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NAME: Cordis, Rovic S.

Program/Block: BSA-3A

Manpower Development in a Technology Company

MRH Technology is a rapidly growing company in the tech industry. As the company
expands, it faces the challenge of developing its manpower to meet the demands of a dynamic
and competitive market. The company's management has recognized the importance of
manpower development to enhance the skills and capabilities of its employees to maintain a
competitive edge.


1. Analyze the various methods and strategies that MRH Technology can adopt for
manpower development, considering both internal and external approaches such as
training programs, mentorship, and collaboration with educational institutions.
As world changing and new technologies are extremely used today, companies specially MRH
Technology, should conduct and implement some methods and strategies that they can use to
adapt for manpower development. One of the methods/strategies that I would think are very
helpful for manpower development are conducting training and mentorship program. Having
opportunity to train employees could enhance their technical skills that's essential for their job
and ensuring that evey employees/workers equipped with necessary skills and obtaining
enough knowledge to adapt in technological advancement and trends in industry. With regards
in mentorship program, assigning people who have experience in their field/industry can
provide assistance, guidance, support, and help new employees to develop new skills.

2. Discuss the role of technology and innovation in manpower development at MRH

Technology, exploring how the company can leverage new technologies to enhance the skills
and knowledge of its workforce.
The role of technology and innovation in manpower development at MRH Technology are
important as it enhance the skills and provide knowledge of its workforce as well as providing
opportunities for its employees to have growth and develop skills, which would lead to higher
productivity and success for company. The new technology can provide to MRH Technology an
access in valuable information and knowledge that allows them to and opportunity to innovate
in a short period of time with long-term effect. This could not just save time and resources but
also ensuring that the needed skills are ready to be used to avoid failure.
3. Discuss the long-term implications of effective manpower development on the
sustainability and growth of MRH Technology, considering factors such as talent retention,
succession planning, and adaptability to industry changes.
The effective manpower development on sustainability and growth MRH Technology is
important to keep company's running in the future considering so many factors, talent retention
succession planning and adaptability to in the street changes that have a long term implications.
In talent retention, this can help MRH Technology in bringing in and keeping top individuals,
reducing the risk of competitors, obtaining necessary skills and expertise of employees. MRH
Technology can build a work environment that develops the loyalty of their employees and
decreases the future turnover by providing for development and promotion.
Meanwhile, the succession planning gives a assurance of stable and continuing industry
operation the identifying and developing employees to become successful in specific position
inside the company.
Lastly, adapting to changes in industry by ensuring the employees have a skills and knowledge
to perform in different scenarios that might hinder the operation of the company and being
able to innovate in changes and remain competitive.

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