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Applied Physics A (2023) 129:779

Analysis of interphase magnetoelectric coupling

in ­Bi0.9La0.1FeO3–MgFe2O4 composites
Muhammad Hamza Maqbool1,2 · Zaffar Iqbal3 · Sidra Zawar2 · Ayesha Khalid1 · Shahid M. Ramay4 · Shahid Atiq1

Received: 10 July 2023 / Accepted: 5 October 2023 / Published online: 18 October 2023
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH, DE part of Springer Nature 2023

Multiferroic materials have grabbed great attention of researchers due to their distinctive feature of magnetoelectric coupling
with vast applicability in advanced multifunctional devices. To achieve considerable value of magnetoelectric coupling, the
samples of La-doped ­BiFeO3 and ­MgFe2O4, which were initially synthesized via hydrothermal method, were then embedded
into the (1–x)Bi0.9La0.1FeO3 + xMgFe2O4 composites using a ball-milling process. The presence of rhombohedrally distorted
cubic perovskite structure of La-doped ­BiFeO3 having R3c space group symmetry and spinel cubic structure of ­MgFe2O4
with Fd-3m space group symmetry was confirmed using X-ray diffraction analysis. The microscopic images of the composite
samples show a slight variation in grain size with least porosity observed for the composite of x = 0.5. The elemental map-
ping assured the presence of all elements in the prepared composites that were in accordance with the stoichiometric ratios.
The ferroelectric analysis exposed that the x = 0.2 composition had shown the highest efficiency of 52% for energy storage
devices. The linear magnetoelectric response of the composite samples along with small values of switching charge density
observed at x = 0.3 inferred this particular composite quite preferable for data storage applications.

Keywords Multiferroics · Bi-phasic composites · Magnetostriction · Piezoelectric · Data storage devices

1 Introduction temperature in C ­ r2O3 was much smaller than its ferroelectric

transition temperature [6, 7]. ­ABO3-type perovskite family
Multiferroic materials exhibit two or more ferroic orderings of multiferroic materials having rare-earth or alkaline met-
simultaneously within the same phase, and particularly, als at A site and transition metals at B site in their structure.
the combination of ferroelectric and ferromagnetic order- However, it is significant to mention that ­BiFeO3 (BFO) is
ings, that have gained significant impact in multifunctional a sole single-phase ABO3-type perovskite with both ferro-
devices [1]. Multiferroic materials have variety of applica- electric and anti-ferromagnetic orderings simultaneously in
tions that include micro-sensors, ME sensors, microtrans- a single phase above room temperature (RT) [8]. In BFO,
ducers, memory storage devices, and spintronics [2–5]. the origin of ferroelectricity is the stereochemical activity
The reason behind these vast applications is the magneto- of ­6s2 loan pair of ­Bi3+ ions with high Curie temperature
electric (ME) effect which was first observed in C ­ r2O3 by (TC = 1103 K). While, anti-ferromagnetic behavior comes
Dzyalonshinskii-Moria. However, the magnetic transition from unpaired 3d electrons of F ­ e3+ ions having Neel’s tem-
perature (i.e., TN = 643 K) [9, 10]. Despite all these specific
characteristics, there are some limitations associated with
* Shahid Atiq BFO, which hinders its commercialization for device fab- rication [11, 12]. These limitations are due to leaky ferro-
electric behavior and weak magnetic behavior of BFO based
Centre of Excellence in Solid State Physics, University
of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan on its intrinsic G-type anti-ferromagnetism that results into
insignificant ME coupling [13, 14]. Although the research-
Department of Physics, University of Jhang, Jhang, Pakistan
ers have tried to resolve this issue by doping or substituting
Department of Physics, University of Houston, Houston, both A and B sites of BFO with different transition and rare-
earth metals, that has somehow lessened its leakage current
Physics and Astronomy Department, King Saud University,
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

779 Page 2 of 11 M. H. Maqbool et al.

shortcomings, yet these alterations could not address the MFO was therefore regarded as appropriate components for
issue of weak ME coupling. muliferroic materials in terms of ferroelectric and magnetic
Many methods like strain engineering and chemical characteristics [26]. Metal matrix, concrete composite, and
substitution were suggested to tune the magnetic response polymer matrix are few examples of the diverse features of
and ME coupling in BFO, but these approaches worked up composite materials and their structure that are covered by
to limited extent [15, 16]. Partial substitution of transition composite technology. Composites, which are heterogene-
metals like Mn, Ni, Cu, and Zn in BFO not only affects the ous systems made up of two or more components that dif-
magnetic features but also plays a significant role in reducing fer in their physical characteristics, chemical composition,
the leakage current and improving the structural stability of and separation within the material by a boundary that is
BFO [17]. As a matter of fact, ferroelectricity is generated easily defined, have recently drawn a lot of interest [6, 27].
due to empty or completely filled d-shell orbitals while fer- They are characterized by physical characteristics that are
romagnetism requires partially filled d-shell, so it seemed not shared by their constituent components. Their primary
quite impossible to achieve both these attributes in single- distinction between alloys and chemical compounds is that
phase materials. Therefore, a practical approach to achieve the structural components in them are not combined at the
significant ME coupling is mediated by making BFO-based molecular or atomic level. Components for use in electro-
composites with other compounds to achieve considerable magnetic devices can be made more affordable and con-
ME coupling for multifunctional devices. Since BFO is a fer- trolled using ferrite-ferroelectric composites. Such mul-
roelectric material with an anti-ferromagnetic ordering, it is tiferroic composites serve as the building blocks for the
mandatory to have counterpart ferro- or ferrimagnetic phase development of multifunctional devices, including sensors,
within a single composition that ultimately tends to enhance transducers, spintronics, and terahertz radiation. The crea-
ME coupling. Among magnetic materials, ferrites are of tion of all-in-one devices with promise for storage devices,
great interest due to their enormous magnetic properties. logical operations, and optical active and electromechanical
Atuchin et al. used flux crystal growth method to synthesize systems can result from the development of such ferrite–fer-
barium hexaferrite (­ BaFe12O19), which belongs to MFe12O19 roelectric composites [6, 28]. Therefore, the present work is
ferrite family having magnetoplumbite crystal structure focused on the preparation of ­Bi0.9La0.1FeO3 (BLFO) and
[18]. Vinnik et al., utilized solid-state reaction method for MFO by hydrothermal method. Then, a composite series of
synthesizing pure ­BaFe12O19 and Ti-doped ­BaFe12-xTixO19 (1–x)BLFO + xMFO (x = 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5) was prepared
(x = 0.5, 1, 2) solid solutions [19]. Using a sol–gel auto- by the solid-state ball-milling method to analyze systemati-
combustion approach, Naheed et al. synthesized Y-type cally ME coupling. In these composites, MFO as magnetic
hexagonal ferrite samples having a chemical composition component and BLFO as a ferroelectric component were
of ­Ba2Co2Fe12−xPrxO22 (x = 0.0, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, and 0.1) chosen to improve the magnetic and ferroelectric features
[20]. Due to their thermal and chemical stability, relatively to enhance ME coupling in the prepared composites for effi-
high Curie temperature, high doping level, and prominent cient utilization in multistate applications.
magnetic, catalytic, and electronic properties, they are used
in various engineering and energy technologies, micro-
electronics, radio technology, and modern day applications 2 Experimental
like microwave communication, inductor devices, storage,
and recording components [18, 19]. Sharma et al. used a To prepare (1–x)BLFO + xMFO (x = 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5)
low-cost sol–gel auto-combustion process to fabricate and composite samples, first, BLFO and MFO were synthesized
characterize the nano-crystalline S ­ m0.96Ce0.04Fe1−xNixO3 using hydrothermal method. The metal nitrate precursors
samples with x = 0, 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3. Their results showed that include iron-nitrate nonahydrate [Fe(NO3) 3·9H 2O,
that the Urbach energy increased with increasing Ni con- pur ity ≥ 98% ], magnesium-nitrate hexahydrate
tents and there was a considerable red shift in the energy [Mg(NO3)2·6H2O, purity ≥ 99%], lanthanum-nitrate hexa-
band-gap. As Ni content was increased, remanent magneti- hydrate [La(NO3)3·6H2O, purity ≥ 98%], and bismuth-nitrate
zation, coercive field, and maximum magnetization values pentahydrate [Bi(NO3)3·5H2O, purity ≥ 98%] purchased
increased, as well [21]. ­MgFe2O4 (MFO) is an n-type soft from Sigma-Aldrich, were utilized. The stoichiometrically
magnetic material having spinel structure and has its appli- calculated fuelling agents that include urea (­ CH4N2O) and
cations in the field of photoelectrical, magnetic technologies glycine ­(C2H5NO2) along with metal nitrates were dissolved
and sensors [22–24]. It shows a relatively high resistivity in in deionized (DI) water to make a homogenously transpar-
comparison with other ferrites of this kind [25]. It is used ent solution. The solution was placed on a hot plate at 95 ºC
as a magnetic component in multiferroic composites, which and stirred at 200 rpm using a magnetic stirrer. Meanwhile,
makes it easier to control electric polarization when using the pH of the solution was maintained around 10 using the
weak magnetic fields. Hence, a composite of ­BFO3 and dropwise addition of 6 M KOH, which was further stirred

Analysis of interphase magnetoelectric coupling in ­Bi0.9La0.1FeO3–MgFe2O4… Page 3 of 11 779

for 50 min. The secondary phases of BFO are reduces while by B.D. Cullity [30]. At x = 0.2, the peaks appeared at 2θ
keeping the pH at 10 or above [29]. Afterward, the solution values 22.39°, 31.81°, 39.44°, 45.76°, 51.34°, 57.02°, and
was shifted to a Teflon-lined autoclave and heated at 200 ºC 66.95° corresponding with hkl values (100), (110), (111),
for 7 h. This heated solution was slowly cooled down to RT (200), (210), (211), and (2–20) were well matched with
and washed using a centrifuge. The resulting precipitates ICSD card no. 01–071-2494, that confirmed the presence
were washed many times with DI water and a furnace was of BFO having rhombohedrally distorted cubic perovskite
used to dry the samples for 10 h at 80 ºC. The dried samples structure with R3c space group symmetry[31]. Other peaks
were homogenized up to fine powder using an Agate mortar that appeared at 2θ values 30.15°, 35.50°, 37.08°, 43.14°,
and pestle. Both BLFO and MFO were synthesized sepa- 53.56°, 62.67°, and 67.10° corresponding with hkl values
rately by the same method. The BLFO powder was calcined (220), (311), (222), (400), (422), (440), and (442) are well
at 550 ºC for 2 h, while MFO was calcined at 700 ºC for 3 h matched to the ICSD card no. 01-071-1232, and it assured
to ensure the crystalline phases. After calcination, both the the presence of normal spinel structure of MFO with Fd-3m
individual samples were mixed via ball-milling chamber for space group symmetry [32]. This confirms the synthesis of
8 h at different stoichiometric ratios to achieve homogene- desired bi-phasic composite at x = 0.2. It seems quite evi-
ous mixture of BLFO and MFO in each composition. After dent from the diffraction patterns recorded at x = 0.3 that the
that, the pellets were made by an Apex hydraulic press and intensity of the peaks correspondent to BLFO is decreased,
sintered for 250 ºC for 1 h before further analysis. The syn- while that related to MFO component is enhanced. Further-
thesis process for the composite samples is shown in Fig. 1. more, at x = 0.4, the MFO peak intensity is further enhanced,
The individual phases of BLFO and MFO in the com- and at x = 0.5, the highest intensity peaks of spinel phase
posite samples were identified using a Bruker D8 Advance MFO could be observed, which confirmed the formation
X-ray diffractometer (XRD), for confirming the composite of bi-phasic composites with selected content ratios [33,
formation. A Nova-Nano SEM-450, field emission scanning 34]. The peaks related to BLFO are represented by (♣)
electron microscope (FESEM) was utilized to analyze the symbols, while spinel phase MFO is denoted by (♥) sym-
surface morphology. An attached energy-dispersive X-ray bols. For better visualization of Bragg angles correspond-
(EDX) Oxford’s instrument was used to evaluate the element ing with hkl values, the indexed pattern at x = 0.5 is shown
composition of composite samples. A Radiant Tech., (USA) in Fig. 2b. The cell parameter√values were evaluated using
precision multiferroic tester with Helmholtz coils was used the relation, i.e., a = 𝜆∕2sin𝜃 h2 + k2 + l2 , while for crys-
to determine the ferroelectric response and ME coupling of tallite size the Scherrer relation D = 0.9 𝜆∕𝛽cos𝜃 was used
composite samples. [35]. Here, λ represents the wavelength of Cu Kα radiation
(i.e., 0.1546 nm), while θ represents the Bragg angle and
β represents full width at half maxima. The cell parameter
3 Results and discussion for BLFO and MFO phases remained almost same at all
compositions, and it confirmed the structural stability after
The XRD patterns of (1–x)BLFO + xMFO at x = 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, composite formation [36]. For further confirming the invari-
and 0.5 are shown in Fig. 2a. The identified intense peaks ancy of the cell parameters, a plot having almost no peak
were indexed according to analytical approach described shift can be observed in Fig. 2c [37, 38]. However, a small

Fig. 1  Schematic illustration of sample synthesis

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Fig. 2  a XRD patterns of (1–x)BLFO + xMFO at x = 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5, b indexed pattern of x = 0.5 composite, c plot indicating no shifting of
peaks, and d–g Rietveld’s refinement plots at x = 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5 composites

variation in the crystallite size from 11.5 to 12.6 nm was intensity (Ic) provides the information about phase purity of
observed for BLFO, while for MFO, it varied from 20.9 the composite samples. An enhancement in MFO phase with
to 23.4 for x = 0.2–0.5. The bulk density, estimated by the reduction in BLFO could be seen in the refinement plot.
relation 𝜌B = m∕V , first reduced from 2.15 to 2.02 g ­cm−3 The small intensity difference between the two XRD plots
by the change of MFO content (x) from x = 0.2 to 0.4, and might occurred due to some factors like vacancies, tempera-
then increased to 2.11 g/cm3 for x = 0.5. This variation in 𝜌B ture effect, or defects in the samples. The refinement factors
might be attributed to non-uniformity in composite pow- such as weighted-R profile (Rwp), R-expected profile (Rexp)
der samples in pellet form [39], while the X-ray density achieved through refinement process provides goodness of
(𝜌x = NM∕VN A) showed a systematic reduction from 5.23 fit (χ2) values, i.e., χ2 = Rwp/Rexp. The observed χ2 values for
to 4.97 g ­cm−3 for x = 0.2–0.5. The %porosity was calculated all samples from x = 0.2–0.5 remained to be closer to 1 that
using the relation: % Porosity = (1 − ρB/ρx) ×100 that varied confirmed the proper formation of the required crystalline
from 59 to 58% by gradually enhancing the spinel phase phases. The values of Rwp, Rexp and χ2 for all composite
contents (x) in the composite samples. All above-mentioned samples are listed in Table 2.
parameters, including cell parameters, crystallite size, 𝜌B, 𝜌x , The magnetic and electric characteristics of ferrites are
and % Porosity are provided in Table 1. significantly affected by the shape and size of the grains
For further assurance of phase composition development, [40]. The morphology of the composite samples was studied
the Rietveld's refinement was implemented by the use of by analyzing FESEM images taken at 200,000× magnifi-
X'pert HighScore Plus software, as shown in Fig. 2d–g. The cation, as shown in Fig. 3a–d. The surface roughness was
difference plot between observed intensity (Io) and calculated observed which might be due to gas evaporation occurred

Table 1  Lattice constants, Substitution Lattice constant Crystallite size (nm) X-ray density Bulk density Porosity (%)
crystallite size, X-ray density, contents (x) (nm) (g/cm3) (g/cm3)
bulk density, and porosity of
(1–x)BLFO + xMFO composite BLFO MFO BLFO MFO
0.2 3.96 8.38 11.50 20.90 5.23 2.15 59
0.3 3.96 8.38 13.70 32.60 5.12 2.03 60
0.4 3.96 8.38 12.30 24.70 5.05 2.02 61
0.5 3.96 8.38 12.60 23.40 4.97 2.11 58

Analysis of interphase magnetoelectric coupling in ­Bi0.9La0.1FeO3–MgFe2O4… Page 5 of 11 779

Table 2  Rietveld’s refined x Rwp Rexp χ2 elements in the composite samples [31, 44]. These images
structural parameters of (1–x) are established from a wireless distribution system (WDS)
BLFO + xMFO composite 0.2 2.48 1.68 1.47
which gives a real image of the surface in terms of the pre-
0.3 8.29 3.13 2.64 sent elements. In this elemental mapping, the data are digi-
0.4 7.53 3.45 2.13 tally recorded and used for locating the spot analysis. The
0.5 6.29 3.15 1.99 bright region shows the presence of particular elements in
that region, while the dark region represents the absence or
minimal concentration of those elements in the specified
during sintering from the surface of the samples. It is obvi- region, as depicted in Fig. 3e. The presence of Bi, La, Mg,
ous that the pores are present in the structure and irregular Fe, and O elements in the composite samples is verified in
shaped particles are distributed uniformly over the surface Fig. 3f–j. The specific region in these colored spectra indi-
[41, 42]. A Java-based Image-J software was used for meas- cates the presence of constituent elements in both BLFO and
uring the grain size of composite samples. At x = 0.2, some MFO that validates the element presence in the composites
of the grains had hexagonal shapes, while the particles were according to nominal composition.
dominantly irregular with an average grain size of 131 nm, The ferroelectric characteristics of the composites were
as shown in Fig. 3a. At x = 0.3, the average grain size was studied by analyzing polarization versus electric field
about 111 nm, having less porosity compared to x = 0.4 but (P–E) hysteresis loops taken at ± 20 kV/cm, as shown in
greater than other two compositions, as shown in Fig. 3b. At Fig. 4a. The P–E loops do not seem to be saturated even
x = 0.4, the average grain size slightly decreased to 95 nm, at high values of electric field, due to large leakage current
as shown in Fig. 3c. While, at x = 0.5, for the highest spinel of BLFO [47]. Tang et al. reported that, at higher electric
phase contents, the composite depicted least porosity com- field, the high value of leakage current produced break-
pared to all other compositions having an average grain size down voltages in BFO-based ceramic composites [48].
of 114 nm, as depicted in Fig. 3d. The small change in the The oxygen vacancies floated and concentrated at domain
grain size caused small variation in the composite porosity. walls, and it reduced the polarization due to domain
The large and small grains observed in FESEM images may switching blockage [49]. The charging and discharging are
be attributed to the presence of two distinctive phases in as- evaluated by plotting P–E loops in 1st quadrant for all the
synthesized composites [43, 44]. The density and number composites, as shown in Fig. 4b. The fluctuating behavior
of small grains were enhanced by increasing MFO content of polarization by enhancing applied electric field (Ef) at
in the composite, because the average size of MFO is much different voltages for x = 0.5 composite is shown in Fig. 4c.
lower than BLFO. Meanwhile, some significant agglomera- It was observed that, by increasing Ef, the electric dipoles
tion was observed in the composite samples [45, 46]. is aligned more systematically, and that is resulted into
For the elemental analysis, a small scanned area of the large polarization values. However, the shape of P–E loops
x = 0.5 composite was taken, as shown in Fig. 3e. This at different voltages almost showed the same trend. The
elemental mapping assured about the presence of desired analysis of these P–E loops provided maximum

Fig. 3  a–d FESEM images of (1–x)BLFO + xMFO at x = 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5 taken at ×200,000 magnification, and e small area scanned for the
sample with x = 0.5, to trace the elements f Bi, g La, h Mg, i Fe, and j O via elemental mapping

779 Page 6 of 11 M. H. Maqbool et al.

Fig. 4  a Polarization (P) vs electric field (E), P–E loops, b charge density (WL) at various contents (x), f %efficiency at various contents
discharge curves, c response of P vs E at various voltages, d remanent (x), g current–voltage plot, and h conductivity plot for bi-phasic com-
polarization (Pr) and maximum polarization (Pm) with various substi- posites
tution content (x), e recoverable energy density (WR) and energy loss

Table 3  Maximum polarization (Pm), remanent polarization (Pr), Table 4  Energy density (WT), recoverable energy density WR,
and coercivity (Ec) of bi-phasic composites (1–x)BLFO + xMFO at and energy loss density (WL) and %efficiency (%η) of (1–x)
x = 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5 BLFO + xMFO at x = 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5
Sr. no. x Pm (µC/cm2) Pr (µC/cm2) Ec (kV/cm) Sr. no. x WT (µJ/cm3) WR (µJ/cm3) WL (µJ/cm3) (%η)

1 0.2 108 88 10 1 0.2 1080 560 520 52

2 0.3 143 118 12.2 2 0.3 1430 500 930 35
3 0.4 214 183 12.9 3 0.4 2140 620 1520 29
4 0.5 187 162 12.7 4 0.5 1870 500 1370 27

polarization (Pm), remanent polarization (Pr), and coerciv- Fig. 4e. At x = 0.2, the calculated values of WR and WL
ity (Ec) values. A plot between Pm and Pr vs substitution were 560 µJ/cm 3 and 520 µJ/cm 3, respectively, with the
is provided in Fig. 4d. The lowest recorded values of Pm, highest %𝜂 ⁓52%. At x = 0.3, the WR value decreased to
P r and E c of 108 µC/cm 2 , 88 µC/cm 2 and 10 kV/cm, 500 µJ/cm 3 and WL increased to 930 µJ/cm 3 along with
respectively, were observed at x = 0.2. While at x = 0.3, a decrease in %𝜂 ⁓35%. Whereas, at x = 0.3, the calculated
sudden variation in Pm, Pr and Ec values was observed to values of WR and WL were 620 µJ/cm3 and 1520 µJ/cm3,
be 143 µC/cm2, 118 µC/cm2, and 12.2 kV/cm, respectively. respectively, with the highest %𝜂 ⁓29%. At maximum spi-
At x = 0.4, the highest recorded values of Pm, Pr, and Ec nel phase contents, i.e., at x = 0.5, the observed values of
were 214 µC/cm2, 183 µC/cm2, and 12.9 kV/cm, respec- WR and WL were 500 µJ/cm3 and 1370 µJ/cm3, respectively.
tively. Surprisingly, at x = 0.5, there was a decrease in Pm, This composite showed the largest value of WL, and so, it
Pr, and Ec values as 187 µC/cm2, 162 µC/cm2, and 12.7 kV/ possessed the least %𝜂 ⁓27%. For comparative analysis,
cm, respectively. All values of Pm, Pr, and Ec are provided the %𝜂 vs substitution graph is provided in Fig. 4f. In this
in Table 3. These P–E loops can measure the efficiency of study, it is suggested the x = 0.2 composite, where 80%
the material for utilization in energy storage devices, BLFO and 20% MFO are mixed, is the most preferable for
which can be calculated by the following prescribed rela- energy storage devices, having highest %𝜂 ⁓52%. The cal-
tions; for total energy density (WT = ½ E ×Pm), recoverable culated values of W T, WR, WL, and %𝜂 of the composites
energy density ( WR = ∫ Pm Edp ), energy loss density are provided in Table 4. The incomplete P–E loops are due
(WL = WT − WR ), and %efficiency by the following rela- to high value of oxygen vacancies and leakage current, and
tion; %𝜂 =WR/WT ×100 . The deviation of WR and WL for conduction mechanism as well [50, 51].
the different substitutions in composites is shown in The plots between current and voltage (I–V) at RT for
(1–x)BLFO + xMFO (x = 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5)

Analysis of interphase magnetoelectric coupling in ­Bi0.9La0.1FeO3–MgFe2O4… Page 7 of 11 779

composites are shown in Fig. 4g. The curves reveal char- of magnetic materials, proving that they have magnetically
acteristic trends as expected from a semiconductor material ordered structure [54]. The inclusion of MFO has a signifi-
and extends equally in both positive and negative directions cant impact on the saturation magnetization (Ms), remanent
[52]. The low leakage current values are observed that could magnetization (Mr), and coercivity (Hc) of the composite,
be attributed to two different parameters; one is the oxygen and is shown in Fig. 5b. Strong dipolar interaction is the
vacancies production and other is the structure formation. main cause of smaller dispersion values of particles, which
Although most of the oxygen vacancies were removed dur- reduces Mr/Ms ratio [55, 56]. The Ms of all the samples
ing sintering, some of the vacancies were present in the sam- have been achieved by 14.5 kOe with values in the range of
ple [53]. The amount of oxygen vacancies is also increased 6–17.2 emu/g. The Mr values also increased with increas-
due to the addition of MFO in the composites. It might be ing concentration of MFO in the composites and ranges
the cause of the increase in radiative recombination [27]. 1.6–4.5 emu/g, while the coercive field remains same for all
The enhancing values of current with increasing concentra- the prepared composites. For the growth in MFO content
tion of MFO in the composites can be observed in Fig. 4g. from 20 to 50%, the magnetic saturation of the composites
The composite samples at x = 0.2 and 0.3 showed leakage increased from 6.15 to 17.18 emu/g, while the remanent
current value of ⁓10–8 A, while at x = 0.4 sample showed magnetization increased from 1.68 to 4.41 emu/g. The maxi-
the highest value of leakage current beyond 1­ 0–8 A, and at mum value of Mr and Ms are observed for 50% concentration
x = 0.5, the leakage current again decreased by enhancing the of MFO in the composites. The magnetic characteristics of
MFO content (x). The amount of current also depends upon the samples are significantly improved when the addition
the porosity and roughness of the surface, and at x = 0.4, of MFO in pure BFO increases. It shows that the BFO and
the porosity is maximum which is also evident from SEM MFO phases have strong exchange coupling interactions
images. This increasing current caused an increase in the with in the system, which can be characterized by Mr/Ms
conductivity of the prepared samples with an increasing ratio [51]. Although the produced composites Mr/Ms are
amount of MFO till x = 0.4, and then decreased at the same below 0.3 in this case, coupling in the system is still present.
electric field due to which the dielectric losses and leak- Another assignable component that affects the Mr/Ms ratio
age current becomes higher. In Fig. 4h, the conductivity is is the interparticle dipolar interaction. Table 5 includes the
displayed for all the prepared samples, showing the same magnetic properties of the synthesize composites. Linear
trend as current and having a maximum value for the x = 0.4 combination of BFO and MFO phases, along with the spin
composite. orientations in the composite interface also contributes to the
BFO is typically thought of as a weak ferromagnetic increased magnetization of the composites. The ferroelectric
material because of the unpaired Fe spins. Additionally,
anti-ferromagnetic (AFM) spiral spins and finite spin cycloid
distortion play an important role for the reduction in these Table 5  Saturation magnetization (Ms), remanent magnetization (Mr),
ferromagnetic features [31]. Figure 5a illustrates the mag- coercivity (Hc), and Mr/Ms ratio of (1–x) BLFO + xMFO at x = 0.2,
netic characteristics of (1–x)Bi0.9La0.1FeO3 + xMgFe2O4 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5
composites sintered at 250 ºC, recorded at room tempera- Sr. no. x Ms (emu/g) Mr (emu/g) Hc (Oe) Mr/Ms
ture at less than 18 kOe applied magnetic field. M–H loops
1 0.2 6.15 1.68 327 0.27
suggest that all of the synthesized samples exhibit weak fer-
2 0.3 8.79 2.35 335 0.27
romagnetic behavior at RT. Interesting characteristics may
3 0.4 12.33 3.23 329 0.26
be seen in the M–H hysteresis loops of prepared composites.
4 0.5 17.18 4.41 339 0.26
These composites have the typical magnetic hysteresis loops

Fig. 5  a Variation in M–H loops

obtained from VSM, and b
comparison of Ms and Mr and
variation in the coercivity for of
(1–x)BLFO + xMFO at x = 0.2,
0.3, 0.4, and 0.5

779 Page 8 of 11 M. H. Maqbool et al.

polarization in BFO is caused by a stress produced and trans- Table 6  Polarization values with switching (P*) and without
ferred from the surface of the magnetostrictive MFO to the switching (P^), along with switching charge density (Qsw) of (1–x)
BLFO + xMFO at x = 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5
composite interface between the BFO and MFO. The single-
phase multiferroic BFO experiences moderate magnetism. Sr. no. x P* (nC/cm2) P^ (nC/cm2) Qsw (nC/cm2)
As a result, the overall magnetization of the multiferroic
1 0.2 0.1156 0.1149 0.0007
(1–x)BLFO + xMFO composite system increases [51, 56].
2 0.3 0.1456 0.1454 0.0002
The fast-switching capability of ferroelectric materials
3 0.4 0.2327 0.2304 0.0023
is purely based on Pr values to develop the energy storage
4 0.5 0.1948 0.1942 0.0006
devices. To measure the precise Pr values in ferroelectric
materials, Scott introduced the positive up and negative
down (PUND) sequence in which the sample was exposed
to the alternate pulses of external electric field by adjusting is the key feature of multiferroic materials. The ferroelec-
the pulse width of 1 ms and pulse delay of 1 s [57]. Total tric behavior of BFO is due to the leaning of lone pair
polarization is measured after each pulse and it is the sum of electrons of Bi ions along the diagonal, while its magnetic
switching polarization and polarization caused by the leak- response is insufficient due to their canted spin structure
age current that can be calculated by the following equa- [60]. This canting spin makes a complete loop in a space
tion; P ∗= Pswitching + Pleakage [58]. The value of remanent of diameter 62 nm and thus reduces the magnetic character
polarization was measured with switching ( P∗r ) and with- of BFO which could be enhanced by controlling the par-
out switching ( P∧r ) after each pulse. The positive and nega- ticle’s size of BFO i.e., < 62 nm. The variation in linear
tive values of P∗r and P∧r are plotted in the form of PUND polarization by applied magnetic field showed the ME cou-
sequence which is plotted in Fig. 6a–d, and these sequences pling of prepared composites, as shown in Fig. 7a–d. The
were used to measure the switching charge density (QSW). formation of composites quenched the cycloidal spin in the
It has been observed that value of P∗r are greater than P∧r crystal structure and depicted high values of the coupling
which are attributed to the leakage current that provides coefficient [61]. The ferroelectric attributes originated
ease to evaluate QSW values from the prescribed relation; from Fe–O–Fe bonds and ferromagnetic characteristics of
QSW = P∗ P∧ . Here, P∗ and P∧ represent the maximum value spinel phase commutatively enhanced the ME coupling of
of polarization with and without switching, respectively the composites. The values of ME coupling can also be
[59]. The calculated values of maximum polarizations with enhanced by un-wounding the spiral structure. In fact, the
and without switching, i.e., P∗r , P∧r along with QSW values, MFO magnetic particles in BFO matrix, when exposed to
are summarized in Table 6. The small QSW values in the external magnetic field, generate a stress at the intergranu-
studied composites highlight their fast-switching capability lar boundaries via magnetostriction. This magnetostriction
for the next-generation ferroelectric switching devices. induced the polarization in the ferroelectric phase through
Magnetoelectric coupling in spinel–perovskite compos- piezoelectric phenomenon which was the underlying phe-
ites is of fundamental and technological importance and nomenon of magnetoelectric coupling in the composite
provides a mean of transformation of electric energy to materials. The graphs in Fig. 7a–d reveal a linear ME cou-
magnetic energy and vice versa which decide their utili- pling in all the compositions where coupling coefficient
zation in many particular applications. The ME coupling is increased with increasing magnetic field that provides
of any material can be computed by its coupling coeffi- its potential applications in magnetic sensors, spintronic
cient αME = 𝜕p∕𝜕H where 𝜕p is the induced polarization devices, and data storage devices [62, 63].
occurred at applied magnetic field (H). This phenomenon

Fig. 6  Positive up and negative down (PUND) sequence of (1–x)BLFO + xMFO with x = a 0.2, b 0.3, c 0.4, and d 0.5

Analysis of interphase magnetoelectric coupling in ­Bi0.9La0.1FeO3–MgFe2O4… Page 9 of 11 779

Fig. 7  Linear M–E coupling response for (1–x)BLFO + xMFO composite samples with x = a 0.2, b 0.3, c 0.4, and d 0.5

4 Conclusion Declarations
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no such finan-
In this work, BLFO and MFO were synthesized via hydro- cial or other competing interests to declare that could be there to influ-
thermal method, followed by ball milling to form the (1–x) ence the work presented in this article.
BLFO + xMFO at x = 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5 composites.
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