Artificial Intelligence Notes

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Artificial Intelligence

1) What do you understand by Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is computer science technology that emphasizes creating intelligent
machine that can mimic human behavior. Here Intelligent machines can be defined as the
machine that can behave like a human, think like a human, and also capable of decision
making. It is made up of two words, "Artificial" and "Intelligence," which means the "man-
made thinking ability."

With artificial intelligence, we do not need to pre-program the machine to perform a task;
instead, we can create a machine with the programmed algorithms, and it can work on its

2) Why do we need Artificial Intelligence?

The goal of Artificial intelligence is to create intelligent machines that can mimic human
behavior. We need AI for today's world to solve complex problems, make our lives more
smoothly by automating the routine work, saving the manpower, and to perform many
more other tasks.

3) Give some real-world applications of AI.

There are various real-world applications of AI, and some of them are given below:

o Google Search Engine: When we start writing something on the google search engine,
we immediately get the relevant recommendations from google, and this is because of
different AI technologies.
o Ridesharing Applications: Different ride-sharing applications such as Uber uses AI and
machine learning to determine the type of ride, minimize the time once the car is hailed
by the user, price of the ride, etc.
o Spam Filters in Email: The AI is also used for email spam filtering so that you can get the
important and relevant emails only in your inbox. As per the studies, Gmail successfully
filters 99.9% of spam mails.
o Social Networking: Different social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram,
Pinterest, etc., use the AI technology for different purposes such as face recognition and
friend suggestions, when you upload a photograph on Facebook, understanding the
contextual meaning of an emoji in Instagram, and so on.
o Product recommendations: When we search for a product on Amazon, we get the
recommendation for similar products, and this is because of different ML algorithms.
Similarly, on Netflix, we get personalized recommendations for movies and web series.
4) How Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep
Learning differ from each other?
The difference between AI, ML, and Deep Learning is given in the below table:

Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Deep Learning

The term Artificial intelligence was The term ML was first The term DL was first coined in the year 2000
first coined in the year 1956 by coined in the year 1959 by Igor Aizenberg.
John McCarthy. Arthur Samuel.

It is a technology that is used to It is a subset of AI that It is the subset of machine learning and AI that
create intelligent machines that learns from past data and is inspired by the human brain cells, called
can mimic human behavior. experiences. neurons, and imitates the working of the
human brain.

AI completely deals with ML deals with structured Deep learning deals with structured and
structured, semi-structured data. and semi-structured data. unstructured data.

It requires a huge amount of data It can work with less It requires a huge amount of the data
to work. amount of data compared compared to the ML.
to deep learning and AI.

The goal of AI is to enable the The goal of ML is to enable The goal of deep learning is to solve the
machine to think without any the machine to learn from complex problems as the human brain does,
human intervention. past experiences. using various algorithms.
5) What are the types of AI?
Artificial intelligence can be divided into different types on the basis of capabilities and

Based on Capabilities:

o Weak AI or Narrow AI: Weak AI is capable of performing some dedicated tasks with
intelligence. Siri is an example of Weak AI.
o General AI: The intelligent machines that can perform any intellectual task with efficiency
as a human.
o Strong AI: It is the hypothetical concept that involves the machine that will be better than
humans and will surpass human intelligence.

Based on Functionalities:

o Reactive Machines: Purely reactive machines are the basic types of AI. These focus on the
present actions and cannot store the previous actions. Example: Deep Blue.
o Limited Memory: As its name suggests, it can store the past data or experience for the
limited duration. The self-driving car is an example of such AI types.
o Theory of Mind: It is the advanced AI that is capable of understanding human emotions,
people, etc., in the real world.
o Self-Awareness: Self Awareness AI is the future of Artificial Intelligence that will have their
own consciousness, emotions, similar to humans.

6) What are the different domains/Subsets of AI?

AI covers lots of domains or subsets, and some main domains are given below:

o Machine Learning
o Deep Learning
o Neural Network
o Expert System
o Fuzzy Logic
o Natural Language Processing
o Robotics
o Speech Recognition. Read More

7) What are the types of Machine Learning?

Machine Learning can be mainly divided into three types:

a. Supervised Learning: Supervised learning is a type of Machine learning in which the

machine needs external supervision to learn from data. The supervised learning models are trained
using the labeled dataset. Regression and Classification are the two main problems that can be
solved with Supervised Machine Learning.
b. Unsupervised Learning: It is a type of machine learning in which the machine does not
need any external supervision to learn from the data, hence called unsupervised learning.
The unsupervised models can be trained using the unlabelled dataset. These are used to
solve the Association and Clustering problems.
c. Reinforcement Learning: In Reinforcement learning, an agent interacts with its
environment by producing actions, and learn with the help of feedback. The feedback is
given to the agent in the form of rewards, such as for each good action, he gets a positive
reward, and for each bad action, he gets a negative reward. There is no supervision
provided to the agent. Q-Learning algorithm is used in reinforcement learning.

8) Explain the term "Q-Learning."

Q-learning is a popular algorithm used in reinforcement learning. It is based on the
Bellman equation. In this algorithm, the agent tries to learn the policies that can provide
the best actions to perform for maximining the rewards under particular circumstances.
The agent learns these optimal policies from past experiences.

In Q-learning, the Q is used to represent the quality of the actions at each state, and the
goal of the agent is to maximize the value of Q.
9) What is Deep Learning, and how is it used in real-world?
Deep learning is a subset of Machine learning that mimics the working of the human
brain. It is inspired by the human brain cells, called neurons, and works on the concept of
neural networks to solve complex real-world problems. It is also known as the deep
neural network or deep neural learning.

Some real-world applications of deep learning are:

o Adding different colors to the black&white images

o Computer vision
o Text generation
o Deep-Learning Robots, etc.

10) Which programming language is used for AI?

Below are the top five programming languages that are widely used for the development
of Artificial Intelligence:

o Python
o Java
o Lisp
o R
o Prolog

Among the above five languages, Python is the most used language for AI development
due to its simplicity and availability of lots of libraries, such as Numpy, Pandas, etc.

11) What is the intelligent agent in AI, and where are they
The intelligent agent can be any autonomous entity that perceives its environment
through the sensors and act on it using the actuators for achieving its goal.

These Intelligent agents in AI are used in the following applications:

o Information Access and Navigations such as Search Engine

o Repetitive Activities
o Domain Experts
o Chatbots, etc.

12) How is machine learning related to AI?

Machine learning is a subset or subfield of Artificial intelligence. It is a way of achieving
AI. As both are the two different concepts and the relation between both can be
understood as "AI uses different Machine learning algorithms and concepts to solve the
complex problems."

13) What is Markov's Decision process?

The solution for a reinforcement learning problem can be achieved using the Markov
decision process or MDP. Hence, MDP is used to formalize the RL problem. It can be said
as the mathematical approach to solve a reinforcement learning problem. The main aim
of this process is to gain maximum positive rewards by choosing the optimum policy.

MDP has four elements, which are:

o A set of finite states S

o A set of finite actions A
o Rewards
o Policy Pa

In this process, the agent performs an action A to take a transition from state S1 to S2 or
from the start state to the end state, and while doing these actions, the agent gets some
rewards. The series of actions taken by the agent can be defined as the policy.

14) What do you understand by the reward maximization?

Reward maximization term is used in reinforcement learning, and which is a goal of the
reinforcement learning agent. In RL, a reward is a positive feedback by taking action for a
transition from one state to another. If the agent performs a good action by applying
optimal policies, he gets a reward, and if he performs a bad action, one reward is
subtracted. The goal of the agent is to maximize these rewards by applying optimal
policies, which is termed as reward maximization.

15) What are parametric and non-parametric model?

In machine learning, there are mainly two types of models, Parametric and Non-
parametric. Here parameters are the predictor variables that are used to build the machine
learning model. The explanation of these models is given below:

Parametric Model: The parametric models use a fixed number of the parameters to
create the ML model. It considers strong assumptions about the data. The examples of
the parametric models are Linear regression, Logistic Regression, Naïve Bayes, Perceptron,

Non-Parametric Model: The non-parametric model uses flexible numbers of

parameters. It considers a few assumptions about the data. These models are good for
higher data and no prior knowledge. The examples of the non-parametric models are
Decision Tree, K-Nearest Neighbour, SVM with Gaussian kernels, etc.

16) What do you understand by the hyperparameter?

In machine learning, hyperparameter is the parameters that determine and control the
complete training process. The examples of these parameters are Learning rate, Hidden
Layers, Hidden units, Activation functions, etc. These parameters are external from the
model. The selection of good hyperparameters makes a better algorithm.

17) Explain the Hidden Markov model.

Hidden Markov model is a statistical model used for representing the probability
distributions over a chain of observations. In the hidden markov model, hidden defines a
property that it assumes that the state of a process generated at a particular time is hidden
from the observer, and Markov defines that it assumes that the process satisfies the
Markov property. The HMM models are mostly used for temporal data.
18) What is Strong AI, and how is it different from the Weak
Strong AI: Strong AI is about creating real intelligence artificially, which means a human-
made intelligence that has sentiments, self-awareness, and emotions similar to humans.
It is still an assumption that has a concept of building AI agents with thinking, reasoning,
and decision-making capabilities similar to humans.

Weak AI: Weak AI is the current development stage of artificial intelligence that deals
with the creation of intelligent agents and machines that can help humans and solve real-
world complex problems. Siri and Alexa are examples of Weak AI programs.

19) Give a brief introduction to the Turing test in AI?

Turing test is one of the popular intelligence tests in Artificial intelligence. The Turing test
was introduced by Alan Turing in the year 1950. It is a test to determine that if a machine
can think like a human or not. According to this test, a computer can only be said to be
intelligent if it can mimic human responses under some particular conditions.

In this test, three players are involved, the first player is a computer, the second player is
a human responder, and the third player is the human interrogator, and the interrogator
needs to find which response is from the machine on the basis of questions and answers.

20) Which assessment is used to test the intelligence of the

Turing Test.

21) What is overfitting? How can it be overcome in Machine

When the machine learning algorithm tries to capture all the data points, and hence, as a
result, captures noise also, then overfitting occurs in the model. Due to this overfitting
issue, the algorithm shows the low bias, but the high variance in the output. Overfitting is
one of the main issues in machine learning.
Methods to avoid Overfitting in ML:

o Cross-Validation
o Training With more data
o Regularization
o Ensembling
o Removing Unnecessary Features
o Early Stopping the training.

22) Tell one technique to avoid overfitting in neural networks?

Dropout Technique: The dropout technique is one of the popular techniques to avoid
overfitting in the neural network models. It is the regularization technique, in which the
randomly selected neurons are dropped during training.

23) What is NLP? What are the various components of NLP?

NLP stands for Natural Language Processing, which is a branch of artificial intelligence. It
enables machines to understand, interpret, and manipulate the human language.

Components of NLP:

There are mainly two components of Natural Language processing, which are given

a. Natural Language Understanding (NLU):

It involves the below tasks:
a. To map the input to useful representations.
b. To analyze the different aspects of the language.
b. Natural Language Generation (NLG)
. Text Planning
a. Sentence Planning
b. Text Realization
24) The “Father of Artificial Intelligence” is:
a. Alan Turing
b. Charles Babbage
c. John McCarthy
d. None of the above

25) Which of the following is the common language for

Artificial Intelligence?
a. Python
b. Java
c. Lisp
d. PHP

26) Which of the following is not an application of artificial

a. Computer Vision
b. Natural Language Processing
c. Database Management System
d. Digital Assistants
27) The proposition symbols in AI are?
a. true and false
b. true, false, and null
c. true
d. false
28) What are the different types of Artificial Intelligence
a. Strong Approach
b. Weak Approach
c. Applied Approach
d. All of the Above

29) What is the full form of “AI”?

a. Artificially Intelligent
b. Artificial Intelligence
c. Artificially Intelligence
d. Advanced Intelligence

30) Which of the following is a component of Artificial

a. Learning
b. Training
c. Designing
d. Puzzling
31) Which of the following are the 5 big ideas of AI?
a. Perception
b. Human-AI Interaction
c. Societal Impact
d. All of the above

32) IoT is abbreviated as

a. Institute of Technology
b. Internet of Things
c. Index organized Table
d. Inter-operability Test

33) The characteristics of the computer system capable of

thinking, reasoning and learning is known is
a. Machine intelligence
b. Human intelligence
c. Artificial intelligence
d. Virtual intelligence
34) Which of the following is an advantage of artificial
a. Reduces the time taken to solve the problem
b. Helps in providing security
c. Have the ability to think hence makes the work easier
d. All of the above

35) Statement1: AI is getting integrated into our lives

Statement2: Often we do not even realize that we are
using AI.
a. Statement 2 is correct and Statement 1 is incorrect.
b. Statement 1 is correct and Statement 2 is incorrect
c. Both Statement1 and Statement2 are correct
d. Both Statement1 and Statement2 are incorrect

36) Match column A with Column B

Column A Column B
1. Expert System A. Simulate how a human would behave
as a conversational partner.
2. Chatbot B. Uses knowledge stored in a knowledge
base but requires the intervention of
human expert
3. Digital Assistant C. Autonomous vehicle
4. self-driving car D. Works on various mobile platforms
a. 1 -> B; 2 -> A; 3 -> D; 4 -> C
b. 1 -> A; 2 -> B; 3 -> C; 4 -> D
c. 1 -> D; 2 -> A; 3 -> B; 4 -> C
d. 1 -> C; 2 -> A; 3 -> D; 4 -> B

37) Match the following

Column A Column B
1. Smart Mobility i) Resources and Sustainability
2. Smart Environment ii) Creativity and Social Capital
3. Smart People iii) Infrastructure and Transport

a. 1 -> i) ; 2 -> ii) ; 3 -> iii)

b. 1 -> ii) ; 2 -> iii) ; 3 -> i)
c. 1 -> iii) ; 2 -> i) ; 3 -> ii)
d. 1 -> iii) ; 2 -> ii) ; 3 -> i)

38) Statement 1: Where block helps you to focus on the

context/situation/location of the problem.
Statement 2: What block helps you need to determine
the nature of the problem.
a. Statement1 is correct and Statement2 is incorrect
b. Statement2 is correct and Statement1 is incorrect
c. Both Statement1 and Statement 2 are incorrect
d. Both Statement1 and Statement 2 are correct

39) Which of the following are valid sources for collecting

i. Announcements
ii. Surveys
iii. Web scraping
iv. Application Programming Interface

a. i) , ii) and iii)

b. i) , ii) and iv)
c. ii) , iii) and iv)
d. i) , iii) and iv)

40) Statement1 : The data with which the machine can be

trained is the testing data
Statement2 : The data with which the model is evaluated
is the training data
a. Statement1 is correct and Statement2 is incorrect
b. Statement2 is correct and Statement1 is incorrect
c. Both Statement1 and Statement 2 are correct
d. Both Statement1 and Statement 2 are incorrect
41) Match column A with Column B

Column A Column B
1. Problem Scoping A. implement a suitable model that matches
the requirements
2. Data Acquisition B. interpret some useful information out of
3. Data Exploration C. collect data from reliable sources
4. Modelling D. finalise the aim of the AI project

a. 1 -> B; 2 -> A; 3 -> D; 4 -> C

b. 1 -> D; 2 -> B; 3 -> C; 4 -> A
c. 1 -> D; 2 -> C; 3 -> B; 4 -> A
d. 1 -> C; 2 -> D; 3 -> A; 4 -> B

42) The total number of logical symbols in AI are ______

a. There are 3 logical symbols
b. There are 5 logical symbols
c. Number of logical symbols are based on the input
d. Logical symbols are not used
43) Machines that try to imitate human intuition while
handling vague information lie in the field of AI called?
a. Functional Logic
b. Fuzzy Logic
c. Boolean Logic
d. Human Logic
44) PEAS is an abbreviation for?
a. Peace, Environment, Action, Sense
b. Peer, Environment, Actuators, Sensors
c. Performance, Environment, Actuators, Sensors
d. Performance, Environment, Actuators, Sense

45) Which of the following are valid 3D image processing

a. Motion
b. Texture
c. Contour
d. All of the above

46) Which of the following areas can contribute to build an

intelligent system?
a. Philosophy

b. Biology

c. Sociology

d. All of the above

47) Which of the following machine requires input from the
humans but can interpret the outputs themselves?
a. Actuators

b. Sensor

c. Agents

d. AI system


48) The name of the Artificial Intelligence system developed

by Daniel Bobrow was?



d. None of the above


49) Knowledge in AI can be represented as?

a. Predicate Logic

b. Propositional Logic

c. Both A and B

d. None of the above

50) Which of the following search method takes less memory
a. Depth First Search

b. Breadth-First Search

c. Linear Search

d. Optimal Search


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