Progress Test

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1. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

a) I don't like spending money ………… things that I don't use.

b) He came yesterday to borrow some money ………… me.
c) We waste too much money ………… food.
d) I don't have a problem lending money ………… my friends.
e) When I was younger i liked to invest money ………… gold.
f) We need to cut down ………… petrol costs?

2. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

a) Michael is ………… charge of the HR department.
b) When you are writing a test pay attention ………… every exercise.
c) Last year I gave my money ………… the benefit of poor children.
d) Mary is very shy and is very sensitive………… other people's oppinions.
e) In finance department we have to keep track ………… all the company's expenses.

3. Complete the gaps with the words in the box. Then, discuss the sentences in pairs.

Budget / cost-effective / cut / discounts / expenses / impulse

a) Buying things on ………………… is something spenders often do.

b) It’s important to save money on everyday ………………… .
c) Look for ways to save on the things that are less important to you, to keep yourself on
………………… .
d) When you go shopping always look for ………………… , but don’t buy things which are not
on your shopping list.
e) The best way to save money is to write down how you spend your money in a month and
………………… down on some big expenses.
f) Public transport isn’t a very method of transport if you have a family.

4. Write the opposites of the words.

a) Wide - .................

b) Deep - .................

c) Near - .................

d) High - .................

e) Chilly - .................
5. Match the words on the right to the definitions on the left.

1. Deadline a) Doing many things at the same time

2. Multitasking b) When someone stops you while doing

3. Procrastination c) Find a solution to a problem

4. Cluttered desk d) Something we want to achieve

5. Interruptions e) Time to finish a task

6. Goal f) Avoiding doing an important task

7. Major g) Having to many things in a place

8. Figure out h) The main point

6. Write the correct words.

a) .................................... - a system for watching films or

recorded programmes on the internet or TV at any time (AKA streaming)

b) .................................... - a list of people involved in making a film or TV

programme that is shown at the end or beginning of it

c) .................................... - the time when the largest number of people

are watching TV or listening to the radio

d) .................................... - a programme that is being shown on TV again

e) .................................... - change the channel you are watching on TV using a remote


f) .................................... - broadcast something on the radio or TV

g) .................................... - someone who pays money in order to

receive something regularly

h) .................................... - advertisements on TV or the radio

7. Choose the word that best matches each definition. Then, complete the sample sentences to
use them in context.
boom commute cosy cramped cubicle
envision kitchenette occupancy rental tenant tumble

1.....................................a noun meaning a small, enclosed area in a room, separated from the rest of the
room by thin walls or curtains Only the director has her own office.

The rest of the workers all have ....................................a and little privacy.

2.....................................a noun meaning a small area used as a kitchen

We chose a hotel with a.................................... , so we could heat food. adjective meaning warm, comfortable, and making you feel relaxed
My first flat was tiny ....................................but very – I loved it! American English noun meaning the business of buying and selling land and

He likes working with people, so he is thinking of going into .....................................

5.....................................a noun meaning an amount of money that you pay for renting something such as a

The average New York is around $4,000 per month.

6.....................................a noun meaning a sudden increase in the popularity of something

The oil ....................................completely reshaped Saudi Arabia.

7.....................................a noun meaning someone who rents a flat, house, office, piece of land, etc., from
the person who owns it

He is a friendly landlord and has a good relationship with all of his.................................... .

8.....................................a noun meaning the use, or period of use, of a place

The hotel has 20 rooms, and ten are currently empty, which means that the.................................... rate is
50%. adjective meaning small and crowded

Today, Mr Hopkins’s group is attending our classes, so it feels very.................................... .

10.....................................a verb meaning to fall to the ground

As the horse jumped over the fence, Ophelia ....................................from the saddle.

11.....................................a noun meaning the journey to and from work every day
My office is a two-hour.................................... from the suburbs.

12.....................................a verb meaning to imagine something that has not happened or does not exist
When she designed her house, she never much the area would change.

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