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01-30 21:51:44.

038 1508 1842 I _V_Sensor_MultiModeBrightness:

getBrightnessInvisible initial brightness = 0.2255079; finalBrightness =
0.18645598; cameraMode = false; powerSave = true; mOverrideBrightnessForPem = -1.0
01-30 21:51:44.038 1508 1842 D DisplayPowerState: Updating screen state: id=0,
state=ON, backlight=0.18645598, sdrBacklight=1.0, mInvisibleBrightChange = false,
mStateChangingOn = false
01-30 21:51:44.038 1508 1842 D _V_shuangping0705: updateDisplayStateLocked :
displayId = 0 ; mGlobalDisplayState = 2 ; mGlobalDisplayBrightness = 0.18645598 ;
mOverrideState = 2 ; mOverrideBrighetness = -1
01-31 00:53:38.150 1508 4706 I _V_BackgroundDexOptService: pkg:,
Use Time In Mills: 1706619645584
01-31 02:01:33.783 679 16816 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.056455,0.000147, totalTime 0.056605 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-31 02:02:18.662 679 16816 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000003,0.056290,0.000162, totalTime 0.056455 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-31 02:03:34.722 679 16816 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000003,0.056303,0.000149, totalTime 0.056455 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-31 02:05:57.762 679 16816 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000003,0.056455,0.000152, totalTime 0.056609 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-31 02:09:33.891 1003 31713 I installd: set_cpuset: 6455 to fg
01-31 02:09:33.936 6455 6455 I dex2oat64: /apex/ --
input-vdex-fd=10 --output-vdex-fd=9 --classpath-dir=/data/app/~~pSzAzA-
PH0rxuMccXgKq5Q==/ --class-loader-
org.apache.http.legacy.jar]} --compiler-filter=speed --compilation-reason=cmdline
--max-image-block-size=524288 --resolve-startup-const-strings=true --generate-mini-
debug-info -j4
01-31 02:09:34.027 6455 6455 I dex2oat64: Using CollectorTypeCC GC.
01-31 02:09:34.172 6455 6455 I dex2oat64: Large app, accepted running with swap.
01-31 02:09:38.428 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
arh.<init>(android.content.Context, java.lang.String, asw, alf) took 107.516ms
01-31 02:09:38.618 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.util.Pair
arh.e(java.util.List, java.util.Map, boolean) took 160.709ms
01-31 02:09:41.264 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void fm.e() took
01-31 02:09:41.492 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
gcr.createAccessibilityNodeInfo(int) took 118.771ms
01-31 02:09:41.884 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void gv.g() took
01-31 02:09:42.036 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void hdt.a(hdx, hdl,
java.util.ArrayList, int) took 111.731ms
01-31 02:09:42.353 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
hfk.l(android.content.Context, org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser) took 115.138ms
01-31 02:09:42.568 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
Landroid/uwb/UwbManager;->getAdapterState()I (blocked, linking, denied)
01-31 02:09:43.402 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
Landroid/media/MediaRoute2Info;->getType()I (blocked, linking, denied)
01-31 02:09:43.409 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
Landroid/media/MediaRoute2Info;->getType()I (blocked, linking, denied)
01-31 02:09:43.413 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
MediaRoute2Info$Builder; (blocked, linking, denied)
01-31 02:09:44.801 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of kvk kvt.c(byte[]) took
01-31 02:09:44.980 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of kwx kxg.c(byte[]) took
01-31 02:09:45.155 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of kxb kxg.e(int,
java.lang.String) took 120.168ms
01-31 02:09:47.102 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of okb ojg.f(int,
java.util.List, java.util.List, oqz, java.lang.String, java.util.List,
java.util.List, java.util.List, java.lang.String, java.util.List, java.util.List,
ohp) took 172.773ms
01-31 02:09:47.253 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void orh.d(oqz, ediy)
took 130.031ms
01-31 02:09:47.256 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
orj.m(java.lang.String, exem) took 115.364ms
01-31 02:09:48.770 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bkj.j(java.util.Collection, boolean) took 107.709ms
01-31 02:09:50.622 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
MediaRoute2Info$Builder; (blocked, linking, denied)
01-31 02:09:51.609 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of byte[] kus.b(byte[])
took 149.416ms
01-31 02:09:52.157 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of cxfy lyp.d(cxft,
org.json.JSONObject, byte[], cxga, cxfv) took 216.257ms
01-31 02:09:52.160 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of lre mep.b(mfg, lrd) took
01-31 02:09:52.902 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of nhv njk.a(ngf, nhs) took
01-31 02:09:53.289 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.os.Bundle
oaj.c(android.accounts.Account, java.lang.String, android.os.Bundle, int) took
01-31 02:09:53.482 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean oei.x(okb, oeg,
java.util.Set, ook, boolean, ohp, java.util.Map) took 138.695ms
01-31 02:09:53.642 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean ofj.u(ooi,
boolean, exem, exem, int, java.util.List,, ood) took 242.625ms
01-31 02:09:53.869 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ook ohu.h(java.util.Map,
ook, ook, ook, ook, ohp, java.util.Map, java.util.Set) took 393.159ms
01-31 02:09:55.387 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void hdx.W() took
01-31 02:09:56.707 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
cty.a(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) took 118.448ms
01-31 02:09:56.774 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
czl.a(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) took 124.197ms
01-31 02:09:59.624 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
aaml.apply(java.lang.Object) took 104.622ms
01-31 02:10:00.932 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of emmp adpl.a() took
01-31 02:10:01.582 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean aeph.c(aeov)
took 170.226ms
01-31 02:10:01.766 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object took 106.013ms
01-31 02:10:01.915 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
afcr.a(java.lang.String, android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor, int) took 120.725ms
01-31 02:10:02.210 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ezqc afha.i(ezqc, ezpi,, java.lang.String) took 206.780ms
01-31 02:10:02.290 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void afhm.c() took
01-31 02:10:02.675 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean afha.f() took
01-31 02:10:04.283 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void pkl.a(oul, ewpm[],
java.util.List, ewpn, int) took 174.919ms
01-31 02:10:04.474 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of pmo pmk.a() took
01-31 02:10:04.478 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
prf.d(android.view.View, int, java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer[],
java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer) took 101.270ms
01-31 02:10:04.487 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.view.View
pqm.c() took 165.201ms
01-31 02:10:05.407 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void qov.h(emtv, long,
java.util.Map, qle) took 253.927ms
01-31 02:10:06.187 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ezhy skt.b(ajtl,
java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
java.lang.String, java.util.Map, java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
java.util.List, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
java.lang.String, byte[], int, int, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int,
java.lang.String) took 187.107ms
01-31 02:10:06.783 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object took 101.120ms
01-31 02:10:07.529 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of tss.a(android.accounts.Account,
java.lang.String, android.os.Bundle, elwo, java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
java.lang.String, boolean,, int) took 218.608ms
01-31 02:10:11.867 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
acax.a(android.service.autofill.FillEventHistory) took 126.569ms
01-31 02:10:11.919 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ehzd acbx.c(ehzg, acba,
aake, ecxd,, ehzd, ecxd, zzr, zys,
boolean) took 122.622ms
01-31 02:10:13.758 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
aesv.f(android.content.Context) took 117.486ms
01-31 02:10:14.137 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
afle.f(android.content.Context) took 127.811ms
01-31 02:10:14.517 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean, android.os.Parcel,
android.os.Parcel) took 112.711ms
01-31 02:10:14.750 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int took 193.961ms
01-31 02:10:15.050 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
andleIntent(android.content.Intent) took 176.086ms
01-31 02:10:15.541 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
.onHandleIntent(android.content.Intent) took 276.265ms
01-31 02:10:15.864 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
oxp.c( took 145.659ms
01-31 02:10:18.171 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of tsv.b() took
01-31 02:10:20.494 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean xry.fd(int,
android.os.Parcel, android.os.Parcel) took 221.334ms
01-31 02:10:21.556 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void zih.g(exgn,
java.lang.String) took 118.363ms
01-31 02:10:22.256 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void aebf.p(aero) took
01-31 02:10:24.030 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
n.a(android.content.Intent) took 100.058ms
01-31 02:10:24.224 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void ovw.a() took
01-31 02:10:24.388 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
oyp.b(java.util.Set) took 132.477ms
01-31 02:10:25.109 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.view.View
qtn.G(empx, riq) took 113.670ms
01-31 02:10:25.428 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void ryu.c(rzg) took
01-31 02:10:26.971 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
took 156.179ms
01-31 02:10:27.395 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
rvice.hc(bimi) took 356.279ms
01-31 02:10:27.400 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
ent.Intent) took 163.377ms
01-31 02:10:30.063 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void zwa.b(iss,
java.lang.Object) took 133.380ms
01-31 02:10:33.164 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of long agts.i(long, agut,
exem) took 112.821ms
01-31 02:10:33.406 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void agvz.a() took
01-31 02:10:33.482 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of agto agts.a(agut) took
01-31 02:10:33.814 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean ahdg.j(int,
ahcq, java.util.List, ahdf) took 257.551ms
01-31 02:10:34.355 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean aicw.b(aidb,
int, emnt) took 278.143ms
01-31 02:10:36.143 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void took
01-31 02:10:36.469 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of feaa akvh.g(alfr, exhv,
boolean, boolean, java.lang.String) took 140.203ms
01-31 02:10:37.730 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of byte[]
aoay.a(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, android.content.Context,, aoeq, java.util.Map,
int, java.lang.Throwable) took 160.950ms
01-31 02:10:38.143 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean aoqz.t(aovn,
aoti, byte[]) took 147.536ms
01-31 02:10:38.358 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
aods.a(android.content.Context, byte[], aofm, aodn) took 680.769ms
01-31 02:10:38.507 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
Landroid/media/MediaRoute2Info;->getType()I (blocked, linking, denied)
01-31 02:10:38.508 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
Landroid/media/MediaRoute2Info;->getType()I (blocked, linking, denied)
01-31 02:10:39.587 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of eyja
arev.b(, android.content.Context) took
01-31 02:10:39.654 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.String
arqu.b(atfl, java.lang.String, arqx, atff) took 134.564ms
01-31 02:10:40.132 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void took
01-31 02:10:40.185 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void took
01-31 02:10:41.325 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of avle avlf.b(avkw, fbgc)
took 215.921ms
01-31 02:10:41.490 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of avzp.a(fbft) took 145.817ms
01-31 02:10:45.058 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
aioo.f(android.content.Context) took 298.093ms
01-31 02:10:45.490 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of akdp akdp.b(int) took
01-31 02:10:45.665 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of akeb akeb.b(int) took
01-31 02:10:45.718 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of akdn akdn.b(int) took
01-31 02:10:48.023 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
apwc.f(android.content.Context) took 182.067ms
01-31 02:10:49.557 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void aspv.e(byte[]) took
01-31 02:10:52.297 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean awqk.a(int,
java.lang.Object, avxm) took 181.946ms
01-31 02:10:52.365 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean awrw.a(int,
java.lang.Object, avxm) took 174.788ms
01-31 02:10:52.641 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
awve.onUpgrade(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase, int, int) took 265.668ms
01-31 02:10:52.920 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
axsi.a(android.content.Context, axua) took 117.787ms
01-31 02:10:53.748 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
tent) took 308.127ms
01-31 02:10:54.248 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
agkf.e(java.lang.String) took 104.469ms
01-31 02:10:55.323 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean
apra.c( took 120.088ms
01-31 02:10:55.931 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
awrl.f( took 105.200ms
01-31 02:10:59.270 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of androidx.slice.Slice
aqxr.a( took 196.727ms
01-31 02:11:00.076 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean
ng) took 235.741ms
01-31 02:11:00.670 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int took
01-31 02:11:04.387 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void took
01-31 02:11:04.580 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of azci aypv.b() took
01-31 02:11:05.765 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of efqq
bahq.a(android.content.Context, java.lang.String, int, bahv) took 243.696ms
01-31 02:11:06.030 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bahq.f(android.content.Context, exem) took 156.735ms
01-31 02:11:06.152 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void bath.b(int, int,
int) took 152.327ms
01-31 02:11:06.337 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of baud
baug.a(java.lang.String) took 104.741ms
01-31 02:11:06.390 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
banc.t(, boolean, int) took 175.555ms
01-31 02:11:07.706 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void bcha.<init>(bcpp,
int) took 234.192ms
01-31 02:11:07.853 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of bdas.a(bdcw) took 110.930ms
01-31 02:11:08.344 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void beke.c(bekd) took
01-31 02:11:09.302 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bjdh.onGnssMeasurementsReceived(android.location.GnssMeasurementsEvent) took
01-31 02:11:10.343 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void took
01-31 02:11:11.068 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object took 166.195ms
01-31 02:11:11.447 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void took
01-31 02:11:11.471 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void took
01-31 02:11:11.948 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of eneo
bncc.d(java.lang.String, java.lang.Long, java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Long, int) took 226.223ms
01-31 02:11:12.000 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean bndb.c() took
01-31 02:11:13.625 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
dmyw.onUpgrade(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase, int, int) took 125.260ms
01-31 02:11:14.113 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ecxd dnlh.c(ecxd,,
android.content.Context, java.util.Map, dngo) took 162.639ms
01-31 02:11:14.242 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ecxd dnlh.d(fdsh,,
android.content.Context, java.util.Map, dngo) took 128.775ms
01-31 02:11:14.791 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void took
01-31 02:11:15.046 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of czmz axvl.a() took
01-31 02:11:15.850 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int bafn.a(bimi) took
01-31 02:11:15.922 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bagm.f(android.content.Context) took 167.290ms
01-31 02:11:16.342 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.util.Pair
bbif.h(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase, android.content.res.Resources,
boolean, java.util.Collection) took 127.603ms
01-31 02:11:16.751 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bcvy.f(android.content.Context) took 130.389ms
01-31 02:11:17.174 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of jlw bdoc.a(jrv) took
01-31 02:11:17.829 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ediy bfdt.b(exet) took
01-31 02:11:20.435 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean blix.fd(int,
android.os.Parcel, android.os.Parcel) took 178.822ms
01-31 02:11:21.665 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void bmvj.W() took
01-31 02:11:21.919 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bmvj.X(, took 253.832ms
01-31 02:11:22.161 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean
bmvj.Y(java.lang.String, long) took 241.858ms
01-31 02:11:25.727 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ezrx azdn.C() took
01-31 02:11:25.829 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Boolean
bams.c() took 183.490ms
01-31 02:11:25.882 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
baqm.a() took 139.058ms
01-31 02:11:25.987 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of bavl bavm.c(baoa, bavj,
long) took 173.709ms
01-31 02:11:29.906 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.view.View
bnff.onCreateView(android.view.LayoutInflater, android.view.ViewGroup,
android.os.Bundle) took 172.212ms
01-31 02:11:31.852 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.util.List
bmjy.b(java.lang.String, java.util.List, java.util.List, java.lang.Long) took
01-31 02:11:33.614 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
id.os.Bundle) took 116.402ms
01-31 02:11:34.850 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Boolean
bozi.a() took 149.564ms
01-31 02:11:35.011 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void took
01-31 02:11:35.269 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void bpmh.b() took
01-31 02:11:35.428 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bpnj.d(android.content.Intent) took 126.363ms
01-31 02:11:35.698 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bpod.p(android.content.Context, bplt, java.lang.String, byte[], eqyk, bqew, bqlt)
took 193.984ms
01-31 02:11:35.890 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void bpoq.x(esdm, exem)
took 221.537ms
01-31 02:11:36.470 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
BluetoothDevice;)I (blocked, linking, denied)
01-31 02:11:36.521 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void bqlc.c(int, ezga)
took 121.233ms
01-31 02:11:37.262 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean
bqxo.i(java.lang.Iterable, java.lang.String) took 336.491ms
01-31 02:11:39.645 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void btqr.b() took
01-31 02:11:39.894 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object took 146.503ms
01-31 02:11:41.470 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ehzd
bwvm.f(android.accounts.Account) took 119.853ms
01-31 02:11:42.177 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void byke.b() took
01-31 02:11:42.395 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of bzcs bzcs.a(bzcp) took
01-31 02:11:43.273 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of cgqx
cajq.a(android.accounts.Account) took 183.603ms
01-31 02:11:43.726 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.content.Intent
ccsw.c(fabl, android.content.Context, java.lang.String, long,
android.accounts.Account) took 134.452ms
01-31 02:11:43.745 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of exgn cctn.n(cado,
java.lang.String, exgn, exgn, java.util.Map, int, long, java.lang.String, boolean,
eoac) took 123.246ms
01-31 02:11:44.307 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ccif cclc.b(cchr) took
01-31 02:11:46.452 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void took
01-31 02:11:46.479 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void bpst.e(bqhr, bqfe)
took 115.282ms
01-31 02:11:47.132 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bqom.g(android.content.Intent) took 113.276ms
01-31 02:11:47.657 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
brad.c(android.content.Context) took 200.746ms
01-31 02:11:49.242 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of eyzk
btlm.b(, exgn, exgn, int,
java.util.Set) took 128.914ms
01-31 02:11:50.479 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int efoh.b(int) took
01-31 02:11:52.077 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
carb.a(java.lang.Object) took 115.091ms
01-31 02:11:52.973 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean cbsh.fd(int,
android.os.Parcel, android.os.Parcel) took 131.680ms
01-31 02:11:54.384 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void,
eawl, java.lang.String) took 112.327ms
01-31 02:11:54.926 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
(, java.lang.String) took
01-31 02:11:56.579 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
and(android.content.Intent, int, int) took 152.700ms
01-31 02:11:56.646 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
rnalChimeraService.a(android.content.Intent) took 121.656ms
01-31 02:11:56.884 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
java.lang.String[]) took 205.137ms
01-31 02:11:58.448 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of eszs,
exem, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) took 155.472ms
01-31 02:11:59.391 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
mp(,, java.lang.String[]) took 160.129ms
01-31 02:11:59.505 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean
(boolean) took 113.153ms
01-31 02:11:59.826 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
(android.content.Intent) took 157.113ms
01-31 02:12:01.762 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void took 102.382ms
01-31 02:12:03.605 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.util.List brdj.z()
took 109.997ms
01-31 02:12:04.696 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.util.List
cdiz.d(int) took 113.658ms
01-31 02:12:04.750 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean
cdix.a(java.util.List, boolean) took 165.269ms
01-31 02:12:04.903 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dtai cdkt.a(dtai) took
01-31 02:12:05.105 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cdjj.e(java.lang.String, ecxd) took 130.311ms
01-31 02:12:05.247 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of fbzi cecq.c(eoys) took
01-31 02:12:05.509 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ecxd ceqk.a(ceql, eoml,
eoll, dsvf, cefi, cefg, ceez, ceew, ecxd, java.lang.String, long) took 131.636ms
01-31 02:12:06.069 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of edho cfsi.a() took
01-31 02:12:07.956 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
ckeo.c( took 194.317ms
01-31 02:12:07.964 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void ckuf.b(ckue) took
01-31 02:12:08.249 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void ckye.b(ckyd) took
01-31 02:12:08.985 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of enjo cmpi.a() took
01-31 02:12:09.824 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of eayp cnzb.a(cnwn) took
01-31 02:12:09.903 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cnxp.j(android.content.Context, android.accounts.Account, coef, exem) took
01-31 02:12:10.210 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void coat.a() took
01-31 02:12:10.465 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void<init>(android.c
ontent.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int) took 107.357ms
01-31 02:12:10.936 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cowe.b(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase, android.content.Context) took
01-31 02:12:11.049 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cowd.h(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase, int, int) took 152.234ms
01-31 02:12:11.154 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of coyv.a(cowd) took 169.108ms
01-31 02:12:11.298 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of coyr.c(android.content.Context,
cowd) took 186.497ms
01-31 02:12:11.421 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void cpba.K(covv,
java.util.Set, long, ejmd, ejme, java.util.List, java.util.LinkedHashMap, exem,
cpaw, boolean, java.util.Map) took 182.872ms
01-31 02:12:11.810 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cpba.L(java.util.Set, java.util.List, ejlo, java.lang.String, boolean, exem, cpaw,
java.util.LinkedHashMap, ediy, boolean, fbsu) took 388.362ms
01-31 02:12:12.037 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void cpba.q(ejlo,
java.lang.String, ediy, java.lang.String[], java.lang.String[], boolean, fbsu) took
01-31 02:12:12.387 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of cpaz
cpba.t(java.util.List, ejlo, java.lang.String, boolean, java.util.LinkedHashMap,
ediy, boolean, exem) took 344.397ms
01-31 02:12:12.501 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of eboz
cqna.g( took 152.671ms
01-31 02:12:12.765 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of enjo cqrf.a(boolean)
took 172.122ms
01-31 02:12:12.810 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of exem cqtb.b(efbi, efbl,
edhx) took 146.467ms
01-31 02:12:12.833 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.util.Map
cqsm.j(java.util.List, boolean) took 169.966ms
01-31 02:12:13.078 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of efbl
cqsm.a(java.util.List, java.util.Set, cqso, enkf[]) took 184.696ms
01-31 02:12:14.282 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of esgu cslc.a(long) took
01-31 02:12:14.592 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void cshm.b() took
01-31 02:12:16.358 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dtan cdkv.a(dtan) took
01-31 02:12:17.375 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cfhc.a(java.lang.Object) took 103.483ms
01-31 02:12:17.656 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cfoj.b(java.lang.String) took 243.904ms
01-31 02:12:23.380 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of efbl
cmqp.d(java.util.List, java.util.Set, cmqr) took 168.890ms
01-31 02:12:23.679 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean cncr.fd(int,
android.os.Parcel, android.os.Parcel) took 156.571ms
01-31 02:12:23.768 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cmzu.onUpgrade(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase, int, int) took 176.593ms
01-31 02:12:24.250 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cnvr.c(android.accounts.Account, android.os.Bundle, android.content.SyncResult)
took 109.771ms
01-31 02:12:24.393 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cnvr.d(android.accounts.Account, android.os.Bundle, coef, java.lang.Exception) took
01-31 02:12:26.452 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ehzd cqvb.a(dmoa) took
01-31 02:12:26.515 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cqmk.j(android.accounts.Account, android.os.Bundle, java.lang.String,
android.content.SyncResult) took 444.952ms
01-31 02:12:27.274 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
csbf.f(android.content.Context) took 164.357ms
01-31 02:12:27.501 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
csqr.apply(java.lang.Object) took 119.470ms
01-31 02:12:28.278 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of edho
ctjw.b(android.accounts.Account) took 190.724ms
01-31 02:12:28.505 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
ctte.apply(java.lang.Object) took 138.662ms
01-31 02:12:28.558 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
ctuv.f(android.content.Context) took 111.569ms
01-31 02:12:28.771 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
ctvo.f(android.content.Context) took 185.642ms
01-31 02:12:29.762 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
cflg.a(java.lang.Object) took 209.902ms
01-31 02:12:30.063 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cjle.f(android.content.Context) took 102.238ms
01-31 02:12:30.674 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
cjxp.b(android.content.Context, fpgf) took 176.116ms
01-31 02:12:30.699 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cjyr.f(android.content.Context) took 157.551ms
01-31 02:12:30.805 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cjpe.f(android.content.Context) took 515.015ms
01-31 02:12:31.468 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.database.Cursor
ang.String[], java.lang.String, java.lang.String, long, boolean, efet,
java.lang.String) took 109.941ms
01-31 02:12:31.621 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.database.Cursor, java.lang.String[], java.lang.String, java.lang.String[],
java.lang.String) took 122.341ms
01-31 02:12:32.665 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
coyd.l(android.content.Context, cowd, coye) took 144.609ms
01-31 02:12:34.018 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cjpj.f(android.content.Context) took 114.976ms
01-31 02:12:34.490 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.util.Pair
cmph.b(android.content.Context) took 288.371ms
01-31 02:12:35.025 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ehzd took
01-31 02:12:35.079 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
) took 100.192ms
01-31 02:12:35.779 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of crur.n(banc,$Request, bauk, bbqi, boolean) took
01-31 02:12:35.802 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
crui.a() took 213.364ms
01-31 02:12:36.317 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void took
01-31 02:12:38.896 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of cmoi.b(android.content.Context) took
01-31 02:12:39.350 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
ii, eoiw, fajh) took 292.936ms
01-31 02:12:39.684 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
crki.b(java.lang.Object) took 174.100ms
01-31 02:12:40.729 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void chyw.B(chzy) took
01-31 02:12:40.913 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void cdsl.V() took
01-31 02:12:41.009 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
took 115.448ms
01-31 02:12:43.887 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.util.List
cwdg.c(java.util.List) took 117.757ms
01-31 02:12:44.111 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of fbwr[]
cwqz.e(android.content.Context, android.os.DropBoxManager, java.lang.String, cwow,
long, long) took 126.113ms
01-31 02:12:44.678 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void took
01-31 02:12:45.135 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void cxvs.i(boolean)
took 215.370ms
01-31 02:12:45.320 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cxvx.b(android.content.Context, java.lang.String) took 244.985ms
01-31 02:12:45.956 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void czcu.b() took
01-31 02:12:46.060 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void took
01-31 02:12:46.769 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void daka.a(int,
java.lang.Object, exem) took 193.289ms
01-31 02:12:47.642 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dcks.a(int) took
01-31 02:12:47.740 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of focq dcko.b(boolean)
took 186.319ms
01-31 02:12:48.746 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ecde
ddrj.q(, android.os.Bundle) took 174.491ms
01-31 02:12:48.822 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
deas.b(java.lang.String) took 134.384ms
01-31 02:12:48.873 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
debo.a(android.content.Context, defd, debk, debx, deby,, took
01-31 02:12:50.045 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
dgsb.g(android.content.Context) took 149.748ms
01-31 02:12:50.197 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
dgxp.c(android.content.Context) took 235.129ms
01-31 02:12:50.322 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dgys.h(exem) took
01-31 02:12:50.477 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dgys.b(exem) took
01-31 02:12:51.071 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of didr dicn.b(byte[],
dien, dieq) took 194.856ms
01-31 02:12:51.106 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of didr didq.b(byte[]) took
01-31 02:12:52.312 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ehzd dkpg.b(boolean)
took 122.730ms
01-31 02:12:53.076 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
Context, byte[], long, cxdi) took 127.522ms
01-31 02:12:53.184 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
.b(cwvt, int, ectn, eawb) took 180.093ms
01-31 02:12:53.314 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int,
android.content.Context) took 189.545ms
01-31 02:12:54.344 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void, aiww,
aigj,, long, int) took 206.487ms
01-31 02:12:55.360 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cvxx.j( took 139.868ms
01-31 02:12:56.255 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int ejlj.b(int) took
01-31 02:12:56.380 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean cxkd.fd(int,
android.os.Parcel, android.os.Parcel) took 114.693ms
01-31 02:12:56.574 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of cxwz cxwe.o(cxwy) took
01-31 02:12:56.617 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of cxwz cxwi.o(cxwy) took
01-31 02:12:56.654 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of cxwe cxwh.f(cwvt, cxxd,
ecrb, byte[], long) took 195.901ms
01-31 02:12:56.747 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of cxwi cxwl.f(cwvt, cxxd,
ecrb, byte[], long) took 196.875ms
01-31 02:12:57.034 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of cxxz cxyb.d(cwvt, cxxd,
ecrb, byte[], long) took 237.893ms
01-31 02:12:57.600 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
czpx.c(android.content.Context, eiaw) took 124.235ms
01-31 02:12:57.608 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
czpy.f(android.content.Context) took 143.092ms
01-31 02:12:57.929 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dada.j(exem, ecxh)
took 105.454ms
01-31 02:13:00.079 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean dfkh.fd(int,
android.os.Parcel, android.os.Parcel) took 104.236ms
01-31 02:13:00.583 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
dfry.handleMessage(android.os.Message) took 237.664ms
01-31 02:13:00.788 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
dfxe.onUpgrade(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase, int, int) took 118.268ms
01-31 02:13:01.306 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
dfyy.q(,, dfaz) took 218.634ms
01-31 02:13:01.753 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dgvq.a() took
01-31 02:13:02.156 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dhvv dhwk.B(boolean)
took 153.914ms
01-31 02:13:02.673 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dhvv dhwk.d(byte[]) took
01-31 02:13:08.089 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
decj.f(, took
01-31 02:13:08.141 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
deel.c(, took 133.845ms
01-31 02:13:08.476 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
defq.s(, android.os.Bundle, ddwi)
took 109.254ms
01-31 02:13:10.168 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean cwqg.G(exem,
java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) took 420.799ms
01-31 02:13:11.158 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
ent.Intent) took 103.449ms
01-31 02:13:15.385 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void ddnx.r(boolean)
took 140.014ms
01-31 02:13:17.685 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void, java.lang.String,
boolean) took 112.219ms
01-31 02:13:18.606 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
dqap.uncaughtException(java.lang.Thread, java.lang.Throwable) took 144.408ms
01-31 02:13:19.033 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.String
dqyc.a(java.lang.String, int) took 110.426ms
01-31 02:13:19.792 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dskz.b(eyof, eyoh,
dsla, android.content.Context, java.lang.String) took 172.948ms
01-31 02:13:19.810 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dskm.i(eyod, dsla)
took 119.042ms
01-31 02:13:20.695 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dtuz.f(dujj) took
01-31 02:13:21.010 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void took
01-31 02:13:22.224 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.util.Map
dwct.d(android.content.Intent) took 171.036ms
01-31 02:13:22.460 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void took
01-31 02:13:22.471 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dwes
dwet.b(android.accounts.Account, int, java.lang.String, dwdc, long) took 189.751ms
01-31 02:13:24.096 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void took
01-31 02:13:24.645 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dzhr
dzhp.a(java.lang.String, dzia) took 209.037ms
01-31 02:13:24.657 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of eupd dzei.b() took
01-31 02:13:24.775 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of evsj dzht.b(byte[],
android.content.res.Resources, android.content.res.Resources$Theme) took 302.852ms
01-31 02:13:24.837 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of evqf dzik.b(evqf, bqr)
took 131.034ms
01-31 02:13:25.384 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ebxu dzyq.b() took
01-31 02:13:25.597 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.view.View
eapa.a() took 128.662ms
01-31 02:13:29.272 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int eatd.a(int) took
01-31 02:13:30.824 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
android.location.GnssMeasurementCorrections dtvc.g(long, duaq,
android.location.Location, android.location.Location, double, dtwg, boolean, exem,
dtxa) took 141.252ms
01-31 02:13:30.878 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean dtyw.a(dtzu)
took 124.421ms
01-31 02:13:31.658 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ehzd dvgt.a(duoa, dukh,
duks, boolean, dvgq, dvox) took 102.748ms
01-31 02:13:34.039 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dyvk.p(byte[],
byte[], byte[]) took 187.459ms
01-31 02:13:34.839 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean ekdj.fd(int,
android.os.Parcel, android.os.Parcel) took 113.675ms
01-31 02:13:35.179 6455 6455 I dex2oat64: Method exceeds compiler instruction
limit: 16982 in eluq eluq.b(int)
01-31 02:13:35.515 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of eluz eluz.b(int) took
01-31 02:13:35.517 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void emgf.c(begh) took
01-31 02:13:37.136 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
dwfs.h(android.content.Intent,, boolean) took
01-31 02:13:37.322 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
dwfs.b(android.content.Intent) took 185.289ms
01-31 02:13:37.444 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
dyvb.a() took 101.072ms
01-31 02:13:37.647 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dyqb dzah.b(dyqa) took
01-31 02:13:37.986 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void ebex.b(ebgp,, took 118.812ms
01-31 02:13:43.384 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
eask.Z(android.view.ViewGroup,, ecbn,
java.lang.String, int, int, boolean) took 118.442ms
01-31 02:13:43.563 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.view.View
eask.d(android.view.LayoutInflater, android.view.ViewGroup, android.os.Bundle) took
01-31 02:13:44.385 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
tinterface.walletdatatypes.DsrpInputData) took 247.928ms
01-31 02:13:44.485 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void took
01-31 02:13:44.565 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
gine.walletinterface.walletdatatypes.QrcInputData) took 180.188ms
01-31 02:13:44.652 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ezcv eqvo.a() took
01-31 02:13:44.663 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
(blocked, linking, denied)
01-31 02:13:44.674 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
BluetoothAdapter$BluetoothConnectionCallback;)Z (blocked, linking, denied)
01-31 02:13:44.679 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
(blocked, linking, denied)
01-31 02:13:44.760 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
BluetoothAdapter$BluetoothConnectionCallback;)Z (blocked, linking, denied)
01-31 02:13:45.762 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int eyyi.a(int) took
01-31 02:13:46.388 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of fcoe fcin.e(fcph) took
01-31 02:13:46.611 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int fbmf.a(int) took
01-31 02:13:46.656 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of fcsu fcrw.a(fcsr,
java.lang.String, java.util.List) took 226.763ms
01-31 02:13:46.854 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of fcsu fcss.a() took
01-31 02:13:47.449 6455 6459 W dex2oat64: Compilation of fqsa frjb.a(fqvx, fqpo)
took 170.151ms
01-31 02:13:47.728 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int[],
int, int) took 208.347ms
01-31 02:13:48.845 6455 6460 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
eqxa.i(, java.util.List,
boolean) took 114.247ms
01-31 02:13:49.622 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of exes exiu.c(exgn, int)
took 170.349ms
01-31 02:13:49.828 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
exgq.c(java.lang.Object, byte[], int, int, int, exco) took 184.556ms
01-31 02:13:50.086 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
exgq.k(java.lang.Object, exdk, exeb) took 169.526ms
01-31 02:13:50.567 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of byte[] fcuq.j() took
01-31 02:13:50.969 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of fdhr fdim.a(fdid, fdhn)
took 126.314ms
01-31 02:13:52.282 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of byte[] fcto.b(byte[])
took 205.924ms
01-31 02:14:00.070 6455 6458 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void took
01-31 02:14:00.235 6455 6455 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void took
01-31 02:14:59.438 6455 6455 I dex2oat64: dex2oat took 325.507s (1133.509s cpu)
(threads: 4) arena alloc=60MB (63167520B) java alloc=74MB (77728480B) native
alloc=48MB (50380256B) free=140MB (147035648B) swap=672MB (704643072B)
01-31 02:16:35.879 2348 2520 D _V_DeathInfoFilter: dex2oat64(6455) is died for
reason [native]
01-31 02:16:35.882 2348 3048 I _V_DeathInfoFilter: Detected process death,
dex2oat64(6455), death info:[EXCEPTION-NE|||]
01-31 02:28:25.063 679 16816 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000003,0.056301,0.000151, totalTime 0.056455 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-31 02:32:15.163 679 16816 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000003,0.056302,0.000150, totalTime 0.056455 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-31 02:46:52.963 679 16816 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000003,0.056455,0.000142, totalTime 0.056599 > logTimeout 0.022000
01-31 02:51:48.103 679 16816 W AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: readThread,
latency_in_s,0.000002,0.056455,0.000155, totalTime 0.056613 > logTimeout 0.022000

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