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ICT Practical File

September 20, 2023 - 2024

Subject Code: 802
School: Suncity School

Investigatory Project
January 29, 2023 - 2024

SSCE 2024 Examination

Submitted by ARYAN JAIN

Physics: 042
Roll no:

Page 1


1 Certificate 3
2 Acknowledgment 4
3 Aim of the Project 5
4 Introduction 6
5 Theory 7
6 Construction 8
7 Conclusion 9
8 Bibliography 10

Page 2
1) Certificate

This is to certify that the Project entitled Applications of Mutual Induction is a bonafide work done
by Mr. Aryan Jain of class 12 Session 2024 in partial fulfilment of CBSE SSCE Examination 2024 and
has been carried out under my direct supervision and guidance. This report or a similar report on the
topic has not been submitted for any other examination and does not form a part of any other
course undergone by the candidate.

Signature of Student Signature of Teacher/Guide

Name: Name:
Roll No: Designation:

Page 3
2) Acknowledgements

I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Mrs. Rupa Chakravarty, Director of Suncity School, for
providing me with an opportunity to do this project work.

I sincerely thank my project guide Anil Kumar Yadav Sir for his guidance and encouragement in
carrying out this project work.

Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude and love to my friends and my parents for their support
and help.

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3) Aim of the Project
To implement mutual induction and investigate its potential applications. The scope of the project is
defined as follows.
I. Build 2 coils for mutual induction: The first transmitting coil [INPUT] which is attached to AC
mains and the second receiving coil [OUTPUT] which steps down the voltage to 6v.
II. Create a half wave rectifier to convert AC to pulsating DC.
III. Create a suspension system to move the receiving coil close to the transmitting coil.

Page 5
4) Introduction
Mutual induction is the phenomenon of inducing an electric current or voltage in one coil due to the
change of current or voltage in another coil that is close to it. The coils are said to be magnetically
coupled and have a property called mutual inductance, which measures the strength of the
interaction between them. The unit of mutual inductance is henry (H).
Mutual induction is the basic principle behind many electrical devices, such as transformers, motors,
generators, and induction coils. These devices use coils of wire wound around a magnetic core to
transfer energy from one circuit to another. The mutual inductance between the coils depends on
the number of turns, the area, the distance, and the orientation of the coils, as well as the
permeability of the core material.

Page 6
5) Theory
5.1) Mutual Induction
When an alternating E.M.F is supplied to the primary coil p1, an alternating current starts
falling in it. The alternating current in the primary coil produces a changing magnetic flux,
which induces alternating voltage in the secondary coil. Ideally, the whole of the magnetic flux
linked with the primary coil is also linked with the secondary coil and then the induced E.M.F
is induced in each turn of the secondary coil is equal to that induced in each turn of primary.
Thus if Ep and Es be the instantaneous values of the E.M.Fs induced in the primary and
secondary coil and Np and Ns are the number of turns of the primary and secondary coils of
the transformers respectively.

Then, dΦ/dt= rate of change of flux in each turn of the coil at any instant, we have
1) Ep = -Np dΦ/dt
2) Es = -Ns dΦ/dt

Since the above relations are true at every instant, by dividing 2 by 1, we get.
3) Es/Ep = Ns/Np

If the mutual induction is 100% efficient then the power input is equal to the power output.

5.2) Half Wave Rectifier

A half wave rectifier is a type of rectifier that converts alternating current (AC) to direct
current (DC) by allowing only one half-cycle of the AC waveform to pass through a diode,
while blocking the other half-cycle. A half wave rectifier is the simplest form of rectifier, but it
has low efficiency. A half wave rectifier circuit consists of a transformer, a diode, and a
resistive load. To smoothen the output voltage, a capacitor filter can be added to the circuit.

Figure 1: Half Wave Rectified Output Figure 2: Smoothened Output

Page 7
6) Construction
My project consists of the following components.
1. 1x Input Coil (5500 turns)
2. 1x Output Coil (200 turns)
3. 1x LED (6v)
4. 1x Diode (IN4007)
5. 1x Bridge Rectifier
6. 2x 100uF Capacitors
7. 1x Transformer (220 to 12V)
8. 1x Gear Motor (12V)
9. 1x Gear
10. 1x Gear Rail
11. 1x 2-way switch
12. Other raw materials

Image 1

Image 2

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7) Conclusion
The model of application of Mutual Induction has been constructed under supervision of Mr. Anil
Yadav, our Physics Educator. Under his guidance and directions, the model after construction was
made functional and was found to be working. The objective of using mutual induction to transfer
electricity, converting alternating current to direct current and creating a suspension was achieved.

Page 9
8) Bibliography

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