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A. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word from the table.
assistance receive retirement wage accept
respectively conduct employment conduct initially

1. The police officer had to _____ a thorough investigation to determine the cause of the accident
and gather evidence for the case.
2. A manager is in the office, but should only be called if a customer needs _______.
3. The birthday girl was excited to _____a wrapped gift from her friend, so she opened the
present quickly.
4. Because she couldn’t find _____ in her field, the out-of-work nurse took a job waiting tables.
5. There have been persistent rumors that the managing director might take early _____ because
of his sickness.
6. The team members completed their tasks with dedication and precision, achieving their goals
of designing, testing, and marketing the product, _____.
7. It turned out that the situation was not as serious as we had _____ believed.
8. If my hourly ______ is 10 dollars an hour and I work 40 hours a week, I can earn 400 dollars.

B. Find the synonym of the underlined word from the table.

known settled accept proclaimed Let go
enterprise straightaway advice conducted selected

1. The committee announced the chosen candidate for the leadership position, highlighting her
experience and dedication to the organization.
2. He had a wonderful experience when he stayed in Mexico for a year to learn Spanish.
3. During the awards ceremony, the talented artist was recognized for her outstanding
contributions to the local art community.
4. The chemical reaction release energy in the form of light.
5. Please send comments and suggestion to our post office box.
6. The company’s profits soared after implementing innovative marketing strategies.
7. Immediately the Prince and all of his people flocked out of the hall into the street, that they
might see what was about to happen.

C. Choose the correct answer.

1. According to legend only a truly noble man could (pull, pulled) the magic sword from the stone.
2. The team (was work, worked) hard to develop a strong sense of teamwork.
3. I did not (recall, recalled) the name of the book I read last month.
4. The girls (are, were) about to take a decisive step when he suddenly showed up to change
5. Julia (was, were) looking forward to the event, and she had a friend to drag along.
6. Carmen did not (showed, show) any interest in her financial status.
7. She (pursued, pursues) a career as an agriculturist after she had learned biology.
8. His doctor (make, made) an urgent request for a copy of the report.
9. The construction of the new bridge (will begin, began) in the spring last year.
10. The manager (were received, received) resignations from three members of the staff.

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