenarios. When activated, you can specify the number of rebars along
both sides of the column.

This way you can define the number of bars you want at each edge of a column and during
calculations module selects the right diameter. This is especially important if you calculate chained

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

columns having the same section at each store, but with gradually changing diameters between
floors, because then you avoid the need to generate additional starter bars.

6.5 RC Footing module

6.4.1 Improvements to defining reinforcement spacing

A new option related to reinforcement settings in the foundation pad has been introduced to allow
imposing precast spacing of main reinforcement distribution. A new option is available in
Reinforcement Assumption window on Pad tab. After activating this option, the program finds the
reinforcement diameter which fulfills the requirements for specified spacing.

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

6.4.2 Possibility to set number of iterations for geometry optimization

To increase control over the foundation geometry optimization process, an option has been
introduced to limit the number of iterations during the search for optimal dimensions. The new option
is available in the Design Assumptions window on the Footing Design tab.

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

6.6 RC Walls Module

6.5.1 Additional symbol to the vertical bars package name

To facilitate a quick selection and modification of the vertical bars in the wall in case of multiple
packages of different heights, which is especially the case in walls with openings, for the bars having
the same value for top offset an asterisk symbol (*) is displayed in the tree next to the package

6.5.2 Possibility to impose diameter and spacing for vertical and horizontal bars
To make the setting of the reinforcement generation more flexible, new options are introduced to
impose rebar diameters and a uniform spacing for the wall web and nodes reinforcement. New
options are available in Reinforcement Assumptions window and allow to impose spacing and
diameters separately for vertical and horizontal bars. In addition, a new option has been added to set
the angle value for the hook for horizontal bars at the edges of the wall.

What's New in PowerPack for Autodesk Revit 2023

6.5.3 Possibility to generate U bars at same spacing as horizontal bars

Along the vertical edges at both ends of the wall, you can define U-shaped members. In the latest
version of the module, it is possible to generate the U-shaped members with the same spacing as
used for the horizontal reinforcement bars in the wall. A new option is available in Reinforcement
Assumptions window / U-shaped Edge Bars tab.


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