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Romantic Music

Romantic Music
What I Have Learned?

1. What did you think is the most challenging among the activities? Why?
I think the most challenging activity was the one that I need to draw on how to express my feeling or my
ideas to the given composition. I found it challenging as the given composition give me different emotions to
the point that I feel like I myself am experiencing such a devastating heart break with my one and only love
which is I do not have.
2. What did you enjoy the most among the activities? Why?
I enjoyed answering and knowing more great compositors with their famous compositions full of emotions
and especially listening to their compositions as it is relaxing and also give me intense emotions.
3. If you have given a chance to compose your own Romantic composition, what would be the emotion
that you want to express to your listeners? Why?
I want to make my listeners have the feeling of anger and fear. Sorrow and tranquility. Gentleness and
aggressiveness, of my work. It may seem kind of devastating in the start if it is just said but if it is heard
and felt I am pretty sure that my listeners will understand why I want them to feel these emotions.
Listening to this composition with these emotions was like listening to your inner self that has been broken,
has been hurt a lot of times but still make you feel tranquility in life. You inner self that has been done
bottling up all your emotions and putting a joyful façade in front of the people.
4. Describe your mood in listening romantic music compositions.
Listening to Romantic music composition is like talking to your own self, getting to know yourself in a much
deeper way. It gives me different moods and emotions every time I listen to romantic music. Some people
may find it relaxing or a heartwarming way to express one’s feeling but to me I feel suffocated listening to
it. It was like a trigger to my inner self. Listening to it give me a mood of something like I lost something or
someone that is very dear to me.
5. As a survivor in this module, list the benefits you get from studying the topic and answering the
Numerous benefits have been given to me as I study our topic which is the romantic music. It gave me more
knowledge about the music during that period of time, and also the activities give me a broader knowledge
about history or about romantic era music.

Khyzzer Xyra Oliveria

Romantic Music
What I Can Do?


Listen to the composition of Saint-Saens “Danse Macabre and his Symphony
No. 3” and answer the following questions below.

1. What have you observed about the tempo of the composition?

It has a fast tempo giving the listener a tensed feeling.
2. What can you say about the flow of the music?
The flow of the music sounds like a symphonic poem, and its flow has focus on a certain idea
which is I think about the dead.
3. Give at least 3 different moods that you have felt while listening to the music.
Listening to the composition made me frantic, depress, and gravely anxious as it sound like music
usually perform at the death of your love one’s.


Listen to the composition of Chopin’s “No Other Love” (Etude Op. 10, No. 3
in E major) and draw your interpretation about the music applying
Romanticism style on a short bond paper and write a short description
about it.

Khyzzer Xyra Oliveria

Romantic Music

Franz Liszt He was known as the virtuoso pianist and composer and the

busiest musician during the romantic era.

2. It is a piece composed for the development of a specific point
of technique.
3. He started playing mandolin at the age of 5.
Niccolo Paganini4. The compositions in this period are more passionate and
Romantic Period expressive.
5. He developed a problem with his hands, effectively ending his
Robert Schuman dreams as a pianist.

Khyzzer Xyra Oliveria

Romantic Music



1. Explain briefly the historical and cultural background of Romantic Music and the performance
practice during this era.
When we heard Romantic Music the first thing that comes to our mind is a music from the Western
civilization from the nineteenth century, but there has been plenty of music written in the twentieth
century. Some of the famous composers we are: Tchaikovsky, Schuman, Chopin, Paganini, Liszt, Berlioz,
and Saint-Saens, but there are plenty of others who may also be familiar, including Brahms, Schubert,
Wagner, Strauss, Verdi, Mendelssohn, Puccini, and Mahler.
Classical styles were preserved by Romantic composers, but the Romantic composer was not bound by
them. The scientist, the inventor, and the political liberator all had an honorable aim of breaking down
barriers. Music was no longer universal; it had been intensely personal and nationalistic at times. The
composer's personal hardships and triumphs may be expressed in stormy music that places a higher
emphasis on sentiment than on beauty. Music could be happy or sad; it could be wildly blissful, terrified,
despairing, or filled with deep longings.
Romantic composers feel more able to experiment with structure, rhythm, and harmony, and to break
the established rules. Many new composers have gone so far that the ordinary listener is once again
unable to follow them. Romantic-style music, on the other hand, continues to appeal to a large
audience due to its focus on sentiments and balance between upholding and bending artistic "orders."

2. Listen to Paganini’s popular “The Carnival of Venice” and compare it with Saint-Saens
“Carnival of the Animals”. Which one do you like? Why?
Between the two famous compositions I prefer “The Carnival of Venice” by Paganini. Its composition
scream elegance and cleanliness from the start to the last note, no wonder people at those thought
he is a devil creation when this piece of him is just way too magnificent that words can’t describe
how brilliant he is.

Khyzzer Xyra Oliveria


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